Vary good Lisa ... Now how about this ... THIS SHOULD BE ENLIGHTENING!! Here's some thought for extreme, "liberals" and "conservatives" .... Instead of pitching your personal views an opinions, that supports you singular, beliefs,... how about answering some questions of "why" and "how" you believe the way you do (in 25 words or less) ... instead of the lectures. Obviously you came to a conclusion, either by, reading, seeing, hearing or being told about what you believe to be true. It will help the casual reader, on this sight, to absorb some unknown knowledge so, as to come to a broader understanding on how to co-existe in our constantly disrupting world that WE ALL LIVE IN ... Exchanging ideas, concepts, and betterment, should make it a more progressive planet. Let's start by answering 5 simple questions. Remember, collect your thoughts, condense each answer, in 25 words or less ... if you know what you are talking about, it will be easy. All responses are welcome. Please, no "MUD SLINGING" ... respect the opposition. 1. Why and how do you believe in your statement? 2. Define, in a non-political way, what a liberal or conservative is or believes in? 3. Do you believe in a supreme entity? 4. If you had the power and/or ability to improve or modify the world's shortcomings, name 3 efforts (in 7 words) what would you attempt? 5. Do you have friends with a variety of beliefs and personalities? Thanks for your responses. Smart-Enough-To-Know-How-Dumb-I-Am!