I just bought a new Maserati. Suddenly everyone on the road hates me.

So after picking it up this weekend and putting ~300 miles on the car, I am rather surprised at the amount of (negative) attention this thing gets. My old car was actually more expensive when new, but it was "just" a Mercedes. It was red. My new car is white.

I'm the same person. I go to the same places. I drive the same speed. I dress the same way (very casual). I have no shame going to the Dollar Tree for Glade scented refills. to Wal-Mart for shampoo. etc etc.

I can say with (anecdotal) certainty that I get honked at more. People follow closer. They try to race.

Perception, it seems, really does matter.

I chose the car NOT because of the brand. But because there is no car for less than $200k USD that invokes the same visceral driving experience, and can take me skiing in the winters. None. The engine is handbuilt in Maranello, by Ferrari. The transmission, Germany. Final assembly in the foothills of the Italian Alps. And of course (most importantly), the sound is as if Thor and Mozart got together and created a symphonic eargasm.

So the dilemma is:
How is a man able to enjoy the finer things in life without getting so much flack from the plebes?


You bought a white Ghibli?

Do you wear a skirt to tennis lessons and drink skinny girl to cut calories during lunch with the girls?


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

First of all, nobody is impressed by a Maserati.

Second of all, it's really sad that OP is so insecure about himself that he needs to spend over $100,000 on a car and brag about it to strangers over the Internet.

Third, as stated, if you're shopping at Wal-Mart and the Dollar Store (and, I would imagine, using coupons, since you seem like a Karen-type of guy), you're not financially secure and everyone, including the minimum wage cashiers, all laugh at how sad and pathetic you are.



The pipeline goes “hand-me-down Eclipse from sister in high school that my parents told me I should be grateful for” -> “fucked out G37 that my boy at the buy-here-pay-here hooked me up with a sweet 10% low interest loan on since I sell him weed” -> “base Ghibli that had 20k on the hood and another 5 in the trunk, plus a free first month and the salesmen’s mother for a night, nothing off limits” -> no one knows what happens after this, by this stage most guys have already wrapped it around a tree or OD’d in a club somewhere in Jersey/River North

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."
Most Helpful

Sometimes these posts remind me of narcissistic paranoia:


Combined checklist that describe key traits of the narcissistic personality and the paranoid personality:

(1) Projects self-importance beyond position, experience, or what has been duly earned or deserved.

(2) Has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he thinks he can achieve.

(4) Requires and seeks excessive admiration from others.

(5) Has a sense of entitlement, expecting to be treated as someone special or given priority at all times.

(7) Lacks empathy and is unable to recognize the needs or suffering of others.

(8) Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him.

(9) Is arrogant and haughty in behavior or attitude.

(12) Is hypersensitive to how he is seen or perceived by others.

(14) Tends to overvalue himself and his capabilities in almost all things.

(15) Makes a point of devaluing others as being inferior, incapable, or not worthy.

(16) Has demonstrated little sympathy or empathy for others; nevertheless, expects others to show him endless empathy and support.

(18) Deep emotions appear to be difficult for him to comprehend. Seems emotionally detached at times when deeply felt emotions are most needed.

(23) Seems to lack altruistic qualities—everything is done for a selfish purpose; rarely does anything for the good of others.

(25) Sees goodness as a weakness.

(31) At times, displays a certain coldness or aloofness that makes you think you really don’t know the true measure of this person.

(37) Is often rigid, unbending, and insensitive in his thinking and speaking.

(41) Seems to lack tenderness, passion, or softness; everything is seemingly tension-producing or threatening in his life.

Paranoid phenomena and pathological narcissism Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School, IL 60064-3095. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2069198

"The self can be seen as arising out of crucial mother-infant exchanges that are paralleled by interactions between developing internal psychic structures. Out of these "reflections," the self is born. The narcisstic cathexis of self to the ego, superego and ego-ideal is the result of self-expression. If full self-ownership has not been possible then self-expression is vulnerable. Given these understandings of the relationship between paranoid phenomena and pathological narcissism, treatment will focus on reducing the threats to selfhood, refinding the self, and reestablishing ties to internal sources of affection, initiative and aspiration."

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Literally nothing has described me more accurately than the traits above lmao

Sometimes these posts remind me of narcissistic paranoia:


Combined checklist that describe key traits of the narcissistic personality and the paranoid personality:

(1) Projects self-importance beyond position, experience, or what has been duly earned or deserved.

(2) Has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he thinks he can achieve.

(4) Requires and seeks excessive admiration from others.

(5) Has a sense of entitlement, expecting to be treated as someone special or given priority at all times.

(7) Lacks empathy and is unable to recognize the needs or suffering of others.

(8) Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him.

(9) Is arrogant and haughty in behavior or attitude.

(12) Is hypersensitive to how he is seen or perceived by others.

(14) Tends to overvalue himself and his capabilities in almost all things.

(15) Makes a point of devaluing others as being inferior, incapable, or not worthy.

(16) Has demonstrated little sympathy or empathy for others; nevertheless, expects others to show him endless empathy and support.

(18) Deep emotions appear to be difficult for him to comprehend. Seems emotionally detached at times when deeply felt emotions are most needed.

(23) Seems to lack altruistic qualities—everything is done for a selfish purpose; rarely does anything for the good of others.

(25) Sees goodness as a weakness.

(31) At times, displays a certain coldness or aloofness that makes you think you really don’t know the true measure of this person.

(37) Is often rigid, unbending, and insensitive in his thinking and speaking.

(41) Seems to lack tenderness, passion, or softness; everything is seemingly tension-producing or threatening in his life.

Paranoid phenomena and pathological narcissism Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School, IL 60064-3095. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2069198

"The self can be seen as arising out of crucial mother-infant exchanges that are paralleled by interactions between developing internal psychic structures. Out of these "reflections," the self is born. The narcisstic cathexis of self to the ego, superego and ego-ideal is the result of self-expression. If full self-ownership has not been possible then self-expression is vulnerable. Given these understandings of the relationship between paranoid phenomena and pathological narcissism, treatment will focus on reducing the threats to selfhood, refinding the self, and reestablishing ties to internal sources of affection, initiative and aspiration."

im gonna pretend i didnt read that list

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Lots of jealous haters in here, with one notable one standing out above the rest. The harder you try to shit on someone's choice of car, fashion, etc., the more your envy shows. Maseratis are nice luxury vehicles. Ironically the responses here just validate OP's observation about getting "flak from the plebes"

dude, he bought a white Ghibli

There are so many other cars in that class that are superior in speed, looks, maintenance, and overall driving experience.

I mean even the M3 or M4 is a much sicker car in my opinion than the Ghibli. He says he didn't buy it for the brand, but thats all the Ghibli is about, drawing more consumers at a lower price range to the Maserati brand like the Mercedes CLA or Jaguar X type. It is a pretty fast car overall, relative to others on the road, but he bought a Ghibli in white no less, which is the ultimate tennis mom move for the MILF that lives in Boca Raton Florida trying to impress her other friends that drive a 1 series blue pearl BMW convertible.

The back of the Ghibli is so unremarkable it looks like a Kia, with the exception of the dual dual exhaust and massive "Maserati" stamp.

The maintenance really sucks on those cars. I hope you got some sort of warranty and advise to sell before the warranty ends.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Agree. Not sure why Maserati gets so much hype... it's an inferior car to others in the space and costs roughly the same. On a relative basis, they're pretty gutless. I'd take my previously owned '11 M3 over it (had to recently sell as I moved back to a city where I don't need a car).

Obviously a decent looking car, but I'd much rather take an older 911 or Ferrari (that is cheaper) than a brand new Maserati.


Ghiblis are for people who couldn’t get credit approval on a CPO M340i and spend the rest of their lives bitter about this.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."
The harder you try to shit on someone's choice of car, fashion, etc., the more your envy shows.

Envy for a white Ghibli? You're trippin, bro. This is not stemming from the envy of his ability to buy a luxury vehicle. It is regarding the choice and decisions leading up to this particular purchase.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
808s and Heartbreak:
Second the notion that a white Ghibli is pretty weak, man. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but the selection of car is suspect.

yeah even if going with the Ghibli, you can go black on black and it looks wayyyy better

![https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3e/87/b8/3e87b8aff165488…] [https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3e/87/b8/3e87b8aff165488… https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3e/87/b8/3e87b8aff165488…

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
I am rather surprised at the amount of (negative) attention this thing gets.

...no ya ain't.

"Son, life is hard. But it's harder if you're stupid." - my dad
I am rather surprised at the amount of (negative) attention this thing gets. My old car was actually more expensive when new, but it was "just" a Mercedes.

That's what you get for trading in a Mercedes for a Maserati

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Not sure how someone can hate a car with a Ferrari engine that stickers for right around $100k and can be bought new with a good discount. To each his own.

I would prefer the car look like a Kia. Actually told the salesman I wish Chrysler would take some parts from Ferrari, so could save me some money. I don't buy brand image, I buy pedigree.

And for what it's worth, the next Dodge Charger will be using a Maserati platform.


If you can take home a new Ghibli stickered at $98k for $50k, do let me know (what you're smoking). Of course, the base models are cheaper, but the SQ4's torque transfer case is quite nifty.


You drive a Maserati "gib-lee"? I assure you nobody cares -- it looks like a normal car tbh. I do sorta like their new SUV though, the Levante, which MSRPs for the same as your "gib-lee," approx. $80K. As for sedans, the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio for $80K also has a Ferrari engine, is far faster, and is so much more unique.

![https://st.automobilemag.com/uploads/sites/11/2017/09/2017-Alfa-Romeo-G…] [https://st.automobilemag.com/uploads/sites/11/2017/09/2017-Alfa-Romeo-G… https://st.automobilemag.com/uploads/sites/11/2017/09/2017-Alfa-Romeo-G…

just gonna leave this here

lol this is great

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I think people hate you more now because the windows in the new car are bigger.

I have a friend who lives in the country, and it's supposed to be an hour from 42nd Street. A lie! The only thing that's an hour from 42nd Street is 43rd Street!

Buying a car is a deeply personal decision. Get what makes you happy and don't worry about what others think, which is a true adage for life in general.

Also, a nice benefit of living where I do in LA is that it's literally impossible to impress people with what car you drive, so a lot of people (myself included) don't bother trying.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.
[Comment removed by mod team]

Dude if you think anything Maserati makes right now “can’t be touched for under 200k” you need to shred your driver’s license.

A heavily aged, fat, soft, bloated, ugly lineup of sedans, one SUV and one coupe from the end of the Bush era that are all filled with Chrysler switchgear and look like they came out of a copycat factory in China. They haven’t built anything decent since the old Quattroporte.

There isn’t enough space on this page to list all the cars I’d buy at any price over anything they make. Every jerkoff with a “no degree required” sales job in this city is driving a leased base Ghibli that he’s paying almost nothing for because the dealers are literally willing to do anything to move these things. They are not “high status cars” these days. Do they make good sounds? Kind of, maybe. Not nearly as good as they used to. If you spent that much, I’m assuming you either bought the Gran Turismo or a loaded QP...either way, there are 25 better choices out there in either segment.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

Seems like the OP is delusional or he drives like an entitled dick and that’s causing problems. Probably both.

Ghibli is shit no one would care

I doubt it’s a GT since he said would use it in the winter.. I had a GT. Used it year round nice car. No one cared and no one cares when I daily my F car. A few waves and pictures. No negative energy.


What a dumb purchase. Maserati makes the most overpriced, slowest "sports" cars in comparison to the German brands. You probably also think Land Rover makes great, reliable SUVs too.
Think I watched a car review video the other day and the guy was saying, "yep this is definitely the worst sports car I have ever driven."


Such a good job at toeing the line between outright flexing and some weird confused form of humblebragging.

"Bought the cheapest mas available but no one seems to respect me for it.. in fact they make fun of me for it. Why?"


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Aliquid quo natus perspiciatis fuga sint numquam fuga voluptatem. Dignissimos aut doloremque corrupti velit sint eius. Et voluptas ullam asperiores blanditiis.

Dolores itaque qui et amet deserunt. Dicta sunt consequatur quis impedit doloribus et explicabo. Aut aut numquam voluptatem sed. Perspiciatis consequuntur et possimus quod.

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Esse error sunt soluta officiis quaerat cum eius quia. Distinctio ut aut corrupti enim. Molestiae qui enim iure amet molestias. Adipisci iure quod eos voluptatem.


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