Not sure if this is on this discussion board alone. I have seen more physical violence in public, more road rage incidents and generally more hostile people than ever before. Not just on WSO.

People are freaking out with what's going on currently. CoL increases, lack of opportunities, lack of money, etc.

WSO specifically has changed considerably over the years. It went from a professional forum where the lifestyle of high finance was written about to an online board /w predominantly international and domestic prospective students. Thanks to meme stocks, cryptocurrencies and overall ultra-high price tags even for the most mundane purchases (and social media, of course), money is on display every single day. It is only natural that people want more of it.

There is also the permanent view that money equals success in all areas of life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The wealthy men I have met through the years were almost always the least successful with women due to their looks, lack of time, their stress levels, or because they were very uncomfortable to be around. If people truly think that (all) women are only into wealth, they are not understanding how things work...

Money can never buy class, looks, charm, and natural confidence.


I think you have a very incomplete understanding of the situation - money is not the cause, it's a symptom of what's happening, and your focus on writing about money tells us more about yourself than it does about our society.


I had the best girlfriends when I was waiting tables, washing dishes, and my car was a green, beat up French (!) marque.
Luckily no girl ever dated me for money (not that I would have "a lot" of it anyway).


I really want to agree with you but I’ve seen so many TikTok/YouTube interviews where girls say they would never date someone making under $300k. I mean it’s probably selection bias but hypergamy is very real, especially after you graduate college, and enter the workforce. We also have a society where divorce and promiscuity are the norm so women are constantly trying to level up. It’s also not like there is a plethora of single women out there who are good wife material. Idk about anyone else but don’t want to be in a long term relationship with a girl that has had a lot of previous sexual partners.


Ja. time to
1) protect yourself, be socially aware, and get out of situations that are prone to any type of nonsense violence

2) money amplifies. if you are ok cool guy, lighthearted and good spiritered, looking to learn and growth your professionals skillset, getting more money is amazing. if you are bummy, jerk it to internet porn, dont really mean to do well having more money will hurt you probably more than it will gain for you.

[Comment removed by mod team]
[Comment removed by mod team]

always been this way starting with the whole personality based on school and bank kind of thing. When people go to a good school or firm, they always think they are better then everyone between the ages of 18-24 until they realize they really aren't that great after all. That is reflected on this forum which is 1. full of kids between 18-24 and 2. people can say what they want anonymously without getting repercussions like being punched in the face. Honestly nothing that can be done about it, that is what that combination results in. You especially see it with kids that only base their value on this whole "prestige" thing because they don't have many friends or girl interactions because they sacrificed a ton of time to get into a good school or firm, so to prove themselves to others they feel the need to always share this information whenever they can (and no way better to do it than online and anonymously!)


>someone else holds opinions that aren't your opinions

>>they don't have sex



Patrick Basedman

Maybe we're just more based than the shitty previous generations who got us in this hellhole

Being “based” isn’t it imo. I’ve had a friend reach out to me several times complaining about not getting matches on tinder and complaining about how his ex broke up w him. I’ve said the same shit each time of how he should go get jacked. He makes good money, lives by himself, and has his own car. From the outside he’s “winning”, but he’s always bitching about women. He’s tall but not white which doesn’t help with online dating.

People are more hostile in general nowadays. I think this is in large part to social media - people spend all their time online and forget how to interact in the real world. I actually got back on instagram a couple weeks ago to reconnect with some people and have found myself spending way too much time scrolling on it. Nothing nefarious, just watching fruit being cut up and cars, but the time suck is huge.

I have another friend who I disagree with on a lot of political stuff, but we get along great. We understand that we don’t have to see eye-to-eye on even major political beliefs like Roe v Wade or UBI.


Not sure what you mean by being white and tall makes you more desirable on dating apps. There's much more to it than this and you putting it all on race only makes the issue worse. It's about looks, literally. We as humans know and can identify attractive humans, which is what these apps are pretty much set out to do (swipe right on who you think is attractive, or "cute" as most put it). Can be tan, white, black etc. attraction is not exclusive to one race. That's not to say white males don't generally have more desirable facial features (given European ancestry), I mean look at how crazy girls go for a European man. But also let be honest american men unless 1st or second generation, are pretty separated from any European features and should not receive as much credit as you give them. It has all to do with looks. Things that generally are agreed on as desirable features:

- Face shape and size/jawline/cheek bones  - generally frail and narrow face structures (which tend to be more European) are desirable in today's western culture. Having a jawline is a plus. No one likes a round face with a big head. Face symmetry is huge too. High noticeable cheek bones tend to be desired as well.

- Nose shape and size - is it huge relative to your face? Is it crooked? 

- Eyes / Eye color / Eyebrows (not everyone likes light colored eyes), but safe to say people don't really find Asian slanted eyes as "hot" or attractive. I mean look at asian models, usually bigger eyed and more euro-like features. Ton of girls in Asian countries get cosmetic procedures done to make their eyelids show so as to have less slanted eyes. Girls like a male with full and well shaped eyebrows.

- Height - preferably taller but also not too tall. 6'0 - 6'5 is the sweet spot (not at all exclusive to race, but white men in finance do tend to be tall so can see where your perception is fucked here)

- Hair / Hairline - girls hate dudes with receding hairlines or at least don't consider them as attractive. Ask around and find out for yourself. Not saying guys with receding hairlines aren't attractive, but it's not a "desirable" trait anyone who says they want a guy with a receding hairline is full of shit. Also is your hair too curly/wavy/styled? Girls like a well groomed man who doesn't over do it and has a natural flow/style.

Traits that vary across tastes and preference and highly arguable:

- Physique - have been with very attractive girls who say they aren't into big body builder dudes, some that like a nice in-between, some that like a lanky type and some that like a dad bod. It really depends on the person here.

- Facial hair - while men like to think facial hair is dominant and desirable. A lot of women don't find facial hair attractive either. Completely dependent on the girl you're asking.

- Culture/hobbies/career/sense of style etc. - yes, some girls dig a dude with a "sexy" career with high earning potential, some don't give a fuck about this at all. You'd be surprised at the type of shit that makes girls tingle. It's some of the least expected and as guys we can't pinpoint until we date around/meet enough girls or date someone who'll tell you the real deal about why they're into you. Some girls like athletes, some don't, some like musicians, some like nerds, some like a finance bro etc. 


Maybe he isn't good looking, dating apps give you false hope, go to a nightclub or a party and talk to women some will be interested in what you have to say some(most) won't. As generic as it sounds being funny helps, but not everyone finds you funny. Skip the dating apps or just use it to say the most outrageous thing you can think of, also the girl to guy ratio is skewed dramatically. Most importantly live a little go get a drink skip the politics it doesnt matter what you and your friend agree and disagree about most of my friends I don't even know their political preferences neither do I care. 


I've said the same shit each time of how he should go get jacked

As a woman, truer advice has never been given. Plus, he needs to get a new personality.

It's the same mentality as the incels, no? Entitlement. Just one lever higher because he thinks that being professionally / financial successful entitles him to get laid by chicks out of his league. Incels don't even have any achievements


Responding to you and OP but it's really just a function of losers migrating from cesspools like 4chan and bringing that lame, edgy vernacular from the fringes to the mainstream, if you will. For eg, we've already got some loser in this thread greentexting (use of ">" before a phrase/sentence) and some other loser on the website with the username sneed and feed (obv may be a Simpson's reference but also largely a 4chan meme at this point), and there are more examples I've seen before. Also see the attached picture which basically confirms your observations - more than a quarter of the male population under age 30 are virgins in an age of increasing secularism. Think about all the edgy, hypercareerist, socially inept, terminally online kids on here - chances are a lot of them make up the 27%. They are really just part of a wider societal problem. 



I've never seen these stats before and they are... just shocking. I always assumed the vast majority (like >90%) of guys lose it by the end of their college-aged years. What do you think the reason might be for this recent surge?

Most Helpful

As a regular on this site who takes the time to try and contribute whenever possible, I think something needs to be done. WSO is still an amazing resource and discussion platform, but the amount of blatant racism / sexism / anti-Semitism is getting out of hand. IP banning these naive little 18 year olds who feel safe behind their monitors would be a good first step.

To be explicitly clear, I am not talking about controversial takes (e.g., diversity recruiting, school shootings), essentially anything like that MIGHT not be seen as PC. I can understand different perspectives and believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions. What I am talking about is the fact that there is a user with the name @chadthejewhater on this website. That kind of shit isn't funny unless you're an actual anti-Semite who has a below room temp IQ and has failed at most aspects of your life. Other users who drop the N word and say blatantly racist shit should be permanently removed. 

If you are too immature to hold back on typing objectively racist / sexist / religious discriminatory comments, there is no place for you. This isnt Reddit, this isnt an Xbox Live Lobby, this is a website designed to HELP people. I started using WSO as a naïve little sophmore trying to break into finance because no one in my personal life knew the first thing about the industry. I did not have any connections in finance as an industry or an impressive university diploma to fall back on. Yet, I am here largely in part of WSO, and I choose to spend a good chunk of my limited free time trying to give back.  

The rise in absolutely horrendous comments has skyrocketed, growing at what I would assume is close to 1000x within the past half decade or so. I know WSO is doing their best at cleaning up their site, but what we also need is to stop letting people recreate new accounts. There are probably 10-20 people responsible for 95% of the truly messed up posts and comments. 


OP here, 100% agree and couldn’t have said it better. I’m not talking about an opinion on diversity recruiting or something like that.

I’ve seen some absolutely horrendous comments/accounts and there is no moderation. I’m talking about outright hateful/sexist/racist things that have no place, much less on a site that is supposed to be used for sharing experiences in finance.


Not half decade more like past 2 years. It has gotten really bad since Covid. One theory I had before was that there wasn’t many unique takes/stories that could be shared when everyone was working remotely from their parents basement and things were shut down, but unfortunately even now the site has not come back and it makes me think that a) the composition of the banking analyst class has changed dramatically (people who have no problem grinding 20hrs/day from a cramped studio who are more likely to have incel type tendencies) or b) a lot of people have been permanently driven away due to the outright racism and it will take some time for trust to be gained again before the community bounces back


I'm a little late here, but I think both of the above points are absolutely true. 

Starting on the later point, when I've told people that I actually participate regularly on this site, I've only gotten sneers. People think I'm genuinely insane or suffering mentally when they hear I regularly post here. It's sad. :(

But that's the reputation the site has gotten. It helped me years ago on a different account when I was recruiting for banking. It was not like that back then, before COVID-19. Lots of people avoid this site thinking it has simply fallen into a mess. Part of me wants to think that they just don't know what's here, but part of me knows how different it is compared to how it was even then. 

Additionally, I will admit that more people who can sit in their parent's basements for 20hrs/day doing work have been entering finance and IB. That kind of person, who may not even have been that way pre-pandemic, has very much found themselves the ability to get a job while simultaneously hiding their personality completely behind a Zoom video and computer screen. With no opportunity to meet people face to face at a dinner or at a networking session, bankers do not really know who they are getting. Fit stops mattering because they don't even know for sure if the people they are working for are truly a fit. They only know if they are a fit in answering email, participating on Zoom calls, and, frankly (largely the next point and the next point alone), being able to do unreasonably large amounts of work. 

Is it the site's fault? I don't know. But the last few years really was the result of a challenge thrown at the administrators, not just poor management. 


I'm happy someone has called out the racist stuff on here. It's pretty bad and as you mentioned if people were smashing it out of the park - they wouldn't be coming to WSO and spewing stupid racist shit.


There is no way they are "doing their best" at cleaning up the site, given I can just casually browse it any day or time and find horrendous content

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

100%. I used to peruse this site a few times a week for years since I was in college and it helped a kid like me who was from a middle class immigrant family break into a fulfilling and lucrative career. Over the last 2 years I’ve only remembered to check in once every couple months. Sure, some of that is due to being remote so I have other ways to kill time while being WFH whereas I was limited to just surfing the web in the office. When I finally do check back in every few months, I’ll find a great thread that’ll hook me back in and makes me feel nostalgic for this community. But then I’ll scroll down and see some vile shit that’ll turn me away. Something really needs to be done because I’m sure I’m not the only one whose reduced their visits to this site because of it.


Can it be solved with something simple like for any accounts that have less than 500 SBs, any comment with 10+ MS automatically gets censored. For accounts with 2000+ SBs, they can’t be censored (not too many such accounts/incels would have to create a shit ton of alts). Any account can give that 10th MS to finalize censoring max once per month (incels would have to create multiple accounts with 2000+ SBs just to censor comments a few times per month). Don’t have to be those numbers (nor do you need to publish those numbers for effectiveness/screw with incels), but something algorithmic like this could make trolling harder. If incels are trying to censor quality comments, moderators can manually veto. Should be fairly obvious. Probably won’t cost you much to keep your readers happy/increase overall forum quality.


I've officially completed year one of banking. And I will say this industry is filled with SO many insecure incels (analyst all the way to MD), it's actually disgusting. So many dudes come into this industry and think that this job title / the money that comes from it will "get them laid" / make them "more desirable" in the eyes of the opposite sex bc they're "size movers," but it can't be farther from the truth. It's kind of a conglomeration of the kids that weren't cool in HS that think having this job will magically redeem them in the eyes of society. Cuz guess what: aside from the kids in your undergrad finance club, NO ONE ACTUALLY GIVES A FUCK. It's literally just a job. And I just got railed on taxes w my bonus, so I didn't even make that much money! In fact, I kinda regret doing this cuz so many ppl my age are out having fun, traveling to exotic places, and still making a solid living while I'm stuck in a cubicle at 3am coming to terms that I have another full year of this shit to complete. In a nutshell I think a lot of ppl in this industry need to rethink their priorities, or this industry just needs to change as a whole. Cuz it just ain't it anymore, at least in my opinion


I've officially completed year one of banking. And I will say this industry is filled with SO many insecure incels (analyst all the way to MD), it's actually disgusting. So many dudes come into this industry and think that this job title / the money that comes from it will "get them laid" / make them "more desirable" in the eyes of the opposite sex bc they're "size movers," but it can't be farther from the truth. It's kind of a conglomeration of the kids that weren't cool in HS that think having this job will magically redeem them in the eyes of society. Cuz guess what: aside from the kids in your undergrad finance club, NO ONE ACTUALLY GIVES A FUCK. It's literally just a job. And I just got railed on taxes w my bonus, so I didn't even make that much money! In fact, I kinda regret doing this cuz so many ppl my age are out having fun, traveling to exotic places, and still making a solid living while I'm stuck in a cubicle at 3am coming to terms that I have another full year of this shit to complete. In a nutshell I think a lot of ppl in this industry need to rethink their priorities, or this industry just needs to change as a whole. Cuz it just ain't it anymore, at least in my opinion

Are you a woman? This was an extremely womanly rant? 


Yeah society is crumbling. We're like the guys a few decades before the Roman Empire Collapsed.

It's just totally degenerate, rewards morons and thus you see more incels, violence in an oversexualized society.

Russia and Iran were right.


Go back to fuckYouStan then if that’s what makes you happy?  If you think things are getting worse you should have been around for the 80s, your head would have exploded 🤣

Get busy living

Oh I'm of Irish descent.

You're funny though. Like those guys at Comedy Clubs who don't get called back funny.

I repeat. America is pretty D-Gen nowadays. So it's hard not to see the truth in the criticisms lobbied at us by Russia, Iran, China....

"FuckyouStan"? I mentioned Iran. It doesn't even end in "Stan".

Pls Fix.


>Be me

>Wake up at 6:00AM sharp, no alarm

>It's a beautiful day to own the libs

>Nobody ever owned the libs on an empty stomach

>Huge mug of covfefe and down a steak 

>Throw my plastic utensils in the trash instead of the recycling bin, to own the sea turtles

>Fucking sea turtles are turning my country into a radical left anarchist hellscape

>Get to office

>Not staffed on anything because my power levels are too high 

>Log into WSO and say the N word from a burner account

>Checkmate liberals, I've got you on a leash



Voluptatem nihil ipsam optio et et labore optio odio. Unde magni neque expedita iusto. Est doloremque dolores et nihil illo magnam.

Ipsum optio maiores inventore tempore a eum nostrum doloremque. Vel vero qui exercitationem accusamus quaerat molestiae laudantium. Fugiat aut odit iusto error consectetur. Doloribus neque corrupti odit.


Optio aut ratione iure voluptatem sed excepturi distinctio. Unde voluptatem nostrum pariatur qui aut earum. A et aliquam rerum porro est eum ipsum.

Nemo ullam nemo harum et corporis. Nihil ducimus ratione et dolorem. Enim cumque veritatis sit labore earum et repellat. Hic distinctio sequi mollitia at.

Qui amet similique mollitia ratione vero ipsam dicta. Enim et odit aspernatur et et hic. Autem maiores qui delectus esse. Voluptatem ea et ut quia deserunt ullam.

Vel qui ab aut officiis perferendis. Ut illo ipsam ut rerum.


Occaecati quia voluptas atque magni eos quia. Necessitatibus magni et molestias harum esse perferendis quod. Nostrum nesciunt et velit.

Assumenda reiciendis quia quaerat incidunt. Harum eum corrupti ipsam voluptas.

Veritatis quas officia animi deserunt itaque est. Aut omnis ratione impedit. Commodi cum sunt et et et.

Tenetur soluta ratione quia iste maiores. Ex et explicabo beatae. Quia tempora ad nisi quas earum vel similique. Odio labore officiis sapiente illum perferendis quia.


Cupiditate quia at nesciunt temporibus maiores ducimus. Ullam tenetur fugiat fugiat culpa rem. Ab modi qui voluptas est quod aut. Vero id ea dolorem omnis eos. Voluptates quia molestias ducimus neque.

Ea expedita voluptatem suscipit exercitationem. Similique repellendus sed facere suscipit. Quibusdam nihil corrupti sit iusto amet.

Alias minus excepturi doloremque corporis commodi. Cumque ut qui nemo nemo. Doloremque aut dicta maiores quod et cupiditate sit. Qui quia facilis sit laboriosam consectetur. Repellat similique sed doloribus incidunt cumque.

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June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

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June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
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