1) 49^2 = (50-1)^2 = 2500-100+1 = 2401 2) 8^3 = 648 = 512 3) 100(101)/2= 50 101= 5050

(asked by a trader, and this is a serious brainteaser btw)

you have three guys, 1 girl, and two condoms. you all want to have heterosexual sex separately with her except you don't want to contract aids (meaning you never actually exchange fluids with either other men or the other woman). How is this possible?


There was a pretty long brainteaser topic a few weeks ago. Over 80 responses. Here's a link.

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

condom answer: first guy puts on both condoms (unsafe, buts its the only way to do it). second guy puts on the condom that was on top of the first guy when he wore two, because that inside has only touched the other condom. then the third guy turns the last condom inside out and uses that.

condom answer: first guy puts on both condoms (unsafe, buts its the only way to do it). second guy puts on the condom that was on top of the first guy when he wore two, because that inside has only touched the other condom. then the third guy turns the last condom inside out and uses that.

lol....that's just terrible :( so much for sex ed these days

​* http://www.linkedin.com/in/numicareerconsulting

I can't believe you're actually asked a condom question. I've NEVER ever been asked any sexual questions during interviews. Prolly since I'm a girl. It's so ridiculous. The girl has three holes right? One can stick it in her pussy, one in the ass and one in the mouth. PRESTO! AIDS schmaids.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

its simple 1 guy fucks her with condom 2nd guy fuckers with other condom 3rd guy inverts one condom puts it on his D, takes the second condom and wraps up his inverted condom with one thats been used. Vegas Baby


well first guy uses 2 condoms = outside condom (condom 1) has girl fluids and inside condom (condom 2) has guy fluids

second guy uses condom 1 such that he has the unused part on himself and the girl on the side with her own fluids.

the last guy turns condom 2 inside out, puts the 2 condoms together such that the 1st and 2nd guy's fluids are together in the middle while he is wearing the fresh part with the girl fluids side of the condom on the outside again.

to summarize - 2 condoms as follows girl/unused unused/guy 1 girl/guy 2 girl/guy 2 guy 1/ unused



So if I'm reading this correctly someone will have to walk the i-phone back after each crossing:

MD and analyst walk across in 30 min followed by the MD crossing the bridge in his lonesome = 31 min

MD and associate cross in 9 min with the MD walking back in 1 min = 10 min

MD and VP cross in 4 min = 4 min

Total = 45 minutes

Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol
Best Response

MD and VP walk together = 4 minutes MD returns back with iPhone = 1 minute Associate and analyst walk = 30 mins VP returns back with iphone and joins MD = 4 minutes MD and VP walk and join Associate and analyst = 4 minutes

Total time = 43 mins

MD and VP walk together = 4 minutes MD returns back with iPhone = 1 minute Associate and analyst walk = 30 mins VP returns back with iphone and joins MD = 4 minutes MD and VP walk and join Associate and analyst = 4 minutes

Total time = 43 mins

Credit given where credit is due. (What was I thinking?)
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol

Depends entirely on the firm you interview at. At one of the places I interviewed at, they asked me 3 brain teasers, all of which you couldn't necessarily prepare for. At a bunch of others, I didn't get any brain teasers.

Often times, they just want to see how you think through a problem under pressure, not necessarily if you get it "right" or "wrong."

  1. I'm gunna assume these prisoners are champs and wana get their drink on. So you arrange the bottles in a cube and each prisoner drinks 100 bottles which will be either a on the x, y, z plane and from there you play battle ships to find the bottle which killed three prisoners.

EDIT: i googled it, i'm wrong.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Maybe somebody else can actually explain it better/more accurately/in detail but you can have 10 prisoners and assign them all to a certain combination of the 1000 bottles, and 10 people is enough to cover slightly over 1000 different combinations (to cover all 1000 bottles), so that when a certain combination of the 10 people dies, you know exactly which bottle is the only bottle that combination of people drank from. It's that damn thing on the calculator with nCr...

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Maybe somebody else can actually explain it better/more accurately/in detail but you can have 10 prisoners and assign them all to a certain combination of the 1000 bottles, and 10 people is enough to cover slightly over 1000 different combinations (to cover all 1000 bottles), so that when a certain combination of the 10 people dies, you know exactly which bottle is the only bottle that combination of people drank from. It's that damn thing on the calculator with nCr...
Yes, the power set of a set of 10 people has 1024 elements.
Maybe somebody else can actually explain it better/more accurately/in detail but you can have 10 prisoners and assign them all to a certain combination of the 1000 bottles, and 10 people is enough to cover slightly over 1000 different combinations (to cover all 1000 bottles), so that when a certain combination of the 10 people dies, you know exactly which bottle is the only bottle that combination of people drank from. It's that damn thing on the calculator with nCr...

you're trying to match a 10-bit binary and the slaves' lives are the bits.


Haha basically. You have the 1st slave drink like bottle #1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11... 2nd slave does like 3, 6, 9, 12... and then it ends up such that every bottle has a unique combination of slaves that would die if that was where the poison was. It's also time efficient so it makes the 24 hours period.

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Bankerph: breakinginnew's answer is correct - its $1,100, assuming first payment is at period end, and there is no principal recovery (which is implict given the coupon is paid out in perpetuity).


He tells them that if they wait around too long either the king or the red jasmine will be dead before they get back, if the flower is dead they failed their mission and if the king is dead then they will never know who will become king.

"Well, you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman." -- George Soros

They mount each others camels. Thus each has incentive to reach there fastest, as if one reaches there first, his camel actually reaches there last. Hence, that person succeeds.

It's opposite day bitches.

Haha +1.. If I was interviewing and you answered with this I'd be like "yup, that was it" and just move on


Probability of getting $1 is (1/3)(1/2), probability of getting $2 is (1/3)(1/2)^2, probability of getting $3 is (1/3)*(1/2)^3

so it's like (1/3)*(1/2+1/2+3/8+2/+5/32 ... ) which I just ballparked to converge to $2


Probability of game going on = Probability of getting 1,2,3 = 1/2

Probability of game ending = Probability of getting 4,5,6 = 1/2

Probability of the game ending with $1 in the pot is (1/2)(1/2) = 1/2^2 Probability of the game ending with $2 in the pot is (1/2)(1/2)(1/2) = 1/2^3 ... Probability of the game ending with $n in the pot is 1/2^(n+1) ... Expected value of the amount in the pot when the game ends is E = 11/2^2 + 21/2^3 + ...+n1/2^(n+1)+...

E-1/2E = 1/2^2 + 1/2^3 + ...+1/2^n+... = 1/2

Thus, E = 1

Money in the pot can be taken only when the game ends with 4 or 5 being rolled.

The probablity of the game ending with 4 or 5 being rolled = Probabliy of 4,5 out of 4,5,6 = 2/3

So, the expected return of playing the game is 1*2/3 = 2/3

Sorry for putting those annoying numbers and formula here. My english is not good, so it's hard for me to explain it with just words.


Can we resell the tokens? If yes, infinite amount. If no, 0 tokens.

Unless there is very good prospect of infinite demand tomorrow, this approach seems foolish. Also, conceptually impossible.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

Thank you all for your comments. I too believe that this question has some missing information, just wanted to get some second opinions. I found it as one of the questions previously asked in interviews which one of the WSO members posted on here. The said the answer was calculated as follows: "(1.1)^3 = 1.33 which means you should get 3 years of token supply" - an answer that makes absolutely no sense to me.


Thank you all for your comments. I too believe that this question has some missing information, just wanted to get some second opinions. I found it as one of the questions previously asked in interviews which one of the WSO members posted on here. The said the answer was calculated as follows: "(1.1)^3 = 1.33 which means you should get 3 years of token supply" - an answer that makes absolutely no sense to me.

This answer makes two assumptions: 1) you are only willing to make an investment that EQUALS your required rate of return, can't exceed 2) the rate of token appreciation is 33% over the year even though only a daily appreciation was given

Poorly worded question


100%. You didnt propose that they weren't true.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer


the answer is 0%. because none of the answer choices given are "correct". instead, you gave answer choices of

A. 25% B. 50% C. 60% D. 25%

none of these literally say "correct."

if answer C had been "C. Correct" instead of "C. 60%", then the probability wouldve been 1/4. But you gave percentages as answer choices to throw us off.

Nobody knows what the correct answer choice is nor how many correct answer choices there are. The 4 answer choices could've been taken from an MCAT exam for all we know where the question states "Which is correct? You may mark more than one answer."

Since it's impossible to know the number of correct responses to a group of answer choices without its parent question, the only other thing you're asking of us is whether "correct" is among the answer choices to which I answer, "0/4" or "0%"

Prim.<span class=keyword_link><a href=/finance-dictionary/equity-research-overview><abbr title=equity research&#10;>ER</abbr></a></span>.ate:
5 posts, 5 answers....interesting...and if you wish, you can swap the word "true" for "correct"...that isn't it...

haha DAMN. i thought this was going to be a grammar-based brainteaser in disguise for once lol

I'm amazed other people have actually looked at reddit math

i never even knew reddit math existed haha. thanks for giving me something to look at at work now.

maybe i should start posting questions from my old college discrete math textbook on here


Answer cannot be 1/3 because 25% is represented twice in the choices, so higher chance of randomly choosing it. Just like HT/TH case with coins... Same result overall, but got to account for probability of randomly landing tails or heads first.

Or have I got it completely wrong?

"So who lost the hundy?"

it is impossible to know for sure....for all we know, 25% could be the answer...since A and D are 25%, the probability would be 2/4 or 1/2....

if the answer is NOT 25%, we need to put A and D as one single answer, giving the answer of 1/3...it is impossible to know for sure.


I got ~38%. Is the answer an actual answer choice? Where are people getting 0%?

Logic (probably wrong): If choose A or D, 25% of the time you have a 50% chance of being correct. Else, 25% chance if B or C.

I got ~38%. Is the answer an actual answer choice? Where are people getting 0%?

Logic (probably wrong): If choose A or D, 25% of the time you have a 50% chance of being correct. Else, 25% chance if B or C.

the choices are answers to the question. you have a .5 chance of picking 25%, so 25% is not the correct answer; you have .25 chance of picking 50%, so 50% is not the answer.
it's not a paradox, 0% works perfectly

Maybe I'm missing something, but I still don't see the logic behind 0%.

For example:

If I choose a random answer from among those below, what is the probability that the answer is correct?

A. Blue B. Red C. Yellow D. Blue

Assuming that either Red, Blue or Yellow is the correct answer, I don't see how you get 0%. The %'s are thrown in as a mind-fuck. Unless, it's wrong to assume that R, B or Y are the 3 possible answers in which case this is a retarded question.


6997 for captain 1 for fifth 1 for third 1 for last

It's the usual MBP "brainteaser" where it all boils down to the one vs. one situation where the next to last pirate can take all 7000 because he needs only his own vote. So it would be enough to offer the last 1 because otherwise he would receive 0.

1. cap 7000 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0

aye! come at me bros

This man deserves a SB hahaha you just made my day

# pirates -> captain's proposal (voting breakdown)

1 -> 7000 (1) 2 -> 7000 (0 1) 3 -> 6999 (1 0 1) 4 -> 6999 (0 1 0 1) 5 -> 6998 (1 0 1 0 1) etc.

You got it.


If pirate 1 is the only pirate left he gets 7000 coins. This case will never happen.

If Pirate 1 and 2 are left, pirate 2 will get 7000 coins because he can give himself half of the votes.

If 3 pirates are left, pirate 1 gets 1 coin, and pirate 3 gets 6999 coins, pirate 2 gets zero. Pirate 1 will vote for this distribution because if he doesn't, pirate 3 will die and all the coins will go to pirate 2.

If 4 pirates are left, Pirate 4 will give 1 coin to pirate 2. This secures is vote because he gets one more coin than the 3 pirate scenario. Pirates 1 and 3 get nothing, Pirate 4 gets 6999.

If 5 pirates are left, Pirate 5 will offer Pirates 1 and 3 two coins each in order to secure >50% of the vote. Pirates 2 and 4 get nothing. Pirate 5 gets 6998 coins.

If 6 pirates are left, Pirate 6 will prevent mutiny by giving one coin to Pirates 2 and 4. Pirates 1,3, and 5 get nothing, and Pirate 6 takes 6998 coins.

If 7 pirates are left Pirate 7 needs to earn 3 votes besides his own to prevent mutiny. He offers 1 coin each to pirates 1, 3 and 5. None to pirates 2, 4, 6. He takes home 6997 coins.

The key is to offer just enough coins to secure at least half the votes. You secure a vote by offering more coins than the pirate would get in a scenario with one less pirate.

Old Grand-Dad:
If pirate 1 is the only pirate left he gets 7000 coins. This case will never happen.

If Pirate 1 and 2 are left, pirate 2 will get 7000 coins because he can give himself half of the votes.

If 3 pirates are left, pirate 1 gets 1 coin, and pirate 3 gets 6999 coins, pirate 2 gets zero. Pirate 1 will vote for this distribution because if he doesn't, pirate 3 will die and all the coins will go to pirate 2.

If 4 pirates are left, Pirate 4 will give 1 coin to pirate 2. This secures is vote because he gets one more coin than the 3 pirate scenario. Pirates 1 and 3 get nothing, Pirate 4 gets 6999.

If 5 pirates are left, Pirate 5 will offer Pirates 1 and 3 two coins each in order to secure >50% of the vote. Pirates 2 and 4 get nothing. Pirate 5 gets 6998 coins.

If 6 pirates are left, Pirate 6 will prevent mutiny by giving one coin to Pirates 2 and 4. Pirates 1,3, and 5 get nothing, and Pirate 6 takes 6998 coins.

If 7 pirates are left Pirate 7 needs to earn 3 votes besides his own to prevent mutiny. He offers 1 coin each to pirates 1, 3 and 5. None to pirates 2, 4, 6. He takes home 6997 coins.

The key is to offer just enough coins to secure at least half the votes. You secure a vote by offering more coins than the pirate would get in a scenario with one less pirate.

You weren't first, but SB anyway for taking the time out to spell it out.

In other words, if it is an even number of pirates, just give every pirate with an even number rank 1 gold coin. If it is an uneven number if pirates, just give every pirate with an uneven number rank 1 gold coin.



Can one be rational AND selfish, assuming selfish means they want more for themselves than anyone else?

I hate victims who respect their executioners

dunno, but couldn't you just ask them who the person next to them is?

if the god says that the person next to him is honest then that person has to be random, if he says that the person next to him is random he must be honest, if he says that the god next to him is a liar you can't be sure on anything yet

at this point, if you already know who's random or honest, you can just ask the other two who that god is (the one you determined)... liar will call him a liar, honest will call him what he really is, and random will call him honest (if it's truly honest, the only other choice in this scenario, you know that liar wouldn't say that)

then you do the same idea again if needed...

I dunno, my explanation is kinda long, but the idea seems pretty easy (i'm looking at them as asking them left to right)

edit: gah, I know I must be missing something in my explanation, but wouldn't it work out even if you could only ask three questions to each? there's probably a way simpler explanation, but whatever, I tried -_-

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.


Ask B, "Would you deny that A is RANDOM?"
1. If B answers 'ja', then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly ), or B is not RANDOM and A is indeed RANDOM . Either way, C is not RANDOM definitely 2. If B answers 'da' , then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly), or B is not RANDOM and A is not RANDOM . Either way, A is not RANDOM definitely

Go to the God who was identified as not being RANDOM definitely based on B's answer by the previous question (either A or C) and find out whether he is GOD - TRUE or FALSE by asking the following question...

"If I asked you 'Are you TRUE-GOD?', would you say 'no'?

if he says NO then he is GOD-TRUE....if he says YES, then he is GOD-FALSE

Question No. 3 -

Ask the same GOD (who was identified as not being RANDOM) the question: "If I asked you 'Is B RANDOM?', would you say 'no'?". 1. If the answer is 'no' then B is RANDOM; 2. if the answer is 'yes' then the GOD you have not yet spoken to is RANDOM.

The third GOD can be identified by elimination after we have identified first 2


Ask B, "Would you deny that A is RANDOM?"
1. If B answers 'ja', then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly ), or B is not RANDOM and A is indeed RANDOM . Either way, C is not RANDOM definitely 2. If B answers 'da' , then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly), or B is not RANDOM and A is not RANDOM . Either way, A is not RANDOM definitely

Go to the God who was identified as not being RANDOM definitely based on B's answer by the previous question (either A or C) and find out whether he is GOD - TRUE or FALSE by asking the following question...

"If I asked you 'Are you TRUE-GOD?', would you say 'no'?

if he says NO then he is GOD-TRUE....if he says YES, then he is GOD-FALSE

Question No. 3 -

Ask the same GOD (who was identified as not being RANDOM) the question: "If I asked you 'Is B RANDOM?', would you say 'no'?". 1. If the answer is 'no' then B is RANDOM; 2. if the answer is 'yes' then the GOD you have not yet spoken to is RANDOM.

The third GOD can be identified by elimination after we have identified first 2

Obvious Google is obvious.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Ask B, "Would you deny that A is RANDOM?"
1. If B answers 'ja', then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly ), or B is not RANDOM and A is indeed RANDOM . Either way, C is not RANDOM definitely 2. If B answers 'da' , then either B is RANDOM (and is answering RANDOMly), or B is not RANDOM and A is not RANDOM . Either way, A is not RANDOM definitely

Go to the God who was identified as not being RANDOM definitely based on B's answer by the previous question (either A or C) and find out whether he is GOD - TRUE or FALSE by asking the following question...

"If I asked you 'Are you TRUE-GOD?', would you say 'no'?

if he says NO then he is GOD-TRUE....if he says YES, then he is GOD-FALSE

Question No. 3 -

Ask the same GOD (who was identified as not being RANDOM) the question: "If I asked you 'Is B RANDOM?', would you say 'no'?". 1. If the answer is 'no' then B is RANDOM; 2. if the answer is 'yes' then the GOD you have not yet spoken to is RANDOM.

The third GOD can be identified by elimination after we have identified first 2

Lol, you totally didn't do this yourself. You even used the terminology of the original problem (although still simplified since in the original, you don't know whether ja means yes or no)

this is one of those things where it's gonna be hard to cover all possible scenarios before I stop giving a shit

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

well well well, looks like a little cheater had to come in here and ruin the fun... what happens to the SB now? I say you give it to the only person who actually gave it an honest shot before this rapscallion came in here and ruined our lives.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
well well well, looks like a little cheater had to come in here and ruin the fun... what happens to the SB now? I say you give it to the only person who actually gave it an honest shot before this rapscallion came in here and ruined our lives.

I did it! I did it!

did my explanation even make any sense to you? ha

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
Just to figure it out as I go to google for most of my problems, #winning.
I hope you look forward to the following interview exchange: [INTERVIEWER]: How would you solve {insert brain teaser here}? [SC911]: I'm not sure, but I am REALLY good at pressing ctl+c, ctl+v [INTERVIEWER]: Get the fuck out.

Easy, in two questions or less.

Label gods as A, B, and C. They are in a circle so that B is right of A, C is right of B and A is right of C.

Ask them "Who is to your right?"

If no one answers Random, move them into the order "BAC". Ask them the same question.

By now, one will have answered Random. This is "Honest", since random would never label someone else as random and since the liar labels everyone else as "liar". The person who has been labeled Random is random, and the remaining god is honest.



I feel so wise.

[quote=rufiolove]When evaluating whether or not to post something on WSO, I think to myself, "would an idiot post this" and if the answer is yes, I do not post that thing...[/quote]

Is it just 3 or am I missing something?

Grab one sock, white or black, put it aside.

Grab another sock, possibly the other color.

If you grab a third no matter what you're going to have a pair.

"The only point in making money is so you can tell some big shot where to go.” -Bogie
Is it just 3 or am I missing something?

Grab one sock, white or black, put it aside.

Grab another sock, possibly the other color.

If you grab a third no matter what you're going to have a pair.


For the first four, use one of the following three formulas: (a+b)(a-b)=a^2-b^2 (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 (a-b)^2=a^2-2ab+b^2

I'll leave it to you guys to think of what the "a" and "b" should be in each situation. That's a general trick for most "fast" multiplication problems people tend to ask: they usually fall into one of these patterns you can use. Except when they don't, and life is miserable (I had that happen to me on a phone interview and was pretty sad when I terribly failed).

For the last one... It's something annoying about squaring something with only 1s. It ends up being an ascending natural number sequence followed by the same thing in reverse. Ex: 11=1 1111=121 111*111=12321 ...

These are just good tricks to keep in mind since I've heard bank bros occasionally ask these things.

For the first four, use one of the following three formulas: (a+b)(a-b)=a^2-b^2 (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 (a-b)^2=a^2-2ab+b^2

I'll leave it to you guys to think of what the "a" and "b" should be in each situation. That's a general trick for most "fast" multiplication problems people tend to ask: they usually fall into one of these patterns you can use. Except when they don't, and life is miserable (I had that happen to me on a phone interview and was pretty sad when I terribly failed).

For the last one... It's something annoying about squaring something with only 1s. It ends up being an ascending natural number sequence followed by the same thing in reverse. Ex: 11=1 1111=121 111*111=12321 ...

These are just good tricks to keep in mind since I've heard bank bros occasionally ask these things.

hmm, I just round to the nearest 10, 1921 = 2021-21 = 420-21= 399

did all but last one like this within 5-10 secs


I'd rather go through problems like ∫ ln(x) dx, but i doubt anyone here wants to go through integrals. Also, I am starting with relatively simple things. In the future I will add some more challenging ones. Problem solving skills cannot be learned by searching google for the answer to these questions and memorizing them, but rather building a foundation by solving problems.

I'd rather go through problems like ∫ ln(x) dx, but i doubt anyone here wants to go through integrals. Also, I am starting with relatively simple things. In the future I will add some more challenging ones. Problem solving skills cannot be learned by searching google for the answer to these questions and memorizing them, but rather building a foundation by solving problems.

I would prefer integrals...


The hardest brainteaser I ever got was a riddle:

It starts with the letter "S". It's two words. It's on every forum. It rhymes with the phrase "Church Glutton".

S _ AR _ H
B_ _ _ ON

Solve the puzzle.

Robert Clayton Dean: What is happening? Brill: I blew up the building. Robert Clayton Dean: Why? Brill: Because you made a phone call.
The hardest brainteaser I ever got was a riddle:

It starts with the letter "S". It's two words. It's on every forum. It rhymes with the phrase "Church Glutton".

S _ AR _ H
B_ _ _ ON

Solve the puzzle.



Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

Quas nihil est perferendis perspiciatis consequatur et et. In atque sint sint excepturi. Ipsum consectetur nobis sapiente hic. Est excepturi totam vel aliquam et. Voluptate et magni quidem doloribus.

Ut veniam placeat eius. Ipsam sapiente reprehenderit est repellat. Adipisci voluptatibus doloremque quod expedita laudantium ea.


Deleniti ab dolores sit. Eos totam autem laboriosam pariatur eos voluptas sint. Quod ad architecto numquam quibusdam cum consequuntur.

Molestiae facilis dolor enim aut. Qui consequatur numquam laborum voluptatem recusandae alias. Sunt eum aut unde consequuntur ea cupiditate non. Qui sequi perspiciatis repellendus tenetur deserunt quis. Reprehenderit eaque omnis quo debitis ullam neque eligendi ex.

Velit beatae quia voluptate consequatur ut aut et. Nostrum natus minima aut omnis.


Nam numquam officia molestias cupiditate minima explicabo nobis. Praesentium aliquam ullam sapiente voluptas. Pariatur cumque magni eos ipsa rerum tempora sunt.

Totam quia delectus labore aut deleniti ut. Corrupti alias eveniet aperiam recusandae nemo. Eum qui sit ex necessitatibus sint dolor. Vel dicta fugit fugiat delectus eaque.

Perferendis odio natus recusandae at sapiente eligendi. Perspiciatis dolor corrupti tempore mollitia ad qui. Dolores officiis facere officiis molestiae pariatur nemo quo.


Perspiciatis reprehenderit quaerat laborum modi autem. Error est magnam in sed eaque cupiditate consequuntur. Quia dolores ullam nulla in est nihil ut dolor. Facere recusandae velit quis occaecati nesciunt.

Consectetur doloribus hic nesciunt vero nostrum illum qui. Quis sint unde aut ipsam fugiat voluptate repudiandae. Cum sit inventore et illo doloremque aliquid nam. Magnam ratione voluptas nobis debitis est minima laboriosam.

Repellendus ex officia veritatis occaecati ut atque voluptatem. Natus aspernatur enim totam ut quo nemo quia.

Molestias et dolore quis. Inventore eos sed corrupti aut. Odio nisi perspiciatis rem ipsum est. Eum molestiae incidunt in id. Voluptatum ut rerum omnis adipisci. Provident cumque atque est possimus iure natus.


Voluptate et unde autem accusantium est. Inventore sunt autem et labore. Aperiam voluptatum eum qui non deserunt adipisci. Maiores consectetur sint fugiat est.

Aut delectus accusantium nostrum consectetur. Sed ut ipsa labore earum sed vitae assumenda. Quo fuga et numquam non in vitae. Minus temporibus fuga quisquam mollitia aut.

Aspernatur vel qui dolorem vero atque perferendis. Cumque fuga sapiente exercitationem harum optio. Quia dolorem labore qui explicabo aspernatur non eos quasi. Incidunt voluptatem blanditiis placeat mollitia consequatur. Facere earum amet qui reiciendis.

Consequatur impedit quis perferendis saepe saepe a numquam. Quod nesciunt et magnam consectetur. Aut rerum sapiente aspernatur. Dolores magnam alias at delectus dolorum consequatur dolor. Voluptas nostrum omnis voluptas possimus illo. Quos quia et modi et corrupti ducimus.


Recusandae rerum recusandae molestiae enim. Incidunt quod quo accusantium labore. Aut quas dolores ducimus quibusdam sit. Ut dolor cum magnam suscipit repudiandae ex et repellendus. Dolores unde officia quos ea. Nisi unde iusto repellendus qui. Porro sit aut animi qui expedita.

Accusamus quia ex est voluptatibus sed. Modi debitis quia non in quo ut qui.

Repellendus et distinctio pariatur qui. Quam culpa inventore et aperiam.


Aut sunt laudantium cupiditate velit cupiditate. Dolorum pariatur minima tempora neque sed. Voluptatem corporis est ea non. Sequi laboriosam dignissimos at aut. Molestiae omnis adipisci voluptas voluptatem ut aperiam. Occaecati aut qui sequi cupiditate id optio animi. Voluptatem voluptatibus vel non dolorum. Explicabo architecto ad minus ut quis quia quis.

Perspiciatis voluptatibus dignissimos labore consequuntur. Est officiis dolorum aut praesentium aut rerum accusamus. Quo aspernatur saepe accusantium sunt magnam ipsum error. Qui provident voluptas possimus.

-------------------- "It is a fine thing to be out on the hills alone. A man can hardly be a beast or a fool alone on a great mountain." - Francis Kilvert (1840-1879) "Ce serait bien plus beau si je pouvais le dire à quelqu'un." - Samivel

Voluptatem dolor et quam sint voluptas voluptatem. Quas rerum aspernatur natus laboriosam velit sunt vel suscipit. Dolorem rerum quam quos rerum saepe est suscipit ipsa. Rem sunt exercitationem sit quo sed. Eligendi praesentium ipsa nisi libero quia similique. Non dignissimos perferendis et sequi reiciendis distinctio.

Magni porro et quaerat tempora voluptatem. Et optio odit molestiae corporis aut.


Est nemo quod et. Aspernatur nihil repellat aut in alias dolorem est sequi. Nulla id recusandae hic ea omnis ea temporibus aut. Recusandae labore natus et repudiandae nemo aspernatur maiores. Unde nostrum blanditiis quae cum. Molestias magnam nostrum quas repellat.

Quis debitis quia cum enim nam libero. Non enim sunt sit facilis. Et quia placeat quia corporis laudantium autem illum nam. Qui quidem blanditiis aspernatur ut earum dolorum vel aut. Culpa id necessitatibus numquam totam tenetur. Molestias harum libero quia voluptate illo distinctio magni. Consequatur harum rerum dolore vitae velit nihil est.

Sint consequatur iusto eum porro. Optio officia est excepturi quidem. Odio ipsum ut minus. Doloribus velit quia perspiciatis doloribus libero architecto. Sunt quis rem perspiciatis id.

-------------------- "It is a fine thing to be out on the hills alone. A man can hardly be a beast or a fool alone on a great mountain." - Francis Kilvert (1840-1879) "Ce serait bien plus beau si je pouvais le dire à quelqu'un." - Samivel

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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