Berlusconi Indicted

Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi was indicted today on charges of Prostitution and Abuse of Power. Take a look here and tell me was it worth it?

The Berlusconi saga brings up yet another parallel or paradigm in the America vs. Europe approach to living, breathing, thinking and acting.

It's barely been two years since then NYS Governor Elliot Spitzer dipped his pen with taxpayer ink and the affair has been largely forgotten. Spitzer did, however, pay a pretty hefty price.

Spitzer's a pundit these days and the event seems a lifetime ago, but it's highly unlikely he'll ever make it back to D.C.

Berlusconi on the other hand, is the most powerful man in a country with a far less punitive history where unsavory characters are involved. I sincerely doubt he's stepping down as a result of this situation.

Who disagrees with me? I am curious to hear your rationale.

It's nothing new that the rich and powerful get away with crimes most of us plebs would suffer for, though lately it seems to be getting more ridiculous than usual.

My question for the forum, is how does this sort of event influence your own thinking as you develop in the world?

I guess what I am really asking is...


Deep down...

Do you want to be like the Berlusconis of the world?

Not for the power...

Not for the money...

But for the getting away with it factor...

Did Silvio really do something wrong?

If so...what?

If so?

Does the country of transgression regulate the morality or legality of a given situation when you're in a position of power?

Would you behave like him if you were in his position?

With the Hosni Mubarak situation still in limbo, the actions of the top 0.0001% have become far more interesting lately...especially when you consider Silvio thought that young Karima was Mubarak's niece on their first meeting.


I don't think he was indicted for prostitution...I think he was indicted for using an underage prostitute...dude wasn't selling the rights to the First Italian Sausage...

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I was just jealous of a guy who could charge top dollar for a hoe to slob on his knob like corn on the cob...thats all

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I'm gonna pull the Hank Moody defense here... and suggest you all watch the first few minutes of the episode entitled "Freeze Frame", in which his "Underage Sexcapades" were resolved due to a poor deposition on behalf of the girl he slept with. A deposition that goes yoru way is all you need in this case.


mama mia! Midas as a world traveller I am even appalled you would compare Americaยดs knee jerk ways to any european country and for that matter Italy on one side with its grotesque ways and Swiss on the other hand with their refined system. As someone who has spent sometime in Padua, Firenze & Roma as a young kid I would be disgusted to compare US anywhere in EU(except maybe French quarter of New Orleans). Isnยดt the US, the only western country with no nude beaches?Think about it? Why is it thee?

Inept Speculator:
mama mia! Midas as a world traveller I am even appalled you would compare Americaยดs knee jerk ways to any european country and for that matter Italy on one side with its grotesque ways and Swiss on the other hand with their refined system. As someone who has spent sometime in Padua, Firenze & Roma as a young kid I would be disgusted to compare US anywhere in EU(except maybe French quarter of New Orleans). Isnยดt the US, the only western country with no nude beaches?Think about it? Why is it thee?


Best Response
Inept Speculator:
mama mia! Midas as a world traveller I am even appalled you would compare Americaยดs knee jerk ways to any european country and for that matter Italy on one side with its grotesque ways and Swiss on the other hand with their refined system. As someone who has spent sometime in Padua, Firenze & Roma as a young kid I would be disgusted to compare US anywhere in EU(except maybe French quarter of New Orleans). Isnยดt the US, the only western country with no nude beaches?Think about it? Why is it thee?
There are nude beaches here dude, I live 45 minutes from one:,_Sandy_Hook If you can't have fun in this country, it's because people don't like your attitude and don't invite you

As for getting away with breaking the underage girl rule, I suspect he will get away with it. People with power are more likely to get away with shit in Europe, or pretty much anywhere outside of the US, because, well, we enforce the rules here to a greater extent. SEE: putin's secret castle on the Black Sea to help illustrate this point, or maybe open up the books of those nice Swiss banks....America is far from perfect, but shit on that scale would never fly here at this point. Over there, they just accept it, rationalize it, and keep going. If this were an earlier era, say Kennedy's time, yeah, he would get away with it here......

My perception of Burlusconi is a guy who may or may not care about power or money.....he likes the THINGS that they get him: attention, hot chicks, good food, etc.... This is all he cares about.

Get busy living
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I don't know looks like they make'em pretty mature looking in those parts.
Sweet jesus - Eddie, I think I may be coming to join you in Paris.
- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

Honestly I dont think anything is going to happen to him, but you never know. Its more a media thing than anything else and even though he owns most of the media this one is obviously not put out there by himself.

Lesson learned, always ask those girls for an ID, I mean this shit happens to celebrities quite often.

"too good to be true" See my WSO Blog

I'm no puritan by any stretch of the imagination, but neither am I a libertine. That said, I find the pervasive attitude toward sex in North America a bad joke. You know what happens with a sexually repressed population? The U.S. and Canada wind up on the Top Ten list of countries with the highest per capita rape statistics, along with countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe.

I don't think Berlusconi will skate because there's too much momentum against him. But I don't think he's going to be found guilty of sex with a minor or something like that either.


She doesn't look like she is 17. If he knew at the time, more power to him, but she looks older and has the features of 28 year old female.

Would I want to be Berlusconi? No. Do I think he was wrong? No. America is oversexed yet we will go straigh up ape shit when we find out that our president is adding some protein in an interns diet or if a NY governor is renting some pulo for night. Sex is every where in America, yet we are forced, in public, to scold others for pointing it out.

If it were up to me, prostitution would be legal.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

Exactly Eddie you have hit the nail on my point. Something is not right in a country where Guns are permitted and free mongering & to large extent Amsterdamianism is not allowed!!!! As for Marakesh....props..


UFO, you're from Jersey? Damn son! The Jersey contingent grows.

I already suggested the guy go to Gunnison. Never been myself, but I hear it's a blast if you like nude beaches. I avoid the shore for the most part.

UFO, you're from Jersey? Damn son! The Jersey contingent grows.

I already suggested the guy go to Gunnison. Never been myself, but I hear it's a blast if you like nude beaches. I avoid the shore for the most part.

Yeah, Jersey, hence my shitty attitude sometimes....but I'm working on it. As for the nude beach, I've never been, but a few beaches up the surfing is ok. Hahaha, you from Jersey too?
Get busy living

You don't burp at a nice dinner. You don't slurp your soup. You don't get blown by a fat pollock in the oval office.

Manners people.

Besides. Bill cheated on his wife. Normal guys that do this get raped in court and called scumbags. Let's not make it sound like cheating on your wife is accepted, except when your a Democrat president.

Let's not make it sound like cheating on your wife is accepted, except when your a Democrat president.

you're in the wrong business my friend, you don't need to be a president for it to be accepted...


I'm WSO's self proclaimed Jersey guy. Haven't you seen any of my posts were I repeatedly reference the NJEA, Christie and other things of the sort?

serial monkey:
As they say, in the East, they have polygamy, in the West, we have adultery
Perhaps someone can open a thread exploring this. Barring the well trodden sluts/steady relationship and I fucked 20 bitches / no you didn't, bickering, it could be enlightening
I'm WSO's self proclaimed Jersey guy. Haven't you seen any of my posts were I repeatedly reference the NJEA, Christie and other things of the sort?
huh, I don't know how I missed that. My bad dude. You'd get this then: :)
Get busy living
Edmundo Braverman:
+1 on the Kip Winger reference, MMB. He looks like death these days, though.

Yea some of the 80s musicians haven't aged too gracefully...look at Glenn Danzig, Vince Neil, Steven Tyler, David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar or (worst of all) Mick Mars. But then again, they weren't like GIANT sex symbols in the 80s hair metal scene like Kip Winger.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Sorry bro, I'm no moralist, nor do I care, but if you think rudeness and unbecoming behavior is acceptable and the norm you are woefully misinformed. I like Clinton a lot, but the office of president is not the same as Larry the cable guy. Getting blown in the oval office is like wiping your mouth with the constitution. The office of president should be almost holy.

Also, FYI, cheating on your wife is not something people generally brag about. Once again, I personally don't judge, but in general, it isn't a fucking joke.

Also, FYI, cheating on your wife is not something people generally brag about. Once again, I personally don't judge, but in general, it isn't a fucking joke.

I'm not judging what should be right or wrong. Some people would brag about it, depends which country you live in. In France, it's not a shame to have a "maitresse", in China, businessmen from Hong Kong have their "concubine(s)" in the Mainland and it's actually a status symbol as when you drive a fancy sportscar...

As they say, in the East, they have polygamy, in the West, we have adultery


You (I'm talking to you, Mr. Magoo), always say be ready to walk out on everything in your life in 30 seconds. You can walk out on the girls, the money, your family, whatever, but you cannot escape your own character and integrity.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?
<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>LIBOR</a></span>:
You (I'm talking to you, Mr. Magoo), always say be ready to walk out on everything in your life in 30 seconds. You can walk out on the girls, the money, your family, whatever, but you cannot escape your own character and integrity.

Somebody's been awake in class. +1 for you, sir. You also cannot escape a lack of character and integrity.


Berlusconi is the greatest man alive.

Self made billionaire? Check. Prime minister of an important country? Check. Still banging underage bitches? Check.

The guy is a hero.


Perhaps Berlusconi is a Winger fan and he wanted to reenact the song?

If this happened in the U.S., this would result: SUE KIP WINGER FOR ENCOURAGING UNDERAGE PROMISCUITY!!! I'm sure Tipper Gore would be more than happy to take up the case...

Metal. Music. Life.

Dude, the talent here is SICK.

I remember when Tim Schultz was interviewing me for the Playboy piece, he was just blown away. He kept saying, "I can't believe how much nine-age there is in this town! Jesus, every single one of them is a solid nine or better. I've never seen anything like it."

There's kind of a running joke here in Paris that if a girl on the street is any bigger than a size 4, she's not French - she's Belgian.

Edmundo Braverman:
Dude, the talent here is SICK.

I remember when Tim Schultz was interviewing me for the Playboy piece, he was just blown away. He kept saying, "I can't believe how much nine-age there is in this town! Jesus, every single one of them is a solid nine or better. I've never seen anything like it."

There's kind of a running joke here in Paris that if a girl on the street is any bigger than a size 4, she's not French - she's Belgian.

Funny story, the "European" girl is actually a model in LA ( or rather was, since this pic is quite old)

More is good, all is better

In his case it would be soliciting prostitution, she doesn't look 17 at all, and yeah, can't blame him -totally hot

More is good, all is better
In his case it would be soliciting prostitution, she doesn't look 17 at all, and yeah, can't blame him -totally hot

It's legal to buy prostitutes in Italy if they are over 18. I see this as just a PR debacle, I doubt he will go to jail, especially since the chick seems to be corroborating his story and/or lying.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Fake lashes - particularly noted in Pics #2 & 3.

We're obviously paying attention to very different things......

I don't accept sacrifices and I don't make them. ... If ever the pleasure of one has to be bought by the pain of the other, there better be no trade at all. A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud.

Iste nobis libero a voluptatem earum. Sit est non voluptas unde voluptatem. Expedita ab totam veritatis quasi autem explicabo blanditiis. Quas ducimus ea corrupti libero libero veniam eius.

Nostrum ut explicabo veritatis officiis eos consequatur. Debitis necessitatibus odit eum aut dolor.


Rem tenetur in non minus sit laborum et ea. Dolor quod autem nulla dolor commodi ratione ipsum. Maxime unde ullam unde officia dolorem. Saepe accusamus voluptate et cum exercitationem ullam nesciunt.

Aut atque omnis nam id sequi porro. Nostrum quidem cum qui praesentium. Sequi quia amet quam enim nobis sapiente.

Vitae similique a fugit aliquid esse libero. Unde qui est sit. Et maiores esse quaerat non eos aut enim.

Magni ut eius consequatur nemo ipsam qui. Sit enim perspiciatis architecto assumenda labore iusto eveniet. Laudantium quo ipsum placeat quo. Totam quas quia sint maxime occaecati blanditiis. Aliquid est ad et aliquam dolorem.


Animi aut dolorem ea vel cumque et. Dolorem quidem soluta quisquam et non. Aut tempore exercitationem et temporibus quis autem. Sed et quasi quidem dignissimos nam nihil qui.

Sequi autem expedita omnis at in illo ea. Beatae aliquid et molestiae molestiae fuga. Provident necessitatibus cupiditate voluptatem eos commodi et sunt. Maiores nisi tempore voluptas quas qui et odit.

Ex vel fugit qui. Nihil placeat sint nam et. Consequatur alias soluta qui officiis recusandae voluptatibus quis. Architecto officia a adipisci quod.

Nisi et quaerat velit enim natus. Deserunt consequatur ex autem ipsum ea quae voluptas. Incidunt et et voluptatem ratione eveniet. Nulla dolor perferendis nesciunt suscipit numquam aut. Atque rerum et enim consequatur tempora.

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