This is the link.

[The video](


To be honest, it kind of proves that the american dream still exists. In the sense that people who want to work will get rewarded for it but at the same time it really bothers me that people who live in countries that don't border the U.S have to go through a long and arduous procedure which might not even succeed, most of the applicants being highly educated people who most likely want to emigrate to the U.S permanently.

Also didn't GS check the SSN? how does the SSN system work?


Over a million SSN's were stolen between 2010 and 2014. The IRS does not tell anyone who has a stolen SSN that they know it was stolen. It could be as simple as her lying. Also, it could be that she wrote down a fake one and nobody checked. The background check could have returned nothing substantial to not signal her as being uneligible to work in the US. She could have also gotten an ITIN number, basically a social for illegals to pay their taxes. Basically, illegals get jobs everyday, why do you think GS would be any different?

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.
Name Of Profit:

This is the link.

To be honest, it kind of proves that the american dream still exists. In the sense that people who want to work will get rewarded for it

Not if you're black lol.

When I was in college our Tax planning course partnered with VITA (basically a volunteer tax service where we do tax return prep for low income people). When we did our training they straight up told us often times illegal immigrants will just make up a SSN and it goes through. Nothing we could do about it. I almost for sure filed taxes for an illegal immigrant or two.

Best Response

I fail to understand why she was being applaud. For starters she broke the law and blatantly disregarded our immigration process something hundreds of thousands of people have been through lawfully.

The fact that people view this as a positive is a slap in the face for everyone else who legally immigrates to the US and does exactly what she did...buckle down, work hard, and pay your taxes.

Pulling on heart strings because she had it tough in Mexico or whatever is bullshit. I fucking dodged bullets as a kid in a shitty country but unfortunately for my parents and I we couldn't swim 2,000+ goddamned miles to fucking get here.

Fuck people like her who think they should get special treatment and be allowed to break the laws that apply for the rest of us and fuck Goldman Sachs...if I were in the government I'd deport her and fine the shit out of GS but they probably don't give two shits either ways.


Bingo. Also, the people who applaude this must be backwoods hillbillys who have no Chinese or Indian friends. I've seen first hand friends of mine not be able to find jobs because they required a Visa, including one friend who eventually went back to Europe because he couldn't get work.

Sadly, they don't vote Democrat so there is no outcry when they can't just stay in a country. But it's cool cause Mexicans can just walk across the border and have la raza advocated for non citizens to vote.


Seconded. For Asians, the process to get an H1B is onerous at best, dangerous for the US on the long run (due to reverse brain drain).

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

@TNA" your based dude. It makes sense why you have haters. They want to BE you.

Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

The problem with this is that enabling her to stay and eventually gain legal status DOES NOT address the crux of the issue. Hispanics hope, wait, and pray for amnesty and since our government has provided it before they have an incentive to cross over and A.) Have kids in the US to use as an anchor or B.) Stay in the US for as long as you can and then argue that your American enough and don't deserve to be shipped back to the US.

Not saying you're the one to do this but people can MS this all they want but America needs to grow a fucking spine. Our softness for illegals is going to bite us in the ass one day (probably has in some instances).

In other countries Mexico included they treat illegals a hell of a lot worse. Try sneaking into Pakistan, Iran, or some South American countries and you'll taste some lead.

Going back to the original point, this VP from GS is a slap in the face to all of us who waited patiently (context: took me 20 years to become a US Citizen) and spent an absurd amount of money on legal fees and lost wages trying to get through the process.

GS for hiring her is just as bad because a storied institution is basically disregarding the laws in this country. So a small business can be shut down and prosecuted for failure to eVerify and hiring illegals but GS gets a pass?

To make it worse it suggests that GS is incompetent when it comes to hiring or purposefully complacent. Extensive background checks and vetting for others but illegals like her fly under the radar?

Hell of a double standard if you ask me!

I think you might have misunderstood her story. She came to the U.S. against her own will as a child because her parents crossed the border illegally.>

If it was without her will or consent that she came to the U.S. then send her back.


Lol, I truly don't understand people like this. Many times, the difference between a legal and an illegal immigrant is just the result of a lottery. If you don't win the lottery, you're shit out of luck. I don't know about you, but I don't like to chance my success on mere luck. Would you have preferred her to come into the US with a visitor VISA and deceptively marry a USC merely to become a resident->citizen? There are many desperate guys out there who would settle down with any women that gives them the time of day. Is this way more respectable than risking your livelihood for a chance at a better life? It's legal, after all. And legal is good. Illegal is bad.

Either way, it was not this woman's choice to be brought to the US. Her parents brought her here before she could understand the ramifications of her emigration. Once she was old enough to understand, the US was already her home. Should she pay for the "crimes" of her parents by being sent to, what is to her, a foreign country?


Life's a lottery. Being born in the developed world is dependent 100% on luck.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Yeah she cut the line - possibly taking the job from someone born here or who patiently waited for their chance (legally) to become a citizen.


As a person who is here (in the US) legally and have been looking for a job for the past 6 months with no success, this story pisses me off. I also had to dodge bullets not a long time ago and had our building hit with several RPGs, yet I don't feel entitled to get special treatment. People need to grow up, take responsibly of their lives and stop feeling sorry for their unfortunate circumstances.


How can this comment have 10 MS? It basically says you shouldn´t break the law, nothing wrong with that statement. So for those of you that throw monkey shit at this post, are you thinking those "poor" immigrants have the right to violate the american laws and you support/applaud them doing it? Whats wrong with you people? That´s exactly the reason why we see a shift to the right wing in Europe/US. People are getting pissed by all this "tolerance" bullshit, it´s just going too far when we come to the point where the media applaud illegal immigrants for breaking the fucking law. I´m from Europe and if I am going to the US for holiday and get a 30-day Visa and would stay 1 fucking day longer I would be in serious trouble. But when an immigrant comes illegally to the US, she gets a job at GS and is being interviewed like a "hero"/"role model" by CNN. Pathetic.

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Leftists? Remember that Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegals, and Republicans (and Trump) agree that Dreamers should be protected.


Leftists? Remember that Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegals, and Republicans (and Trump) agree that Dreamers should be protected.

Reagan gave a one-time amnesty in exchange for Congress' promise to fix the illegal immigration promise in the future.


Just because a Politician does something idealogically wrong once - as a matter of real policy - doesn't mean the people who ideoligically want the wrong thing always -as a matter of moral principle - doesn't make the latter correct.

Also, Reagan was not the most conservative guy. Barry Goldwater, a primary opponent was much closer to a "true conservative". A corollay for Trump would perhaps be Ted Cruz.


Usually, by that, they mean they want the H1B caps to be increased - something that many Republican lawmakers oppose. They also mean that Dreamers should be granted amnesty and not thrown out.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

I'm not sure about that. I don't think that if I sneak a person or substance into another country in contrivance of that country's laws and then systematically hide from those laws because I don't like the circumstances of my birth (or more importantly in that situation, my child's birth, which was LARGELY my decision), that I should be granted indefinite leave to remain or amnesty due exclusively to my willingness to violate those fucking laws.

I don't get to keep the cocaine in my pocket when I cross a border illegally (and get caught). I don't get to keep the cocaine if I'm caught with it in the US. And before any of you dumb bastards harass me for equating a person with an illicit substance, please remember that the people brought here illegally are at no fault. But they remain here against the government's wishes. I once had to leave the UK against my wishes. If I had hid, produced children, taken a National Insurance Number (and lied about it) and then insisted that the UK government grant me leave to remain because I had CONSTANTLY VIOLATED THEIR FUCKING LAWS, I would have been laughed at (at best).

This argument is absurd. We don't live in a free-flowing world anymore. Our great advances in technology (almost entirely brought on from the West) in the last 50 years have scared the masses (the bottom 80% of people into populism and nativism. Keep pressing these ridiculous points, and see what happens you sad fools.


I am Indian-American whose parents struggled to come into America and I feel that illegal immigrants who came into this country should be deported.

BUT I don't understand movement to deport DREAMERS who are brought into this country as children. This is the only country they know, and it would be cruel and inhumane to deport someone who only know this country and have no experience or knowledge of their home country. They didn't choose to come here, and shouldn't be forced to leave their home.

<span itemprop=name>jackdonaghy26</span>:

I am Indian-American whose parents struggled to come into America and I feel that illegal immigrants who came into this country should be deported.

BUT I don't understand movement to deport DREAMERS who are brought into this country as children. This is the only country they know, and it would be cruel and inhumane to deport someone who only know this country and have no experience or knowledge of their home country. They didn't choose to come here, and shouldn't be forced to leave their home.

Few came over as babies, "dreamers" come here up into their 20s. Many come in middle school to be set up to enter prime U.S. high schools. A large % of dreamers lie about their age. And another large % of them are Mexican middle class who flew over on travel visas with full intention of scamming the system. Once they get daca they get to tap all welfare benefits, free school, free college. They're parasite invaders.

  1. DREAMERS are people who entered this country below the age of 16 and are under the age of 31 by 2012. You may be confused with many who are above 16 currently but were below 16 when they first arrived.

  2. Can you show me any legitimate study that shows that a large % of DREAMERs lies about their age. Besides some Breitbart nonsense (with no supporting) data, I couldn't find a single news source that shows significant fraud in DACA.

  3. You are confusing the overall population that arrive with travel visas with Mexicans. The primary people who overstay their work or travel visas are Indian-Americans or Chinese Americans, and most leave voluntary. You are again confusing two different statistics to create a statement that is plain wrong.

  4. Immigrants are not parasites and that has been statistically proven. Koch founded and conservative CATO institute found that poor immigrants use welfare and public benefits less often then poor natives. So your belief that a class of people in our country are leeches is dead wrong.


Her way of debating her case make me question her ability to perform. How the hell did someone like her become a VP at GS, unless of course, she played the minority card.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."
<span itemprop=name>Frank Quattrone</span>:

Her way of debating her case make me question her ability to perform. How the hell did someone like her become a VP at GS, unless of course, she played the minority card.

A banker on live TV admitting to several examples of fraud. I don't understand how she's employable.


Because she's a deplorable minority. My bigger question is how guys thought of picking HER up!

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

My dad didn't graduate middle school and came to the U.S. "LEGALLY" at the age of 24 with $25. Didn't know a hint of English. Look... I'm not trying to brag but now my parents live in $600K house with 3 cars and pay $15,000 on real estate tax a year! Now, this is the fucking American dream. I mean yes, they struggle time to time, as he has his own business, but do they avoid the tax system? No! And to think, I struggled to get through college and this illegal got a scholarship. Wow...


Care to explain the quotes? How is that possible? I'm guessing you're Asian or Eastern EU.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

why don’t your parents avoid the tax system?

if they own a business and your pops only got to middle school, it’s almost certainly a cash heavy enterprise and literally, and I mean literally, every person in my extended family and family friend groups from all 4 corners of the USA who own small businesses like gas stations, subways, coffee shops, hotels...they all fucking underreport their business income and pad the house with some dirty cash.


My dad didn't graduate middle school and came to the U.S. "LEGALLY" at the age of 24 with $25. Didn't know a hint of English. Look... I'm not trying to brag but now my parents live in $600K house with 3 cars and pay $15,000 on real estate tax a year! Now, this is the fucking American dream. I mean yes, they struggle time to time, as he has his own business, but do they avoid the tax system? No! And to think, I struggled to get through college and this illegal got a scholarship. Wow...


Wtf are we talking about here? This chic came here as a kid and grew up here. Why are we even entertaining deporting this individual? Fact is she should probably already be a citizen. Not her fault her parents got here illegally. This is absurd.


See, that's the problem with many people here in this country. "Not her fault"... Of course, it's not her fault. Regardless, she shouldn't be here along with her family. But the fact that she is flaunting like it was already her right to be here in the first place is what pisses me off. Listen, if you're illegal, regardless whether you came here as an infant or not, you shouldn't be here.


Dude it definitely matters. Accidently killing someone is not the same as predetermined murder. When your parents bring you here, you grow up here, here is what you know, how the fuck does it make sense to send you back to Mexico? Ofc she "shouldn't be here" but she didn't make that decision. Since she is already here and made a life for herself here what sense does it make to deport her.

But the fact that she is flaunting like it was already her right to be here in the first place is what pisses me off.
This is correct. She literally takes it for granted that Mexicans have full right to be in the US (not!). In that case, so do other refugees, irrespective of religion and race.
Listen, if you're illegal, regardless whether you came here as an infant or not, you shouldn't be here.
This is nonsensical. A child cannot be made to suffer the sins of the father. If a child comes to the US, gets educated, gets a college degree, gets a job, does not perform a crime, learns American values of freedom and democracy and dropping bombs on ME countries like bird poo, then the child has essentially carved his/her way to American citizenship by virtue of his/her achievements, unlike a fatso in Fucksville who hasn't graduated HS and lives in his mom's basement. Last time I checked, the USA was a results-oriented meritocracy.
What is more likely is they are paying into a system you and I receive benefits from when they cannot receive those benefits.
And this. Illegals live in the US with whatever job they can get, for meagre pay, while their American companies line up their fat pockets without exerting a bit. While we need to reduce the amount that gets into the US, and focus on giving Americans the jobs Mexicans stole from them, we also need to ensure the competitiveness of the American corporation. Let's admit it, Americans may be some of the laziest workers vis-a-vis the Chinese or Indians or Mexicans. What makes American cooperations relatively competitive on the global level are cheap Mexican immigrant workers and factories in Mexico and China.

IMHO, having been to some crazy places in Mexico and Central America, I would recommend a full fledged military operation against the drug cartels in Mexico, in full INCOOPERATION with the Mexican government. The US army could not do so in an Afghanistan that was a million miles away, with a Taliban supported by Russia, but it could do that on its own border, against rogue gangs and a corrupt government. Why? Because the Mexicans might be willing to support it, and they aren't dumb. When we try to play gangs against each other like the CIA does right now, it's going to be an Afghanistan repeat.

Fun fact: - The Sinaloa cartel was actually propped up by the CIA to oppose the Beltran Levya, Gulf, Cali and Juarez cartels. The Los Zetas (one of the more dangerous groups), was in turn propped up by the Gulf Cartel.

EDIT:- Check a comment down below for my actual views on this. I support carving a path for Dreamers to citizenship, but not specifically for this woman who used a fraudulent SSN and fraudulent IDs to obtain a job. When she goes all out and puts out a story like that, she should've been deported. Her right to spousal citizenship should've been denied on these very grounds. Unfortunately I feel that the US background check system is so useless - even Iran does a better job.

EDIT2:- I like Mexico much better than the US - way cooler country. This video is proof of it:

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Echoing @RedRage's words.

Me and my parents are from Latin America. Mom and Dad had to hustle extremely hard, and I was fortunate enough to be able to come and study (legally!) in an American university.

However, I can only stay here until I finish my education (next year already) -- and I will need a working Visa if I wish to stay any longer (which as you might now, is not an easy thing to do).

When I was recruiting for Internships, virtually no IB firms outside of the BB's sponsor international students. It is just burdensome and financially unfeasible for small shops to do so, which leaves a handful of firms that need to take in many international (and american) students. Result? People get left out, but at least we try, **LEGALLY! **

My parents don't even try to visit me because getting a Visa just to come and visit nowadays is fucking hard... America is the greatest country on the planet, and there will always be chances to be successful, but you got to get in line and work from there. You cant be a sneaky fuck and steal someone's SSN and apply for jobs... I understand that she came here as an 11 year old, but she can't just skip line like this. Furthermore, for every "VP @ Goldman Sachs success story, how many illegal-aliens are out there committing crimes?

Also, adding on to this, why the fuck are people so welcoming of immigrants? In my school, people want to literally shelter Muslim refugees. Why have we reached a point where blind sympathy has overrun logic and concern for our safety? Do these people not understand the need for a strong, secure, and fair border? Are they not looking at what is happening in Europe?

end of rant

"Suffer today and live the rest of your life as a champion!"
Also, adding on to this, why the fuck are people so welcoming of immigrants? In my school, people want to literally shelter Muslim refugees.

This is what liberal Democrats say; liberal Democrats, however, usually do not practice what they preach. I highly doubt any of those people saying they want to take in Muslim refugees would actually call up the feds and voluntarily take people in. Instead, liberal Democrats make sure that refugees get sent to small town America, which has to foot the cultural and financial bill. It's the same thing we see here in the Washington, D.C. area, which is run by pompous, entitled, narcissist liberal Democrats--they preach affordable housing, but make sure the units are nowhere near where they live.

<span itemprop=name>Dances with Dachshunds</span>:

Also, adding on to this, why the fuck are people so welcoming of immigrants? In my school, people want to literally shelter Muslim refugees.

This is what liberal Democrats say; liberal Democrats, however, usually do not practice what they preach. I highly doubt any of those people saying they want to take in Muslim refugees would actually call up the feds and voluntarily take people in. Instead, liberal Democrats make sure that refugees get sent to small town America, which has to foot the cultural and financial bill. It's the same thing we see here in the Washington, D.C. area, which is run by pompous, entitled, narcissist liberal Democrats--they preach affordable housing, but make sure the units are nowhere near where they live.

This is literally nonsensical. You can be pro-refugee and not willing to take in an additional mouth to feed at the same time; it's not at all hypocritical.

I'll consent when you decry any Republican who is against abortion and also not willing to adopt an additional child into their home.…

A sharp kind of dread sank in after Goldman offered her a full-time position. She was afraid of what could happen when one of the world’s most sophisticated companies examined her fake green card and Social Security number, took her fingerprints, and ran a background check. She had a recurring dream about being caught: She was sitting in an investment bank office. No one had to tell her she was being deported or threaten her; she just knew what was to come next. Then she’d wake up.

But Goldman never did discover her secret. It was 2005 and a good time to become one of the 23,000 employees of Wall Street’s most profitable securities firm. “I was like, sky’s the limit,” she says. “I’m in.”

And this becomes fraud. At this point, she should've been kicked out. That's where the loophole is. That's why she's a bad hombre. And instead of jailing her, she's allowed to become a writer and "motivational speaker". What a bitch.

Now because of her, Lindsey Chang or Karishma Gupta did not get that GS job.…

Finally, in 2009, Arce married a US citizen and secured a green card, and went on to become a naturalised US citizen. She quit Wall Street and is now an author, speaker and social justice advocate based in Los Angeles, the centre of the undocumented immigrant population. She has watched the ascent of Donald Trump, who has made anti-Mexican rhetoric a centrepiece of his presidential campaign, with horror. Yet in March last year, when Arce went public with her story, Trump’s daughter Ivanka tweeted: “We love this story about an undocumented immigrant who worked her way up on Wall Street.”

So she married to become a US citizen. Not even by going through the usual channels of green card wizardry. The hate is flowing freely now. Not to mention that the Trumps are hypocritical retards though.

Arce visited her family in Taxco, flew to Europe on a Mexican passport, and paddled down North Carolina’s Roanoke River. She thought she could start a website for arranging impromptu vacations, then a business to get community funding for small ventures; both fell through. She and her husband, who moved away for a job, separated. “Life is all about adapting to change, moving when things are shaken up,” she wrote on her blog.

In 2012 a coffee with a friend working at Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch turned into a job opportunity, and she took it. The role wasn’t what she’d thought—mostly project management and compliance strategy. When her boss stopped looking her in the eye, she says, she knew what was going to happen. She was let go last May.

And now, she's divorced, took advantage of her boyfriend, tried to start something instead of being a leach on society, and failed in that too. Tried to get a "normal" job, failed in that too. Makes me wonder how bad my profile was in not getting an interview to GS while stupid shits like her get in.

Funnily enough, all these frauds (JeffrayChiang and another unnamed fellow included) happen to be coming from UT Austin. What kind of fucked up culture does that place have?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

People like her is what is wrong with the system and the checks in general. I could care less what money she has or makes, she's trash to me and many others whose family came here legally. She probably paid the guy to marry her, for all we know.


I came here legally at 8 and I find it comical that many of you would support deporting me at 25+ when I've never stepped foot in my "home country" for 15+ years if my parents broke the law and came here illegally. The fact that this is a discussion and people can't see the absurdity of this mindset is kinda sad honestly.

p.s. UT Austin is one of the most enjoyable campuses in America


On a side note, why are the hot chicks in Mexico while the busty fatso illegals come to the US? Care to enlighten us AndyLouis ?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

incredible on the low side or the high side?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Look what Mexicans did to Mexico. Why would you want them to come do that to the US?

Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

As first generation immigrant there are many people who apply legally to become citizens, and especially in the education system, illegals are supported much more than those tax paying law abiding immigrants and citizens. She has taken advantage of those circumstances, which give her a unfair advantage over those who have gone through the excruciating process.


Legal Immigrant here. Personally think its ridiculous that someone can cheat the system like this and be rewarded. Its also doubly unfair to those who, like my family and I, had to wait years just to be CONSIDERED for residency.

I don't think she shouldn't be deported becuase its "unfair" but rather because i think its pointless. America has an immigration problem and I think there should be a clear cut path to turn all these illegals into regular citizens.

So I would say lets deport her parents who knowingly came into the country illegally and brought her with her, levy a kick in the ass to GS for either not doing their job or doing it poorly and finally fine her/throw her in jail (whatever the usual punishment for such actions is) for knowingly defrauding the system by providing false documentatin. As an immigrant I do appreciate how hard it is to be allowed to come to this country and I wish the US did make it easier for those of us who are are willing to relocate here, pay taxes and play by the rules but I also understand that this a is a claasic case of a few bad apples ruining it for all of us.

Also, for the love of God: you come into the country illegally, proceed to stay here for over a decade, get a job at the most elitist bank in the world, very dubiously marry someone, get a greencard, divorce and then tell every one just to rub in how much smarter she is than everyone else? This is a joke right?


Spot on dude. I've seen friends of mine leave because they can't get a Visa. My buddy was told point blank to go to Mexico and get a tan and he'd be able to stay.

Shameful and truly unfair to all the Americans who come to this country legally. The fact that Dems obstruct against enforcing immigration laws is shocking to me.

Abstract: Using administrative, individual level, longitudinal data from the state of Georgia, this article finds that rising shares of undocumented workers results in higher earnings for documented workers, but by a small amount. A one percentage point increase in the share of undocumented workers in a documented worker's county/industry results in an average wage boost of 0.44%. Within the firm, a one percentage point increase in the percent of undocumented workers employed by the firm boosts wages by 0.09% (0.11, 0.12, and 0.04 in low, medium, and high skill firms, respectively). Potential explanations for a positive wage impact are discussed.


Most economic papers show immigration results in a net positive for developed economies. People don't give a fuck about data though (like the persisting myth that immigrants take more from the state in welfare than they pay in taxes when the opposite is true). It isn't an economic argument but an ideological argument (see Republican Steven King's comments on not rebuilding our nation with someone else's babies) masked as an economic one.


You'd believe a report that showed a marginal benefit towards drowning.

We are automating McDonald's workers. We're maybe 10 years away from an articulate, humanoid robot. I've been on plant tours that are lights out, fully automated.

Please tell me the benefit of importing people who have low educational achievement, who speak English as a second language and who perform largely menial work.

Sorry, but I can shit out a counter paper and we can have this dance all day. Doesn't pass the sniff test. We have tens of millions of unemployed Americans. We don't need any more unskilled workers.

And any report that looks at dimininus increases in wages without looking at increased costs to society or the depression in wages/automation that illegal immigration brings is trash.

Btw - it's illegal. All the "justification" in the world doesn't change that. Build the wall, deport these people and find companies into the ground for not complying with the law.


DeepLearning Excuse me but who wrote this? I see that this paper is cited by other source only one time and it's been two years since the publication. Authority of an academic paper is determine by the "number of citation". The fact that this paper was cited only once probably means that this paper's findings are not solid enough. Also, the fact that this paper was published in Southern Economic Association doesn't mean much.

In addition, the fact that there were observations of increased share of undocumented workers with increased share of wage of documented workers don't mean it's causal. There could so many other external factors. There can be millions of other explanations.


Isn't it flawed to say that one extra illegal immigrant who makes it over the border "takes" the spot of a legal, highly-educated immigrant seeking a Visa? I don't see a connection between event A (illegal immigrant crosses corder) and event B (legal immigrant denied H-IB).

Not necessarily arguing in favor of illegal immigration. Just wondering if the more effective argument would be something along the lines of: burden on infrastructure, burden on healthcare and education systems, don't pay taxes, etc.


Let's just liberalize the immigration process. No reason why anyone (barring obvious exceptions) who wants to come to the United States shouldn't.

Pros: + positive to GDP + in congruence with our principles + allows us to be more competitive in global market

Cons: - have to deal with different people - english lol - see above

Naturally some people will be opposed to immigration. That's fine, I have nothing against them--I just disagree.


I'm quite leftist myself but what I find interesting is liberal obsession with Europe and the way they do things. While they certainly do a lot of things right, they aren't very good at integrating immigrants into their society. Relatively speaking, the U.S. is a very new country without as much history. European cultures are in many ways much more nationalistic, making them less conducive to immigration, particularly non-white immigration. Here's a pretty interesting article on the subject.…



What you metioned happened long time ago when Caracalla a Roman Emperor AD200 did through his "Constitutio Antoniniana"Basically, he gave Roman citizenship to all people in Roman colony except slaves.

Some historians think this was one of the biggest reason for the fall of Rome. That is one of the key message from "Rome was Not Built in a Day" written by one of the most influential historian of roman history in Asia is Nanami Shiono.

Back then, "Rome Citizenship" was a prestige that everyone wanted. Citizens from colonial countries became roman soldiers and fought death to become a Roman Citizen. Citizenship is an important part of successful country's strategy. Some say citizenship strategy was one of the reason Rome rose to dominate the world.

When Rome opened up citizen to nearly anyone, Rome's citizenship lost prestige. Rome lost loyalty from its existing citizens. Rome's citizenship no longer became something that people from other countries will fight and die for.

You might say "I did not mean giving citizenship to everyone but some sort of status between Greencard and work Visa"

That will not work. Why? Once US open up border to every one it is going to be nearly impossible to go back. Your setting a precedent that will be very difficult to reverse. More importantly, with populistic democracy politics in US, politicians are going to give out free and easy citizenship to more and more people to win votes. Soon, everyone will have US citizenship.

I would also like to bring up a point that US World dominance is as much about US MILITARY DOMINANCE as economic dominance. I personally think it's more about military dominance. Heck, US no longer even dominate the world in economy as China taking #1 in GDP. US military dominance helps US hold on to oil fields and some say that that access to oil has effectively ruled the world politics. I diverged.

What I am trying to say is, if US citizenship lose its prestige, you cannot have a strong military. Do you think some paid off mercenary is better than US military soldiers who are loyal? Leaving your national security to foreign mercenary was exactly how Rome fell. More importantly, you will lose loyalty from core foundation of your country - existing citizens.

Citizenship policy is an important part of national strategy. Extremely difficult to reverse, immigrantion process liberalization, I argue, can be a start of American decline. Student of history, I personally don't think it will help the country in the long shot.


I like Roman history too. However, I think you have a few things off: 1- We can agree on the premise on that Roman citizenship was prestigious; however, I disagree that citizenship was a deciding factor in the fall of Rome 2- I don't think we need to "go back"--I'm ok with a liberal immigration policy in perpetuum 3- US GDP is still nearly 2x China's... 4- Military dominance is important, agreed; with greater tax revenues coming from a broader base, the US will continue to fund its military 5- The US is one of the largest producers of oil within our own territories lol, we don't need foreign oil fields 6- I don't think that US military strength is dependent upon prestige of citizenship lol, US became the largest GDP decades before it became the most power military fyi 7- The US's history (and Rome's) and quite the opposite of what you posit. What made Rome great, and what makes the US great, is the idea that people from different backgrounds can share the same values work towards common prosperity 8- See: statue of liberty


Since when was DickFuld a Democrat? When Paulson decided to shit on you? At least something good happened.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Sure why not.. We could round up some SJWs, wannabe anarchists, and the entire staff of MTV, buzzfeed, and MSNBC while we're at it. Maybe we could just kill off some old people too because we spend so much of the annual budget on Medicaid.

Overwhelming grasp of the obvious.
<span itemprop=name>Going Concern</span>:

We should round up a bunch of dumb hillbillies who are citizens and deport them, for being stupid and useless. That should even out things from a numbers standpoint and help out marginal wage convexity and other crucial metrics. Thoughts?

That's a great point, obviously. However, have you considered which country would willingly take these toothless cousin fuckers? I guess we could always just go to war with whatever country that refused to take them.....
<span itemprop=name>DickFuld</span>:

We should round up a bunch of dumb hillbillies who are citizens and deport them, for being stupid and useless. That should even out things from a numbers standpoint and help out marginal wage convexity and other crucial metrics. Thoughts?

That's a great point, obviously. However, have you considered which country would willingly take these toothless cousin fuckers? I guess we could always just go to war with whatever country that refused to take them.....

A quick casual war is certainly a great option, but another smart alternative is to just dump the hillbilly deportees in the middle of the ocean. It's completely righteous, since I hear these days swimming 2000 miles to the nearest shore is NBD


That's how Murrica delivers freedom. By sending the deprived countries America's finest.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

@Frank Quattrone" and whoever else has expertise in this area. How does a firm like GS completely fail in vetting its candidates and allow someone like this illegal to become a VP?

I'm assuming she was on the S&T or IB side and not Operations. Nonetheless this has to be a spectacular failure by HR considering that nowadays background checks are fairly common which includes verifying your legal status (my neighborhood Wal Mart does a better job of this than GS did in this situation).

I wonder if someone in HR was canned for this.


I don't think so. Back then, in '05, the times were waaay different. The banking industry was on a full-fledged euphoric run, so lax rules were in place. Only after the crisis were values such as transparency and honesty were valued. Hence Background Checks became more common then.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

As a criminal defense attorney her "I-was-forced-to-break-the-law" argument is illogical and without merit. She benefits from laws of the USA but declares the laws she does not agree with as "unjust" and therefore only laws she agrees with she will follow. We know for a fact, because she admitted it, that she lied at least one time (using a fraudulently obtained SSN). The question every lawyer in court would then ask is, "What else are you lying about?" In sum, she has no credibility, and the fact she worked at Goldman Sachs is irrelevant.


You're the first legal guy I'm seeing around these forums, tbh.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Poor Stumpy Stumpf. Considering that he did a great job growing the shit out of that bank, with what knowledge and data he had.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

TFW... "had to break the law".....fails to recognize that Goldman Sachs has presence all throughout south america and there is a pretty big finance hub in mexico city. More than likely came from a target school... meaning she would be one of the top candidates for a slot in her home country without question.


Please remove it. It is disgusting. GS continuing to lose preftige. I bet she speaks at all the dumb diversity engagements telling stories like the chevy nova failed in Mexico because it's name stood for "no go" and chevy wasn't diverse enough to realize this so diversity is good and improves profits.


Sunt officiis odio neque aut eos. Aperiam velit quo aspernatur ipsa facere. Aliquam architecto enim culpa rerum porro. Iure eum aut minima facere.

Et eveniet amet error eaque molestiae. Consequatur qui veritatis quaerat assumenda corporis officiis. Totam quibusdam illo eaque eveniet in fugit.

Sint rerum eum occaecati non laboriosam aliquam sint. Quia adipisci adipisci aspernatur et. Quos sit quod qui est quam tenetur. Eos ea commodi aut.


Est eligendi ratione aliquid ut. Magnam neque dolorum iure voluptates quia sint minima a.

Consequuntur rerum molestias libero velit dolor sit recusandae. Quam quia placeat minus voluptatibus commodi. Quae neque aut non a molestiae. Illo vitae cumque tempora tempora.

Mollitia eum necessitatibus sunt enim id corporis voluptatem pariatur. Laboriosam autem ut necessitatibus eveniet libero minus odio aut. Sapiente sint repellendus expedita adipisci quae recusandae. Ut sit accusantium quisquam. Delectus facilis qui voluptatibus eum.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.

Accusamus quis eius occaecati eius dolores numquam. Alias magnam quisquam qui sequi officia aliquam vel. Et minus accusamus soluta excepturi dolores et eum. Officia voluptatem in temporibus facilis voluptatibus voluptas.

Quae molestiae provident et aliquid rerum laudantium et. Quibusdam autem enim rerum deleniti et laborum debitis sit. Qui et ea eius quia ex distinctio.

Quia similique enim velit vel fuga. Ab veniam perspiciatis quidem non. Est saepe cumque corporis accusantium et fugit voluptas enim. Qui eaque et amet consequatur consequuntur suscipit sed nesciunt. Tempore atque est corporis excepturi. Aspernatur esse expedita assumenda quas tenetur.


Voluptas aut voluptatum et voluptatem cupiditate fuga ipsum. Eos blanditiis quae ipsa et error. Maiores ducimus est et tempore reprehenderit aperiam officiis. Eos a nulla aut. Repellendus animi est illum. Voluptatem et laborum corporis ab nihil vel quidem ab.

Facere ipsum cum molestias consectetur a officia deleniti. Aut enim ratione id vero perspiciatis doloremque. Eaque nihil maiores blanditiis sint nihil sit.

Nihil sunt deleniti ut libero placeat. Excepturi eum fugiat omnis tempore sed. Iste ratione qui quas exercitationem omnis minus.

Quis velit tempore ut enim aut unde veniam. Incidunt in suscipit adipisci sint. Aut quibusdam blanditiis nemo nostrum et adipisci in odio. A sunt consequatur non sed. Est est eaque molestiae. Et velit et ea nihil delectus. Magni fugiat vero natus quos velit voluptas.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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