I second this.

If you're doing your job right you're basically thinking all day so by the time I get home I'm pretty beat even if it's only a 8-10 hour day.


I’m extremely fortunate and work a 40 hour week so I have time outside work to do as I please. Spare time is spent at the gym, on hobbies (golf, guitar, recently started making YouTube videos), and a couple nights a week with the girlfriend. Some nights if I’ve had a combination of not enough sleep and a very full day at work it’ll be just dinner and Netflix.

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Best Response

I'm not a banker and don't work corporate, so I have the extreme luxury of doing as much or as little of whatever I want every day. But to answer the question, I'd split it up into several categories:

a. Productive free time alone (Anything I do that's not making me money really but I'm benefiting from in some way): Jiu Jitsu, archery, books, hiking, mountain biking, various workouts and fitness shit, fishing, podcasts all day every day in the background. I want to get into hunting. Also working on starting a podcast. And I make rap songs sometimes if I'm the perfect combination of buzzed and exuberant. Oh and I try to hit the sauna as close to every day as possible and read some printouts in there because books fall apart at 200F and I sweat all over them like an asshole.

b. Productive free time with wife: We don't really share any hobbies but we share values, so it works out. She works and is in school, so it's really just like errands together and going out for sushi and shit. We take trips. Smaller road trips and bigger trips, like we just took a road trip through Germany and the Czech Republic last week. Drove to St. Louis a few weeks ago for a few days. We go on hikes. I'm teaching her how to ride a bike. We cook dinner together a few times a month.

c. Unproductive free time alone: Xbox (there are arguable benefits though depending on the game), WoW on a private server, Netflix/movies/docs (sometimes beneficial). I like to smoke weed. I got an ice catcher and a huge bowl for my bong recently and that's nice. That's a neutral, but it often makes me eat garbage and not want to do anything else. I also like to drink. Like a ton. I really enjoy it more than I must deduct the average person does. I for sure have a touch of alcoholism. But I keep it pretty well under wraps. There will be night when I stay up all night drinking and playing Xbox. But pretty rarely these days. So I drink very rarely, but when I do, I go through like 3 bottles of wine or 750ml of gin. I also like drugs. We're being honest, right? If you got some drugs, I'll do them with you. I'd rather do them alone. But I don't ever go out of my way to acquire drugs because my life will go off the rails like it has before when I was younger. I don't even use weed dealers who sell anything else besides shrooms.

d. Unproductive free time with wife: We'll just order pizza and watch a movie. Pretty rarely. Maybe every few months. She really doesn't have much free time.

I want to get into a lot more shit. I find a lot of shit interesting I've never pursued. Like, why not learn to paint a bit? Shit like that. I'll get around to it. Thankfully, I'm very young! I'm listening to Joe Rogan #1102 right now with Matt Farah, who's a car guy. They're making me want to get into cars... Which I've always avoided because it's such an expensive hobby. We have a Kia and a Volvo, so whatever. But now I'm listening to this thinking maybe I need an expensive hobby to motivate me to make more money... lol...

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Check out the Anchor app for making podcasts. Makes it easy af. And ever since I watched Bob Ross I've wanted to pick up a paintbrush but never got myself to actually do it.


> Unproductive free time alone: Xbox (there are arguable benefits though depending on the game), WoW on a private server, Netflix/movies/docs (sometimes beneficial). I like to smoke weed. I got an ice catcher and a huge bowl for my bong recently and that's nice. That's a neutral, but it often makes me eat garbage and not want to do anything else. I also like to drink. Like a ton. I really enjoy it more than I must deduct the average person does. I for sure have a touch of alcoholism. But I keep it pretty well under wraps. There will be night when I stay up all night drinking and playing Xbox. But pretty rarely these days. So I drink very rarely, but when I do, I go through like 3 bottles of wine or 750ml of gin. I also like drugs. We're being honest, right? If you got some drugs, I'll do them with you. I'd rather do them alone. But I don't ever go out of my way to acquire drugs because my life will go off the rails like it has before when I was younger. I don't even use weed dealers who sell anything else besides shrooms.

Jesus dude.


Reading is dope; it's in its own category. A couple books a year is weak tbh. I'm happy if I do a book every 5-10 days. I know some people read like a book a day though and that's crazy. I know Ben Greenfield does. I just heard on Freakonomics #322 David Rubenstein talk about how he read 4 books one day. I can't fuck with shit like that at all. Wouldn't try. And I know a lot of it is speed reading tactics too. But honestly, reading is one thing in life I'm not looking to optimize. Like walks in the park.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Besides the obvious jokes - most of which were used by now, i guess the same as most people with some money. You need to get your head away from the stuff whenever possible, since usually you can't really do it. There is some little truth to the stereotypes but that is more of a side effect of a specific lifestyle and not the other way around.


I love to travel with my gf, we do a load of weekend trips and have done close to a weekend/month. We will go snag a deal on Priceline for the weekend and go somewhere that sounds interesting. I’ve found regional travel to be relaxing, finding something that’s only a few hour drive is ideal. I highly suggest going on the local visitor bureau website and trying to find a local guide. Private tours can be surprisingly cheap. We did one last weekend for a walking tour of a historic district and it was ~$20 an hour.

I fly fish there’s something great about just being on the water. I love to mix it up a fair bit I’ll go for trout, bass and pan fish in freshwater and I’ve got 2 rods for the surf. I’ll also surf or pier fish and occasionally either split charter or go on a party boat.

For reading I tend towards a 50:50 mix of non-fiction and fiction. I’m currently working through a multi-volume history of the civil war and Solzhenitsyn. History and fiction tend to offer more profound lessons than a lot of the business books.


Don't be too obsessed with self improvement, it is a fools errand which has no possible way of even "completing" per say. I am a firm believer that people don't stay the same, you either get better or worst at something depending on your actions. With that said, if you go your whole life trying to just make yourself better and have no concern for anyone else, you well end up alone and an asshole. If you don't believe me look around Wall Street for more than a fair share of evidence.

Help others, help yourself, and for your own sake, learn to not only value free time, but find good ways to use it. Life isn't only about the job, and if you already think like this before you even start working full time - you may be beyond saving.

Don't be too obsessed with self improvement, it is a fools errand which has no possible way of even "completing" per say. I am a firm believer that people don't stay the same, you either get better or worst at something depending on your actions. With that said, if you go your whole life trying to just make yourself better and have no concern for anyone else, you well end up alone and an asshole. If you don't believe me look around Wall Street for more than a fair share of evidence.

Help others, help yourself, and for your own sake, learn to not only value free time, but find good ways to use it. Life isn't only about the job, and if you already think like this before you even start working full time - you may be beyond saving.

+1. self improvement is good until it becomes an obsession


We all have 4 years of continuous free-time during college. Isn't that enough to hold you off until retirement? Personally, if I'm not doing something productive, I feel I need to. But that's probably just my type-A personality.


Time measured against money earned during time will by definition create the expression that there is no such thing as free time, and that any time not spend of productivity is lost money. That having been said (1) there is more to life than money and (2) down time is needed so that the time spent making money is actually productive.

(1) more to life than money: subjective. You define this (2) fatigue makes cowards of us all. Yes you can work more hours, and yes, some people are lazy. However, factor into this equation that if you're tired and working at half pace, you're not any more productive than if you'd gotten a rest.

Get busy living

I cannot agree more.. any of you ever watch a series or movies/play games for an entire day and feel like shit in the evening knowing you got nothing accomplished besides (maybe) putting some pants on?

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." - IlliniProgrammer
I cannot agree more.. any of you ever watch a series or movies/play games for an entire day and feel like shit in the evening knowing you got nothing accomplished besides (maybe) putting some pants on?
All the time. Granted, I often still have fun doing that all day, but oftentimes even in the middle of whatever I'm doing I get introspective for a second and think "really? this is my day?"...and yeah, when you go to sleep that night you do feel like absolute garbage.

"If you go your whole life trying to just make yourself better and have no concern for anyone else, you will end up alone and an asshole."

This x100. The thing with self improvement is that it doesn't have a "finish line". You could always have more money, you could always be smarter, you could always be in better shape, you could always have a hotter gf, etc etc. You put shit on the pedestal thinking it'll change everything, only to get them and realize no one gives a fuck, and those who do don't matter. Srsly, would you really want to date or be friends with people who would be out faster than a fat kid in a dodgeball game if your money dried up? The happiest ppl I know would be considered complete "failures" by WS standards. But the thing is, they derived that very happiness by not getting caught up in the self-improvement rat race and being completely content with where they are.


Up to the point of going to college, my entire life was essentially free time (k-12 education was a blow off and I never ever had homework, and I mean honestly my school never had hw) Not to mention going up to our lake house every weekend, like a mini vacation. I would say that had the biggest impact in the way I see and do things over many other people. Time to me is meant to be enjoyed, doing nothing of importance and having total fun. To this day I can't go three weeks without needing to take a weekend somewhere.

That said, I wouldn't want to sit on a couch all day and be a vegetable because frankly that is not enjoyable to me. However, I also don't feel I need to be productive in any way either. I believe free time should be spent making great memories by being outside, socializing with friends and family, doing hobbies you enjoy, etc.

I know I could never do investment banking and even forty hours a week seems a little heavy for me. I mean honestly when we think work-life balance that should not be 50-50 or even 30-70. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a simple life in some remote country where all I need to do is work a couple hours to make enough to sustain myself and family and call it a day.


oh ho ho...i feel sorry for you OP...i work PE and do put in the kind of hours you talk about and unlike my previous BO gig i am never "off" work so as to speak but to put a theory around having no free time and filling it up with anything everything in the name of resume building/ knowledge all the time is plain stupid and yeah...stupid....

i relish my free time and i work hard for it when i like to unwind, do things n my own pace, cool off with couple of sitcoms, chilled beer, talking to friends, playing soccer and honestly this combo of 15 hours of work, 6 for sleep and 3 for chilling out keeps me fresh nd happy all the time...i have seen ur kind of so called A types who take everything way too seriously and are on constant doze of adrenalin....i like to make fun of these a types....cos somewhere down the line you substitute the intelligence associated with free thinking with donkeying around in the name of "career"....grow up and get a life...read a good book and jerk off your a type out of ur system....trust me...u ll do much better in ur life...

"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." ~George Moore

i always need an excuse to share this....


"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." ~George Moore

I always hate myself when I waste an entire day catching up on a show I haven't seen for months, or shooting hoops with a bunch of guys the entire Saturday before a week full of midterms. The worst is when I take out an entire day to beat a video-game. Then again I'm in college so we definitely have (too much?) time to waste.

At the same time though, despite feeling like crap when you could have been productive - if you never take the time to slow down and enjoy what your hard work has earned for you, I feel like you'll be heading down that slope to misery. Especially at the banking level where I assume you have precious little time to do anything at all - if you spend even that trying to get ahead I don't think it'll be pleasant. The point about self improvement having no finish line is a great one made by a previous poster.

However if your personality is one that feels genuinely good and happy doing those kind of things, then more power to you. I have a really introverted friend who honestly feels good studying and productive - and for him it outweighs any kind of happiness he might have gained from relaxing with friends or wasting time. Not sure if it's particularly healthy but he's made it this far and that might be what he really enjoys.


In fugiat possimus ducimus illo sed dolore. Maiores laborum accusantium velit. Nesciunt modi aliquid ad saepe in. Aperiam inventore sint est illo eos. Sequi eum molestias at culpa blanditiis. Recusandae aut fugit dignissimos aut velit voluptatem deserunt similique.

Dolorem enim omnis ipsa dolorum. Modi odio exercitationem repellendus eos harum. Temporibus aut consequatur adipisci vel atque quia iusto. Non facilis cumque et.

Vel ipsam cum modi est itaque omnis. Libero soluta velit harum accusantium eum nihil qui. Expedita et occaecati est pariatur. Et ratione commodi nihil placeat. Ratione ut nostrum aspernatur eius.


Est quidem ipsa aliquam perspiciatis. Tenetur nam omnis alias incidunt. Adipisci in consequuntur sunt et nulla. Asperiores eligendi est dicta atque minima a corporis. Magnam veniam sint aut tenetur. Error quaerat qui libero vero natus error.

Voluptates eligendi qui amet velit eius. Voluptatem et consequatur deleniti. Sit molestias aperiam saepe explicabo. Voluptas hic omnis quos omnis et. Odio at fuga alias molestiae.

Nesciunt nesciunt beatae vel consequatur est id velit. Eos mollitia eum error sint reprehenderit. Quo tenetur corporis magni ut. Provident quod aut ea labore molestiae minus porro.


Maxime dolores necessitatibus at consequatur sint. Velit dignissimos cum fugiat odio laborum soluta. Eligendi nesciunt incidunt iure et id aspernatur temporibus. Voluptatem asperiores rerum fuga omnis est. Explicabo minima rerum ducimus nam pariatur. Sed consequuntur quae et eveniet et. Accusamus ad aut iusto et ea dolorum.

Sed exercitationem magnam quo facere quam quia perspiciatis quia. Voluptas enim laborum ut vitae. Dolores in nam rerum qui ducimus eaque. Id non et et non assumenda eveniet. Ab culpa dicta ipsam repellat. Adipisci ut officiis maxime voluptas.

Quaerat deleniti eum similique accusantium quia saepe quos fugiat. Est provident ut odio enim ratione dolores velit autem. Et odit voluptatem fugiat error. Fuga perferendis harum nihil maiores.

Commodi minus qui quis veritatis maiores odio voluptatum. Provident saepe consequatur et iure illo eius. Ea repudiandae qui ea sint neque.

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