Investment banking in Russia

Hi guys,

I'm currently breaking in IB in Russia. What are your thoughts on recruiting, work, top places to be, and the general ideas on what is it like to be an invesment banker in that part of the world?

I don't know whether there are many of Russians here, but the industry is growing, and the opportunity is out there!

Best Response

As a Russian... I'm not sure I'd ever go (back) there. The opportunities are there... but the risk/reward may not be worth it. As for the top places to be - anywhere on Putin's payroll is probably a good bet. ;) Base salaries may be roughly average, but bonuses and bribes should probably bring it up to very attractive standards.

In all seriousness though - I imagine salaries are fairly sizeable (even by Moscow standards), but that they'd be looking for foreign-trained (prior banking experience in London/US) professionals at the major banks.

From what I hear, global banks do much of the M&A activity there, with nominal "participation" (read: a cut) by the state banks.

This is conjecture and hearsay though - so take it all with a grain of salt.

Note: If you're not Russian (or Eastern European), it may be difficult to get a grasp on the level of corruption and back-alley dealing. Very little happens through "official" channels without a back-alley handshake. You may have to seriously evaluate your moral and ethical standards - even at the global banks.

any thoughts on the others?

hey First of all, which positions and what department are we talking about? VTB Cap and sber (ex troika) are pretty strong due to relationships with government. For IBD, I think BB > VTB capital > Sber (troika) > Renaissance >>>>>>>> aton, alfa, taiga...

any thoughts on the others?

hey First of all, which positions and what department are we talking about? VTB Cap and sber (ex troika) are pretty strong due to relationships with government. For IBD, I think BB > VTB capital > Sber (troika) > Renaissance >>>>>>>> aton, alfa, taiga...

equity research in particular.. so aton, alfa, etc are very weak generally?


I know that the BBs like GS, CS, JP do their Russia coverage out of the London office so I doubt they have too many bankers (or positions for that matter) on the ground in a regional Russian office.

2011 Russian M&A League Table by # Deals, US$mm value 1 Troika Dialog Group 12,307 (12) 2 VTB Capital 14,840 (11) 3 Renaissance Capital 9,009 (10) 4 Gazprombank 5,981 (9) 5 Deutsche Bank 7,306 (8) 6 Credit Suisse 9,959 (7) 7 Ernst & Young 178 (6) 8 PwC 127 (6) 9 Morgan Stanley 14,487 (5) 10 JPMorgan 5,566 (5) 11 UniCredit Group 3,807 (4) 12 UBS Investment Bank 2,710 (4) 13 Rothschild 2,589 (4) 14 Citigroup 1,996 (4) 15 Barclays Capital 369 (4)


[quote=karypto]Most people get in after working in UK for a bit, or you could always move there and look for jobs. Rent alone will set you back 2k a month. I still hear its the wild west out there.[/quote

Thanks karypto that helps, I was wondering did you have experience there or know someone?


If you have linked in, look at people in the firms you are interested in. AM by a Russian firm is a joke, look where people put their money. Offshore. So it doesn't get stolen. Idiot.

IB is controlled by VtB and Renessaince Capotal. Everyone else there is loosing money. Credit Suisse pulled out, the government said you need to be a legal entity in Russia and obey its laws. No more satellite offices. Read google. Do some research online. Idiot.

Before the MS starts flying, the only Russian kid I know says idiot all the time to his Russian friends. I picked it up haha. Cause them Russians try to be tough.

Listen man, do what you will but the shit is crazy ... I researched it. Really wanted to make the jump. Think before you leap, be a clever Russian. Stay in Canada.

If you have linked in, look at people in the firms you are interested in. AM by a Russian firm is a joke, look where people put their money. Offshore. So it doesn't get stolen. Idiot.

IB is controlled by VtB and Renessaince Capotal. Everyone else there is loosing money. Credit Suisse pulled out, the government said you need to be a legal entity in Russia and obey its laws. No more satellite offices. Read google. Do some research online. Idiot.

Before the MS starts flying, the only Russian kid I know says idiot all the time to his Russian friends. I picked it up haha. Cause them Russians try to be tough.

Listen man, do what you will but the shit is crazy ... I researched it. Really wanted to make the jump. Think before you leap, be a clever Russian. Stay in Canada.

I see, thanks

If you have linked in, look at people in the firms you are interested in. AM by a Russian firm is a joke, look where people put their money. Offshore. So it doesn't get stolen. Idiot.

IB is controlled by VtB and Renessaince Capotal. Everyone else there is loosing money. Credit Suisse pulled out, the government said you need to be a legal entity in Russia and obey its laws. No more satellite offices. Read google. Do some research online. Idiot.

Before the MS starts flying, the only Russian kid I know says idiot all the time to his Russian friends. I picked it up haha. Cause them Russians try to be tough.

Listen man, do what you will but the shit is crazy ... I researched it. Really wanted to make the jump. Think before you leap, be a clever Russian. Stay in Canada.

I know about AM, the same thing is in my country. People keep money offshore cause the money are not legal. I still asked cause I just heard that because of the situation in Cyprus, Russia has plans to bring all offshore money in-house, kinda like in-house offshore somewhere near Vladivostok. (info might be scam btw).


What was that book, about a guy who went started a group investing in Russia right after the collapse of the Soviet Union - they made a ton of money, then started to catch heat. One of the lawyers ended up just disappearing, and the "government" raided the entire office. I think it had something to do with Gazprom...


I don't know about bakning per se, but I think the pay is much less. i.e. my dad's friend is very high in an IT department at some major russian bank, and his pay is 2000 per month.

When my family left Russia, my mom was making 400 bucks per month, and it was considered lower upper class. And no this wasn't some small town, this was Moscow.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD...follow the advice at your own risk


Current pay in Moscow for IBD at major banks is on par with US and UK; In many cases its actually higher depending on the firm and how established it is in Russia. Bonuses this year in Moscow were MUCH higher on avg then in London.


...something like "junior bankers (not sure what they meant by this) could expect bonuses of up to $800,000USD"

Makes the sort of numbers we are used to at "junior levels" pale into insignificance really.

Still trying to find this link, but it may have been taken down if it was proven to be a load of bollocks.


Yeah, there was an article in russian Newsweek (can't find it right now) saying that Russian Banks are poaching talent from the Western Banks. While Renaissance Capital and Troika Dialog are styled after the Western Banks and have many Europeans and Americans in their ranks, it's the Russian commercial banks trying to build their i-banking business recruiting from the Western companies. For example, I remember reading that KreditTrust Bank hired one of the CS bankers and gave him a $600k base and a guaranteed bonus of at least a $1 million. Despite the recent shootings things have more or less stabilized in the Russian banking business. Before I-banking was not a big market in Russia due to privatization, criminal interactions and market conditions. Now that Russia has a better established banking system, better financial markets and exchanges, and inflow of foreign investments, I-banks and financial services companies will flourish. I would love to go back to Russia to work in I-banking, especially considering the need for Western business, especially banking, talent. As of now, UBS, CS, JPM, MS, GS and Citigroup have their offices in Moscow. Morgan Stanley, in fact, already managed to get into a conflict with the Ministry of Finance, division for Regulation of Financial Markets. Also an interesting sidenote, for the Rosneft IPO, almost every known i-bank was one of the arrangers, with the behemoth Sberbank being the lead underwriter.


Also, the Neo-Nazis keep the streets clean in Russia. I think Russia is going to go fascist pretty soon, I love how the BBC and all the liberal fags talk non stop about how racist Russia is.


That's understandable, however I don't really feel that way. Russia seems like one of the last frontiers with all the oil they've got. If they can clear up some of that corruption and become more appealing to investors. But I guess I really have no clue.

That's understandable, however I don't really feel that way. Russia seems like one of the last frontiers with all the oil they've got. If they can clear up some of that corruption and become more appealing to investors. But I guess I really have no clue.

That's a big "IF". If there's one country with serious political issues, it's Russia. It's saying something when most of my friends are willing to take up cases in the Middle-East rather than Russia (despite superb hotel rooms in Moscow, great perks etc.)

It's not just the political climate though. The country is in social limbo as well. Rampant alcoholism, depressed citizenry, declining population, rampant xenophobia and racism, violence, corruption at all levels.

I guess it's hard to be bullish on a country with those characteristics, no matter the vast resources.

Maybe I am just being pessimistic. I think I've derailed your thread a bit. Sorry.

danbush is a faggot:
russians are absolutely disgsuting people

With an open mind like yours you are going to go really far buddy.

On an other note, Russia has money and brainpower. Moscow is the most expensive city to live in. If you think about liar's poker and how money was made instantanenously, that is exactly what Russia is like now. Somebody really close to me is moving to Russia in the fall to do corporate law M&A, he is getting paid ridiculous amounts of money.

Where as for "Putin = fasism" or other bull, you guys keep thinking that. You'll be sorry not to have hoped onto "Russia's stock" when it was low.

To the OP, there are plenty of BBs in Russia. The biggest quantities of billionaires live in Moscow. There is money flowing like coca cola in a fat kids tummy.

You don't start off in Russia though, you need to start in the UK or the US, and then transfer to Russia. If you start of as an analyst in Russia you won't get paid much.

And middle east safer to do business then in Russia? Pleeeeeeeaze.

And yea there are some risk, and some criminality in Russia. You have alcoholics there as well, just like you have some alcoholics in every campus in the US. But just like anywhere else, it's not the alcoholics who are succesful. Every country has its problems, and Russia has a lot, but they are not as big as some of the people on this board makes them to be.


You'll be surprised but on the after-tax basis analyst get paid pretty much what London analysts get. I agree that London or NY will give you a much stronger technical base. However, analysts in Russia get exposed to clients extremely early in their careers. This is something monkeys in NY/London could only dream of. On top of that, the career progression can be much faster.

Those who get poached from other institutions may expect to get paid really handsomely. However, this frenzy is slowly subsiding, I hear.

Agree with Disjoint, though, that the biggest perks go to senior people who go to Moscow from London/NY. I don't see, though, how a Western banker - that is to say not a Russian national and with a mentality a la "dan bush is a faggot" - can perform well over there.

Make no mistake, the analysts in Moscow are extremely bright individuals, and with real-world experience that will make their Western counterparts look like immature school kids.

P.S. I've never seen so many luxury cars, e.g. Jaguars, Bentleys, Infinities, let alone the poshest BMWs, Mercedeces, etc., anywhere else. However, the general standard of living is definitely lower in Moscow than in the West.


No one is speaking English among themselves, so you don't want to be sitting around not knowing what's going on.


Contrary to what most of these douchebags are saying. Investment Banking in Russia right now is the highest paying analyst job in the world. Gazprom has taken the lead in diving into capital markets. The potential over there is insane, watch out for big m&a in the next 5 years. If you're not russian/speak russian, you can't work there. i have a friend at CS london, whose russian originally. she's been sent to russia all summer on deals, so that should give you a hint about the market there.


danbush, very mature..idiot.

I'd second everything that Disjoin said and add the following:

  • there is potentially a lot more upward mobility.
  • Russian IBD is different from the rest just because its a different market, climate etc. It has its own pecularities that are very unique to Russia. Business in Moscow is built on relationships, while IBD on Wall St. is much more structured. Having said that, its not a bad thing at all. Its just a different experience. You will still model and stare at REFs all day.
  • Recently, a number of BBs bought up or aquired stake in some of the most succesful Russian banks. The presence of U.S. BBs is growing there - GS has expanded last summer, Deutsche is getting big, UBS has always been pretty big and has a good S&T desk. The two leading banks in Russia are Rennaissance and Troika. The former is partially owned by GS i think while the later recently announced that it will remain independent.

So would some of the BB's who are geting involved in Russia would like to see on a resume that someone is proficient in Russian? How much would that set me apart, or is pretty much anyone going into Ib decent in a second language?


Speaking Russian is a huge asset. Friends of mine in London who speak russian, polish, turkish and have a good education are being given great opportunities these days because of business volumes over there and the scarcity of their skills. Quite a few analysts in london speak foreign languages, but mainly western european ones.

There should be good opportunities to "step up" too since the senior guys on deals don't always speak the local language.

To previous posts, Russian business used to be chaos, with rival businessmen using their militias (no joke) to raket locals and murder rivals. These days, now that the oligarchs have emerged there's more stability and they're raising billions in capital in London.

Nowadays, Russia plays off asian growth and european demand with their natural resources and raw materials... Don't they have the largest gas reserves in the world through Gazprom, the quoted company with the largest oil reserves in Lukoil, the largest aluminium company in Rusal (check out the upcoming london full listing), not to forget Rosneft and the others. Smart money knows there's huge banking potential there. My bank's actively looking for native Russians...


Quoting fortune in their August article on New York vs. London: "AIM exchange ... has moved agressively to capture listings from firms in Russia and other former Soviet republics. About 17% of London's IPO volume last year came from the flotation of Rosneft, a Russian oil company that became the country's biggest by acquiring the assets of Yukos, a private-sector rival driven out of business by the Kremlin"

MONEY screams in Russia everywhere! MONEY! I thank my mother for having sent me to Russian school every wednesday when I was a kid. At least those excrutiating hours spent in class will be of some use to get an I-banking job in the City :-p

I want to work now! No, really. I want those 100+ hours/week.


Russian's a realy tough language to learn... Bare in mind too that part of speaking russian for business is being able to down large quantities of vodka (and visiting brothels). Business over there isn't for lightweights!

IBGuy, I'd rather not give out any clues as to who I am. Suffice to say that interest in Russian speaking IBers is widespread. I hear this from contacts at various BBs, top boutiques and other "european banks".


No problem. Yeah, a lot of banks are interested to poach someone but mostly someone senior :-D

Downing large quantities of vodka and visiting brothels are not as widespread, I'm afraid. These things happen a lot in Europe as well, as I'm sure you know.


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Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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