Fucking Cover Letters Kids

For fucks' sakes.

My shop is hiring a new junior (don't ping me, we already have >250 CVs) and reading these shit cover letters. Christ, at least it's easy to ding you.

  • Think about the file name:

Naming your CV: '[joe analyst - IB resume]' makes it pretty fucking obvious that you're not 'passionate about banking', this is just the generic CV you send to banks. Try something like: 'Date - Name - CV'. Also, naming your CV: '[ja - [Bank Name]', fine, we know you're applying to everything, but make it less obvious. If you can't take two seconds to name your CV properly, I don't need much time to ding you. To the last one, it's your fucking CV, put your fucking name on the file. Think about this from the other side, we get hundreds of files all called '[bank name] - CV', get fucked.

Also, fucking kids sending their letters for an IB role and then talking about their passion for portfolio management. If I cared enough I'd make a note to follow up and find out if they ever get hired.

Also, if you're sitting there saying, "what does it matter, it's just a file name?", you've probably never seen an MD scream at an analyst for sending incorrectly named files to a client.

  • Learn to write a fucking letter:

Christ, the formatting on letters that we receive, go back to your god damn overpriced schools and demand a refund on your fucking tuition. A wall of text is not appealing to fucking read and this is not the time to be informal. Remember, I've got hundreds of these to go through, and I can't go do my real job until I get through them all so I'm looking for reasons to throw yours out. Date it, address block, proper forming, subject line, intro paragraph, body, conclusion. I'm sure MS office or google have hundreds of templates. 

  • Concise:

I know you see this a one shot chance to get an interview so you want to put it all out there, but if you can't succinctly convey a message about why we should hire you, you probably can't get an investment thesis onto a single slide. Also, I don't want a three page essay on how you started trading stocks with the inheritance you received from your grandmother as a way to remember your time baking cookies with her. Fuck, you want to be a banker, not some fucking recipe blogger.

  • 'Why you will benefit the team' - NOT - 'what this role will do for you': 

I don't care if this role will help you become the financial professional you want to be. How will hiring you make my job easier, and how would having you on the team make us more money

  • Christ - Exit Opportunities:

How is this still a thing? I still see cover letters that say "I want to work for your bank so I can go to PE or VC". Fuck, what if I said "I'm only interviewing you so I can take a run at your sister"?

A while back GS said that the average analyst pays back the cost of hiring them at around the 18 month mark. So if you plan on leaving after two years, you're a bad hire and a wasted fucking investment. 

  • Make sure you change all the names when you Change All:

This one I actually like, when you reuse a letter and miss out on changing all the company names. Keep doing this.

  • General bullshit:

I work for a small boutique, so writing that you've spoken to former analysts, Pretty ballsy. Actually, we are going to give those two kids first round interviews so we can ask them over the phone who they were talking to, it's worth the 10 minutes. 

Also, get the name of the fucking bank correct, three kids today managed to misspell my fucking bank's name.

PDF your shit. Don't send a fucking word document. Jesus fuck. 

Here's a free one, if you're applying to big banks, realise that the first filter is either someone from HR, that knows fuck-all about banking, or a computer. So, copy the text from the post and make sure all the key words are used in the body, that way either the computer or the HR hack will tick it and pass it to someone that might actually read it.


CL* not CV, pls fix - I expected more attention to detail from someone who dings kids for CL file names


hahaha GOT EM! Seriously, cover letter is so 1980s. Who are you recruiting?
I have learned that a Cover Letter is a complete waste of time throughout my career for evaluating students and even myself.


Chill tf out. Imagine projecting your frustration of having to look through cover letters all day onto kids just trying to get a job. Cover letters are fucking stupid anyway. Everyone is going to say all the same generic bullshit and throw a bunch of meaningless buzzwords in there. Sorry you don't feel special that people aren't writing thoughtful and intricate essays on why they want to work at your boutique. Dudes are coming out of school in a shitty job market and applying to hundreds of jobs. People don't have time for that. Why don't you guys just a be a normal bank and hire on nepotism and kids who have networked? 


Kinda functions as a writing sample though. If one can't write concisely in a one page letter what makes you think he's a better writer for 10-page essays?


But it gets people to talk about their achievements in a very fake way. Not to mention that it all boils down to getting the "formula" right.

If you ask someone to submit a simple writing sample (of a say 5 paragraph essay you once wrote for a class) it's still a very quick read and you can easily gauge the writing skills and style of that person.

Might actually differentiate you from other candidates.


You sound like an absolutely miserable clown probably working for a shit tier bank. Sorry for your loss. 

Separately, and legitimate question here, how do you actually give a fuck about anything recruitment related and why are you even involved? Directors at my bank are absolutely coasting and enjoying their lives making a fuckton of money for pretty much either delegating or building out their "calling effort". These tasks should be in the purview of junior VPs and associates. Clown status is confirmed.


Jesus fucking christ. This is pathetic. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to you being stressed with work and using this as an excuse to rant. That's fair. We all do it.

But if you seriously believe every fucking thing you just wrote after taking a few laps around the block.... let me give you a hint. You're the problem lol.

Last but not least, why the fuck are you reading cover letters? They don't give that task to top bucket performers in any group. Hope that gives you a hint.



For fucks' sakes.

My shop is hiring a new junior (don't ping me, we already have >250 CVs) and reading these shit cover letters. Christ, at least it's easy to ding you.

  • Think about the file name:

Naming your CV: '[joe analyst - IB resume]' makes it pretty fucking obvious that you're not 'passionate about banking', this is just the generic CV you send to banks. Try something like: 'Date - Name - CV'. Also, naming your CV: '[ja - [Bank Name]', fine, we know you're applying to everything, but make it less obvious. If you can't take two seconds to name your CV properly, I don't need much time to ding you. To the last one, it's your fucking CV, put your fucking name on the file. Think about this from the other side, we get hundreds of files all called '[bank name] - CV', get fucked.

Also, fucking kids sending their letters for an IB role and then talking about their passion for portfolio management. If I cared enough I'd make a note to follow up and find out if they ever get hired.

Also, if you're sitting there saying, "what does it matter, it's just a file name?", you've probably never seen an MD scream at an analyst for sending incorrectly named files to a client.

  • Learn to write a fucking letter:

Christ, the formatting on letters that we receive, go back to your god damn overpriced schools and demand a refund on your fucking tuition. A wall of text is not appealing to fucking read and this is not the time to be informal. Remember, I've got hundreds of these to go through, and I can't go do my real job until I get through them all so I'm looking for reasons to throw yours out. Date it, address block, proper forming, subject line, intro paragraph, body, conclusion. I'm sure MS office or google have hundreds of templates. 

  • Concise:

I know you see this a one shot chance to get an interview so you want to put it all out there, but if you can't succinctly convey a message about why we should hire you, you probably can't get an investment thesis onto a single slide. Also, I don't want a three page essay on how you started trading stocks with the inheritance you received from your grandmother as a way to remember your time baking cookies with her. Fuck, you want to be a banker, not some fucking recipe blogger.

  • 'Why you will benefit the team' - NOT - 'what this role will do for you': 

I don't care if this role will help you become the financial professional you want to be. How will hiring you make my job easier, and how would having you on the team make us more money

  • Christ - Exit Opportunities:

How is this still a thing? I still see cover letters that say "I want to work for your bank so I can go to PE or VC". Fuck, what if I said "I'm only interviewing you so I can take a run at your sister"?

A while back GS said that the average analyst pays back the cost of hiring them at around the 18 month mark. So if you plan on leaving after two years, you're a bad hire and a wasted fucking investment. 

  • Make sure you change all the names when you Change All:

This one I actually like, when you reuse a letter and miss out on changing all the company names. Keep doing this.

  • General bullshit:

I work for a small boutique, so writing that you've spoken to former analysts, Pretty ballsy. Actually, we are going to give those two kids first round interviews so we can ask them over the phone who they were talking to, it's worth the 10 minutes. 

Also, get the name of the fucking bank correct, three kids today managed to misspell my fucking bank's name.

PDF your shit. Don't send a fucking word document. Jesus fuck. 

Here's a free one, if you're applying to big banks, realise that the first filter is either someone from HR, that knows fuck-all about banking, or a computer. So, copy the text from the post and make sure all the key words are used in the body, that way either the computer or the HR hack will tick it and pass it to someone that might actually read it.

So basically you're athiest?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Dude you're a fucking loser. You may be a 'Director' but no way in hell you would have gotten to that point if you were just starting today. Just statistically speaking (literally not talking about your character or anything), highly unlikely you'd even break in as a junior. Seriously, just look around for a second. You won the genetic lottery congratulations now go fuck yourself little bitch.

I only graduated just about three years ago now, but I also doubt I would have been able to break in today's environment just saying.


Non target, non diversity, no networking,no previous internship.

Thanks to my Cover letter, I literally got offers from every single bank. I had everyome from HR to Directors directly message me to say "your Cover letter blew me away, let's talk".

Agree with OP. Learn to write, learn to communicate, and learn to sell yourself.


This is the problem with all of you guys asking for a PM. If you need to see someones cover letter to try and emulate it, you need to figure your shit out and find out what it is about yourself that makes you unique and how to show an employer that.


Brother, plz pm me. As you can see my profile pic 2021 has been tough. Hopefully writing impressive CVS can brighten this year up


Dear OP, this is excellent feedback to someone who asked for help or asked for your feedback. But instead you are venting your fucking frustration anonymously here on a public forum where even if you are right (and tb fucking h you kinda are). Your effort will go a little sideways. I have no clue how fucker like you cannot see it :)

Also soem snowflakes unnecessarily triggered here :( you should be able to filter the offensive bulshit and try to understand the content. There certainly is some self-improvement space available. Hard the fuck up.... little bit.


Lol you work at a boutique and acting like you are some sort of deity that is so above everyone else. I genuinely feel bad for these poor college kids that have to work under you. Its people like you that give IB a bad rep. 

and PS, your boutique is literally all these kids backup option because they couldnt land at a MM and BB. No one actually wants to work at your company bro


My boss made a comment about reading something in my cover letter one time and I almost lold like wtf you actually read that??  Who tf reads those?  It’s similar to people asking “why this bank?” followed by my obviously bs answer that you and I both know isn’t genuine.  Ask stupid questions get stupid answers


OP - Great points and anyone who is looking to get into IB should take them to heart. If you've never been in the interviewer's/hiring managers shoes then scram. Here's what he's getting at:

1. Naming docs matters - make it easy for people to find your documents. It's really not hard and is an attention to detail item that is noticed immediately.

2. DON'T send word docs. WHY!? Readers could be using a different version of Word than you, so formatting can end up jacked if you don't PDF that biatch.

3. A great & concise story is what people are looking for. You're just as "passionate" about finance as every other applicant so find something that's both professional and memorable for the reader. I'd rather read a memorable 1 page CL than a good 3-pager. Your interest in the stock market as a juvenile isn't interesting to read about.

4. Tell a story that demonstrates your character and how you'll bring something unique to the team. As OP said, how do YOU bring value to THE FIRM. Not vice versa.

5. TRIPLE check every. single. time. before you send anything.

If you do what OP says your chances to get an interview just went up by 50%.

"Out the garage is how you end up in charge It's how you end up in penthouses, end up in cars, it's how you Start off a curb servin', end up a boss"

Yo, what font pisses you the less off? I have a resume where I am using Times new Roman but tbh it looks so classic and boring. Should I use calibri instead? Or do you have any recommendations for a good font? 


I'm just shocked you 1) encourage cover letters from applicants and 2) actually read all of the cover letters based on your post.

Like no exaggeration I'm pretty surprised that you hold so much weight to these that you made a post about it. Cover letters have been a pretty useless submission pretty much everywhere now so it's interesting to see that your firm is using them as a serious point of consideration


I agree with you man. 

I've received resumes that are titled "firstname_Lastname_Resume" and immediately I'm like why the fuck wouldn't you capitalize your own first name.

No attention to detail, we don't get paid $$$ $$$ by clients to send them shit files with bad grammar/spelling mistakes. 


Ctrl+F works wonders for updating the cover letter when applying for a similar role across companies.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

As one of the older folks on this forum, but still quite active both running a business, recruiting young people, etc. I find it incredible that any of you would question / challenge OP on why he/she requires a cover letter. You should be delighted to write one as it gives you a great chance to differentiate yourself from your peers. You can take a much deeper dive on the actual position, company via the letter than simply providing a resume. Also, it shows how much effort you're willing to put towards achieving an interview. If you're not willing to do that, and do it well, why in God's name would I ever want to speak with you? 

You have all the tools in front of you. It's so much easier than it used to be. Shine!


I never reply to a job that requires a cover letter and will never write one. So much BS


This post reeks of a junior analyst at a small regional boutique IB who spends most of their day making sell-side slide decks angry that their bosses never recognize their contributions and growing more bitter by the day after realizing that decent exit ops only come from the reputable BB/EB/MM banks. 

God I'm glad I'm not in banking and don't have to worry about petty shit like this and can just focus on performance...


Excellent post. Too many entitled undergrads nowadays in need of a fresh dose of reality


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Sit doloremque perspiciatis ullam optio minima sint. Et reprehenderit ab voluptas debitis odio est quo.

Vel eligendi blanditiis vitae optio et cumque quis. Odit et provident culpa magni. Natus saepe nisi ut minima et. Eum amet dolor ut occaecati ut tempora consequatur ipsum. Quia est ipsum optio est nisi molestiae aut.


In voluptatem sint iste eius cum accusamus ad. Fuga dolores quis libero. Rem tempore et quas deleniti sapiente dolor. Molestias et iste commodi quia nisi praesentium sit.

Ipsum ipsam soluta nostrum veniam inventore in consequatur. Voluptas ad dolore consequatur maiores ipsum magni nihil debitis. Nihil velit aspernatur adipisci vel omnis sapiente delectus quaerat. Saepe quibusdam repudiandae nemo blanditiis rerum facere tenetur sed. Eius voluptates sit iusto voluptatem quo dolor ut. Voluptatem quia qui earum non et sed deserunt culpa.

Deleniti officiis dolorum et quo consectetur. Officia ratione nihil rerum eum iusto aut.

Molestias et rerum cum est rerum. Ad beatae voluptatem nam aliquam quibusdam impedit. Impedit labore dolorem tempore incidunt repellendus. Deserunt aut voluptatem aut et et minus.


Quis iusto qui veritatis ut et. Quas iste fugit non quia delectus. Quo ducimus enim autem quas. Quaerat nihil perspiciatis et et. Qui quisquam deleniti aut.

Commodi natus non modi est ut nemo. Neque natus quam nesciunt consequatur. Enim ut in ducimus mollitia rerum. Enim quia non iusto. Vel unde aliquam laboriosam perferendis repudiandae doloribus est atque. Totam blanditiis praesentium delectus perferendis.


Iste magnam aut repellendus sit voluptates distinctio fugit. Rerum aliquam fugit id voluptatem sequi nostrum. Aut mollitia molestiae enim doloribus ut fuga et. Minima rerum sit eaque aut consequatur.

Quo consequatur ut mollitia voluptatibus consequatur et quod. Voluptatum quos sapiente quo a consequuntur voluptates iusto. Expedita magni quo iure quasi. Impedit voluptatem repellendus in ex quia eveniet rerum.

Inventore eaque eos odit aut rerum distinctio. Ut sunt omnis tempora voluptatem deleniti. Ducimus blanditiis id odio reprehenderit cum odit adipisci. Omnis aut est ea tempora voluptates nihil enim.


Aspernatur perspiciatis et aliquam omnis recusandae aut sunt omnis. Quaerat culpa consequatur sint qui.

Repellendus hic dolorem quos adipisci. Minus fugit blanditiis cum doloribus enim. Cum voluptas quia et suscipit qui ex. Voluptatum aut non maxime quaerat nihil aut laborum.

Cumque cumque libero rerum velit esse. Quia qui nemo voluptas. Totam aut libero molestias consequatur dolore omnis autem. Cumque a qui sed quis distinctio et quisquam.

Hic ipsa est aperiam placeat eos. Magnam voluptas vitae omnis sint dolore ut et. Soluta et illum culpa qui exercitationem harum reprehenderit. Magnam rerum quia non sed perferendis aperiam tenetur. Tempora iure voluptatum quia excepturi reiciendis aut non. Rerum voluptatem et blanditiis dolores et alias.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Morgan Stanley 04 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
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