Trump's Inauguration

It looks like Trump is having a hard time finding celebrity musicians to perform at this inauguration. So far it looks like all he's been able to secure is some 16 year old girl to sing the Star Spangled Banner

Politics aside...seeing someone who is used to always getting his way being put in a situation where he is being repeatedly told no and there's nothing he can do about it, is pretty hilarious

Best Response

Yes, because celebrity approval and performance is what the inauguration of a president is all about. Surprising that overwhelmingly liberal, and brain dead, Hollywood isn't jumping at the chance to perform for a president who the media and press have falsely labeled as "almost Hitler".

Good riddance. Glad I don't base my support or opinion of something based on what omnipotent celebrities like or dislike.

In other, actual news, Obama, in his last few weeks as President, continues to cause strife with Russia and Israel, even though he knows that the President-Elect has distinct and definite opinions counter to what he is pushing.

FYI - Russia didn't "hack" the election. Hillary lost because she was unpopular, didn't court blue dog Democrats and the FBI reopened the investigation. The DNC hack got DWS fires and Wikileaks got nearly zero coverage from the MSM. But sure, lets whip up cold war rhetoric because the voting public chose someone who wasn't a life long politician (with endless scandals and improprieties).

Stay classy Obama. Goodbye and get lost.



Who gives a fuck what some "clebs" think. There are likely plenty of clebs who personally would perform on Jan 20th, but they are smart enough to know that if they do so their career will be over because there are enough news orgs who are still sucking Hillarys cock.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I don't think it's wise to antagonize the next President like some folks have. Obama has shown the immense number of tools a President has to be a dickhead if he so chooses (which Obama often chose to be). Trump may maintain a public facade of letting bygones be bygones, I would say there will be some people eating crow eventually.


Obama has been pretty unprecedented in his disrespect. His campaigning for Clinton (and vicious comments towards Trump), Michele saying hope is gone with Trump being elected, in Obama's last 3 weeks his actions towards Russia and Israel, and whatever else we have to see.

Trump was pretty gracious in winning. He was gracious when he met Obama. He's picked cabinet members that are very experienced and reflect his pro business attitudes on the campaign trail. Yet here we have the sitting President causing foreign policy issues for the new President-Elect.

Reminds me of Roosevelt refusing to work with Hoover in order to take all the credit for himself. Purely distasteful politicking.

I cannot wait for Trump to unwind and nearly erase Obama's policy legacy. Good riddance. People worry about a Trump Presidency fail to realize we've had an egotistical amateur in the office for 8 years and it has shown.…



I'm fine with the idea that the Russians hacked the DNC and released stuff (via Wikileaks stooges) that influenced the election. However, I find it hard to take seriously the whining that exposing the truth of the DNC rottenness to the electorate was somehow a bad thing - exposure of the truth is a bad thing? Nor do I think it affected the electoral outcome decisively (nor the Weiner/Aberdin e-mails or the FBI announcement). I'm not impressed by pro-Democrats' arguments that Trump somehow tricked/lucked his way into winning due to anti-Clinton stuff. If Hillary had offered more, none of that stuff would have had that much influence. And I doubt it changed the end result in any case.

On the other hand, the fact that Putin did not release Republican stuff (which I also suspect he also hacked) is curious. Does he use that stuff to influence Trump, or does he just release it post-inauguration to undermine the American sense of confidence? That prospect is more worrying.

The fact that pro-Trump supporters are cool with the Russian actions suggests that the US has become very bipartisan and more interesting in making Hillary supporters feel like losers than worrying about the vulnerabilities of the US. At least the Republicans in Reps/Senate think this is not a good thing.

I also have little doubt that Trump was honey trapped in Russia at some stage and Putin is holding footage of Trump that would be very embarrassing. Classic KGB stuff.

Which doesn't make the liberal Left/pro-Hillary camp in the US any more appealing, but does speak to the political poverty of of the Republic in this era. You guys are much more interested screaming "loosers! loosers!" at each other than about the precarious state of your ship of state.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

It has a lot to do with HRC being completely unable to campaign in anyway. Every race she has ever been in has gone this way. Her senate race she ended up winning but her numbers went from landslide to a possible race. Her 08 run went from sure thing to not even the nominee, every time she opened her mouth in this election her numbers went down. She had her largest margins when she was doing very little actual campaigning. It will be a history of a horrible candidate continuing to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. She needs to just stick to her staged pr "chance meetings" that she has been doing since the election and just hope people forget about how shitty of a person she is before she dies.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Funny how the liberals think that they have the right to force individuals and private businesses to act against their religious beliefs but they themselves refuse to act against their own political biases.

Force a church to provide contraceptives? Great! Force a christian bakery to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding? Awesome! Sell Melania Trump a dress? Fuck that! Sing at the president's inauguration? Nope!

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

Funny how the liberals think that they have the right to force individuals and private businesses to act against their religious beliefs but they themselves refuse to act against their own political biases.

Force a church to provide contraceptives? Great! Force a christian bakery to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding? Awesome! Sell Melania Trump a dress? Fuck that!

Are owners of stores allowed to prohibit customers carrying arms in there stores in open carry states? I don't know the answer to this, honestly interested in whether public rights vs private rights cuts both ways.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

I suppose the argument would be that gun owners and Melania Trump are not protected classes of citizens. Malls can ban unaccompanied kids, stores can ban concealed carry, but you cannot ban one of the federally protected classes of people.

I understand the law, but the spirit is essentially some are ok to exclude, others are not, which is garbage.


Me personally, I do believe that shop owners have the right to prohibit customers from carrying arms in their stores. Absolutely.

My point, though, is that this is a glaring contradiction. The reason why liberals have no problem with this contradiction is because their ideology is not a rational one (though it is often presented as such). It isn't rooted in economics or in political philosophy but rather in ethics. Liberalism is moral philosophy expressed through grandstanding and virtue signaling, not appeals to reason. This is why they often resort to victimization, shaming and ridicule when they debate/argue.

A liberal can justify any position within this moral framework, no matter how internally contradictory (i.e., commercial activity is within the 'public domain' with respect to liberal causes but remains in the 'private domain' for anything else. Religious liberty is a form of bigotry but political liberty is the pinnacle of freedom. You cannot deny a woman contraceptives as as a nun because of religious beliefs but you may refuse service to a conservative because of politics).

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

Stores can prohibit open carry, they need to have a sign posted that cites they are prohibiting the open carry of weapons in their building. But this open posting gives people the option to follow the wishes of the business or take their money elsewhere.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

too true. What you always have to remember is with the left is that there arguments aren't based on based on intellect, morals or integrity, but simply winning the debate despite massive contradictions as you have stated


No one believes Russia hacked the election because they didn't. The story was created when the DNC emails came out as a political deflection. The story went that the emails couldn't be verified and Russia was inserting "fake" emails.

The DNC emails shows collusion between DWS and HRC. I'd love to see the RNC emails released. It would show the whole party hated Trump. Exactly what we all saw during the whole process.

As for KGB blackmail footage, that is a stretch. Whatever shit that is out there would have been leaked during the election or during the last 30-40 years Trump has been in the lime light.

Trumps a pig. He grabs them by the pussy. A video of Trump in a fucking orgy means nothing. Besides, the dude is 70. His orgy days were what, 20 years ago. We have shitty VHS back then. Trump was also no where on the radar of Russia or anyone.

Reality is Russia probably has Hillary's deleted emails and electing her would have made her the one with leverage over her. Russia doesn't need to influence the US. They have their own shit going on. And this meme that Russia is always our enemy is a joke. They (thankfully) helped Assad crush the rebels and prevent another failed state. Had we aligned with Russia in the past, Sadam and Quaddafi would still be in power and we wouldn't have ISIS or the trillion dollars wasted that we have now.

No one believes Russia hacked the election because they didn't.

I do. Republicans on security committee seem to as well, and they have access to much more info than I.

I don't think it changed the outcome of the election, but I also don't think it is beneficial to live in a fantasy land either, whether the delusions are pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Living with a little doubt and some degree of uncertainty should not trouble anyone other than the absolutist ideologue.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

Ok, let me see the evidence. Present it. Faith in our government got us into Iraq. I want to see the case made.

Also, did Russia hack the voting booths or did Russia hack the emails? Precision in language is key with this. The hacking the voting booths was basically debunked. Did they hack the emails? Maybe. Maybe not. Wiki says no, CIA says yes.

And lets be real. The DNC was warned well in advance that their security precautions were weak. Podesta's email was hacked by a low level gmail password reset. Hardly Moscow grinding it out.

Furthermore, could this be China hacking us, leaving Russian breadcrumbs to sow discontent? Could this be some other entity doing the same? And do we not hack and manipulate other elections? This endless talking about Russia hacking the election is part of the Dems campaign to make it seem as if Trump didn't win the election. He won. He won because he talked to the public in a way Hillary didn't. It is bullshit that Obama and company continue to push this popular vote crap and this Russia hacking meme as a way to discredit Trump.

Finally, if Russia did hack both the DNC and Podesta emails, bravo and thank you from the American people. I am eternally grateful. It was wonderful to witness the disgusting behavior that resides within the DNC and how corrupt Hillary and the press were.


If you take anyone on any committee seriously about this you are missing the point. This is a pure "hey look over here" moment. No one came out and denied the DNC emails because they couldn't due to the fact the emails were authentic. So you need a distraction story to get people mad about something else.

As for the "bipartisan" nature of the congress people saying it was Russia, that is tied purely to appropriations. It's all about money. The more money their committee controls the more power they have. This is just an excuse to increase spending on agencies their committees oversee. If you look at the actual facts of what have happened the DNC leaks were just that a leak by an insider, most likely that kid that was shot in the back of the head during a "mugging" where nothing was actually stolen. The Podesta email leak was more likely an outside actor, however it was a simple phishing attack that pretty much any script kiddie could have done. Just because the source was from within the Russian sphere of influence doesn't mean the Russian government was involved. I keep hearing about these highly sophisticated Russian hackers who we can barely trace yet this email hack was done by a bunch of amateurs who happened to leave behind Russian language characters? Seriously, not to mention that compiling code strips out all metadata like that it just smells of complete bullshit. Almost as if the whole thing is part of an anti Russia agenda to further cripple their gas companies by more sanctions. Kind of interesting considering their gas companies are the biggest competition to our pipeline coming out of the middle east into the Mediterranean and over the ocean into Europe.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Here is the governments "proof"

"The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations."…

Lot of fluff in this. Basically Russian actors did an email phishing campaign. Wow. Revolutionary.

And here is what actual security experts say

"But security experts say that the document provides little in the way of forensic "proof" to confirm the government's attribution. Private security firms — like CrowdStrike, who investigated the DNC breach — went much further, they say.

"The DHS statement is a restatement of already known public information, a series of technical indicators that are intended for use by cybersecurity professionals in finding and remediating APT28 malware on private sector networks, and some generic advice for companies as to how to improve their network security," said Matt Tait, founder of the U.K.-based security consultancy Capital Alpha Security. "

Oh I am SOOO convinced. Still waiting for the WMD's to be found in Iraq.


If anything, Obama is trying to lay some groundwork for some sort of strategy to big down Trump in a quagmire his first term (which was going to happen anyways because snuffing out Obama's zealots from the government is a huge job). I hope Trump's admin prosecutes HRC and some shit comes up on Obama also because he has to be one of my least favorite people I've ever heard of. Every action he makes screams "elitist".

The scariest thing that has come from this election to me is how close we are to a dictatorship. The level of sophistication and the vast network of influence that has been built up by the Democrat establishment is menacing. During the election it was obvious there was a concerted and extremely organized effort by almost every media/social media company to get Hillary elected. The Obama Admin was getting its marching orders from the same master. Even now, the "Fake News" propaganda was propagated across the U.S. and even internationally as if George Soros sent out an email to his puppets and told them to use these buzz words. Germany is making its own propaganda office to fight the truth ahead of its next elections.

We live in very scary times.

adapt or die:

Many celebrities are friends with the Donald and would perform, but they know the close-minded far left would ruin their careers.

Along with the celebrities' close-minded families (wives, daughters, etc). See: Gene Simmons

So far it looks like The Beach Boys haven't officially said no yet. If they end up on that stage, there will certainly be some Pet Sounds


Trump has a number of military and police bands playing. I'm happy with that. I'm sure Trumps neither upset or surprised that music starts are saying no. His campaign was told by countless musicians to not use their music during the election.

I'm personally happy none will be there. They are parasites and the fact anyone listens to their opinions is sad.


Looks like the Fake News is at it again. Washington Post ran this headline (which they have subsequently changed):

"Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont, official say"

This got changed to the following:

"Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say"

Basically a laptop on the premises, not connected to the grid, was found to have malware on it.

Yes, this deserves national attention. Interesting how it hits the press right after the "comprehensive" report released as part of Obama kicking out Russia "spy's".…

(before anyone says it, yes, I know, Zero Hedge is nutty, I've been reading this on the AP and elsewhere and this is a pretty concise accounting of what happened).

Russia, at worst, spoofed some emails and got into the DNC and Podesta accounts to try and INFLUENCE - not hack, the election. Hacking is incorrect and should not be used. But thats not the goal of the fake press or Obama.


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Asperiores maiores itaque libero beatae quia natus dolor. Illo voluptatem fugiat sed voluptates necessitatibus commodi. Eveniet ut voluptatem nam error ipsum. Modi et hic ipsa repudiandae quia. Et autem omnis dicta provident.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

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