Techies: Stop Coping

Can you stop fucking coping all the goddamn time? It’s cool if you guys are here for the shitposts and other stuff, that’s why I’m on WSO. But this shit is turning into Blind 2.0 and it’s incredibly motherfucking obnoxious. Some of your accounts are literally 90% tech cope (looking at you ConfusedGuru and BlueCatFoundations). There is not a single fucking reason we need a “tEcH Vs iB” post every month by some anonymous “Analyst 1 in IB-M&A”

No one fucking cares, so stop importing your copium from Blind/Discord. If you’re that insecure about your career choice, go LC and get your money up. Or go cope on Blind. If you spent even half that time on Leetcode, maybe you’d be at the quant firms you guys fellate so much in these discussions.

Some people actually try to use this forum for advice or for fun shitposts. Your cope posts and cope comments are not fun and they are certainly not helpful. Please fucking stop. Sincerely, everyone.


The finance section on Blind isn't terrible, but there isn't much content since most people are here on WSO. But yeah, tech section has always been fairly chaotic.


They basically send you a code that you copy paste to verify that you have a company email. They also allow read-only accounts for people who don’t want to use their company email (or if they don’t have one).


Fuck no. I don't want my work email being associated with this forum. We're here because it is anonymous. That's what makes it great, only in anonymity can you find true unabashed honesty. Don't get all big brother on us. Last thing we need is more data linked to our identities. I would straight up never come here again if this site required that. Or I'd make an LLC called Dipshit Capital and let people pay me to have a "firm email" so they could use the site and remain anonymous


100k salary and 100 hours a week = 19 dollars/hour. average mcdonalds worker salary = 23/hour. you're wasting your prime years making retarded powerpoints and moving around logos and doing literally nothing else with your life


You do understand how out of touch you sound, right? You're really going to tell a minimum-wage employee at a fast food chain that they should be happy because they're making the equivalent of some schmucks on Wall Street?


you're retarded if you think you're not basically getting paid that as a banker. the only reason why it's unfair to say that to an actual mcdonalds worker is because they work fewer hours so they make less overall. so at least they're getting work life balance while you slave in the office until 1 am every night


Bro shut up you nerd. At the end of the day you are selling your skills for a price I.e. selling your labour. More money is made from controlling capital allocation not selling your labour. Top tier of finance will always win and there's nothing your incel ass can do about it. Go and waste your life grinding leetcode and you might even make L7. Go and research how much PE partners make and cry your insecure coping dumbass to sleep.


Dude, don't you also work in tech? What makes you think everyone in tech is insecure?


Because they are. Go walk into a university CS class. Tell me what you see. It’s going to be filled to the brim with 21-year old scrawny males who look like they’ve never kissed a girl before. So when they see Brad in the Econ department doing 10 credit hours of classes a week and having a life outside of school and landing a job that pays more or less the same as what they’re making out of college, they’re going to hit the forums and start spewing garbage to make themselves feel better.

If you don't believe me, go check out Blind. Every other comment is some guy insulting where another commenter works or degrading other users based on the amount of money they claim they make online. It’s an incurable disease.


Because they are. Go walk into a university CS class. Tell me what you see. It's going to be filled to the brim with 21-year old scrawny males who look like they've never kissed a girl before. So when they see Brad in the Econ department doing 10 credit hours of classes a week and having a life outside of school and landing a job that pays more or less the same as what they're making out of college, they're going to hit the forums and start spewing garbage to make themselves feel better.

If you don't believe me, go check out Blind. Every other comment is some guy insulting where another commenter works or degrading other users based on the amount of money they claim they make online. It's an incurable disease.

Someone on Blind (wtf is Blind?) called OP a cuck and he's been fucked up by it since lmfao


You're going to be a corporate slave for the rest of your life you piece of shit. Tell me how worth it working 100 hours a week is when you're 60 years old and balding like a bitch while every one of your friends in tech is living their best lives making 600k working 15 hours a week. Why don't you use an ounce of common sense.


I'll break it down for you. Basically some people have something called ambition and they aren't satisfied with setting for 600k so they don't mind working longer to achieve higher pay days in the future.

Hope your happy with ur job tho what's 600k post SF tax and COL?


that never happens lol if ur in banking at 60 odds are ur a lame duck MD getting paid min 7 figs for doing 10 hours of work a week or your a partner seeping in equity like my head at this boutique. You tech guys seem like you get your information on tiktok


Based post, honestly don't know why they cope so hard. They use "100 hour weeks" as some sort of gotcha when no one is pulling that many hours 52 times a year.

There is also a lot of misinformation regarding pay ceilings at banks. I've seen tech people on WSO say that in IBD the pay maxes out at 500k on average as most people don't make MD, while that is technically true, a lot of the people who leave end up in even better paying and powerful positions such as buyside roles, roles in the government a la Steve Mnuchin, or C Suite roles at large F500 companies. 

Not many people fully fall off the map and become a school teacher or back office VP. The pay ceiling at banks is somewhere around $2-$5m for an MD and even higher if you go beyond that but thats properly rare. 


First of all, I'm honored at the shout out, so thanks for that. 

I definitely get what you mean, and agree with you to an extent. However, I think it's unfair to immediately refer to dissenting opinion as "cope". I've never started one of those IB vs SWE posts before, and it seems to me that you are implying that I have; all I do is defend my industry in the comments section. Inevitably, I get monkey shit thrown at me because, well, I'm clearly outnumbered here as this is a finance forum. It does disappoint me that monkey shit is constantly thrown at my comments without any sort of explanation...if anything, that seems to be "cope" from anonymous finance guys on this website. Instead of downvoting all my comments and hiding behind your screen, I'd love to hear your opinions, and if they are convincing enough, maybe they'd even change my own views on various topics. I'm not an unreasonable person, and always seek to broaden my perspective.

Those who've known me from my inception on this website know that I used to be in the IB track myself. I had an internship and it didn't work out, due to a disinterest on my side and inability to survive the poor wlb. It was an absolutely strenuous internship, so I have utmost respect for those people who have chosen to pursue IB as their career. I also know of the crazy good exit opportunities you guys have. We both (tech and IB) clearly have a bright future ahead of us. So to the people that start these posts (IB vs SWE)....why? I'll admit, I let my emotion get the best of me and I really shouldn't be commenting on those posts and contributing to the toxicity of this website. But it's also hard for me to sit and watch as false information is spread about tech whilst IB analysts pat each other on the back.

At the end of the day, we're all making more money than we deserve, and in this current economy, we should count ourselves fortunate. For my part, I apologize for any "tech cope" that I may have participated in recently, and just want to say that I genuinely dislike Blind as well. Although Blind has helped me a lot in my own career, the level of toxicity, trolling, and inceldom there has gotten unbelievably pathetic and sad. As a parting thought in an effort to show that I'm trying to change, one thing I've noticed about me is that I'm starting to be in a bubble...surrounding myself with people that make crazy high salaries at relatively young ages. This, of course, skews my thoughts/comments and I am becoming ashamed of the person I'm turning into. But I am working on it.

Thanks again @OP for the well needed call out.


Just to make myself clear: I think it’s great that there are two phenomenal career paths that young people can take these days. One where you can make an absolute shit ton of money and another where you can make a good living while maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life.

That being said, and this will sound harsh, I think you should just stop posting on this forum. We can literally see your post history. You bring up FAANG/quant in legitimately about 70% of your comments. I mean this in the sincerest way possible, but no one cares. No one here cares about that stuff and it’s just really obnoxious when there’s a discussion and people randomly interject with some comments about the tech industry, many of which tend to be highly hyperbolized. This forum isn’t dedicated to tech, it’s meant to spur discussion about things going on in the world of finance (in addition to the occasional shitposts).

Secondly, what do you even get out of this? I feel like it’s just such a waste of time for you to be posting this often here about topics very, very few people are interested in. You have 47 pages of comments on this site man. For your own sake, just lay off for a bit.

I hope I didn’t come across too harsh. I’m just seeing shit that I see on Blind all the time and it’s annoying as hell.


Yes, you are right in that most of my comments hover around tech/quant-related topics, but that's only because I have the most knowledge in those areas. If I see a comment referencing FAANG/Quant, I will respond to it. I've been an active member of this forum for close to 4 years, so that's why I still have a soft spot and visit often, but it's clear that I've gone on to a different path from the rest of the people here, and as you said, it is indeed a finance forum. 

I've been doing a lot of introspection lately. So when you wrote "another {career} where you can make a good living while maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life", assuming you were talking about tech, this made me really sad to read. I have great work life balance and make pretty good money, but I have nothing else going for me at the moment. I don't have any friends. I've never even gone on a date before...maybe this is why I "cope". But like I said in my previous comment, I am actively working on changing this.

Thus, I'll be taking your advice and leaving the forum. It'll probably be better for my mental/physical health in the long run anyway. Thanks again for the constructive criticism, I appreciate it.



August 9th, 2022

Minutes & Key Takeaways: 

  • ConfusedGuru admits he is a virgin
    • Also admits he is very hurt by amount of MS he receives with no explanation
    • Follow-up Item: Everyone throw monkey shit at ConfusedGuru from now on just to fuck with him
  •  Man who works at DE Shaw claims to be ~not like the others~
    • Also told your mother that
    • Is pretty based
    • Knows everything b/c he works for DE Shaw

Hello I’m BlueCatFoundations :) I’m always open to criticism. I’m open-minded and I can always see things in two sides. I came here to spread transparent information about tech industry, but I do also agree with the following good things about ibanking careers:

1. You co-workers are more attractive and charismatic, both physically and in personality.

2. You co-workers likely come from upper-middle-class or ultra-high-net-worth legacy families, so working with them will expand your networks to help your future endeavors

3. You have the potential to make 2-10 millions as MD, or even more with carry from PE

4. Economics are more fun to learn. CS classes are annoyingly difficult and take away your fun time during college

5. Ibanking potentially opens doors to politics & law career

Since ibanking has all the above benefits, it attracts intense competition, causing many junior ibankers being thrown under the mill of 100-hours week, and they don’t really get a share from all the glory and benefits that upper-level bankers have. That’s why I come here to spread information about Tech, because I want people to know that they always have other choices.

Upper level ibankers & buyside people, congratulations, you have already made the game, and you should go enjoy your massive carry & Golf time instead of complaining about “techie cope” on Wall Street oasis


Wrong Keep coping that you have no intellectual ability to get into tech. It's obvious to anyone with a brain tech >>>>>> IB. Check levels you will see that people are making 800k up to 3 million as VPs at Google and Amazon and working 30 hours a week


Et magni porro earum porro eius. Nostrum voluptatem et vitae alias exercitationem. Et earum aliquam quas asperiores repudiandae quis dolorum.


Ut qui cum corrupti quos magnam non odit. Praesentium ut est ratione id. Consequatur et vero tempora expedita.

Cupiditate officia animi explicabo est dolor quam rerum. Impedit fugiat molestiae quae porro.

Quia illum quo odio exercitationem consectetur doloremque ab sed. Qui tempora quia voluptatem nesciunt est ut. Magni ea omnis et commodi et.

Molestiae et fugit aut voluptatibus ea sit. Accusamus et optio sed architecto quidem. Quod rerum nesciunt ratione nesciunt voluptatem. Maiores dolorem cum aut.


Et odio voluptatibus rerum ipsum et et veniam. Harum modi impedit exercitationem et beatae doloremque dolores voluptatem.

Quis quis laboriosam omnis culpa ratione. Qui quia maxime aut doloremque ut vitae natus. Exercitationem commodi omnis quos vel aliquid molestias. Magni ut corrupti fugit qui sit.

Sunt aperiam quo explicabo et similique. Dolore est animi atque est ut. Est possimus commodi et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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