The ivy league/Ibanking girl scale

When I was in college my friends and I used to joke around about the looks of the girls. At Yale, and the Ivy League for that matter, it was +2. If a girl was a 6 outside school, she was a 8 inside school. I find that this applies to girls in IBD as well. What do you think?


I actually find girls in banking to be better looking the the average population. When you go through 8 interviews to work at some place, the really bad looking ones tends to get filtered out. (Even if the interviewers don't conciously do this)

I need two more bananas to view the bonus board so here goes value adding comment number two, haha, Ivy girls don't look worse than state-school girls either, just that state-schools (for example the big 10) have more girls so naturally more good looking ones too.

no way, man. cornell for example has a decent-sized student population, but the ugliness is still profound. your typical UNC-CH girl is a lot cuter on avg.

zala rules:
no way, man. cornell for example has a decent-sized student population, but the ugliness is still profound. your typical UNC-CH girl is a lot cuter on avg.
my sister goes to cornell, so I've visited the campus quiet a few times...and yes most girls there are busted...but I think that has to do with the fact that 60% of the student population is asian.

Hey, guys. As much as I'm enjoying reading this thread, and as much as I'd like to chime in with my own thoughts on the physical ranking of men from state schools vs. Ivy-Leaguers, IB men vs. starving artist boys, and which are the most likely to be disgusting, weird, or otherwise completely unacceptable to me (and that, clearly, I would never-ever date because I'm just TOO elite for them), I thought this might be an appropriate paraphrase for the situation:

"If Courtney only likes me for my muscles and the heft of my cock, then she's a shallow bitch. But a physically-superior, near-perfect-looking shallow bitch, and that can overcome anything. Except maybe bad breath."

-- Paraphrased from American Psycho.


Man, this board has really degenerated....but that being said, anyone who doesn't think asian chicks are hot is out of his fucking mind. And the big problem with those midwestern state schools is that about 60% of the girls are giant fat asses. Stick to the coasts.


fobby asian girls with jacked up teeth are pretty unattractive...just like any white girl with a pizza face, cankles, and a nose the size of texas.

big dawg:
fobby asian girls with jacked up teeth are pretty unattractive..

This is pretty funny. I was JUST about to mention how a lot of asian girls at my school have awful teeth. What is up with that? They're called braces. Try to maintain a decent appearance; you're not homeless.


about white guys in banking? now I think they are pretty gross....

notice how women never talk about how cute bankers are? They just talk about how much money they make...yeah there's a reason for that! Women will never want you all for your looks, just the paycheck you bring home.

There's this 250 pound short bald fat dude in my group who is always sweaty and loves to talk about how ugly the girls are at the bank... I find it amusing b/c he probably couldn't even get an ugly one.


Yeah, it can be funny when guys rank girls without considering where they would stand in a similar ranking.

I could drop a big long pointed disdainful post about banker-boy attitude, lack of maturity, awful hygiene, insufficient height, taste in clothes, stupid hair, lack of musculature, and the fact that they never have time to go to the gym or tanning salon. But I don't really concern myself with that stuff, and besides, what good would I gain out of insinuating that you guys are all short, pasty, hairy, smelly, childish, uncool, out of shape, and generally unacceptable? Dissing other people never really makes you feel good; it just lends you some status in front of your peers because it's always cooler to disdain something than to accept it. That's why I wouldn't want to post something along those lines, no matter how elite and discerning it might make me look and feel.


lest ye be judged

I'm not really gonna try to chime in on this discussion...its will only land me further into Hell


I understand your sentiment, but that doesn't change any of the other points. Trips to the gym are only a tiny portion of the whole package.


Mis Ind....what IS up with the "insufficient height" of male bankers?? I've recently moved shop and found some guys I don't tower over in my heels, but they are a rarity (and no - I'm not a 6'2" freak)


Mis Ind... tanning salon? What kind of fag goes to a tanning salon?

I usually like girls with out the pukeass fake tan, I find them a lot more attractive with their regular skin tone.

But yeah I workout every day and I think all girls should too. I see lots of skinny girls with no tone in their body whatsoever. This is a sign that she will be fat and pathetic looking in the future.

I'm also 6'2" and don't see how that would make anyone a freak.


Dan, dude. No need to be defensive. I'm sure you are a superb mental/physical/emotional specimen far above all other male bankers. You don't need to defend yourself against each and every point I actually didn't make.

Guys, do you see how this illustrates my real point? It's easy to feel a little ruffled when you hear people stereotyping/dissing a group that you belong to. Dan, you were swift to jump in and defend yourself when I hinted that one could say there was something wrong with banker guys. Do you see now how a girl might feel when reading your posts about the unhotness of female bankers?


No, no, we're still being nice and sweet and placid. Nobody has started in with the real equal/equivalent reactions.



I say we all play nice. I'll accept that some IB chicks are less than easy on the eye in the same way some of the boys are too. There are a few of us who have managed to slip through the brains, looks and ambition loophole, but we do form the minority.


Motion to play nice on the table; I second. Opposed?

(If the guys really insist, I'm sure the girls can behave just as badly, but I doubt we'd take any joy in it.)


Mis Ind:

  • Tanning salon? I'll forgive this one since you grew up "in the ghetto" or whatever (just kidding).

  • Some people here might not be able to take it, but I can, so go ahead and dish it out. Not only do I know that looks/hygiene/physicality are only a tiny fraction of the whole picture that girls want, but I also don't really care what someone says about IB analysts in general.

  • I don't really understand your point. I don't get the American Psycho quote either. "Do you see now how a girl might feel when reading your posts about the unhotness of female bankers?" So is that your whole point? Seems fairly obvious.

  • Even if I were handicapped and had never touched a girl, would that exclude me from being able to say, "that girl is ugly"? It's like when I say, "Michael Vick is worse than Tom Brady." Are you going to get all annoyed and tell me, "Oh, like you could do better"? No, because that is irrelevant and doesn't prove anything.

I'm not trying to bitch at you, honestly. Just don't really see what the big deal is.

Best Response

There is no big deal, dude. I have nothing to dish out because I don't think about guys in that way, or rank them, or number them, or sort them into fuckable or nonfuckable. My earlier post simply said, "What if I did?" Most of the time I don't notice if a guy is hot or buff or tan or hideous, so I would have to think long and hard before I came up with a halfway-realistic judgement on the hotness of men in IB. I don't have that kind of time/energy. Thus, I have no opinion or observations on the hotness of men in IB... so Dan, you can breathe easy. It wouldn't be any different to me if you were 5'2 and 250 lbs of quivering fat and covered in acne. (Yes, I realize that now you have to deny each of those situations in order to save face.)

Dude, are you serious in saying that you don't get the American Psycho quote? That's hilarious. The point of that quote is that Patrick Bateman is condemning a girl for being shallow but then saying it's okay that she's shallow because she's hot. What Bateman never gets is that this standard is in itself shallow, showing him to be a hypocrite. The reason why that quote is relevant is that many of the guys on this thread are behaving in a shallow and hypocritical manner without seeming to realize it.

And yes, I do think it's bad form to criticize someone if you can't take the same criticism. Not speaking in particular to you, Zala, but to those who got defensive when I suggested that IB men might not be all that and a bag of chips.


Okay, gotcha.

I still have one problem, though, Mis ind:

"....the guys on this thread are behaving in a shallow and hypocritical manner without seeming to realize it."

Shallow is one thing. I defniitely "realize" that the poll is shallow and the comments are shallow; I guess you're saying that others here are unaware of that. But hypocritical?


Yeah, some guy came across as a bit hypocritical when he couldn't take the foreshadowing of a bit of return criticism. That's all I was saying.


I can always find a second or two to check a guy out...and I'm sure I read somewhere that we have a subconscious reaction where we size someone up and decide within 30 seconds whether or not we'd sleep with them


Dan, I just don't think about people's physical bodies that much. I pay far more attention to social interaction than I do physiques.


ms. ind, ms. ind. there is no way any girl pays far more attention to social interaction than physiques. maybe as much but not far more


Sorry, dude. That's the way I am. You can believe me or not, but I'm usually completely clueless as to whether someone is ugly or beautiful. If I hear people talking about someone, then I can think about it and kinda see what they're saying, but it's nothing I think about on my own.

Most likely, the reason for this is that I'm underexposed to visual culture (no TV, very little in the way of movies/magazines, none of the common visual culture on the internet). The reason you feel disinclined to believe me is probably because you're not used to being around someone like that. To me, though, it seems weird and even unnatural to be so visually-oriented.


Mis Ind I don't think they make many like you. I wouldn't consider myself overly concerned with looks - personality can make someone ugly/ attractive, but I still can't help but do the 'once over'. I'm not rating everyone on that fuckability scale you mentioned earlier, its more of a tic/ habit i guess.....


I think that's a fact Dan...again have seen it in a survey somewhere. Us girls are more forgiving to a facially challenged person - we're ready to give benefit of the doubt. But we're talking about looking for boyfriend material here. If its just about the hook up, then I'm all about the body/ looks. Its just science


its almost same thing i look for when interviewing...intelligence, personality, wit. "Do i want this person to be around me at 2am when its a crunch deadline and the MD is being an asshole?" = "Is it easy to be around this person, is it natural, does he make me laugh, does he interest me" etc etc. There has to be physical attraction, but that can come and hit you later on. Like I said, personality can make someone attractive.

If he can play geetar then that's a bonus!!


I don't think interviews are a good way to show if a person is intelligence/wit or even a good indication of their true personality. During an interview, the interviewee is going to be nervous and not in his or hers true self. I know when I


well - i normally see people at second or third round (i can't be bothered with first round), so I'm hoping that people are more comfortable at that stage...and you should be. I see interviews as a fairly stressful situation and unfortunately in banking, you'll be in that situation a lot - eg presenting your analysis/ conclusions to company heads. If you can't shine through in an interview then it doesn't bode well for later in my book. Almost like the advice given to Dan about the laydeez, you need to go in not caring about the outcome (=relaxed) but not come off as not caring either - you need to let people know you're interested. Do your homework, be prepared and there's nothing to worry about. You need to have the confidence that if you've been selected to interview then there's something interesting about you - and at the wash up, if someone speaks up for you, even if you've done shitty at another stage then they can get you through.


I see "presenting your analysis/ conclusions to company heads" as public speaking and that doesn't even bother me one bit, but interviews, just something about them that get me nervous. Presenting information to your boss/company head is no problem, but presenting yourself for an interview is just plain uncomfortable.

Interviewing is like trying to pick up on a hot girl, it's rather difficult unless you're good at it.


Analysts don't do a lot of presenting in front of F500 CEOs. If anything, they sit there on the verge of passing out while someone higher up does the talking. Then they leave after 2 years.

I don't want to say livingthedream doesn't know what she's talking about, but it's true taht someone who interviews well is not necessarily going to be a perfect analyst.


i see your point, but i was talking more about talking to someone you want as a potential client. why should they hire you/ replace their current BB bank - so it is an interview of sorts. you just need to be sure that you present the best you can and that your work (read: cv/ experience for interviewees) is better than anyone elses.

Interview are tough, practice makes perfect.


Zala/ Dan - I see both your points. Again, I'll reiterate that I was (un)lucky in that I got thrown into the fire quite early on. One of my first 'talking episodes' happened after the MD said to me "you'll do the valuation section as I don't know anything about these comps" which really made me step up...I didn't know so can spend hours/ days on a presenation/ comps and know nothing really at the end of the day due to tunnel vision - gave me the lesson from day one.

Also - Zala, I've come in to contact with many kick ass interviewees who SUCK at banking - both junior and senior to me, but that's all I have to go on sometimes. If someone rocks an interview and sells themselves, then we buy. Sometimes that's all they've got. Then they get weeded out.


Also - Zala, I've come in to contact with many kick ass interviewees who SUCK at banking - both junior and senior to me, but that's all I have to go on sometimes. If someone rocks an interview and sells themselves, then we buy. Sometimes that's all they've got. Then they get weeded out.

Yeah, I don't really have a suggestion for an alternative method, so I'm not gonna say it's the worst possible system as it stands.


over in London, lots of the banks have 'grad intakes' where you are almost on trial for 6 months, so its like an extended interview and no guaranteed job at the end. that works as you get to test their BS. if you make the cut, then you're an analyst. if you're lucky.


only if he's actually worried its a problem!!!

Most interviewers are guys, they're not going to be checking you out! Main concern is

  1. Do you know your stuff?
  2. Given you've passed #1, Do I like you?
  3. Done and done

Re: the original subject... at Columbia, the typical bonus for girls was +3. Nobody was kidding each other up there, it's pretty brutal. We'd watch a college football game, see the camera pan to various girls all over the place, and realize "wow, I have not seen ONE girl here who is that attractive." So the hookups scene, not so much... but on the other end of the spectrum, great dating prospects. You know from the start that any non-athlete has something upstairs, and some ambition.

Mis Ind, in earlier posts, you use Dan's moronic taking of your bait as an example of all male bankers - either their shallowness or defensiveness. Surely, he can't be your test case. Please tell me you don't also think that just because you happen to be the opposite of the stereotypical shallow girl, we're expected to believe the vast majority of girls are like that. If only!

Men of intelligence, Darwin has failed us. Now please excuse me, I have to get back to the gym.

at Columbia, the typical bonus for girls was +3. Nobody was kidding each other up there, it's pretty brutal.
Admittedly I've been away from Columbia for a few years longer than you, but +3 seems a tad harsh. It is NYC, after all. Also, don't forget the nice bonus in the % of females in the student population by having both Barnard and Columbia women around!

Speaking of which, while there are cute women on both side of Broadway, in my experience Barnard women tend to: * Have more piercings * Be shorter * Wear more spaghetti-strap tank tops

What do you think?


No, Denzera, my experience with male bankers is from my daily interactions... but bear in mind that I don't find them nearly as shallow in general as the guys on this board. Although that could be the anonymity factor. It's so much easier to behave badly on the internet, or in your car, or anytime you have an envelope of protection against social retribution.

Also, yes, girls can be very shallow, of course.


i was very serious.. you always hear about those studies that show a pos. correlation between height and salary

normally, i don't care much about my height, but i began to think about such an irrelevant factor affecting my job offer.. of course i don't date girls 5'9+, but i'm still doing quite well with girls 5'5 and under

are there short guys in IB?


There are tons of short people in IB and elsewhere in finance. I don't mean this in a racist way, but a large portion of ibankers are asian, whom tend to be shorter. But even amongst white people, I feel pretty average at 5'10".

EDIT: I think the height question often times comes down height affecting a persons aggressiveness. I think taller and bigger (not fat per se) people tend to be more confident and assertive leading to them taking positions of authority which make more money. I think the secondary impact of height, namely assertiveness, has more to do with higher salaries than the primary impact.

My step father, who I grew up with, is 6'7" and built like a tank. I think it makes me less intimidated by taller and bigger people. I can hang out with tall people and not feel strange. I notice other people whom look uncomfortable around taller people. Stangely, I feel a bit strange around people significantly smaller than me.

That's my take.

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Deserunt quis recusandae numquam. Sit voluptatibus reiciendis soluta sit. Consectetur sit et tempora. Quibusdam facere laboriosam esse dolorem.

Velit sed est iure occaecati molestiae id facilis. Et voluptas est odit asperiores dignissimos. Beatae ut iste et. Sint perferendis qui eveniet quod. Nostrum neque explicabo laborum at. Harum sed voluptatibus ut temporibus neque minima.

At est qui facilis autem eos placeat doloribus. Sunt sint ut omnis non maxime at sint. Quae officia et autem corrupti aperiam.

Culpa accusamus sunt repellendus nostrum nisi blanditiis consectetur. Est debitis necessitatibus et inventore. Qui et tempora quos. Doloremque expedita incidunt quia blanditiis. Animi et doloremque expedita aut debitis. Et autem qui suscipit possimus qui modi quisquam.


Odio animi eius illum architecto veniam architecto necessitatibus nihil. Non ut aperiam consectetur officiis placeat fugit dignissimos. Est voluptatem qui ut laboriosam non.

Eum aliquid corporis ducimus. Consectetur incidunt qui incidunt aut.

Odit quo magni et ipsa minima. Porro adipisci ut sunt sint omnis rerum qui. Velit velit error ad. Molestiae veniam et ut doloremque. Sapiente iure consequatur ex sapiente et.


Aut beatae eaque debitis quaerat. Molestiae error qui odio ipsum exercitationem. Aut nihil perferendis ab voluptas reprehenderit iste. Quia dolor voluptatum ut dolor exercitationem consequuntur. Qui est perferendis est et sunt assumenda accusantium.

Consectetur aut alias occaecati. Dicta aspernatur laborum aut reprehenderit minima nobis qui. Quos magnam quam cumque autem quam architecto iste. Similique natus repellat nisi distinctio. Autem vero libero eligendi eaque et. Commodi ut eveniet aspernatur. Autem sed vel hic sed cumque aut.

Sit enim ab temporibus qui. Error aut consectetur neque et qui praesentium quia. Blanditiis et asperiores doloribus repellendus ex sequi voluptatem. Et accusantium maiores nobis exercitationem.

Non amet at aliquam enim ut cupiditate omnis. Placeat unde dignissimos ex corrupti voluptates et et. Iure ut molestiae voluptas commodi sapiente non facilis ut. Neque consequatur voluptatem aperiam culpa voluptatem id consequatur.


Eveniet reprehenderit amet qui voluptatem. Rem ratione et suscipit. Odit quam aut tempore iusto voluptas molestiae et voluptatem.

Voluptas ab voluptatem nobis. Ut et soluta illum illum et consequuntur quis. Molestiae rerum provident a qui dolores et vero.

Cum iure et quibusdam sit. Fugiat ad expedita dolorum eos. Sapiente voluptas tenetur corrupti eum.

Perspiciatis maiores unde possimus quas voluptatibus non. Et aperiam pariatur et exercitationem in tempora. Vero in ea maxime expedita.

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