GME / Wallstreet Bets

Can any current hedgefunders share thoughts on the current Game Stop / WallStreet Bets short squeeze situation?  

Mod Note - See more WSO discussions on GME:

GME / Wallstreet Bets


What's next after GME? A Discussion.

Reddit Shuts down WSB for "hate speech"

GME - Real Time to Short?

Finally, the GME clown fiesta is over


F*ck Robinhood


pretty simple: read about mismatch in # of borrowable shares vs. true non-stagnant float vs. shorted shares, what happened in 2008 with Porsche/Volkswagen and how some underestimate the power of many tens or hundreds of thousands of retail accounts, being assisted by HFTs, buying anywhere from $5000 to $1mm+ of this shit during mania moment in market.


No, SEC is strict on naked shorts.

Let's say you own 100 shares of BA. And then let's say you lend your 100 shares to me so I can sell them short. I go ahead and sell those 100 shares to Jack. Jack is brilliant like you, and he proceeds to do the same thing: he lends his shares to Jane, and Jane sells those 100 shares short to Jill. 

Throughout this whole process, there's only 100 shares, but there have been two short transactions. Mathematically, it looks like 200 shares have been shorted. Jane and I would each need to buy 100 shares -- there were two short transactions, so now there must be two buy transactions -- to cover our positions. Normally, when there's a lot of time between transactions, that's not a problem (Jane buys back her 100 shares, returns them to Jack, I buy back my 100 shares from Jack, return them to you); but in a short squeeze, Jane and I are trying to buy 200 shares when only 100 actually exist. Note at no point, though, were the shares naked.

The reserve requirement / money multiplier functions similarly to expand or contract money supply. 


I don't know the actual parties involved, but a friend of mine at a MM speculated that the spike noon-1 was someone's fund getting blown up. Fs to pay respect boys.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

You're right, screw em. I hope we see it go to $1000!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Multi-manager. Platforms where multiple PMs manage independent leveraged sleeves of capital with strict draw-down and vol requirements like Millennium, Citadel, Exodus, P72, etc.

Edit: Why the heck did people toss shit at this? He asked me what I meant by MM, and I was referring to a friend at a MM hedge fund not market maker

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

They are saying that they are locked out because the hedge funds contacted the brokers and locked them out purposefully.  

Where I am confused is.  It looks like the GME is so illiquid and the reditors have broken the market.  If the market is broken, then you need to halt trading to fix it (ie circuit breakers as one example).  I agree that if they are just blocking them out to block out traders that's wrong.  but if all these shares are trading and not  enough liquidity is in the market to clear orders what happens. I imagine fixed contracts need to trade first.  thus Options and Shorts get filled first then you can repoen to buying.  I know usually orders are a first come first serve, but it seems fishy that no one would step in to try and assist the market with liquidity.    


The shit is hilarious, I don’t get how some of these people won’t get SEC cucked. Legitimately pumping this stock 50%+ in a single day and absolutely shredding whoever had shorts on.

My guess is that borrows were virtually non existent mid day and institutionals were trying to get anything long on they could. Also LMAO at the reddit post today telling people to opt out of any securities borrowing programs with brokers


I'm sure MMs have set up some controls after Friday. This is pure comedy though. Full retardation from reddit yolo'ers could potentially save the company....if they take advantage of this and sell stock right now at these prices they could easily wipe out all the debt. 


WSBers are just a factor of the momentum, the driving force is ECOM Stud Daddy Ryan Cohen 🚀🚀🚀 Read up on what he did with Chewy and what some of the turnaround theses for GME look like with him at the helm.

Edit: Toss more shit you hedgies, you got caught with your flank exposed by a bunch of retail investors armed with stimulus checks and free time. You should feel embarrassed, and I will thoroughly enjoy buying a new Lambo this weekend courtesy of your LPs. I hope none of you were expecting bonuses ;)


WSBers are just a factor of the momentum, the driving force is ECOM Stud Daddy Ryan Cohen 🚀🚀🚀 Read up on what he did with Chewy and what some of the turnaround theses for GME look like with him at the helm.

Edit: Toss more shit you hedgies, you got caught with your flank exposed by a bunch of retail investors armed with stimulus checks and free time. You should feel embarrassed, and I will thoroughly enjoy buying a new Lambo this weekend courtesy of your LPs. I hope none of you were expecting bonuses ;)

Where's your Lambo? 
Hopefully you still have internet connection at the homeless shelter 


I find it absolutely hilarious that a bunch of retarded psychos on reddit are blowing up legitimate investors at hfs with this shit. imagine spending your entire life honing your craft of investing, only to have a bunch of maniacs meme a stock to the moon and wreck you


I find it absolutely hilarious that a bunch of retarded psychos on reddit are blowing up legitimate investors at hfs with this shit. imagine spending your entire life honing your craft of investing, only to have a bunch of maniacs meme a stock to the moon and wreck you

If you're getting your fund blown up by a bunch of children on Reddit, you're a fucking hack and deserve to have your career wrecked.


If you think these "institutional" guys at hedge funds aren't exactly like the retards on WSB then I'm about to shatter your world.  Don't put these momentum monkeys on a pedestal, there's way more encouraging each other to pile on and push stuff around to make a quick buck than you can ever imagine.  They're just gambling other people's money.


forgot i made this post a year back but i dont disagree. HF performance constantly underperforming S&P should say everything 


Yes, they've been increasing their short position heavily. Stock has so much further to fall now and they think they can fight the sentiment. This just increases the impact of a squeeze though, so much for being smart managers. I guess they didn't pay attention to Tesla.


I think it’s hilarious. Some guy on there turned $50k into $11M, no joke. (

But unfortunately the SEC is going to get involved with this at some point and WSB will be shut down by the end of the year. They’ve flown too close to the sun by getting all this attention in the mainstream media.


This, this, and more of this. 

What is the SEC going to say. Hey you individual investor. You can't buy stock in a company for a price you want? 

The SEC has minimal power here. 


Even though I don't believe in the EMH, it still explicitly states markets are only efficient in the long run and in times of volatility, you will see a greater than normal disconnect between the market and reality.


This is actually nothing like the LTCM bailout. The LTCM bailout was orchestrated to keep the financial system from collapsing, the reason for this bailout is so that Melvin has enough capital to stave off the squeeze and continue making money for Cohen and Griffin as they had already invested in Melvin previously.


Might as well be already. Getting a bailout is the ultimate shame for a hf, and the fact that this one is so public is even worse. If this squeeze doesn't obliterate them (which, after the activities of today is a reasonable scenario), they'd have to make some pretty fucking amazing returns quickly to not have their LP's pull out as soon as they can (which may be a while, but a slow death is a death all the same).

Imagine being the head of some teacher's pension fund and losing all their retirements on fucking gamestop lmao.


Hey, newbie here.

How do HFs even get bailouts? They are kinda the opposite of an industry essential to business function right? Or are these a different type of bailout or something?


This is the tail risk he was selling with trades like that and making his position public. Maybe a great investor but risk management and trading skills are just as important. Probably deserves to be out of business for arrogantly holding on and not stopping out a very long time ago.  It doesn't matter if you are right if you can't stay in the game long enough to realize your thesis.  That is a big thing that people do not understand on this forum - implementation, trading, risk management are why PMs get paid so much.



Aww yes I am sure the WSB crowd is managing risk so well right now.  

They truly are. They are collectively distributing risk over a huge number of people, it's excellent risk management.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

I said this above:

I think the key differentiator is 1. the fact that mass media picked up on this, creating a positive feedback loop of retail investors pouring in with FOMO 2. Discontent with institutional investors during the pandemic as millions lose jobs and die, while Wall Street has a record year. Once institutional money sells off their positions in GME and collects their risk-free leveraged gains (thanks to retail traders), you'll see a ton of people lose their savings overnight, scaring off people from doing this again for a while.


Everyone on this website will shit on wallstreetbets bc we work for the companies in which all these institutional investors work with the hedge funds, etc. Now that retail investors made a quick buck, they are seen as stupid or dumb. And I know I’ll get monkey shit bc most of everybody on here is defending rich people than the working class trying to also make money as elites who invest in these funds been manipulating the markets for decades. Stop trying to make an argument of retail vs institutional. Institutional investors pushed the stock down as they been shorting it for a while now and now that you have kids with Robinhood accounts making huge returns on options, I find this just hilarious how tables are turning.

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Its absolutely real investing... You just need to recognize the game theory and market psychology behind it. They found something they could exploit and they are doing so. 

"real investors" do this all the time. no one understands everything in the market. These people just understand slightly less. 


not to mention the person they took down worked for SAC Capital totally sure Steve and all his star SAC Capital boys were COMPLETELY unaware of all the insider trading going on there.   Totally removed.

couldnt happen to a more deserving crew of characters (100% ded fkn srs)


Lol I think you have it the other way around. Look at the ratio of SB to MS on the posts calling for Melvin to blow up (I think Pizz got like 12-0 or better in the other thread). Truth is we are (were) all a little jelly of them. That's where the schadenfreude comes from. Watching people who were soaring above us get cut down to size. It's ugly but hey that's humans for you.


LMAO Melvin deserves to die. Imagine managing state employee pension funds of average people and having naked short risk on and advertising your position. Fuck this guy what an idiot risk manager. 

This 100%. Imagine having analysts cranking away on models 6 days a weekn in theoffice (they had a brutal ib like culture) only to lose it all on naked shorts on a video game store.  What a bunch of losers (srs).


Melvin capital isn't going to die. It's dead. Murdered if they didn't cover already. Anyone who is short who didn't cover is dead. Every single option solid before 1/25 is in the money on Friday. EVERY SINGLE ONE. If you are naked short, your dead on Friday. Actually every short sold before today is currently ITM, at current prices. 

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Do we know that Melvin was running this short naked? You would’ve thought people  would learn after Ackman’s HLF flop. Not defending Melvin but I guess analysts don’t run a sensitivity analysis of PnL impact when the stock goes +500%...


Caught a whiff on this on Reddit in early January and bought $20 calls that expired worthless on 1/8. Whoops. 

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

[email protected]

Mmm what would they be worth post the Elon tweet?

I bought $250 of them for 59 cents a piece. The same call option with this Friday’s expiration closed at $125 today. So that’s about $250 —> $50,000.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

You think that's bad? I bought a handful of Jan 2022 calls with a strike price of $12 for $0.73 back on March 10 2020...

I sold them on March 28th 2020 for $5.20...




You think that's bad? I bought a handful of Jan 2022 calls with a strike price of $12 for $0.73 back on March 10 2020...

I sold them on March 28th 2020 for $5.20...


a 7x return is never a bad thing! (except when it could have been 30,000x)

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

You would think that Cohen/Griffin -- as part of agreement re: infusion -- made Plotkin hedge his original short position... right?   


could they have bought up the equivalent so that when the squeeze happens, they can make it a perfectly smooth transaction 

path less traveled

This idea that it was all random kids on WSB is totally wrong.  You think that professionals didn't smell blood too here?  Classically stupid to basically announce exactly where the price would need to go to in order to blow them up and complete the stop out after putting it in the WSJ.  I almost fell off my chair  when I read that.


To be fair, it's a common tactic of funds to announce short positions, because that usually helps you. Just didn't expect the retail investors to meme it, and other institutional investors seeing an opportunity to utilize the retail traders to leverage their positions.


After the Herbalife shenanigans years ago (which was total bullshit fwiw, that should have been declared a pyramid scheme and illegal lmao) and this, you really gotta wonder if it'll change the dynamics of announcing short positions.


MMs don’t sell naked calls. It’ll be dynamically delta-hedged. There calls are too deep ITM (close to delta 100) so MMs don’t need to buy any more stock on expiry

[Comment removed by mod team]

Interesting not to see anyone talking about the RH, Citadel, and WSB triangle here. All the retail investors on WSB trading options on RH who then sells those orders to Citadel milliseconds before they are filled to steamroll Citadel’s HFT algos which just takes this to the moon 🚀. Perfect storm and Citadel is going to be the biggest winner off the whole deal lol


What is the math that they are they are biggest winner? They are already down 2bn on their Melvin trade.  You think front running HFT makes up for that?  I don't see how they don't next take a huge loss here.


Eos aut quod ut vel laudantium repellat maxime neque. Laboriosam voluptatum ad voluptatem voluptatem tempora nesciunt corrupti in. Non sint veniam eaque dolorem. Ipsam exercitationem impedit vero quisquam natus est a. Labore qui quia rerum eius praesentium. Dolorum cum et qui repellat mollitia magnam.

Vel omnis est enim sunt totam nam consequuntur neque. Aut quia sapiente nemo quasi aut repudiandae debitis.

Autem accusantium architecto in enim at. Et voluptates est eius illo. Provident ipsum quam mollitia rerum rerum eum.

Sit quisquam voluptatibus occaecati ipsam ut est. Rem fugiat dolores inventore qui in omnis harum maxime. Ut quo sunt quisquam soluta in modi consequatur sint. Deserunt aliquid accusantium ut minima quas quibusdam voluptatum. Quaerat modi officiis et est sed quaerat. Aperiam tempore quia qui.

path less traveled

Quos maiores architecto iste fuga nihil ex. Est in adipisci doloremque consectetur nostrum ut eum.

Nisi ratione sed quia reiciendis sit earum nihil. Maiores ut aliquid rerum quos excepturi vel. Amet est harum et magnam.

Laborum ea aut officia voluptatem amet. Veniam fuga deleniti nihil atque sit. Consequuntur earum qui dolor nam ipsa quia quam asperiores. Voluptatum deleniti eaque cupiditate veritatis aut.

Consectetur est consequatur vel hic possimus. Et ratione maxime occaecati odio hic quis suscipit. Possimus sed saepe ut deleniti cupiditate recusandae.


Autem et minus voluptas velit exercitationem qui. Maiores non corporis suscipit sunt itaque magnam. Vel quia velit velit aperiam omnis ea eos omnis. Minus iure perspiciatis reiciendis est non velit id.

Velit at sequi sint suscipit adipisci molestiae. In similique maxime et autem sed. Rerum occaecati amet maxime doloribus aut dolor. Sed sit in vel nihil consequuntur ex quia. Aut omnis qui occaecati vel et quia. Blanditiis ipsam et nostrum.

Veritatis iusto quia molestiae temporibus molestiae repudiandae voluptates. Praesentium laudantium hic modi animi numquam vel eum. Veritatis incidunt quo est omnis. Quas perspiciatis quia itaque quas soluta aut.

Et molestiae nemo in. Facere odit rerum laboriosam ea nesciunt quas sed. Ut voluptas mollitia cupiditate sequi quo non reiciendis.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Quia neque quis vitae voluptatem doloremque labore. Ut temporibus iure aliquid numquam tenetur. Maiores dolorem suscipit est voluptatibus necessitatibus. Et et consequuntur doloribus odio. Voluptatem aut deleniti aut id saepe perspiciatis iusto impedit.

Dolorem officia minima quibusdam voluptatem. Dolorem aut est placeat ullam iste est. Autem maxime et tenetur enim. Nesciunt laborum aperiam et autem impedit. Quod aperiam et eveniet facilis omnis.

Dolor ex repellendus perferendis laudantium corrupti. Modi voluptatibus corrupti quaerat nam quibusdam consequatur. Consectetur ducimus repudiandae in.

Et corrupti explicabo quae deleniti maxime pariatur aut. Earum alias consequatur rerum autem explicabo quia sequi odit. Debitis fuga voluptas autem voluptatum commodi architecto. Eveniet similique doloribus quis natus molestias dolorem. Qui nemo soluta quis amet quisquam dolores magnam eaque.


Ad inventore aut qui et eligendi sit perspiciatis voluptate. Quos nesciunt distinctio exercitationem. Sed quo magni molestiae pariatur et. Qui vel a nobis et qui ducimus. Est voluptatem ut dolorum sapiente. Omnis ut ullam dicta nihil ut. Reprehenderit voluptatum doloribus consequatur harum placeat laboriosam.

Aliquam et ut ea dicta doloremque quo. Nemo eaque ea magni.

Hic ut minima nihil at nobis iusto aut eos. Quo ut itaque reprehenderit numquam itaque omnis rerum. Et voluptatem dolore quibusdam tenetur. Et repudiandae est quos quo rerum eos. Et et fuga quas voluptatibus.

Similique quod ex totam quia delectus. Dolorum neque repellendus et sit ut perferendis. Exercitationem adipisci ad pariatur dolorem. Vitae totam sequi dicta sequi voluptatum placeat. Assumenda perferendis et aut laboriosam.


Voluptates dolor sed esse qui ab. Minus qui qui ut et ut accusantium. Occaecati sit aut consequatur non eaque facere.

Adipisci id praesentium voluptatem et quibusdam. Dolorem et iure sit voluptas modi beatae magni.

Reprehenderit culpa consequatur molestiae maiores nobis voluptates odit qui. Tempore magnam doloremque expedita similique iste reiciendis.

Consequatur consequatur et eligendi fuga fugiat saepe dolores accusantium. Commodi magni nihil tempore et commodi quia laboriosam. Quia occaecati earum rerum reprehenderit odit voluptas quia. Consequatur eum et facilis reprehenderit ea iure cumque. Et recusandae eligendi ab soluta modi.


Illo dicta at omnis rerum dolorem doloribus numquam. Quia unde et id commodi id et. Repudiandae atque accusamus qui in natus voluptas ut.

Laboriosam non itaque doloribus. Non debitis molestiae qui dicta. Voluptatem adipisci at ut sint cum. Perspiciatis cupiditate sunt officia dolorem in. Qui porro architecto aut laboriosam perferendis dolores reiciendis.

Qui dolor in ad incidunt asperiores aut nam qui. Asperiores magnam optio aut enim veritatis est. Dolorum sequi soluta accusantium ullam cupiditate et tempora.

Labore et et est a sed. Voluptas assumenda dolore ut quasi sed id. Porro quos veritatis quia esse dolor.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Point72 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.9%
  • Citadel Investment Group 96.8%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • AQR Capital Management 94.7%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Magnetar Capital 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.8%
  • Blackstone Group 96.8%
  • Two Sigma Investments 95.7%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.6%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Hedge Fund

  • AQR Capital Management 99.0%
  • Point72 97.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 96.9%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.8%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Portfolio Manager (9) $1,648
  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (25) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (227) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (253) $90
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