
What are you proud of? Your sexuality? Great, Fine, I am too. But why do you need a parade to flaunt it?

Furthermore, why do gay men have to flaunt their shirtless bodies on the pride parade like they are in a Sex Shop or working for Chippendale’s. If you want people to accept you for who you are, you need to accept other’s people’s acceptance of what is decent. I do not want society thinking that gay men are all about leather, lisping, being shirtless, HIV, and exposing their bodies in tight thongs. Yet they do it, and think that is normal and acceptable. Sorry. Not to me. I want society to accept the gay and lesbian population as regular people who want to accepted into society not due to their sexual preference, but rather to the love that they have for one another. But the whole Pride Festival disproves that. And if you think about it. It is sad.

They go on and on that they want equality and to be taken seriously, but when you have events such as pride looking like a retarded circus orgy, it’s kinda hard to exercise empathy for their cause.


The whole point of this discussion is that overt sexualism in Gay Pride is controversial. Some people are ok with it, but others are not. My definition of societal acceptance is non-distinction between different groups of people. Clearly, this is difficult to achieve if certain groups embrace controversial behavior. Imagine if Coca Cola’s slogan was “Coca Cola: We support abortion”. Some people will think this is great, but about 50% of people will not buy Coca Cola. Being neutral is good in the long run.

Now, Gay Pride might be useful in the short term, when being gay is still not accepted by many people. However, eventually, we need to taper down this stuff. In the long run, we want gay people to be neutral and ordinary members of society, not people who are associated with various perversions.

Sexual theme is not necessary for us to remember that gays were/are persecuted. Jewish people don’t need to wear black leather thongs for me to understand the Holocaust, for instance.


Well said, OP. It seems like the far left is obsessed with cramming gay "rights" down peoples throats without any regard for what is generally accepted behavior (e.g. twerking down main street in a thong isn't going to win over too many people, no matter what your cause is).

Also, some of the brainwashing of kids with drag/transsexuality/gender identity mentioned above is seriously messed up but that's getting off topic.


With your logic, you probably think all Irish people are drunkards, all christian people are consumerists that only care about receiving gifts, all americans only care about fireworks and yelling 'Merica (okay this one may be true #Godbless the Land of The Free)

anyways my overarching point is: let people enjoy things. As long as no drunk revellers key your car or make you late for work, let them celebrate their identity in whatever way they wish.

You don't take cabs to meetings?

Have you ever tried to get across town, even walking, when a parade has shut down one of the avenues?

No, because I'm not a moron. If there is a parade happening (and it's extremely easy to figure out), I plan around not having to go through the damn parade.

What are you proud of? Your sexuality? Great, Fine, I am too. But why do you need a parade to flaunt it?

Furthermore, why do gay men have to flaunt their shirtless bodies on the pride parade like they are in a Sex Shop or working for Chippendale’s. If you want people to accept you for who you are, you need to accept other’s people’s acceptance of what is decent. I do not want society thinking that gay men are all about leather, lisping, being shirtless, HIV, and exposing their bodies in tight thongs. Yet they do it, and think that is normal and acceptable. Sorry. Not to me. I want society to accept the gay and lesbian population as regular people who want to accepted into society not due to their sexual preference, but rather to the love that they have for one another. But the whole Pride Festival disproves that. And if you think about it. It is sad.

They go on and on that they want equality and to be taken seriously, but when you have events such as pride looking like a retarded circus orgy, it’s kinda hard to exercise empathy for their cause.

Whoa. Either you're one of the least self-reflective people in the world, or a particularly stupid and ineloquent bigot.

They aren't looking for your sympathy or your approval, they're expressing themselves in their own way. You don't have to approve or disapprove, any more than you have to approve or disapprove of a woman wearing a bikini or a man a sleeveless shirt for those things to be okay.

As others have said, is it equally ridiculous that traffic on the West Side Highway gets shut down for July 4th? That the Irish get a parade on St Patricks Day? Why the hell do those damn veterans have to keep shoving their service in my face, anyway? Don't they know I have meetings crosstown?

And by the way, have you ever stopped to consider (hah, of course you haven't) that perhaps the reason gay men are so eager to flaunt themselves in public on that ONE day a year is because folks like you are so eager to condemn them for their sexual identity on the other 364 days of the year? Gay culture is the way it is in large part because for decades they were forced to do it in secret, and now they can revel in the fact that we're (mostly) behind the days where young men were tied to fence posts, whipped and tortured, and left to die for the crime of being gay.

Have you ever been to the Puerto Rican Day Parade, or Dominican Day Parade? Those are also giant parties, people get drunk and make out and wear minimal clothing. Why not outrage there? Have you ever been in Hudson River Park for the Fourth of July? Tons of women are wearing next to nothing, plenty of people acting like it's a "circus orgy". The only difference is that it's heterosexual couples.


Hahahahaha. Your entire post can be summed up with "well ACKSHULLLLY, drinking beer on St. Paddys day and waving an American flag on Veterans Day is THE EXACT SAME as guys in g-strings shaking their cocks in front of kids and fellating each other off to the side but still in public! So empowering!"

How delusional can one person be. I suppose if I went around all day everyday with 99.9% of my identity based on where I get to stick my dick (or where a dick gets to be put into me), I'd be going off the deep end too.

Hahahahaha. Your entire post can be summed up with "well ACKSHULLLLY, drinking beer on St. Paddys day and waving an American flag on Veterans Day is THE EXACT SAME as guys in g-strings shaking their cocks in front of kids and fellating each other off to the side but still in public! So empowering!"

How delusional can one person be. I suppose if I went around all day everyday with 99.9% of my identity based on where I get to stick my dick (or where a dick gets to be put into me), I'd be going off the deep end too.

No, my point is that gay men have a few hours, of one day a year, in which they get to act how they want in public, after decades of forced silence. It's a giant party, yeah. People wear g strings and shake their ass. Women wear g strings and shake their ass on the beach every day of summer. Go to the Jersey Shore, or Main Beach in the Hamptons, and tell me it isn't happening. Every day. Why is that better? What, exactly, is the difference, except that one group is gay and the other is not explicitly gay?

And honestly, how dare you assume that gay people wrap their entire identity up in their sexuality. Spoken like someone who doesn't actually know any gay people, just the ones Fox News shows in a 10 second clip. Yes, gays are more likely to identify as gay over anything else - maybe that has something to do with the fact that up until the extremely recent past (and the present, in many places), being gay meant being exiled from any other community. Kind of hard to be a Christian man who happens to be gay, when your church won't have you for a member because of your sexuality. Kind of tough to be a Texan who happens to be gay, if your state won't let you get married to someone you love.

You seem to have no problem with straight people fellating each other in public, or shaking their shit for each other in public. At least,you haven't condemned them. So why is it such an issue when gays do it?

C.R.E. Shervin:
Pretty sure everyone hates the PR and Dom day parades too.

The PR day parade is absolutely miserable. My office has a pool about the number of rapes reported at the parade. DR parade I haven't had much experience with, but I find the West African parade interesting, as people seem to get VERY stabby at it.

Also, for the guy complaining about traffic: It's a Saturday. (in NYC at least) If you're working on Saturdays (other than from home) you have bigger problems than the parade. When it comes to disruption, St. Pat's is the worst because it's on a weekday through midtown.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

In my view, we as people have an ego to please. Having an identity is important to us and in this social media obsessed world, it can seem like you're an insignificant underachieving spec in a crowded universe. In short, it's hard to feel like YOU are special in any way and the reality is you probably aren't.

This is why I think people have turned to sexuality as a means to express identity. It's edgy. It's new. It's controversial. People who strongly identify with a fringe sexuality feel like they're instilled with a purpose to fight a good fight and change the world. It makes them feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves and making a difference by representing a group of people that want to be equal

Created a 1-step skincare solution for men. Purchase + reviews appreciated:

I think you're looking at this without applying any historical context. You're looking at Pride only as it relates to the current environment for homosexuals, instead of the environment in which it began.

Pride parades started when gays had to fear for their lives because of what they did behind closed doors. They finally had enough, and declared proudly that their sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of much less be ostracized, beaten, or murdered for. They put their sexuality out in the open - at great risk to themselves - to challenge the notion that they should be ashamed of who they are. Maybe you think that should have been done with reverence to what's traditionally decent, but the goal of the whole movement was to change the conversation in America about what is and isn't shameful. They were making a point: this isn't shameful behind closed doors, and we believe that so thoroughly that we won't be ashamed in public either.

You write: "I do not want society thinking that gay men are all about leather, lisping, being shirtless, HIV, and exposing their bodies in tight thongs." And while I'm sure the gay community appreciates your concern for their brand, most thoughtful people don't paint an entire group of people with such a wide brush. Most gay people aren't about that at all, but they still appreciate the people who came before them with courage to protect their private lives.


I mean, it’s one thing to celebrate your body, but the way pride parades are set up worldwide are more about the overly sexual and S&M advertisement then really looking for acceptance and human rights.

I am also finding that a lot of gay people, though do not like the presentation of gay pride, participate because they are gay and feel obligated to do so out of fear of looking like an uncle tom.

The whole concept of gay pride is very confusing to me.


Again, historical context helps here. The gay community and the kink community were similarly ostracized back when the pride movement began. There was a kinship between the two groups (and certainly some overlap) because they each had to hide their sexually "deviant" behavior or risk their safety. Pride served as a way to advance the rights of both groups with a statement that sexuality, in all its forms, is not shameful.

And yes, most gay people I know would never dream of participating in the edgier displays of pride. But I don't think they "feel obligated to {participate} out of fear of looking like an uncle tom." Instead, I think they value the statement that different sexual orientations should not carry a stigma, and they value the freedoms and safety they enjoy because people have the courage to make that statement on their behalf.

Most Helpful

OP I'm not here to judge your personal beliefs, if you are or aren't ok with homosexuality I can assure you that's none of my business. What I will say is if your thoughts are based around the idea that how people act in these parades is indicative of how they wish they could behave in real life, you're probably letting some personal biases creep into your logic. I believe the idea of these events has a lot more to do with a homosexual person's feelings of having to hide who they are from the general populace (as the result of either real or perceived threats to their personal well-being). These parades serve as a form of expression or release from the normal daily slog. By their very design they are meant to be flamboyant, extravagant, and histrionic to serve in juxtaposition to the “closeted” status of everyday life. Do I agree that some of it can be hard to watch as a heterosexual male, sure. Is America as a whole placing an emphasis on all forms of (not just Homosexual) hyper-sexuality, absolutely. But in the grand scheme of things, if they have a permit, and they’re not hurting anyone let ‘em live for a day. Taking it to the other side of the spectrum, I feel the same way about the rally at Charlottesville last summer (prior to the fuckwad who hit that civilian with his douche-mobile). Obviously I hated the message, and if they all had gotten napalmed I wouldn’t feel any type of way about it, but if you got the paperwork, your right to assemble is as good as anyone else’s. It’s one of the many things that make this Country awesome.

Click OK to Continue:
Some of you all need to be careful what you say though in regard to LGBT issues. Remember, freedom of speech has been abolished when it comes to this issue.

CrossFit Exec fired and told to "Shut the fuck up" for disagreeing with Gay Pride Parade

I think you are somewhat confused with the prohibition of the government prohibiting freedom of speech: "OMG, Hitler was right, buy Mein Kampf now!!!11!1!1!!1!!!" and your company firing you for being a dickwad.

In the US, you can't be jailed or penalized by the government for that statement. In Germany, you serve hard time for it. In either country HR is likely to give you a comfortable escort out to reception for it.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

I'm well aware of the difference between a law and a company policy. One gets you in trouble with the government; one gets you in trouble with your employer. THANK YOU for that lesson as a response to my not-at-all-hyperbolic/sarcastic comment.

The point i was trying to make though is that our society as a whole has effectively prohibited people from engaging in legitimate/sincere discussions surrounding this issue, despite this being a very polarizing issue. You actually somewhat proved my point. Insinuating that believing that a marriage is a sacred bond between a man & woman (as has been the case throughout human history) is tantamount to being a Nazi is exactly how the far left silences opponents in regard to literally every social issue.

I believe in protecting gay rights. I also believe in protecting SINCERE freedom of speech, expression, and religion (thinking that Jews should be killed isn't legitimate). The fact that you're totally fine with someone being told to "shut the fuck up" as he/she is being fired (you even implied he's a "dickwad") simply for tweeting out a sincere religious opinion regarding marriage, then i think that says a lot about you.

I'm not sure why Germany was brought up. You serve "hard time" for disagreeing with gay marriage there? OK??? In Saudi Arabia you get whipped for criticizing Islam....

Click OK to Continue:
Some of you all need to be careful what you say though in regard to LGBT issues. Remember, freedom of speech has been abolished when it comes to this issue.

CrossFit Exec fired and told to "Shut the fuck up" for disagreeing with Gay Pride Parade

Not a single conservative these days understands what the First Amendment actually covers.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

I'm proud of the fact I can admit to people I'm an absolute idiot, and have absolutely no shame doing so.

It takes a strong individual to admit failure, defeat, and weaknesses. Then again, most of you are dependent on someone else for an income source, so it's understandable.

I also enjoy being hated. If I'm not hated by a new person every month, I have to look in the mirror and ask myself "what are you doing wrong?"

Yankee Doodle:
"My sexuality doesn't define who I am"

Dedicates several parades and festivities regarding said sexuality and how it is a source of pride for the individual

"Don't define me by my sexual preferences!"

BB investment banks institute preferential hiring programs specifically for, and *only on the basis of, guys who like to suck cock and women who like to eat twat*

So pwuhgwessive!!! What a world.


Interesting and smart takes in this thread. Here's mine. My issue with the gay pride parades is the over sexualization of the event. Society has placed a stigma on overtly sexual behavior and dress in public spaces. This from understanding is for the protection of children. Would you like your 10 year old daughter to see some guy in a g-string? Not exposing children to excessive sexual behavior is a good thing.


I've got a close gay friend at work. Today he was like, "I'm going to go grab an LGBT [insert our corporate name] shirt. Do you want me to get one for you?" I laughed and told him to get lost. He laughed and went about his day.

This is tolerance--both ways. Although I believe homosexuality is a sin, this guy and I are still good friends. He can jokingly ask if I want a gay pride shirt and I can jokingly tell him to get lost. Tolerance doesn't require agreement or acceptance. Tolerance means you acknowledge someone's right to exist and to pursue their happiness. Ideally, you can have a sense of humor about it, too.

Our society would be so much better if people could engage one another the way my friend and I do.


It is great that you guys can joke about it. I think that tolerance is admirable but in a way, it is not a very high benchmark. I am not sure that I would be as understanding if someone had a similar negative view about about my religion or something else that was very important to me. I guess he is probably accustomed to it by now.

It is great that you guys can joke about it. I think that tolerance is admirable but in a way, it is not a very high benchmark. I am not sure that I would be as understanding if someone had a similar negative view about about my religion or something else that was very important to me. I guess he is probably accustomed to it by now.

I do think a true close friendship is difficult to build with people with diametrically opposed values or very different values. I definitely agree with that.

I'm a conservative Christian (sort of newly found in the last few months after 5-6 years of agnosticism after growing up a conservative Christian). Very few people I know believe in what I believe in or how I believe it, which means my true closest friends are only a handful of people. So yeah, I appreciate what you're saying.

But, I think in a pluralistic society, tolerance is what should be our goal, not acceptance. If acceptance is our goal, it will inevitably lead to intolerance.

Anonymous Monkey:
Furthermore, why do gay men have to flaunt their shirtless bodies on the pride parade like they are in a Sex Shop or working for Chippendale’s.

Wait hold up. What's the problem here?

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
I have nothing against normal gays and lesbians, but some of them behave as if they are holy and inviolable

Some people suck, news at 11.

People being shit has nothing to do with their sexual orientation

Commercial Real Estate Developer

At least the people participating in gay pride are actually "gay". The worst is st. patricks day where every white dude whose family has been in the US for over 150+ years acts like their Irish ancestry is still relevant despite never spending a minute in the country nor having any cultural similarities to the actual Irish people.

Took the OP's post and made it for St. Patricks Day.

*"What are you proud of? Your Irishness? Great, Fine, I am too. But why do you need a parade to flaunt it?

Furthermore, why do Irish men have to flaunt their shirtless bodies on the Irish parade like they are in an Irish Bar or working for the IRA. If you want people to accept you for who you are, you need to accept other's people's acceptance of what is decent. I do not want society thinking that being Irish is all about drinking, leprechaun, being shirtless, hating the English, and speaking in an Irish accent. Yet they do it, and think that is normal and acceptable. Sorry. Not to me. I want society to accept the Irish population as regular people who want to accepted into society not due to their Irish preference, but rather to the love that they have for one another. But the whole St. Patricks day disproves that. And if you think about it. It is sad.

They go on and on that they want equality and to be taken seriously, but when you have events such as St. Patricks day looking like a retarded circus orgy, it's kinda hard to exercise empathy for their cause."

thurnis haley:
The real freaks are the everyday Catholics that support and fund their beloved church systematically raping and abusing children. All because they legitimately think the cross fairy is real.

In 2017, 42 public school teachers lost their teaching license over sexual misconduct in Pennsylvania. There were 400+ cases of teacher sexual misconduct in Texas public schools in the 17-18 school year. People who support public schools support sexual abuse of children.

See how that works?


Nesciunt voluptatem repudiandae amet rerum rerum. Id vel sapiente dolore ducimus maiores dolore. Animi et excepturi consequuntur illum.

Et molestias qui enim voluptatem rerum expedita consequatur. Dicta rem minima et aut. Ea porro velit minima earum maxime cupiditate. Ipsa quibusdam maxime est delectus debitis modi consequatur. Quo architecto nulla quidem iusto.

Dolores recusandae tempore quo eum exercitationem sequi quasi. Molestias quam nam iusto dolorem voluptas repudiandae delectus nemo. Est repellat accusantium accusamus sit expedita qui occaecati. Aliquid distinctio qui modi quo. Non fugiat atque magni molestiae. Dolores aspernatur dolores non sed magni repellendus suscipit.


Ut recusandae a cupiditate nesciunt error. Sint eaque corporis sit dolore ratione nulla.

Non ipsam consectetur esse repellendus perspiciatis modi eos. Nam aut autem ut ab.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

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