who do you hate more: southern conservatives or northern liberals?

of course this is grossly over generalizing, obviously this is based on stereotypes and perceptions

southern conservative: family values crowd, tea party, guns/bible/college football, small govt/hates obama
northern liberal: generally supports bloomberg, for big government, "you didn't build that", touts about gay/racial equity


Southern conservatives, and I am a conservative myself.

At least northern liberals are educated, and have been so swallowed in reading propaganda that they lost their backbone.

Southern conservatives just believe in dogma and the majority are uneducated and ignorant. I live in the south so I can say this.

Also, this DOES NOT apply to the majority.


Southern conservatives, and I am a conservative myself.

At least northern liberals are educated, and have been so swallowed in reading propaganda that they lost their backbone.

Southern conservatives just believe in dogma and the majority are uneducated and ignorant. I live in the south so I can say this.

Also, this DOES NOT apply to the majority.


Man, talk about some broad, sweeping generalizations. The overall populace of the US is quite dull. It makes statistical sense that the idiots and averagely obtuse voters will be equally distributed across both parties.


Southern conservatives, for they are neither true southerners nor real conservatives.

Also depends on what area we're talking about.

Southern fiscal liberals are the worst. Southern liberals in general, really, because they tend to be hipsters that are just along for the ride without really understanding anything that they support. "Yeah, let's totally strip everyone's rights to bear arms, because MAKE LOVE NOT WAR

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

of course this is grossly over generalizing, obviously this is based on stereotypes and perceptions

southern conservative: family values crowd, tea party, guns/bible/college football, small govt/hates obama & black people, NASCAR, doesn't want evolution taught in schools, pro-life stickers on cars, but wants to shoot Mexicans
northern liberal: generally supports bloomberg, for big government, "you didn't build that", touts about gay/racial equity, thinks that minimum wages and rent controls are fair, doesn't understand that nothing is free, has a t-shirt that derides corporations while sipping their Starbuck's coffee and listening to their iPod, thinks any differential in pay must be because of discrimination, won't ever mention the race of the kids involved in the Knockout Game

I think both are pretty ridiculous, to be honest.

I knew plenty of southerners in college who believed in: gay and racial equality, gun rights, Football, small gov. Many could have made football their religion, as they attend games religiously.

"He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man." ― William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

most southern conservatives i know that are college age support gay marriage. That said, the stereotypical northern liberal wants to take your economic and self defense freedom. The stereotypical southern conservative wants to take your marriage freedom. You can use your economic freedom (money, and your right to spend it) to fight for gay rights. You can't use your marriage certificate to advance economic freedom. So the northern one is worse.


This is easy, obviously the hardcore left. At least the southern conservatives' illogical/irrational beliefs are due to ignorance and culture. The liberals though, these guys are supposed to be the educated ones yet believe : 1. That you can legislate equality 2. You could make people wealthier by passing laws 3. There is some enduring wealthy elite, despite all the evidence to the contrary 4. They believe the rich " don't pay enough taxes" and that they use "our roads and infrastructure that we paid for " to become wealthy and so they owe the government even more in taxes. They also tend to believe they bare a disproportionate burden of the taxes. They believe this despite the fact that the top 10% of earners in the US last I checked pay 70% of federal taxes. 5. A lot of them actually believe that corporations are a drain on society. 6. High taxes don't impede economic growth, look at the 50s. 7. They absolutely abhor derivatives yet I bet most of them don't even know what a call option is. 8. Every time you debate them they always say one of them following: " Oh that's what you heard on FOX news huh ?" " Well I guess you don't care about *insert supposedly oppressed group here " " you're a racist" .. lol this despite the fact that, on average, liberals say some of the most unintentionally racist things you will ever hear.

At least most of the southern conservatives don't hold beliefs you can simply disprove if you look at history or relevant statistics( you can't really disprove Christianity or empirically prove that gay marriage is not morally reprehensible). On the other hand, with liberalism, most of the core beliefs just don't stand up to the evidence. Like 90% of liberal beliefs about the way the economy works could be disproved with knowledge of first year economics.

I like money

Northern liberals. I hate the "I care so much about everything/how can you be so terrible/I drive a Prius" bullshit.

I do really dislike a lot of southern conservatives though. It's just easier to tune them out. Noise-cancelling headphones don't work against the liberals I've dealt with.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Why thank you, I appreciate that.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

I'm a Mid-Atlantic conservative from a family of plain state (Kansas/Missouri) conservatives. I hate to admit that I'm more fond of large suburbs/small urban areas and urban-type services, such as good restaurants and hospitals. I wince when I read and listen to many southern conservatives since a lot of them couldn't string together a coherent sentence for a $100 bill. That said, while they are typically less educated, they seem to have a form of common sense that escapes the educated elites of the northern left.

Almost every single day my breath is taken away when I see incredibly well educated and extraordinarily intelligent people who can't distinguish between an homogenous 5 million person European nation with a parliamentary system and a massive continental nation with 300+ million people under federalism. They advocate for socialism, they think Wall Street is corrupt because it lobbies Congress but somehow bigger and more influential government will make legalized and illegal bribery less prevalent...

I work at a mid-sized regional bank. I've got a co-worker from Vermont. She's one of the smartest people I've ever met. She thinks Obamacare makes a lot of sense. Despite the fact that this girl can destroy a 400-page tax return in 10 minutes, she thinks raising marginal tax rates on high earners will bring about more economic equality--even though every one of her wealthy clients avoids taxation almost entirely through legal and creative business structures! She sees it EVERY SINGLE DAY and it bounces off of her!

Northern liberals just make me look to the stars and scream, "How can you be so damn smart yet have such stupid ideas and beliefs that contradict the history that you know and the facts that you know?!!"


Since this thread is still going, let me add that I think Midwestern liberals suck a lot. Northeastern liberals are the types that are liberal because they like gay people and legalized and unregulated abortion. Midwestern liberals (see Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois) can be straight up European-style socialists. The West Coast liberal is insufferable--politically correct until they've gnawed on your last nerve, and Leer Jet liberals to boot.

I actually think Northeastern liberals are the most tolerable. Midwestern liberals are the most dangerous. And West Coast liberals are the most insufferable (the type of people who like the smell of their own farts [South Park]). And that was my stream of consciousness.

Edit: ya know who I think may be the worst type of liberal? The foreign liberal who comes over from another failed country, becomes an American citizen, and then advocates for socialism or belittles the U.S. Constitution. I've lived with 1 Indian, 1 Pakistani, and 2 Mexicans who were all leftists. Probably the most obnoxious and disheartening of them all--the foreign liberal know-it-all. Oh yeah, and again like South Park points out, the college know-it-all hippies. Dear Christ--I could punch a college know-it-all hippie straight in the mouth and bathe in his tears.


I will definitely agree with West Coast libs being the worst.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Liberals for sure. I'm not even talking about the radicals of each, in that case it's a toss up. But a passionate (not radical) liberal is generally 1000x more of a prick than a passionate conservative. One preaches economic progress and the rewards of hard work, the other preaches a nanny state with government handouts and zero accountability. One acknowledges that 7 billion people are bound to change the planets ecosystem, the other would have us all living in grass huts if it meant the African dung beetle wouldn't go extinct.


The worst breed of liberals are the West Coast/big city ones. They have no job and expect somebody to take care off them. They'll pay seven dollars for a cup of Starbucks, but want everyone else who actually works to give away their money away. Full of shit if you ask me.. those damn hipsters.


I find Southern Conservatives much more irritating. They're uneducated, bigoted and don't even understand the implication of the policies they support.

I get that religious people feel more strongly about things like abortion so they're willing to trade fiscal policy for that... but I have yet to meet a Southern Conservative that takes the stance of trading fiscal policy for social issues which are much more important to them. I also find it hilarious that so many Southerners have spent their entire lives being politically ignorant and disengaged, but the moment a black president is elected they are suddenly hyper-engaged on politics in this country.


I find Southern Conservatives much more irritating. They're uneducated, bigoted and don't even understand the implication of the policies they support.

I get that religious people feel more strongly about things like abortion so they're willing to trade fiscal policy for that... but I have yet to meet a Southern Conservative that takes the stance of trading fiscal policy for social issues which are much more important to them. I also find it hilarious that so many Southerners have spent their entire lives being politically ignorant and disengaged, but the moment a black president is elected they are suddenly hyper-engaged on politics in this country.

This is a perfect example of an insufferable jackass who is a liberal. Republicans are racist because they are passionately opposed to Obama, but somehow the fact that Republicans impeached President Clinton--who is white--escapes them.


I didn't say republicans are racist. I said Southern Conservatives are racist.

I grew up in a fairly moderate and upper-middle class Southern city. 2 out of 3 Southern Conservatives won't say the President's name without saying "Barack Hussein Obama"... any particular reason? I don't remember hearing any George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush or William Jefferson Clintons. If you're claiming that your average Southern Conservative isn't racist, you have ZERO credibility.

I don't think impeaching a white President is a vaccination for racism. I must have missed that issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. I'm sure Joe Wilson would have voted to impeach Clinton too; he's still an inbred bigot.

"I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. “I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."
Like this fine Southern Gentlemen judge who refused to marry black and white couples. Apparently letting a black use your bathroom is also an instant vaccination for racism.

Let's face it, there are cesspools in this country. You probably consider them to be the inner cities. I consider them to be middle (geographic) America.


I didn't say republicans are racist. I said Southern Conservatives are racist.

I grew up in a fairly moderate and upper-middle class Southern city. 2 out of 3 Southern Conservatives won't say the President's name without saying "Barack Hussein Obama"... any particular reason? I don't remember hearing any George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush or William Jefferson Clintons. If you're claiming that your average Southern Conservative isn't racist, you have ZERO credibility.

I don't think impeaching a white President is a vaccination for racism. I must have missed that issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. I'm sure Joe Wilson would have voted to impeach Clinton too; he's still an inbred bigot.

"I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. “I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Like this fine Southern Gentlemen judge who refused to marry black and white couples. Apparently letting a black use your bathroom is also an instant vaccination for racism.

Let's face it, there are cesspools in this country. You probably consider them to be the inner cities. I consider them to be middle (geographic) America.

You realize that southern conservatives have orders of magnitude more daily interaction with black people than the typical liberal in the north, Midwest or west coast, right? There are states in the South that are 1/3 black. The ONLY black person in the U.S. Senate is a black Republican--from SOUTH CAROLINA. There are two Indian-American Republican governors in the South--Louisiana and South Carolina. Two of the primary leaders of the conservative movement are Hispanic Republican Senators from Florida and Texas (Rubio and Cruz). You say impeaching a white Democrat President doesn't absolve Southern conservatives from being labeled as racist and yet Newt Gingrich, the Republican Speaker of the House, was, in fact, from Georgia when Clinton was impeached. He impeached a fellow southerner from Arkansas. Despite a dozen scandals, last time I checked Obama hasn't been impeached.

Your opinion is totally baseless and contradicted by verifiable fact. Are there racists conservatives in the South? Absolutely. Do conservatives abhor Obama because he's black? Absolutely not. We abhor him because he is a leftist.

BTW, you remind me of the Democrats who call Republicans homophobic and then apologize for the 50th homophobic slur of fellow liberal Alec Baldwin.

Best Response

So having more black residents in your state makes you not racist? Your cirque du soleil-esque logical acrobatics are dizzying.

What does Newt Gingrich impeaching Clinton have to do with racism?

The Republican Party (to which I belong, btw) is not immune to hypocrisy.. and you don't have to turn to Hollywood to find it. How about Rush Limbaugh who said drug addicts should be sent to an island and left for dead. Then that fat swine went to rehab because he himself was stuffing is big fat gullet with pudgy fist fulls of pain killers and washing it down with a bucket load of gravy. Then you've got the army of uber-conservative evangelic anti-gay nut jobs who swore up and down about gays being an abomination... themselves getting caught sucking massive amounts of trucker rest stop dick and gay prostitute cock while on crystal meth benders. That however has less to do with them being republicans, and more to do with them being inbred hill billies from the butt cracks of America.

You're a fuckin tea bagger through and through. You and Bachmann are cut from the same "common sense"-rich cloth and you're an embarrassment to real conservatives, who base their political views on government policy and not on backwoods traditions of incest, homophobia and racism.


This thread has made me realize my new pet peeve: people who take "conservative" to mean "social conservative only". There's two axes to a political alignment - true conservatives need to be both social and fiscal conservative; same with liberal. Hence why the stereotypical image of the "northern liberal" is really more libertarian, and the stereotypical image of the "southern conservative" is really more authoritarian. Having grown up in a real conservative town (we're talking Bible belt + hiding money under beds to keep the government from getting to it), it's amusing to see what some people consider "conservatives".

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

I think that within the general population, people put more weight into the social aspect of classification. Most people aren't familiar enough with Fed open market operations, debt/GDP, and other economic standards. They don't hold as much weight in your everyday life as abortion/marriage rights, etc.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.

I think that within the general population, people put more weight into the social aspect of classification. Most people aren't familiar enough with Fed open market operations, debt/GDP, and other economic standards. They don't hold as much weight in your everyday life as abortion/marriage rights, etc.

And that's the frustrating aspect. I'm pretty damn liberal when it comes to social issues - quite far left, in fact (save for gun issues). But on the fiscal spectrum I'm mid-conservative. If someone were to classify me as "hardcore liberal" based on my far-left social views, I'd be pretty damn pissed.
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Northern Liberals. At least Southern Conservatives don't think the solution to a national debt crisis is to borrow more money. Southern Conservatives might not know how to read but they sure as hell have more common sense than a lot of ivy league educated Northern Liberals.

Competition is a sin. -John D. Rockefeller
Hooked on LEAPS:

Northern Liberals. At least Southern Conservatives don't think the solution to a national debt crisis is to borrow more money. Southern Conservatives might not know how to read but they sure as hell have more common sense than a lot of ivy league educated Northern Liberals.

This is what I don't understand--how less educated (not uneducated--just less educated) people have so much more commonsense than people who clearly have high intellectual horsepower and high levels of education. My hypothesis is that southern conservatives are more interested in history--European, American, Middle East (not so much east Asian)--and they draw some form of wisdom from that. I've noticed that Democrats' eyes glaze over when I talk about history (happened to me at the office today--when I started talking about Pope John Paul II during the Cold War my Democrat colleagues split the scene). I think a person has an incomplete education without studying and understanding our own history, which can explain a lot to people. That's my hypothesis--Marxism doesn't seem like such a bad idea if you aren't particularly interested in or knowledgeable of world history going back to the French Revolution.

This is what I don't understand--how less educated (not uneducated--just less educated) people have so much more commonsense than people who clearly have high intellectual horsepower and high levels of education.

Maybe because politics doesn't fall into the realm of absolutes. Opinions can vary across cultures, socioeconomic background, religion, etc. Thinking your way is the "right" way makes you sound like a closed-minded blowhard.

Also, did you ever think that your "Democratic colleagues" simply didn't want to hear you give them a history lesson about something they don't personally give two shits about? From the sounds of this post you like to tout your intellectual curiosity to anyone and everyone, including anonymous internet forums. Maybe their "eyes glazed over" because it's a fucking Monday and the would rather BS about NFL games from the weekend than hear you lecture about the Catholic Church's role in the Cold War.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Sometimes I have a vision of one walking into a Sunday morning mass in the deep south and saying the "geographically incorrect" phrase, "I'm a liberal". Then I imagine a sudden pause and everything goes quiet... All of a sudden- babies crying, people panicking, and little kids running to hug their parents as if the devil has came to visit. "MOMMY, he's a liberal".


Sometimes I have a vision of one walking into a Sunday morning mass.

Mass? What? Thats more like the northeast there bro.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I find it interesting how some folks on here (won't name any names, cough cough) are obsessed with labels. Either you are a liberal or you are a conservative, and that's it. Maybe add a third label if you're feeling particularly generous. I think that type of thinking is largely what's wrong with this country, which becomes a greater mess with each passing day. People just don't stop to think that the problem isn't what labels people or things are but the existence of the labels themselves. What matters are individual policies and individual actions that affect quality of life. Putting people into political/ideological buckets is nothing short of idiotic and at worst straight up dangerous.

To answer OP, in spite of my rant...southern conservatives, because they tend to be on the racist/bigoted/under-educated side on a relative basis.


DCD laid out a well explained retort. Plenty of hypocritical dems also.

Regardless of labels, I consider those who continually advocate for additional taxes to be worse than those taking moral stances. And lets all be honest, both parties have their own reprehensible social stances.

One only has to look at Obama's record to understand why people are against him. And one could easily say that Obama's race has benefited him just as much if not more than it has "hurt" him.


Your counter arguments to my suggestion that the average Southern Conservative is a racist were: (1) they can't be because they have more interactions with black people than liberals in the north? (as an aside do you even know what an order of magnitude is?) (2) they can't be because Republicans impeached Bill Clinton, a white man, for those of us that didn't know (3) something about New Gingrich and how he's from the deep south and so is Bill Clinton; (4) Alec Baldwin made 50 homophobic slurs.

I'd say your argument is the only thing falling flat on its face.

I usually troll whenever I see you post in a political thread because its fun to see you get your Mexican and Jew-hating panties in a bunch. But to be honest, you did at first strike me as marginally intelligent (particularly for a bumbling idiot from that shit hole stuck between NY and CA)... I have to say, you've really underwhelmed tonight. Your arguments and counter claims are just completely unintelligible. Not your best showing. This Jew is not even mildly entertained.


You asserted that conservatives’ intense opposition to Obama is clearly because of Obama’s race. When it was pointed out that a white southern Democrat named Bill Clinton faced such intense opposition from the Right that he was impeached by a Georgia Republican you asserted that it doesn’t absolve Republicans from being racist. However, you really didn’t support your claim that opposition to Obama is solely or primarily because of his race since intense opposition to a President has been commonplace, including with Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Your only evidence to your claim is that some judge made racist remarks. I would assert that by your logic Alec Baldwin’s homophobic comments means all California liberals are homophobes.

As I already pointed out and you conveniently ignored, the only black U.S. Senator right now is a South Carolina Republican appointed by the second (Asian) Indian Governor, second to Indian Republican Governor Bobby Jindal of the allegedly racist state of Louisiana. In addition, two of the chief leaders of the racist Tea Party/conservative movement are Hispanic Senators from the southern states of Florida and Texas (Rubio and Cruz, respectively), and the predecessor to the current GOP chairman is black.

The simple truth is that the facts belie your claims. You’re entitled to your opinion but you aren’t entitled to your own facts, and calling me a racist, anti-Mexican homophobe won’t change the facts.


First of all, as much as you may try to make it so, the term Republican and Southern Conservative is not interchangeable.

Second, I actually said nothing about intense opposition of a President. You made that up yourself. I said there's a strange phenomenal of Southerners who have spent their entire lives not being politically engaged and the minute a black man is in the White House they're born again politicos. They're the same people who insisted Obama wasn't born on American soil. And they're the same people who insist on calling him Barrack Hussein Obama for some off reason.


I know people who call Obama "Barrack Hussein Obama" and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

I'll tell you straight up, I'm "racist"...against every piece of trash no matter the color of his skin. I hate trash black people, white trash, brown trash, whatever. Now that I think about it, I'm more "racist" towards white people. Yes, I'm white.


On the contrary, haha I was being extremely facetious. NASCAR fans epitomize trashy IMO, but maybe I've been watching too much south park.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.

The idea that having more black people in your community makes you less racist is so fucking hilarious that it kills me. Only someone who grew up in the white bread Northern VA suburbs could believe that garbage. Go live in SW DC for a year and see if you're more or less racist.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Again, the ignorance in this thread is astounding. I hail from the deep south and know far more conservatives who prioritize fiscal policy than those who focus on social policy. I don't usually get offended over anything, but throwing around concepts like southerners being illiterate and shit is pretty insulting. In the same breath, making generalizations about the south being xenophobic or racist is rather ironic. This Marcus guy probably grew up in some Atlanta transplant suburb and has no idea what he's talking about.


Growing up down south I was called a raging lib because I supported a woman's right to choose and was pro-gay. Now I live in Colorado and I'm called a right wing extremist because I believe in free market principles and gun rights. I’m a registered libertarian so I get called extreme on both ends anyway. As far as who is worst, I would say it’s a tie between both West Coast Libs and the deep south bible beaters. Someone on this board said that southerners are uneducated it is true in a lot of places, but the same can be said about Colorado Springs. I will say many people down south are closed minded, because they aren’t exposed to different things. Now that Obama is in office right wingers are way more extreme than when Clinton was in office. I’ve seen more racism towards everyone on social media than before i.e. calling Obama a sand n word is ridiculous. I honestly don’t care if he is a Satanist or atheist he’s a terrible president that doesn’t take anything serious (last term and all).

West Coast libs are way more extreme than northern libs. They protest more, complain more and just way more annoying. I also can’t stand the “check yo privilege” social justice warriors. Like you went boarding school, your dad is a VP at BB and you are telling me that I need to check my privilege? Just save it for those that care. These are also the kids that spend the most time in Europe, but they don’t want to adopt European/British immigration style policies because it’s too “xenophobic.” As far as who is more racist I can equally say both, in the west people say unintended racist stuff. Like when I started at CU, I did stuff because I was “diverse” good resume padding though. BTW I hate the diversity crap that’s going on, like don’t pick a kid just because they are black. Many West Coast libs also believes that every single nonwhite is poor, “underrepresented” (don’t say minority they go ape sh*t on that), and uneducated. This is not true.

Now on to the South, the bible beaters ruined the Tea party bad. Taxed, Enough, Already has turned into racist, anti-gay, and anti-everything. I love the Constitution as much, but I still believe everyone deserves freedom of choice. If you believe in this Christian God, do you also believe in freedom like he gives everyone else? I really have a problem with the amount of religion they justify their beliefs with. The same is with every religion. What is really problematic are the fiscal liberal and social conservatives, because the book tells them. Have your own mind folks! Educate yourselves! Read!

Greed is Good!

West Coast libs are way more extreme than northern libs. They protest more, complain more and just way more annoying. I also can’t stand the “check yo privilege” social justice warriors. Like you went boarding school, your dad is a VP at BB and you are telling me that I need to check my privilege? Just save it for those that care.

I absolutely despise SJW types. I've also found that, almost without exception, your raging "social justice" crusaders are some of the nastiest people you will ever meet. They're generally abusive, psychopathic manipulators, and complete hypocrites. Heck, I have some family friends who are huge "anti-racists" and when they came from out of town to visit me at a restaurant that was near an ethnically diverse neighborhood. I was telling them how this particular part of town is nice and they quietly whispered, "but we notice there are a lot of black people here." I was left speechless because of who was saying these words. These are the far left Obama loving progressives who believe any criticism of Obama is a form of racism. I wanted to call them out because Lord knows they have accused me multiple times of supporting Nazism or slavery in our political debates. They of course live in a lovely all-white suburb where they can preach about helping the underprivileged youths while staying as far away from them as possible.

of course this is grossly over generalizing, obviously this is based on stereotypes and perceptions

southern conservative: family values crowd, tea party, guns/bible/college football, small govt/hates obama
northern liberal: generally supports bloomberg, for big government, "you didn't build that", touts about gay/racial equity

In regards to living my state puts me in the south. A conservative I consider myself to be in fiscal matters but more moderate on social issues. Tea party? F them, they don't help anything for conservative issues because of being so damn extreme. I definitely dislike Obama but skin color has nothing to do with it, it is simply his policies and beliefs. I have numerous black friends, so no southern racist here. Gay marriage? Big deal, they should be able to do so without having to live in a "liberal state". Oh, and no bible thumper here for sure.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

^And that is why the Republican party will continue to struggle to win elections. Stop letting the Tea party control you. Mitt could have won, but he let others speak for him. There has been many stats about about people accepting gays and continuing to do so. Just let it go TEA Party...

Greed is Good!

^And that is why the Republican party will continue to struggle to win elections. Stop letting the Tea party control you. Mitt could have won, but he let others speak for him. There has been many stats about about people accepting gays and continuing to do so. Just let it go TEA Party...

Which elections? The Republican Party is more dominant today than it has been in the last 100 years.

Here are some interesting stats: The GOP controls the U.S. House of Representatives with its largest majority since World War II; it controls the U.S. Senate; of 7,000 state legislative members, 4,100 are Republicans, the largest proportion since 1920; the GOP controls both state legislative bodies in 30 of 50 states; 31 of 50 governors' mansions; and in 23 states it controls the governor's mansion AND the state legislature completely.

So I hardly think the Tea Party is to "blame". If we're talking about presidential elections, Mitt Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008 were the least conservative candidates that the Republican Party could have nominated, neither which is aligned with the Tea Party (for the record, I'm a Mitt Romney backer and support him in 2016).

The truth about the 2012 election is that the Obama campaign took a calculated risk and started running negative ads against Mitt Romney in December 2011. The Obama campaign calculated that Mitt Romney would win the GOP primary and it spent millions of dollars in attack ads during the GOP primary. The plan worked brilliantly as it moved Romney's negatives way up, and the Romney campaign was never able to recover. I actually tip my hat to the Obama campaign--it was a brilliant calculation.


Northern Libs.

I grew up in the South(dad was a doc), and now live in the Denver metro so I'm familiar with both hillbillies and hipsters.

The hillbillies are, for the most part, fairly well aware of where they stand in society and fully embrace the "redneck" label. By contrast the hipsters have a massive amount of smug, condescending arrogance.....where everyone who doesn't think exactly as they do and mindlessly support their causes is a terrible person, ignorant, stupid, evil, racist, homophobic, bigoted and....hell, I could go on all day listing the labels they spout.

The hillbillies are likely to have a beer or a rum n' coke with me even if I disagree with them, whereas with the "Social Justice Warrior" liberals any disagreement makes me an enemy who must be shunned and destroyed.


Having spent considerable time in both the Deep South and the Northeast, my thoughts on this are as follows.

I dislike aspects of both groups. In the case of southern conservatives, I dislike their extreme religiosity, fanatical nationalism, and latent (or in many cases overt) racism. In the case of northern liberals, I despise their obsession with multiculturalism, faux "compassionate" liberalism in the form of big government programs and moral hypocrisy.


southern conservatives.

republicans get the middle class and below on social/religious they get the upper class with fiscal policy.

I can't stand overly liberally liberals either though.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

I definitely hate radical liberals way more, as I can't stand being around the social justice warriors, the people who can't stop preaching about feminism and white privilege. Even worse, they think that the government should literally give everything to them - healthcare, food, a living wage, etc. They can't stand anyone being successful and working hard, and, when one does succeed, they think that person owes his/her success to society and should therefore be taxed more heavily. Southern conservatives are a lot more agreeable.


I feel the same way. I don't like social conservatives and religious freaks, BUT I hate liberals a lot more because their policies have a direct impact on my life and the well-being of this great country. I will vote GOP over Dem any day of the week.


Sequi ullam autem nisi. Aperiam rerum sit molestias optio asperiores quam.

Dolores voluptas deleniti deleniti maiores voluptas et quo maxime. Ipsum aut aut velit libero exercitationem labore id. Eveniet saepe et at enim omnis.

Greed is Good!

Eum architecto sunt dolore pariatur. Omnis ipsum voluptatem qui adipisci velit eius. Tempore quae et praesentium. Et voluptas id id eaque qui sed sapiente. Omnis velit omnis aut architecto impedit eius. Et sint amet quisquam et laboriosam ab. Itaque tempora repellendus culpa necessitatibus.

Iure aut inventore ut eum. Quam laboriosam provident qui temporibus ipsam sapiente dolores. Dolorem provident odit quis expedita.

Ab voluptatum at magni adipisci quod. Dolor et corrupti ut voluptas amet laboriosam cupiditate hic. Eum ipsam dolore iure eius omnis labore provident. Aut numquam soluta excepturi laborum ad in. Saepe et omnis quasi aut dolores. Voluptate accusantium ipsam impedit fugiat.

Maxime molestias qui est aut est omnis saepe. Eaque velit atque veritatis. Voluptatem saepe nisi ad doloribus eaque labore.


Sed sint facilis doloribus quibusdam quo quo. Voluptatem neque qui est eligendi. Laboriosam sit ipsam rerum aliquam sed. Autem magnam blanditiis sequi necessitatibus sit excepturi.

Tempora qui similique sed unde placeat qui. Enim accusantium atque ex velit deleniti iusto. Debitis voluptatem provident at ipsum non. Molestiae ut a eum porro aliquid fugiat laudantium.

Velit corporis hic est aut repudiandae iste. Quidem voluptatibus reiciendis et incidunt inventore voluptatem. Nulla quo dolorem molestiae molestiae. Labore maiores saepe error. Alias non distinctio repellat harum aut tempora vel.

Placeat qui quo doloribus quia. Enim quia aspernatur sunt omnis vel magnam sit exercitationem.

Career Advancement Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 03 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (86) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (66) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (145) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”