KLW Group Overview

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Company Details

KLW Appraisal Group, Inc. (KLW) was originally formed in March 1995 as Klauk, Lloyd & Wilhelm, Inc. Gregory C. Klauk and Todd M. Wilhelm, MAI, two of the original principals, currently lead the organization. The company was founded as a commercial and industrial real estate appraisal and consulting group to serve the appraisal, counseling and forensic litigation needs of financial institutions, local, state and federal government agencies, the legal community and the community at large. Recognizing the community's need for quality residential appraisal services, primarily in the mortgage servicing area, we formed KLW Residential, Inc. with Eugene and Robert Koszarek in 1997, and expanded our appraisal staff to approximately ten associates. Recognizing Robert Koszarek's skills as an appraiser and his unique experience with computer assisted valuation and Mr. Wilhelm's past experience in mass valuation projects for municipal assessment, KLW Municipal, Inc. was formed in 2004 to provide mass valuation services for real property assessments to communities throughout New York State.

This triad of companies provides a full range of valuation services throughout New York State, and in the case of our commercial, industrial and mass valuation, services are provided throughout all of New York State and neighboring State of Pennsylvania. Although, on occasion we do extend our services to other states on a case by case basis.


247 Cayuga Rd #40, 14225 NY
United States

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Job Title
Research Analyst
Year 2014
Job Title Research Analyst
Group/Division Real Estate
Location Buffalo

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