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Monkey to Millions | Andrew (Session 7) - New York Trip + Coronavirus and Networking - Mar 6, 2020

Monkey to Millions


In this session, we go over what Andrew has been up to since it's been a few months since our last session. He put in a lot of work on his CFA investment contest but not as much as I'd like on the networking side. I think part of this is because it's hard to motivate when you already have a great internship lined up for the summer, but I'm still pushing him to try and reach higher, make more contacts and even make the trip down to New York even though the school canceled because of Coronavirus. Next session we'll do a mock interview and we'll get an update on if he thinks he can muster up the coordination and network to make a trip to New York worth it.

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WSO Podcast (Episode 7) Transcript:


Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:04] Well. Hello and welcome, I'm Patrick Curtis, chief monkey of Wall Street Oasis, and this is monkey to millions. A show where you get a front row seat as I mentor young students and professionals to try and help them break into their dream jobs in the first cohort. You'll meet four students, all preparing for intense job interviews while trying to also balance a personal life and schoolwork. The goal of this show is to shine a light on the struggles of trying to break into competitive positions with a non-traditional background and to give you a roadmap for your own success. My hope is that as you get to know these four impressive students, you're inspired to dream big. Remember, these are real people, and this is their true story. Let's get to it in this session. We go over what Andrew has been up to since it's been a few months since our last session. He really put in a lot of work on his CFA investment contest, but not as much as I'd like on the networking side. I think part of this is because it's super hard to motivate when you already have a great internship lined up for the summer, but I'm still pushing him to try and reach higher, make more contacts and even make the trip to New York, even though the school cancelled because of coronavirus. In our next session, we'll do actually a mock interview, which he requested, and we'll get an update on if he thinks he can muster up the coordination and a big enough network to make a trip to New York worth it. Enjoy. All right, Andrew. I think this is like session six or seven or something like that.

Andrew: [00:01:51] I think, yeah, because when we started back in September, so

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:56] Yeah, I don't think I'd love an update. Yeah, I mean, it's been about a couple of months.

Andrew: [00:02:02] I think January, mid-January was the last session. So kind of since then was a lot busier than I actually expected with, like the CFA Research Challenge. And that actually took up,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:15] You know, usually partying the entire time. Don't lie, just know.

Andrew: [00:02:20] I only partied a few weekends, but they were good weekends. But yeah, no research challenge actually took up a ton of time, like working in like the team of four that we had. It was kind of like on us to play catch up because me and my one friend were on internships in the fall and we kind of received the case in like November. So all the other teams that started in November, so they got a head start basically, and we were playing catch up. So we finished our evaluation and pretty much whipped up like a whole industry report and equity research report for that. And then we had to present that in mid-February. We ended up winning the report, but losing unlike the Q&A portion of the presentation. So that was that was kind of shitty. But then? I don't know, like it was going to be like I'd take it to New York, but yeah, I'll move on to that after. So that was disappointing. And then you

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:17] Were you were banking on winning that in order to try and pay for New York.

Andrew: [00:03:21] Yeah, exactly. So lost that and then kind of just been going through midterms and. Working part time like three or four days a week, so that's about it. It's a kind of backtracking to New York. So I'd I started the networking grind there. A lot of the Canadians weren't even like that receptive. I think they were more senior and they kind of just a lot of people I found that are more senior. Just don't check LinkedIn. Yeah. So I'm thinking, maybe like the email, it's going to be better.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:00] Did you were you connected to them, at least? Do they at least connect to you? Some of them? Yeah. But then doing the email cycle tends to get a better hit rate.

Andrew: [00:04:07] Yeah, at least, especially

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:09] Especially get them in writing box and email three times. Leave me alone. Fine.

Andrew: [00:04:14] Yeah. So, yeah, I've been on that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:18] And then have you expanded past the Canadians now in New York?

Andrew: [00:04:22] Uh, yeah, that I actually got in touch with a guy who went to the school, I. Pretty much in the same city as me, he's at Holly Allen's private debt, and I hopped on like a 30 minute, 40 minute call with him. Nice. That's really good. And then he kind of just critique my resume even more so good. I've got an updated version of that and I can share that with you right now, if you want.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:46] Yeah. Yeah, shoot it over. Yeah, we want to go through it now.

Andrew: [00:04:50] Yeah, sure thing here. I'll just share your screen.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): 00:04:54] So when is that trip? Is that trip coming up? Or you didn't do it yet, right?

Andrew: [00:04:57] The trip is actually no longer happening because of the coronavirus, so I was really disappointing.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:04] I didn't even yeah, I didn't even think of that. So that shows you what a bubble I'm in. Like, like just running a million miles an hour. I mean, yeah, it's starting to impact here. We have a state of emergency in California.

Andrew: [00:05:17] Yeah, I heard. So yeah, even if we had won the report there, they aren't even going to New York anymore for it. They're doing a virtual presentation.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:28] What's going on and what's going on in? In Canada, with corona, anything up there,

Andrew: [00:05:34] I don't think it's it hasn't hit Atlantic Canada, I think it's in Vancouver and in Toronto. I think that's about it, though, OK? But I if I'm traveling on a plane, I might have to grab myself an N95 mask. Yeah, and you can you see my screen now?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:52] It's funny because when I was traveling for a conference, I think it was in February, I was wearing a mask. I did not for corona, just because everyone was so sick with flu and I didn't want to bring anything home. People thought I'm a whack job, but I didn't care. I was. I was kind of sick myself too.

Andrew: [00:06:06] So yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:08] Anyways, yeah, no. I see your this is new, right?

Andrew: [00:06:11] This is the new newest version. I think it's nice. I think I've got a lot of looks over it. Only thing I don't know is like the color I saw one of my buddies put this burgundy on and I really liked it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:22] So it's kind of nice because it helps. I put it in. It helps pop the sections a little bit. Yeah, I don't. I don't mind it. I'm not like, I'm kind of indifferent. I don't think it's a bad thing helps bring your eyes to the section headers, which is nice in terms of it, looks like the fonts a little smaller.

Andrew: [00:06:42] I think it's like a nine or nine five.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:45] Well, you got a lot of good stuff now, so I feel like it's OK. Yeah, transaction experience. The leader, the fund manager stuff is that through the school.

Andrew: [00:06:55] Yeah, that's through the school.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:06:58] Yeah, I mean, we may be able to cut some of those to like one line to give a little more air to the PSP.

Andrew: [00:07:05] Yeah, exactly. And then maybe bump the font a bit,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:08] But you don't even have to bump the font, but maybe give it a little more white space in between like digit and PSP and then a little more above below such a transaction experience like above each of the sections. So like work experience is really kind of really tight on education. So it just gives you that eye a little bit easier to follow even more. But the burgundy helps. Yeah, I don't mind that at all. I like that. And you could also get the Sobie School Business Accounting Society onto one line. It's like barely around.

Andrew: [00:07:37] It's just going over.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:39] Yeah, you can get creative.

Andrew: [00:07:42] I'll figure something out there.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:07:45] But yeah, that's the only thing is a little more spacing other than that it looks. Interesting, this idol thing.

Andrew: [00:07:53] Yeah, I actually saw. So my one, my one good friend is going to be from the same school as me. Had that on there and he had like, I think it was like Jerry Jones from the Cowboys because he was a big Cowboys fan and he had like Sam Walton and a few other guys like that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:10] Like, the only risk about this is if you got to know these people well or have read their bios or something, you know.

Andrew: [00:08:17] So well, I know Arnold pretty well. John Gray decently well. So Robert Moses is actually like, I think he's like one of the lead. Like he kind of like built New York kind of like put out like the whole city planning for that and built like all the bridges. So I thought that was really cool. So I'm like eight hours into like a sixty four hour audio book on him. Nice. And then Ricardo Hougaard actually hurt him in a podcast. He came from like a really poor family, I think, in the Dominican, and he started like his own like real estate development company, like just sort of like duplexes and triplexes. And then he kind of just scaled that. And now he has like one of the almost one of the biggest developments in Los Angeles. So that was a really cool story.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:06] Yeah. And I see your interest. You got really more specific.

Andrew: [00:09:09] Yeah, that was oh, so one of the comments. I can show you the comments later that the Orleans guy had. So whenever I had, Oh, was it the Michael Lewis book or whatever for authors, he was like, Personally, I've never met anyone that hasn't read Michael Lewis. Yes. So I'm like, oh, well, I guess I better take that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:33] Yeah, it's fair. I mean, that's a little bit of the thing. Like, I don't know, I've never listened to Jocko, but I've heard is it controversial at all, like or political at all?

Andrew: [00:09:42] Not really. It's more like leadership and like motivational topics that he focuses on.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:48] Yeah, that's great. That's great then. Yeah, just be careful with any like two political figures. You don't want to exactly go down that road, OK? Because there's obviously very strong opinions on both sides of the aisle.

Andrew: [00:10:02] So oh for sure.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:06] In terms of the rest of it. Yeah, no, it looks really good, man. It's looking tight. I think PSP, you feel good about this two transaction experiences like you can talk in detail like, you know, numbers.

Andrew: [00:10:16] Ah, yeah, pretty decent, like high level, I know, I know.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:20] And so I don't know a lot about like how real estate investments, how they'd be analyzed, but, you know, talking about returns to equity returns.

Andrew: [00:10:28] Yeah, we like IRR NYC like going in cap exit cap.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:34] Yeah, knowing all that like in pretty good detail like. Yeah, I think it's good because it shows you've done some modeling or at least you're inside. Like if I asked you like OK on this S.F. multifamily portfolio, like what types of sensitivity analysis were you running like? You should be ready for that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. And then being like, well, what happened when what happened, when the cap rate went down and what happened to returns? How sensitive was it? How what happened when we put on more debt? Yeah, exactly. And in the in the capital structure. So that would boost returns, right? Because your equity check smaller if your returns. So just being able to kind of

Andrew: [00:11:16] Speak to the little facts and know them,

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:11:19] Speak to the facts, but understand how like pulling different levers?

Andrew: [00:11:23] Yeah, I mean, I do everything

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:11:24] Exactly how they affect everything. So it tells me, like if you understand, like what happens with more debt, what that does to returns on the equity side on like a what's really an elbow, right? Putting on debt on these acquisitions and they're ready to smaller check. It's really just. So if you can, if you can talk intelligently about how like, what happened, if you if the equity check's cut in half and you just are able to lever it up more, that would give me a little bit of comfort in that you can understand how the flows work and even what IRR is exactly. So. Ok, so. Oh, adventures in Kerry. Ok, you started doing that for that. Of course. Have you finished that? Have you gotten through it?

Andrew: [00:12:08] I'm unlike the last two.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:12:10] So you're busy with that stuff too on top of school.

Andrew: [00:12:13] I've also done like acquisitions developments. And then there's a fun. Yeah. And then I'm also doing like a breaking into Wall Street like modeling. Yeah, of course, too, because I was told I'm pretty much going to be sitting on like the real estate desk with like a little option to do whatever else there is.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:32] This summer, you mean?

Andrew: [00:12:33] Yeah, but my VP was telling me that that's like the hottest sector they have right now, so I figured I'd focus.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:39] Yeah. Well, with rates where they're going, I don't think it's going to cool off. The other thing is interesting. I mean, you got to ask yourself to those, is that where you want to go? If it is, just go all in, you know what I mean?

Andrew: [00:12:49] I think I'm leaning more and more towards that because like with my investment fund that I'm in now, like I so like one of the person or the person I pretty much senior to. Didn't like do any of the work on the company that was kind of like a sign for her to pitch. So I pretty much had to go back and piece everything together and do like an nav model, president transactions and like trading, commerce and then right, pretty much a whole report on it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:17] That's a really good experience for you.

Andrew: [00:13:19] Yeah, no. I like I pretty much looked it up in like a weekend. I thought it was really good. So that was like a niche, right? So they have like auto dealerships. I looked at it a bit in the summer, but I really passed that. But I think it's a pretty cool company. So like Brookfield, actually. Took a similar American company, Private in 2014, and they're actually looking to make an exit soon. I actually just read in the news, so I think it's a really cool sector

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:49] That's really cool. Tell me a little bit about so let's get a little bit more about to the networking in New York, even though you're not making the trip. Yeah. Maybe things will clear up. Hmm. Maybe not. Probably not, but what is it, March six today, let's say end of April. People can travel. There's a lot less. I mean, you could still go there, right? Just because so what trip was the CFA trip was cancelled, but does that mean your trip was cancelled?

Andrew: [00:14:20] Yeah. So the trip that the school is going to pay for it got cancelled because it was going to be like on the same weekend.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:14:26] How much would it cost you to get down to New York?

Andrew: [00:14:29] I haven't even looked into that. It's definitely worth looking up.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:14:33] Could you take a bus

Andrew: [00:14:35] If we could? I'd rather know there were people.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:39] There were people coming down from Toronto for like the WTO conference, and we used to host those in New York. Yeah, I'm like a seven hour overnight bus or eight hour overnight. But whatever it was, and I'm just like, you guys are dedicated. We I don't know how you're probably little further, right?

Andrew: [00:14:56] Yeah, I'd have to look into that to see how far it would be.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:00] And not necessarily doing it in the next month. But if you are networking pretty heavily and you can line up, say, 20 or 30 meeting even just 20 meetings with people, even if it's real estate focused. Mm hmm. Like a Brookfield, like a Blackstone, maybe some people there. Yeah. It doesn't even have to be Canadians, whatever it can be anybody specifically, you might be able to. Just hop on a bus. Get down there. Crash on somebody's couch for four for a week. Maybe late April. Early May before you start, the internship starts one

Andrew: [00:15:36] You may 4th. So it's pretty tight timing.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:15:39] And when you get done with class

Andrew: [00:15:41] Like April 22nd,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:43] You have a week. Yeah, it has to be that week. What's the plan during that week, you have to move anywhere.

Andrew: [00:15:53] We'll just kind of just be like pack stuff to go. And so I'm going to be like living in residence and I can't move in until the day before the internship starts.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:04] So we're going to put all your stuff.

Andrew: [00:16:07] I'm subletting from one of my good friends right now, so I kind of pretty much have to just move all it to the curb is what he told me. So there's nothing really. So it's pretty easy for me. I'd say that would definitely be doable. It kind of just be figuring out logistics and getting that list together.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:24] So like, OK, you're going to be starting, sorry, May 4th.

Andrew: [00:16:28] Yeah, the Monday.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:16:29] So here, why don't you start stop sharing your screen so I can get to my screen because I want to look at dates, here we go. So May 4th. That Monday, you're finished finals on the

Andrew: [00:16:44] Twentieth, the twenty second

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:47] Twenty second, but that gives you actually more than a week, ten days. So let's say you finished files on the twenty second you pack up, you're out of there by the twenty fourth Friday. Yep. Or like you put it, in storage, whatever you have to do, you hop on a bus with like a backpack, like a duffel bag. You get there by Sunday morning or whatever, or you fly Sunday early. And then literally that whole week, you could just literally knock out 30 and 30 meetings, 30 and 50 meetings. Sounds crazy, but. I think it'd be such an amazing investment for younger. Know for sure, making this face to face connections, because otherwise the alternative is not a bad alternative. But the alternative is you do your internship in Toronto, you're in real estate, you're locked in. That's it. Like, you're going real estate, you're probably going to go full time with them. Do you know what I mean? You're going to be little. There's going to be little you can do. Whereas if you meet, if you take that week and you go there and you meet 30, 40 people, I mean, you could even if you do 10 a day. And tense, pretty aggressive. So you do five, five to six a day like, say, 30, aggressively 20 on the low end, you're spending a whole week there.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:15] Like, you could have fun and party in New York, too, it's like you have to do it. You know what I mean? It's not like you're crazy, but. I think if you were to do that, it's almost like there probably be one or two people that would end up being really important contacts out of that group. Yeah. That come, let's say, come near the end of your internship or midway through when you get an offer, you give them an update and then they're like, Actually, we have an opening or like you to come down. It might actually be a way to get you to New York in a real estate fund. Yeah. So I mean, that's a question you have to ask yourself. You don't do the trip and then you're basically more likely just to end up in Toronto. Yeah, the beautiful city. I love Toronto. Or you give yourself a shot at getting down to New York by meeting some people face to face. Now, it's not like if you don't go, there's no chance you end up in New York. I just think

Andrew: [00:19:10] I need to be tougher for sure. You don't have that connection like over the phone is it's not the same.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:15] Yeah. People aren't hopping on Skype chats or Zoom chats like this for like four for a networking call. You know what I mean? And so meeting face to face is just so much more powerful because especially with allowing you to follow up once you get that offer or let's say, like worst case scenario, you don't get an offer. That becomes even more important, you know, a little bit of downside protection, something happens, they don't have something goes wrong with them, they don't have as many offers to give for whatever reason they over hired. The economy would go into recession, that type of thing, which, you know, there's some warning signs out there.

Andrew: [00:19:48] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:49] With the corona, you never know. Like, it could really throw us into a recession. So. Yeah, I would encourage you to go. I would really encourage you to go like I think about like my kids and like what I do, I'm like, man, all I'm going to teach them is how to like, meet people and talk with people because it's so much about just like making good impression. Being humble, being kind. Helping people where you can. And then just meeting as many people as humanly possible and just having curiosity. And that's going to make people like you. It's going to make people want to help you. So and you're developing the skills now you're putting in the work to understand real estate. So if you are honing in on real estate in New York's, a great place for that man. Mm hmm. Oh, for sure. It's a great place. There's a lot of strong real estate funds there, aren't there. I mean, you probably know better than I do, but space. So what are your thoughts on that, do you think it's too crazy with just only one week or 10 days in between?

Andrew: [00:20:50] It's not like that crazy. It's doable. I think it's. The part now is just getting the list. And just. It's pretty much setting those meetings up.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:02] We have two months. Yeah. And the other thing is, even if you get there, it's very different a message when you get there on Sunday night, you send out 60 emails for over two hours, two to three hours, just being like, Hey, I'm in town. I'd love to grab coffee sometime this week. I'm free and these blocks at times. Mm hmm. Does any do any of those times work for you? And like, I'm here, it's very different from I'm going to be there and yeah, like, I'm actually here now and you'll get stood up, you'll get. You know, all that stuff.

Andrew: [00:21:35] Yeah, I think I think I heard one of the podcasts that you did where the guy was just like he was like coughing around you or something like that and he's like, Oh, I can't make it now.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:21:45] Yeah, yeah. So it happens like that type of hustle, but that type of hustle really goes a long way. And like, you could be here in two or three years, you might be like, Oh my gosh, that one meeting that I had with that person, that trip to New York, it like changed everything. Yeah. And given that there's no work visa issues, there's no reason why to limit yourself kind of to just settle and not brought on your reach because it's maybe kind of the last chance you have. Because right here, this is your kind of your junior year internship now, right? Yeah. So with how crazy accelerated recruiting comes like by the end of this summer, what's going to happen is all the offers are going out. Um, and so where are there gaps or where there you need to, you need to be in the know. You need to be connected to people directly so that they give you the heads up. Mm hmm. Oh, actually, no, there's no spots here, but this firm over here. Oh, and you're like, shit. I already I spoke to somebody there. This is awesome. You know, and then you're like, Boom, you send them ping. Hey, you heard from I heard from x y z that there might be an opening here. I'm just completing my internship. I have ever return offer, but I figured it was worth a chat with you guys.

Andrew: [00:22:55] Yeah, exactly.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:22:58] So how else can I help men? It sounds like it's a lot of just planning and all right, so you've been super busy with the CFA thing. Is that on your resume at all? I didn't see it.

Andrew: [00:23:09] I think it's under it's under like extracurricular report winner CFA Atlantic Research Challenge. Ok. With the ticker.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:21] Got it. Ok. And you're ready to talk about that since you did a lot of the work. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Specifically around. Just next steps and around. This kind of getting those meetings scheduled. How many people in New York are you even connected to right now?

Andrew: [00:23:42] Uh, say like 20, 20 to 30.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:46] Yeah, it's way too low. Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you're going to make 20 30 meetings, you need to be connected to like at least 200. No, no. Like six hundred and seven hundred. Okay. Because just lob numbers, dude, you're not going to get a 10 percent meeting rate. You'll get a 10 percent maybe call rate at 10. You get it. You'll get more like a two or three percent meeting rate, probably. Yeah, that's not bad if you do that. So like I think looking at, let me check your. We checked your LinkedIn just to see how many total connections you have you up to now.

Andrew: [00:24:25] I think I might be right at 500, maybe like five hundred one.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:29] Yeah, dude, I would tell you to get super aggressive, like just

Andrew: [00:24:35] Like at least a thousand by the time I travel.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:38] Well, think about this. Think about this. You can do one hundred a day and like you can. It doesn't have to be like super specific and tailored to every single one. You do a search so like, let me share my screen and I'll show you what I mean. I think we went over this and you've been super busy, so I'm not going to rag on you and give you shit for like not being all over this and growing it because you've been busy and you already have an internship. So I get it. It's a little harder to motivate. Yeah, but like, let me just share my screen and show you like an example. So if I go here, I going to just even not even paying for it. Do you have sales now or now? No. Ok, not even paying for that if you go to people. When you go to all filters, we go to New York, Greater New York and we go to investment banking and then real estate commercial real estate, maybe. Mm hmm.

Andrew: [00:25:37] Or maybe investment management as well. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:42] Perfect. And then you do like. Apply. You could do. You could actually start with whole filters. Too many people here. So you even start with like get rid of real estate to second degree for yourself and see who comes up like, I have 20 thousand people, it's like way too many. So you could get specific about the types of firms. Yeah. Do you get like a list of firms and literally put it in

Andrew: [00:26:14] Just in the filter?

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:26:15] Yeah, in terms of companies, because I think you can add a bunch. So like what was one Brookfield?

Andrew: [00:26:21] Yeah, Brookfield.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:26:24] Asset management here. Yeah. Or there's another one.

Andrew: [00:26:29] Properties as well.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:31] Yeah. To like just an example, so seven people here. Thirty one second degree, so four for you. It could be first or second degree. See who you already connected to. But if you're trying to build just the list, obviously do second or third degree. Yeah, just go crazy. Just like Connect, request, connect, request copy paste. Yeah. Hey, Sean, looks like you really did it just change the name you could. You could do one hundred a day in about. Thirty seconds under an hour, man, easily. Yeah.

Andrew: [00:27:12] And then thinking, I think the motivations definitely been all alone, but I don't know like.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:17] Well, I mean, is there a way let's do something more realistic. Is there a way we could carve out a time so you're working out?

Andrew: [00:27:24] Well, I mean, I was saying like it was on the low end, but kind of after I started, like pretty much finishing the juniors work like I, I feel a lot more like motivated to like actually do stuff. Does that make sense to you?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:40] Yeah, I mean, you're just saying you have time now or you're just like, you feel more confident about what you did.

Andrew: [00:27:46] I feel like kind of like both because I'm done the CFA stuff like I know, I know I can build out like the reschedules, like even single property stuff pretty well.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:57] So like my only point to you is. The time period between now and this summer, so like literally the next five months will literally change your entire career trajectory. It will literally say that, again, it will literally change your entire career trajectory these five months. So you have the shot of like going for the top end real estate funds in New York. Mm hmm. At these, these very well known places and getting a blue chip stamp on your resume of a really top place that could lead to other incredible opportunities where you can go to a boutique and do really well and have a great career there as well. But like I say, like if you have the motivation, it's not even that much. It's not even that much work in terms of specifically taking the time to just connect with people. It's like a funnel. So what you do is you connect to, let's say, OK, you don't want to do one hundred a day. I think you could do one hundred day and under an hour. I think you could do one hundred a day in about half an hour. You're like, Click, click. I'm thinking like one minute. So, yeah, OK. Maybe an hour. If you spend like 30, 30 seconds

Andrew: [00:29:07] Per one change of the name and their position,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:12] Not even the position, don't even write that see to take, it'll take too long. So for like Jason, really like I don't know. Hey, Jason, hey, Jason was hoping to connect, hoping to connect. Uh. Have an internship in what do you want to call it, real estate,

Andrew: [00:29:40] Real estate, I'd be

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:29:42] I'd be this summer already. Just wanted to learn more about Brookfield. Yeah. And you can start with that, I would even say potentially meet up, because then they might it's kind of a big ask. Yeah. Based on your impressive background. Mm hmm. Mr. President, I have an interest in real estate over the summer, I just want to learn more about Brookfield.

Andrew: [00:30:16] If you have the time to chat

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:30:19] As I head into that internship. Given that I don't even say this, so I just want to learn more about Brookfield. In your path, period? Hmm. So you do, Andrew, something like that. I'll copy paste this. Yeah, and just send it over to you. Stop sharing. Here. So where's the chat here? So, like basically something like that, or it's not going to take too much of. Too much of actual. Think the good thing about you dropping that you already have an internship is not going to be like, Oh, this kid's asking for an internship? Yeah, exactly. So that's important, I think, to get in there. The other thing is. You should. So if you did that, I think you're changing two things. The name in Brookfield, the company name in the first name of the company name. That's it. So that means copy paste. Each one could take you like actually 15 seconds. So if you're doing 15 seconds each, you're doing for a minute, 30 minutes, dude. 30, 30 minutes for 100 a day. Mm hmm. It's really tedious, but 30 minutes just jam out on some good tunes and

Andrew: [00:31:46] Yeah, just

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:48] Like boom, boom, boom, boom and like, I think I think where the magic will happen is where you start getting better at figuring out what companies you want to target. Be careful about actually, you've got to be a little careful about not hitting everybody up at Brookfield at the same time. Yeah. So you may not want to do it by city. You may want to do it by industry and just get a little more specific about something else, like the school they went to or something else. Yeah, for sure. But I would encourage you to do it because there's such low you could have a great time in New York for a week. Do you like you'd be good in New York? No, I do go to New York for a week. Do you have a friend, any friends there?

Andrew: [00:32:26] Not that I know of, so I just grab an Airbnb or something like that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:30] Yeah, it's expensive. So but you could even do something up in like Queens or like Brooklyn and just take a train and take the train into the city. I mean, I'll give you a little taste, a little taste of what it would be like to live there. It's a little crazy. Yeah, it's huge and it's loud and it's exciting. It's fun. But I think it would be it would be a fun adventure. You can even just go for five days if you don't want to make it a whole week. Yeah, I think if you got Monday through Sunday through Saturday or something like that, so you could potentially even some people maybe will meet on the weekend. I think you think you'd get a good hit rate, but I think in order to do that, you really need to get your connections in New York up to from 30 up to closer to a thousand. Yeah, because just the number of people who are going to ignore you there, people who are going to stand you up like you should go for 50 scheduled meetings because it's going to be end up being 20. Mm hmm. And I don't want you to make that whole trip down there. Spend a thousand bucks or whatever it'll be. That's if you do it really cheap. Probably more like a couple of dollars. I don't want you doing that and then having ten meetings.

Andrew: [00:33:42] Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:45] So I don't know. You are for it. Yeah. Are you stressed with school? Do you feel like that half hour, maybe not even a half hour? Maybe you do 15 minutes a day

Andrew: [00:33:57] And you do 15. I can. I can definitely get the LinkedIn.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:00] Um, well, let's say, like only 20 percent of the people will connect with you. Mm hmm. And they see you do. So let's say you do one hundred a day in only 20 connect with you. It's going to take you a while. Twenty times thirty. That's six hundred a month. Mm hmm. It's going to take you. It will take you almost if you only do. Fifty a day may be tough to get up to that thousand to get the full thing, so like you'd have to start basically now. Yeah, but again, I don't think it's a massive time commitment. Every day, I think it's like to be like seven a.m. to seven fifteen am before I hit the gym or whatever you do in the morning or before I go to bed at night and I'm just going to go, Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Just get through these and you just make it a habit every day before you go to bed to just build that network. Because then you're going to guess what, man. Even if you go into if you go to Toronto and you, it doesn't lead to anything or you don't meet anybody, that's never going to hurt you to be connected to these people. And keeping them updated and doing, even if it's just called and you don't even if you don't make the trip to New York. It's still going to massively benefit you later to have more conversations in the less.

Andrew: [00:35:08] Yeah, oh for sure.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:09] So. Getting people from a from a complete stranger to an acquaintance to an acquaintance that actually likes you. That's the goal for sure. The coin is that likes you, that is in a place where you may want to end up one day. Or maybe they go start their own real estate fund. They're like, Oh, and you give them an update on where you're at, they're like, actually starting this other thing. I already have 300 million tide lined up, but I need an analyst. You want to come? Yeah, exactly. Blow me off to the races. So anything I can help with man besides this stuff and annoying you and pressuring you to do more.

Andrew: [00:35:47] Nothing. Nothing, really. In particular, did you? You saw the new LinkedIn or whatever? I don't think I really changed too much.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:56] Yeah, let me take a look. So, yeah, tell me what you changed, if anything, just more stuff.

Andrew: [00:36:03] Yeah, I think just a little bit more stuff. Do you think I should add like more wording into job descriptions or that doesn't really matter that much?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:11] I'd remove the tax auditor thing as the top thing on your. Just take that out. Yeah, I would take it out. Yeah, you don't want audit to be the lead thing that people see. Yeah. On your LinkedIn resume, I think it's fine down here. Is yoga. It's just not adding a lot. I think a little bit more on the skill development, let me see here, I'll be modeling. You have a little bit here, financial modeling put the new one that you just joined the CRC. Yeah. You can even if you can get it under education instead of licensing certifications. Somehow, I think that might be good.

Andrew: [00:36:55] For the cry,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:57] For both, for just the modeling and the OK, put it up in education and like kind of have it underneath your St Mary's. Yeah, it's kind of the second thing they see as like, OK, this guy is serious about financial and like he's self studying. That's a good kind of signal as well. For this about section. And know, can you hear me right now?

Andrew: [00:37:31] And we just cut out for a

Patrick (CEO of WSO): 00:37:32] Second, yeah, we cut out for a sec. Can you hear me now? Yeah. Oh good. Yeah, it's going to say on your about section, be careful. Like referring to yourself as the third in the third person. I know it's awkward, but I would just say. I'm currently pursuing a systematic graduate into 21 and May currently pursuing a barista. I would just say here instead of saying, Andrew. Yeah, because it sounds like somebody did this for you or whatever. You know, it says, Hey, it doesn't sound super awkward. It's just you want to just remember, just like the humble, the humble factor almost goes further than especially when you're young. Mm hmm. Like, you're not. You don't need to impress anybody when you're an undergrad like over the class, you just want to show that like you're putting in the time to learn. You're humble, you're hungry. And I think that tends to go over a lot better than trying to, like impress. And then just having the right signals, that's why I'm like, OK, don't put it near the top. Maybe they'll think you want to be an auditor. Mm hmm. You know?

Andrew: [00:38:37] You know, for sure, makes more sense, yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:38:41] The rest of this looks pretty good, I think. How else can I help, man? Oh, so besides this, I mean, is there anything else?

Andrew: [00:38:59] Honestly, like, not really. Do you think it would be worth it to maybe like next month to do like a full like mock interview that I may be able to get for like difficulty that would be for full time? Yes, you know what I mean? I think that would be better because I think I think there's a lot more potential for that and I'd rather be

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:39:23] Room for growth rather than me. Keep hounding you on networking. Yeah.

Andrew: [00:39:26] And I'd rather be a lot more prepped and polished for that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:39:30] I think. One hundred percent, I agree, I think I think there's probably a lot of work we could do there.

Andrew: [00:39:36] Yeah, I think behavioural the most because I know that's probably what cost me it a lot.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:39:42] Yeah, especially if you're trying to bullshit, if you try to bullshit too much or try to polish it or make it sound to, you're not real enough. It can really. It can really mess. It could totally screw your chances. Yeah. So it's finding that balance of being like professional off in real enough. Mm hmm. I'm not sure. I think it's important. So yeah, I'd love to do that. So let's put that on. The next thing of like, let's make it like 20 minute mock interview and then be back right after. Yeah, I think we did that early on in like session two or three, right? Right before our P interview or something.

Andrew: [00:40:16] No, I think it was. It was like right before I got my offer, like it was literally the day, I think is the one we just put out, like a few weeks ago, OK? I think it was like two days before I got the offer. Funny enough. But I think I think just having it fresh would be a lot better for me.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:40:35] You think because you're going to get interviews during the summer,

Andrew: [00:40:38] Potentially and even if not just to have like a like a base that I can watch myself going through the answers

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:40:45] On? Yeah, it's really helpful to actually see the video. Do you have I asked us, have I asked Grace to send me this? Did you ever send me a list of your stories?

Andrew: [00:40:57] Um, I don't think I ever did. It would be like the tell me, tell me about a time when, like

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:03] At a time when x anything. Tell me about a time when you struggled. Tell me about a time when you disagree with somebody in a group. Tell me about it. But the key here is I want you to have between five and seven stories ready.

Andrew: [00:41:14] They just go to any interview and have those ready to pull.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:16] Yeah, I was ready to pull. So like, you're polish, you're not like thinking, like, what could I tell them for this? It's like immediate. As they're asked. They're asking the question, you're going through your list of stories thinking which one? This is this one. And boom, you grab it and you go, Yeah. So there's no.

Andrew: [00:41:33] I'll start. I'll start getting that together.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:35] That's super important, actually, that that list, I would push you to do seven stories, if you can. I think with the CFA is a great one. Like you having to step in to do work and how you dealt with that and, you know, not acting like the hero and like I did, it all ended it up. But talking more about how you communicate it and how you made it so that you guys all put the work out or product out together. And even though there were some people in the group that didn't, you know, pull their weight, it was still not done in a way that made them feel bad. And it was that kind of thing. Yeah, for sure, little nuances like that, I think are really important and how you communicate about how you talk about that stuff. They definitely take note. Mm hmm. Ok. So can you get me like a Google doc with that like linked? Like with just like these are my stories and can you do it in the star format?

Andrew: [00:42:33] You know what that is? Yeah. Situation task.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:42:37] Yeah, exactly. Do it exactly like that situation task. What you were you tasked with? What action did you take and what was the result? Mm hmm. So that you're really organized with how you structure otherwise, sometimes you end up telling a story and you start rambling. Now you start going off on tangents and it makes you seem disorganized in your thoughts. Kind of like, I'm doing these calls right here.

Andrew: [00:43:00] Yeah. Know we'll get that together.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:43:03] Ok, cool. And then I think that'll help with your prep for the mock interview. Do you want any technicals at all? I'm.

Andrew: [00:43:13] I'm not sure like

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:43:16] Exact wrinkles and valuation,

Andrew: [00:43:18] I think if any technicals, I think, would be like the P ones or if it were like a three statement walk through with not depreciation. It would be like, I think there's one that I got in my p interview. It was like, We buy this asset here with this much debt. This is the rate walk through, like two years worth of it. So I think that would be like a really tough one. But. I don't know, I feel like some like pee level questions would be a lot better.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:43:52] I love those I can, definitely. Ok. So, yeah, let's plan on that next month. In the meantime. If you can go from your five 500 contracts up to about fifteen hundred fifteen,

Andrew: [00:44:08] Yeah, yeah, I know that LinkedIn. The CRC may be breaking into Wall Street.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:44:20] Yeah. Do advertise it. If you're putting in the work, advertise it. Yeah. Know for sure. Don't say like expert in this. Just put this. List it. Yeah. Then you can say how many hours you spent.

Andrew: [00:44:32] You think I listed in the correct way on the resume there?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:44:36] Yeah, I think that was good. Ok. Yeah. Yeah. Your resume is looking really good. Just it's a little tight right now, so I you could get some unnecessary lines. Yeah, you can get some things down a little bit and give a little just space. You don't have to change the font because that'll mess everything up, but you can give just a little more space above each of the sections. So it's not so like somebody looks at it. They're like, Oh my gosh. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Sounds good. Sometimes less is more right? Oh, for sure. So you're really just hitting on the highlights in the stuff that looks the best and the most relevant. Ok. Um, I think that's it, then. Oh man. Yeah, yeah. This month. Yeah. Always feel free to Skype, me or whatever, if there's any other questions. In the meantime, I said, Did you see that message I sent you about the Canadian? Banks. There's an AMA. It was a second year analyst like, Oh, OK, got it. This is interesting discussion if you wanted to ask him or her.

Andrew: [00:45:37] Yeah, I'll check that out.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:45:40] So awesome. All right, well, we'll leave it at that. Let me know if I can help any other way. In the meantime, your resume is looking good. It sounds like you're fine on your in your classes and stuff. You're keeping your GPA up. Yeah. So it's really just a question of just carving out 15 20 minutes a day on the networking side so that even if you're not going to make the trip, you at least. Try to do like 30 to 50 calls with New York people. Mm hmm. I encourage you to do the trip, though, man, it'll be unforgettable. Do you have the fun? Do you have the funds to make that trip?

Andrew: [00:46:19] Yeah, I should. Ok.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:46:22] Um, OK. Because I think that's the real question is, can you find an Airbnb that's cheap enough or in the outer boroughs or whatever?

Andrew: [00:46:30] I think so. I can figure something out.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:46:33] Ok, cool. All right. Let's stay in touch. Good luck with this month. And then, yeah, next month we'll do a little mock. Perfect.

Andrew: [00:46:42] All right. Thanks. Bye.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:46:44] And thanks to you, my listeners at Wall Street Oasis. If you have any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to send them my way. Patrick at Wall Street Oasis. And till next time.