Why So Little Talk About Murdoch?

For those of you guys living under a rock lately, the Rupert Murdoch scandal is big friggin’ news. Anybody wondering why the Wall Street Journal has not played the story up, shouldn’t be surprised. Murdock owns that and many other rags trying hard to protect him from the fallout.

Murdoch now finds himself in hot water, not unlike fellow media baron Conrad Black did a few years ago. The difference is that Murdoch is a far fatter fish who is intimately connected to the worlds of finance, big business and politics. This week’s by now infamous pie attack which I have embedded below, may have been comical but is pretty well indicative of what may await Rupert on a far larger scale in the very near future.

Howard Kurtz:
By closing down News of the World, the scandal-driven London tabloid that itself became engulfed by scandal, Murdoch is taking a drastic step that is virtually without precedent. But then, it’s rather unprecedented for a phone-hacking investigation to cause a spate of journalistic resignations and arrests—with one of the biggest fish, the paper’s former editor and ex-adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, taken into custody Friday morning.

To put things in proper context…

With the latest revelations about the tabloid accessing the phones of terror victims and a missing 13-year-old girl who turned out to be murdered, the story moved beyond the spectacle of rogue journalists chasing celebrities and into the sickening realm of harassing ordinary people touched by tragedy. London police say more than 4,000 people have been identified as potential victims of the paper’s stable of private detectives.


That is some serious stuff and if you either been to London lately or spoken to any locals this is shaping up as one of the biggest shit storms in recent memory. I say that as a guy who talks about the financial crisis on a near daily basis. The potential fallout of a Murdoch empire debacle has the potential to spread its tentacles in who knows what direction.

All I know for sure is that we are talking about one of the best connected and (at least in terms of his business acumen) profoundly sinister people of our time. If he goes down for anything, I can only imagine how many people he can potentially bring down with him.

I haven’t heard too many of you guys discussing this topic. Are you not interested? Or is Murdoch’s grip on the media world so tight that this story still remains relatively low key outside of England and Europe?

Either way, it would be a good idea for all of you to keep tabs on this one. When powerful people are hung out to dry they tend to drag more than a few bits of laundry down into the mud with them.

Btw, for all of you discussing the pros/cons of wives and girlfriends check out Mrs. Murdock a.k.a. Wendi Deng throwing down like Michelle Yeoh to protect her assets… I mean husband.


I was distracted by the plate slinging and right hook retaliation. The only thing that could have clinched would have been Murdoch, in response to the panel's admiration of his ability to continue the questioning, leaning his head to the side and dusting his shoulder off


Um I would think that most news organizations hack peoples phones? I thought that shit was common knowledge? This looks to be a witch hunt agaisnt murdoch and fox news.

But really I thought all news organizations did this? At least I would assume they did. The british are some weird people I can tell you that.

All of this is just fluff and show to take the peoples mind off of the 50% increase of CDS (last 2 weeks) on the country of England and their near bankruptcy once again as a nation.

The one who does not fall, does not stand up

^ hahahaha

This looks to be a witch hunt agaisnt murdoch and fox news.

All of this is just fluff and show to take the peoples mind off of the 50% increase of CDS

That's some very strong Koolaid you're drinking. This would be the equivalant of the Times hacking the White House and Nichole Simpson's phone, and then a liberal sticking up for them. If you're making a concious effort to be intellectually honest, this is a no brainer: Murdoch is in trouble, and this investigation just become the worst nightmare of a large part of the previous political establishment.

This is all over the news and until Murdoch actually gets arrested, everyone is trying to play cool. There was even an op-ed in the "impartial" WSJ yesterday saying that the whole case against Murdoch is bunk b/c even the simpsons take jabs at Fox sometimes....totally specious argument. He and his C level staff paid small fortunes to professional snoops to do this stuff, got caught, and are now going to be subject to the furious wrath of public scrutiny.....the same scrutiny they themselves claimed to be but neglected to do for the last few decades.

The other papers are loving it because A) it validates their viewpoint and B) it potentially removes a source of major competetion. Murdoch knew EXACTLY what was going on, as he is one of the most hands on executives around. The funny part is that his mother TOLD HIM not to get involved in the tabloid / junk news / politically ideological crap 40 years ago.

Lesson to be learned for Murdoch.....you should have listened to your mom bro'

Get busy living
^ hahahaha
This looks to be a witch hunt agaisnt murdoch and fox news.

All of this is just fluff and show to take the peoples mind off of the 50% increase of CDS

That's some very strong Koolaid you're drinking. This would be the equivalant of the Times hacking the White House and Nichole Simpson's phone, and then a liberal sticking up for them. If you're making a concious effort to be intellectually honest, this is a no brainer: Murdoch is in trouble, and this investigation just become the worst nightmare of a large part of the previous political establishment.

This is all over the news and until Murdoch actually gets arrested, everyone is trying to play cool. There was even an op-ed in the "impartial" WSJ yesterday saying that the whole case against Murdoch is bunk b/c even the simpsons take jabs at Fox sometimes....totally specious argument. He and his C level staff paid small fortunes to professional snoops to do this stuff, got caught, and are now going to be subject to the furious wrath of public scrutiny.....the same scrutiny they themselves claimed to be but neglected to do for the last few decades.

The other papers are loving it because A) it validates their viewpoint and B) it potentially removes a source of major competetion. Murdoch knew EXACTLY what was going on, as he is one of the most hands on executives around. The funny part is that his mother TOLD HIM not to get involved in the tabloid / junk news / politically ideological crap 40 years ago.

Lesson to be learned for Murdoch.....you should have listened to your mom bro'

UFO, you dont get it. This is what nations do when they want to distract the populace from something else that is going on.

When Hugo Chavez buys tanks and AKs from Russia he will run a story about calling Bush the devil or say some other crazy shit to distract the media/people from what is really going on. Iran, Egypt, Israel they all do the same thing including the US, England etc.

They are doing the same thing here with Murdoch.

They want to pin it on him, they want his "empire" to fall and if this isnt valudation that MOST of the media is left wing than I dont know what is.

England is also trying to distract the populace from their horrible fiscal position.

The one who does not fall, does not stand up
. The funny part is that his mother TOLD HIM not to get involved in the tabloid / junk news / politically ideological crap 40 years ago.

Lesson to be learned for Murdoch.....you should have listened to your mom bro'

I am thinking on the other side. 40 years of slinging smut, and only one real controversy. That is a solid tenure.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

I am fairly disinterested as this is a crime against a few specific people whom they were writing stories about. I would be real surprised if Murdoch himself had any idea that a few of his reporters at one of his many media holdings were getting material for their stories by hacking into some people's voicemail.

Heads should roll for this at the lower levels, but at the corporate level, unless they have some emails or testimony that says Murdoch knew this was going on, I don't see why he should be the one nailed to the cross.


The thing that blows my wind is that the whistleblower in the scandal was found dead in his apartment just days ago and the police say there are no grounds for suspicion of homicide, without a toxicology test having been performed.

This clip blows my mind:

It's probably worse than the guy they had on once who said "I used to be on welfare and food stamps, did anyone help me? No. No."



Why on earth would the British goverment be using this as a cover up for the countries fiscal situation? The Prime Minister is in hot water due to hiring the former notw editor and for having very close links with the murdoch empire( they go for dinner round each others houses).

If you think this is all just being used by the british political class as a cover up over the economy, you obviously don't understand the massive links between many UK politicians and news international. The odds for Cameron to be the next minister to leave cabinet are now 1/6 , this is in no way in the goverements interest.

Why on earth would the British goverment be using this as a cover up for the countries fiscal situation? The Prime Minister is in hot water due to hiring the former notw editor and for having very close links with the murdoch empire( they go for dinner round each others houses).

If you think this is all just being used by the british political class as a cover up over the economy, you obviously don't understand the massive links between many UK politicians and news international. The odds for Cameron to be the next minister to leave cabinet are now 1/6 , this is in no way in the goverements interest.

Surely it is, it is in most of the UK governments interest to get rid of Cameron because isnt he a conservative?

So you are telling me that its a big concern that Cameron and Murdoch go to dinner/lunch together but it WASNT a big concern that OBAMA and REV WRIGHT went to the same church AND went to lunch together/personal mentor etc etc? Or that he lives in the "same" neighborhood as Bill Ayers etc etc.

WTF is really going on here?

The one who does not fall, does not stand up
Best Response
Why on earth would the British goverment be using this as a cover up for the countries fiscal situation? The Prime Minister is in hot water due to hiring the former notw editor and for having very close links with the murdoch empire( they go for dinner round each others houses).

If you think this is all just being used by the british political class as a cover up over the economy, you obviously don't understand the massive links between many UK politicians and news international. The odds for Cameron to be the next minister to leave cabinet are now 1/6 , this is in no way in the goverements interest.

Surely it is, it is in most of the UK governments interest to get rid of Cameron because isnt he a conservative?

So you are telling me that its a big concern that Cameron and Murdoch go to dinner/lunch together but it WASNT a big concern that OBAMA and REV WRIGHT went to the same church AND went to lunch together/personal mentor etc etc? Or that he lives in the "same" neighborhood as Bill Ayers etc etc.

WTF is really going on here?

Rev Wright is a crazy old man that 99.99% of people totally ignore.

Murdoch is a crazy old man with some element of influence in about 99.99% of elections.

Rather substantial difference, wouldn't you say?

Get busy living
Why on earth would the British goverment be using this as a cover up for the countries fiscal situation? The Prime Minister is in hot water due to hiring the former notw editor and for having very close links with the murdoch empire( they go for dinner round each others houses).

If you think this is all just being used by the british political class as a cover up over the economy, you obviously don't understand the massive links between many UK politicians and news international. The odds for Cameron to be the next minister to leave cabinet are now 1/6 , this is in no way in the goverements interest.

And anarchy its not a cover up. They use it as a distraction! Now the media is talking about this and NOT about the higher risk of default that England is currently in.

Thats my point!

The one who does not fall, does not stand up

I don't think you guys understand what the tabloids are like in the UK. They make the the NY Post look like the New Yorker, they have been on a race to the bottom for a while and its not suprising that something like this was finally exposed.

Have you even been following the scandel? Thousands of people's voicemails were hacked into, including a missing girl (who turned out to be dead, but the NOTW had deleted some of her voicemails subsequently throwing off the investigation and leading her parents into believing she was alive). They are also accused of hacking the voicemails of 7/7 and 9/11 victims, something that in and of itself should piss you off. In addition, the police were complicit in much of this as they were taking bribes.

The tabloid culture in the UK excercises an inordinate amount of power over the media and British politicians. They blackmail politicians all the time, and hire private investigators to dig up dirt on them to ruin their careers if they are not complicit.



Rebekah Brooks was absolutely ruthless and would have been in jail (or fired) a long time ago if she pulled this crap in the US. One time she hired a group of naked woman to hang out outside the home of a female MP who had criticised the fact that the newspaper she was working for at the time (The Sun) would not do away with their Page 3 girls (basically a new topless girl was featured every issue). Seriously, sleazy and slanderous doesn't even begin to describe how scummy these papers were.

I don't think you guys understand what the tabloids are like in the UK. They make the the NY Post look like the New Yorker, they have been on a race to the bottom for a while and its not suprising that something like this was finally exposed.

Have you even been following the scandel? Thousands of people's voicemails were hacked into, including a missing girl (who turned out to be dead, but the NOTW had deleted some of her voicemails subsequently throwing off the investigation and leading her parents into believing she was alive). They are also accused of hacking the voicemails of 7/7 and 9/11 victims, something that in and of itself should piss you off. In addition, the police were complicit in much of this as they were taking bribes.

The tabloid culture in the UK excercises an inordinate amount of power over the media and British politicians. They blackmail politicians all the time, and hire private investigators to dig up dirt on them to ruin their careers if they are not complicit.



Rebekah Brooks was absolutely ruthless and would have been in jail (or fired) a long time ago if she pulled this crap in the US. One time she hired a group of naked woman to hang out outside the home of a female MP who had criticised the fact that the newspaper she was working for at the time (The Sun) would not do away with their Page 3 girls (basically a new topless girl was featured every issue). Seriously, sleazy and slanderous doesn't even begin to describe how scummy these papers were.

Thank you for this post. I was beginning to wonder whether I was one of the few sane people reading / posting on this thread.

The only explanation for those posts is that people have not bothered to inform themselves about this properly - the implications of this scandal are colossal: David Cameron might have to resign, Scotland Yard has been proven to be at best complacent, at worst corrupt.

Rupert Murdoch's empire will take a huge hit: his implication in the newspapers was mind-boggling (he went into the tiniest of details for each publication, to the bemusement of his management). The fact that he claims he had no knowledge of what was going on is an insult to the public's intelligence.


awm is spot on.

British tabloids are absolutely disgusting, and it is shocking that they have such wide readership, then again it is england so not much else to be expected.

Lads in the council estate gotta do something all day I guess.

What I don't understand is why Murdoch is being harassed so much about this. The guy owns a fucking media empire, this scum of the earth tabloid contributes less than 1% of his total revenue, how the fk is he meant to know what goes on there operationally on a day to day basis.

awm is spot on.

British tabloids are absolutely disgusting, and it is shocking that they have such wide readership, then again it is england so not much else to be expected.

Lads in the council estate gotta do something all day I guess.

What I don't understand is why Murdoch is being harassed so much about this. The guy owns a fucking media empire, this scum of the earth tabloid contributes less than 1% of his total revenue, how the fk is he meant to know what goes on there operationally on a day to day basis.

Because he is the most hands-on manager you could possibly imagine. the attention he pays to this is incredible (and very inefficient). People need to understand this in order to understand how ridiculous his claims that he didn't know what was going on are.


I got bored of reading "THis is a liberal witch-hunt" and "Murdoch is evi" comments above. How I see it is that a subsidiary of Murdoch's company tried to expand it's market share through illegal activities. I honestly don't care about it, but it was illegal and Murdoch and company is addressing it. Murdoch shouldn't have any fault for this because he wasn't the editor of the paper. Like the Dan Rather thing in CBS, Rather and the newsroom chief stepped down...not the CEO of CBS.

I have a feeling newspapers have hacked phones/emails before, but not this systematically and often. The people in charge of the NOTW deserve to go to jail, but all the way yup the command chain? No. If anything Murdoch did the classy thing. Rather than sell or fire everyone and start over, he ended the paper saying that it didn't deserve to live- even though it obviously could. The News of the World is pretty much like the National Inquirer of the UK, so I doubt too many people care about it's demise or on the flip side would not buy it because of the scandal.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
I got bored of reading "THis is a liberal witch-hunt" and "Murdoch is evi" comments above. How I see it is that a subsidiary of Murdoch's company tried to expand it's market share through illegal activities. I honestly don't care about it, but it was illegal and Murdoch and company is addressing it. Murdoch shouldn't have any fault for this because he wasn't the editor of the paper. Like the Dan Rather thing in CBS, Rather and the newsroom chief stepped down...not the CEO of CBS.

I have a feeling newspapers have hacked phones/emails before, but not this systematically and often. The people in charge of the NOTW deserve to go to jail, but all the way yup the command chain? No. If anything Murdoch did the classy thing. Rather than sell or fire everyone and start over, he ended the paper saying that it didn't deserve to live- even though it obviously could. The News of the World is pretty much like the National Inquirer of the UK, so I doubt too many people care about it's demise or on the flip side would not buy it because of the scandal.

See that is the issue, the NOTW was the largest selling english language newspaper in the world. Its even sleazier than the National Enquirer, but polticians and the population actually take what they print very seriously because the tabloids hold an inordinate amount of power via their ability to blackmail and slander powerful people.


So I keep seeing people say "Why are you shocked, doesn't everyone know they do this?!"

Just because some entity does something as a common practice doesn't make it any less shady or wrong. I don't give a fuck if its 'common knowledge', its still wrong.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I am usually as right-wing as they come but this decrepit old fuck makes me want to projectile vomit stem cells. Co-sign just about everything UFO said. If you don't know how dirty of a player this guy is, you should read up on him. There is not one fucking thing that goes on at any of his newspapers that he doesn't know about. If there was ever an adequate correlation for all the Star Wars geeks in the audience its Murdoch=Palpatine, they even look alike.

If you condone the shit this guy does, you are wasting your time and making jack shit working in finance. You would be far better suited to organ extraction and trafficking on the black market. A lot better money and you will sleep like a baby. It's funny how Julian Assange leaking information got so much press and Murdoch's decades of stealing and manipulating it has gotten so little.

As William Randolph Hearst said: "News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising."

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
If there was ever an adequate correlation for all the Star Wars geeks in the audience its Murdoch=Palpatine, they even look alike.

I couldn't find a Palpatine/Murdoch pic, so this will have to do.

I'm fairly conservative myself, but the fact that people are trying to rationalize around this blows my mind.

My favorite defense by the tabloids is that they invade people's privacy to expose corruption and the wrong doings of politicians and celebrities. 99.99% of the time they are looking for their next drug/sex scandal because that is what sells newspapers, they pretend to be on this moral crusade but its complete bullshit. the idiots that buy these tabloids (a large percentage of the UK unfortunately), love reading about this shit and the tabloids are happy to serve it up.

Any newspaper that has headlines of this nature and thinks its on a moral crusade is kidding itself.


Any paper in the states with these sort of headlines would never be taken seriously, but in the UK they are EXTREMELY powerful and downright feared by politicians. They needed to be exposed for the lying morally bankrupt scum they really are.

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I am usually as right-wing as they come
You say this a lot, and you aren't. Hate to derail the thread, but this really pisses me off.
There is not one fucking thing that goes on at any of his newspapers that he doesn't know about.
I'm sorry, but this is something that someone at a tabloid would say. you are starting to sound like that on this board. You sensationalize everything.

Companies that are as big as news corp are out of control; this is common knowledge. Like the guy above said...

bortz911][quote=Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I am usually as right-wing as they come
You say this a lot, and you aren't. Hate to derail the thread, but this really pisses me off.
There is not one fucking thing that goes on at any of his newspapers that he doesn't know about.
I'm sorry, but this is something that someone at a tabloid would say. you are starting to sound like that on this board. You sensationalize everything.

Companies that are as big as news corp are out of control; this is common knowledge. Like the guy above said... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHlGQPYJGu0

Just watch it. Murdoch's been made aware of the hacking scandal since at least July 2009 and in the interim has done NOTHING about it until the situation escalated and went mainstream.

Also gotta love it when a business journalist demands answers to tough questions.

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I am usually as right-wing as they come but this decrepit old fuck makes me want to projectile vomit stem cells. Co-sign just about everything UFO said. If you don't know how dirty of a player this guy is, you should read up on him. There is not one fucking thing that goes on at any of his newspapers that he doesn't know about. If there was ever an adequate correlation for all the Star Wars geeks in the audience its Murdoch=Palpatine, they even look alike.

If you condone the shit this guy does, you are wasting your time and making jack shit working in finance. You would be far better suited to organ extraction and trafficking on the black market. A lot better money and you will sleep like a baby. It's funny how Julian Assange leaking information got so much press and Murdoch's decades of stealing and manipulating it has gotten so little.

As William Randolph Hearst said: "News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising."

For once I wholeheartedly agree.

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I am usually as right-wing as they come but this decrepit old fuck makes me want to projectile vomit stem cells. Co-sign just about everything UFO said. If you don't know how dirty of a player this guy is, you should read up on him. There is not one fucking thing that goes on at any of his newspapers that he doesn't know about. If there was ever an adequate correlation for all the Star Wars geeks in the audience its Murdoch=Palpatine, they even look alike.

If you condone the shit this guy does, you are wasting your time and making jack shit working in finance. You would be far better suited to organ extraction and trafficking on the black market. A lot better money and you will sleep like a baby. It's funny how Julian Assange leaking information got so much press and Murdoch's decades of stealing and manipulating it has gotten so little.

As William Randolph Hearst said: "News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising."

For once I wholeheartedly agree.

Very well said. I am more intrigued by the way Murdoch's wife defended him, very funny.


What do you hate about Murdoch so much? The things that I see about hi that are controversial are Fox News, the union thing that he did in the UK in the 80s, this, and his family life. As a conservative, I doubt you care or would even commend him for the first two, and the latter two- while reprehensible- I really don't care enough about. I'm not saying he's a saint, but to me he seems like most CEOs. Imperfect family life, a lot of divorces, and a small mismanagement. I mean he's been the CEO for 58 years! He has to make some mistakes.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

If you need a reason Murdoch needs to go down, you have to start with News Corp.'s investors. Corporate governance at News Corp is awful and stepping away might be the only way for the company to find the ground beneath its feet. As a CEO, its absolutely inexcusable for Murdoch to have let this sabotage the BSkyB deal.

Also, happypants was spot on with his comment about this being wrong no matter how widespread or well-known it is.

Michael Scarn:
People defending Murdoch are proof that this country is now so partisan we are past any chance of objective discourse.
your an idiot, I am defending Murdoch and I think republicans are crazy bible fucks shooting their neighbors with an m16 when they trespass on their property.

On a side note, what US party corresponds to people that are not religious as fuck, do not believe abortion doctors need to be gunned down with m16s, but also dont believe in democrat communism and equal opps?

Michael Scarn:
People defending Murdoch are proof that this country is now so partisan we are past any chance of objective discourse.
your an idiot, I am defending Murdoch and I think republicans are crazy bible fucks shooting their neighbors with an m16 when they trespass on their property.

On a side note, what US party corresponds to people that are not religious as fuck, do not believe abortion doctors need to be gunned down with m16s, but also dont believe in democrat communism and equal opps?


Reality hits you hard, bro...
Michael Scarn:
People defending Murdoch are proof that this country is now so partisan we are past any chance of objective discourse.
your an idiot, I am defending Murdoch and I think republicans are crazy bible fucks shooting their neighbors with an m16 when they trespass on their property.

On a side note, what US party corresponds to people that are not religious as fuck, do not believe abortion doctors need to be gunned down with m16s, but also dont believe in democrat communism and equal opps?


"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Yea I'm up in Canada and it's all the CBC is talking about, I would imagine they're loving this shit to death. I'm sure enough of Murdock's lackeys will fall on the sword before any shit (or shaving cream) lands on the big cheese himself. It will, however be entertaining to watch if he does drag half the dirt bag politicians down with him in a swirling, incestuous, vortex of shit and corruption. I've got my popcorn ready! :D

I have to return some video tapes.

guys, you are talking about media rationally criticizing media. what do you expect? it's the same shit here when someone is criticizing all the greed in banking and everyone is giving emotional crap arguments against it.

this murdoch has everyone on the leash, just like the other big media bosses in other countries. that's why guys like the head of scotland yard stepped down already. it seems that many people do not realize how much corruption is going on. just open your eyes and look around, even on the local level.

and i am dazzled that this shit only comes up because phones of "normal" people were hacked - it's ok kicking the rights of people who are "famous". what a fucked up world.


This old man does anything to make money. He wakes up and then he loves to think how to make money.

Moral?....WTH!!!!.. His humanity is not what we always want to have.

Seriously, most billionaires or influential people have their own evil sides.

"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime" - Honoré de Balzac.

This old man does anything to make money. He wakes up and then he loves to think how to make money.
Basically. "The first job of a newspaper is to sell newspapers" - William Randolph Hearst
"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime" - Honoré de Balzac.
That wouldn't be pushing a glorified version of "fuck the poor and weak, fuck MENA, fuck civil realistic reporting, and seriously....fuck you too while I'm at it" message for the last 30 years, now would it?

When I look at that propoganda channel, I think, "WOW, he really could have made some kind of effort to stick to reality". Even hardcore right wingers [everyone I know really] laugh at how silly 'conservative' Newscorp is, and how even liberal ideas are supported if it makes him money. In a way, he helped ensure that the liberal voices got a large audience by pissing off and politicizing otherwise reasonable centrists.

Ok, I'm done trashing Fox. I actually don't care what they say. And soon, it's likely that no one will at all.

Get busy living

I see Murdoch as a businessman, not a conservative. Fox has market share because there are no conservative news sources on TV. Other than Hannity there are really no conservatives on there. Everyone is prety centrist. Ever see this study? Yea. The Washington Times (which I read from time to time) is the most conservative. I can't see a single news anchor that I think is conservative outside of Fox. Hell, the people they bring on as the "conservative" is either a RINO or Ann Coulter. I like her, but come on...pick someone less controversial. Iwill continue to watch Fox until the day a good alternative comes along. I don't need to hear about how evil Boeing is for moving THEIR factory from Seattle to Columbia. Or how Obama is trying to mediate the debt deals between the visceral, stupid Republicans, and the sensible Democrats who are trying to save to old and poor. No mention of how he is unwilling to compromise or how he walked out of the debt talks multiple times, etc. It is ridiculous. If Rush Limbaugh says "The terrorist's funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military of Iran?" the media would report "Rush Limbaugh says "his funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military" or the subtitle, Rush supports military funeral protest. It's honestly ridiculous.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
I see Murdoch as a businessman, not a conservative. Fox has market share because there are no conservative news sources on TV. Other than Hannity there are really no conservatives on there. Everyone is prety centrist. Ever see this study? Yea. The Washington Times (which I read from time to time) is the most conservative. I can't see a single news anchor that I think is conservative outside of Fox. Hell, the people they bring on as the "conservative" is either a RINO or Ann Coulter. I like her, but come on...pick someone less controversial. Iwill continue to watch Fox until the day a good alternative comes along. I don't need to hear about how evil Boeing is for moving THEIR factory from Seattle to Columbia. Or how Obama is trying to mediate the debt deals between the visceral, stupid Republicans, and the sensible Democrats who are trying to save to old and poor. No mention of how he is unwilling to compromise or how he walked out of the debt talks multiple times, etc. It is ridiculous. If Rush Limbaugh says "The terrorist's funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military of Iran?" the media would report "Rush Limbaugh says "his funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military" or the subtitle, Rush supports military funeral protest. It's honestly ridiculous.

Fox is populist, not conservative. Its basically the equivalent of the Daily Mail dressed up as a legitimate news source.

I see Murdoch as a businessman, not a conservative. Fox has market share because there are no conservative news sources on TV. Other than Hannity there are really no conservatives on there. Everyone is prety centrist. Ever see this study? Yea. The Washington Times (which I read from time to time) is the most conservative. I can't see a single news anchor that I think is conservative outside of Fox. Hell, the people they bring on as the "conservative" is either a RINO or Ann Coulter. I like her, but come on...pick someone less controversial. Iwill continue to watch Fox until the day a good alternative comes along. I don't need to hear about how evil Boeing is for moving THEIR factory from Seattle to Columbia. Or how Obama is trying to mediate the debt deals between the visceral, stupid Republicans, and the sensible Democrats who are trying to save to old and poor. No mention of how he is unwilling to compromise or how he walked out of the debt talks multiple times, etc. It is ridiculous. If Rush Limbaugh says "The terrorist's funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military of Iran?" the media would report "Rush Limbaugh says "his funeral should have been protested, who cares if he was in the military" or the subtitle, Rush supports military funeral protest. It's honestly ridiculous.

Fox is riddled with conservative demagoguery just like MSNBC is riddled with liberal demagoguery. BOTH channels are total dog shit. The most objective cable general news source is CNN. Yes, CNN does have a slight liberal slant, but I'll take a channel that's slightly center left over a channel that is just plain retarded (whether left or right) any day. CNBC and Bloomberg are objective, but they are focused on financial news for the most part. They have a right of center slant, which I prefer, because it's not stupid right of center, like Fox is. Honestly, the only channel I get my news from is CNBC and occasionally Bloomberg. Only news I hear is news that will move the markets, and that's all I care about. Gay rights, abortion, Casey Anthony, celebrities, unimportant domestic politics, crime news...don't give a rat's ass about any of that shit.


As far as that study goes: http://www.brendan-nyhan.com/blog/2005/12/the_problems_wi.html

Why would anyone need a conservative station? Why do you need a political slant to what you watch? Intellectual dishonesty is more rampant at Fox News than at any other news source I can think of and the stuff that goes unsaid or is overly focused on is simply nauseating.

The only news television I ever watch is Dylan Ratigan and I get most of my news from the FT and online on Bloomberg and Reuters.


Ut et molestiae architecto reprehenderit. Cupiditate dignissimos voluptas esse nihil omnis tempora non facere. In quo et iusto quia.

Omnis enim velit expedita ea ut id quasi et. Aut atque officiis aut corrupti qui. Voluptas impedit aut maiores sed facere eum.

Sunt pariatur officia veniam porro nam incidunt ut eius. Alias iste commodi quas eum magni dicta incidunt ipsa. Voluptas accusamus occaecati voluptas quis officia expedita. Ratione est recusandae quaerat voluptatum aut alias.

Temporibus asperiores dolorem eum eos illum. Aut in tenetur itaque optio. Illum omnis laudantium soluta.


Eius quam voluptatem voluptatibus exercitationem sint repellendus. Quod dolor voluptas fugiat quos aut deserunt autem. Nesciunt qui et alias et facilis voluptatem doloremque. Repellat quas voluptas incidunt quaerat numquam reiciendis aut. Molestias possimus laudantium repudiandae non. Velit beatae perferendis voluptas ipsum. In magni commodi voluptatem velit.

Ut ut sed aliquid et suscipit quo et qui. Rerum sed et id quidem. Sit maxime ratione accusantium.

Explicabo itaque omnis porro deleniti asperiores. Vitae corporis in qui illum mollitia corrupti assumenda. Aut delectus quam tempora quibusdam ratione voluptatem. Ut a perferendis dolore occaecati sed nemo sed laboriosam. Qui tenetur perferendis sed unde sequi maiores. Delectus nulla fugit explicabo dolor eum sed esse. Soluta voluptatibus molestias non autem in cumque et.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Expedita repudiandae aperiam facere quam. Sint rem suscipit ratione et et. Tempore laudantium non quibusdam qui. Officiis ab ut et minus sequi qui at alias. Exercitationem eius accusantium qui sed.

Deleniti nulla itaque aut. Modi eos sed dolores optio qui ex omnis. Aliquid ratione voluptatibus ut sapiente cumque accusantium. Laudantium at mollitia quia perferendis quia. Nihil illum accusantium consequatur aut corrupti omnis eveniet. Voluptate velit tempore est recusandae est voluptate qui.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
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