Shut. The F*ck. Up.

Disclaimer: I abhor both candidates who captivated the nation Tuesday evening as their bizarre and disgusting efforts over the past year that made our country look like a flaming pile of shit in a paper bag, desperate to be stamped out, reached their ultimate climax. I wrote recently about both candidates, in a couple of posts, here and here and here. I voted for neither, though I did vote. I am lucky enough to live in California, where I am able to lend support to a third party (with the delusional hopes of one day breaking up the duopoly that strong-arms what should be a multi-party system) without affecting the overall impact of the election. That being said, I have no idea who I would have voted for if I honestly had to choose.

To move on, my point - If you have said anything whatsoever, and this is especially true if you did so on any kind of social media platform, there is approximately a 99% chance that you shouldn’t have said it. Really, and truly, let me cry out for those of us who remain rational in a time of divided insanity:

Shut the fuck up.

If you are a Democrat or a liberal or a disenfranchised conservative who voted for Hillary Clinton because you couldn’t imagine a man like Donald Trump as our president, I feel for you. It must have hurt to think you were going to win, only to see that much of the country is far more concerned with dismembering a corrupt establishment, with taking back what feels is belonged, with protecting themselves and their individual needs, more than making sure an inexperienced blowhard with no self-control (in any aspect of life it seems) never gets to see the inside of the White House and officially be sworn in as the leader of the free world. It's confusing, I know. That being said, you, nor I, nor anyone for that matter, has the right to apologize on behalf of the country. This is a large part of what is happening across America, and it is appalling. Sure, you had the majority vote (albeit by a ridiculously small percentage), but our country doesn’t currently operate on purely the majority vote. There are entire groups of people, an entire culture and lifestyle in the rural areas of our nation, who live and feel differently than you. They aren’t apologizing, and they shouldn’t have to. They did what they thought was best, just like you. You don’t get to pretend that you and your peers are the only ones who understand what is happening. Half of the country asked for it.

Furthermore, if you are suddenly scared for your family and children, you need to check yourself – hard. The people who voted the way they did have always existed. The country is no more or less dangerous. Police will not stop prosecuting hate crimes or keeping the peace or allowing freedom of religion. Some things may change, but probably less than you think, and it certainly isn’t enough for you to suddenly air your fears about a movement and a belief system that existed long before Donald Trump was a candidate.

Finally, stop being children. Michael Moore and other are calling for the kind of filibusters that the Republican Party has been known for in recent years. Knock it off. What’s wrong with you? And, while we’re at it, you don’t get to be enraged at someone for making broad sweeping statements about groups of people, only to then air your grievances with the half of the country who voted for him, making broad sweeping statements. Voicing your disappointment with “racists” and “misogynists” and people who are okay with sexual assault and promoting rape culture is literally exactly as bad as what Trump said. If supporters of Trump are those things, are you then potentially criminals who would be so careless with classified emails? Double standards are for morons.

I repeat: Shut the fuck up.

But this isn’t about one group of people. If you are one of the many people who helped president-elect Trump reach the White House, congratulations. You did it. Pat yourself on the back and please go quietly and happily about the rest of your next four years. I understand you too. I get that you feel your voice has been stolen from you by government. Many articles seem to sum this up well. And it makes sense. You’re tired of being bullied, of being marginalized, of being humiliated by popular media. You're sick of your identity being taken and your jobs disappearing and your future looking ever more bleak. And if you aren’t a voter from the rural areas, which I’m sure many of you aren’t, I understand plenty of other reasons to fight against The Clinton Machine. It is probably extremely difficult to look at those who knew you could never do it, who knew you weren’t worth the time and effort, who called you all sorts of names and still are, and not be resentful and furious and want to stick it to them.

Still, grow up. Do you really need to prove the slanderous comments about you correct? Is it really so important that you get the last word that even now, in your moment of glory, when you see that as a group you can come together and make the change you wanted, you have to make asses of yourself? No one cares what you think about Obama, or why you think the country is where it is today. No one cares that you scream “Can’t stump the Trump.” No one cares that…well, no one cares about any of it except for you. And you know this.

Actually, the truth is worse than this. People do care. They don’t care what it is you have to say (not right now at least, during the bitter moments of defeat), but they are hurting, they are upset, they have lost, and no one likes to be kicked when they are down. Imagine how you felt when it was happening to you for a quite some time now. Is it really something you feel you need to do to others? Is it something necessary for your happiness to trample other people while they are most fragile? Again, don’t prove everyone right. I know you aren’t horrible people like the vocal left might have me believe. So do half of Americans. So does your soon to be new President of the United States. Take your victory and swallow it with some pride and dignity.

Most of all: Shut the fuck up.

This isn’t a plea for everyone to come together and unite. I’m not that naive. Our country is divided as strongly as it may have ever been since the civil war. But we don’t need to instigate another one. All I ask is that you treat other with decency and respect. Both sides. No matter what you’ve been through. No matter what they’ve said about you or done to you. You’ve both been through it. Take a hint from the Dow Jones. As trump was being elected it dropped lower than it had been during 9/11. It was tragic. It was a mess. It was a total shit show. And then the next morning it got back on it’s Goddamn horse and went to work. It isn’t sticking it to anyone. It isn’t proving a point or apologizing or crying or irrationally afraid or threatening or gloating or whatever. It’s just moving on. And in its own quiet way, it’s kicking ass.

So please. Move on. And while you’re at it, do so quietly.

This has been a PSA from a humble WSO writer. I hope at least someone takes heed. That being said, feel free to comment below. But I promise, if you get into political debates and start screaming the things I just begged you not to, monkey shit will be a-flying. Other than that, I welcome your honest and heartfelt thoughts, whether in agreement or disagreement.

Until next time,
This is The Uncontortionist.

Mod Note (Andy): Best of 2016, this post ranks #12 for the past year


"Furthermore, if you are suddenly scared for your family and children, you need to check yourself - hard. The people who voted the way they did have always existed. The country is no more or less dangerous. Police will not stop prosecuting hate crimes or keeping the peace or allowing freedom of religion. Some things may change, but probably less than you think, and it certainly isn't enough for you to suddenly air your fears about a movement and a belief system that existed long before Donald Trump was a candidate."



I’m not a strong supporter of either side, but I think this quote kind of misses the point. People aren’t suddenly afraid because they just found out that those people exist—they are afraid because now the US has a leader who supports (at least rhetorically) some of those controversial viewpoints. And people are afraid that this could lead to a more pronounced vocalization of those viewpoints (and keep in mind that they were previously in hiding because they knew that their views were controversial).

I think you are right that things probably won’t change as much as people think. But frankly the main message that I am getting from the protests is that people will not roll over and allow intolerant rhetoric play any part in Trump’s policymaking.


I agree that people should protest any kind of intolerant policies, but common sense and our system of checks and balances prevents policies that are based in blatant racism and discrimination from getting implemented (I hope).

As for the protesters and the hidden supporters of racism, maybe this is what they needed. A lot of the "old fashioned" folks who voted Trump don't understand why people think they are racists, and they don't understand how those protesting race and discrimination can't just pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Creating a dialogue between those people who have been called racist and discriminatory and those that are feeling oppressed is the only way that any of this will be solved.

Individuals who hide behind popular opinion or political leaders and individuals who hold traditional beliefs staying silent while letting everyone else do the talking for you is what has prevented both sides from coming together and understanding one another's rationale and concerns.


But frankly the main message that I am getting from the protests is that people will not roll over and allow intolerant rhetoric play any part in Trump's policymaking.

The main message I'm getting from the protests is that many on the left are the anti-democratic ferals we thought they were, and that the media is still as biased as ever.


I think you are right that things probably won't change as much as people think. But frankly the main message that I am getting from the protests is that people will not roll over and allow intolerant rhetoric play any part in Trump's policymaking.

Exactly. I think there is a sub-group that think they can try to overturn the election (which is nonsense, dangerous, and wildly hypocritical), but for the majority it's to provide awareness of citizen sentiment and a taste of the response should he act on that rhetoric. I don't think he will either, but he did say those things and some people rightly feel worried.

This is exactly how populism and hatred works, Bro. The same people and procedures are in place, but it's suddenly MORE dangerous for some. Take a note that the 3rd Reich was created by the SAME people that lived in the Weimar Republic. And then things went to shit, quickly.


This is exactly how populism and hatred works, Bro. The same people and procedures are in place, but it's suddenly MORE dangerous for some.
Take a note that the 3rd Reich was created by the SAME people that lived in the Weimar Republic. And then things went to shit, quickly.

Yeah, you're right. Trump is like Hitler, who murdered 6 million Jews. No hyperbole. And there's, like, ya know, so many parallels between the United States, a 2+ centuries-old organic, wealthy, powerful, stable republic, and the Weimar Republic, a decade-old, desperately impoverished government ravaged by what had been the most destructive war in the history of man. Soooo many parallels. I'm terrified of dictatorship and genocide under Trump, the single candidate running who actually talked about possibly NOT invading other countries and making peace with Russia. Yep, Trump is like Hitler.

We call people like you pseudo-intellectuals.


I'm not even American and I'm just an internet shitposter. Mwahahahhahahah.

Also Michael Moore called that the Rust belt was going to vote Trump, so durrrrrrrrrr he seems to be more in contact with the people than pollers. And that's embarassing.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

He's right though.

The real problem is that those among democrats like him that have a fucking clue of what happened are fringe.

The mainstream, just like the leadership are all blinded by identity politics, so all they can spout is ''hurr durr racist and sexist where is my safe space''.

What's even more concerning is that those are widespread beliefs among college students who are active in politics on the Dem side, meaning the future leadership. They are going to do a massive damage if ever elected. Look up at the ''scientific'' research they do in social science departments; they have subverted their scientific method: first they choose the conclusion that suits their ideological belief, then they look for evidence and discard evidence of the contrary. Not even Soviet education was this bad.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

anyone else catch the clowns in NYC and chi-city protesting?

On CNN, there was a 1-2 minute shot with a white guy with yellow hair, jumping around in the background and holding a sign with a picture of trump and the word "racist" while the entire crowd was chanting black lives matter.

A few things confused me: 1. This was a crowd, at least in the shot, consisting solely of white people (the irony was to good not to mention) 2. What is the significance of Trump and the BLM movement? Did these peeps just run out of things to chant? 3. What exactly were they protesting? the electoral college? 4. What was/is the goal of organizing?

if any of you monkeys were present for the festivities (highly doubt it), wth is going on?


2,3) The United States just elected a man whose campaign lead (now "head of strategy") is a well-known white supremacist. He has a history of old-school-racism (the 'I don't want to see black ppl around' and 'you people can't rent my apartments' type) and openly associates with white supremacists and anti-Semites on twitter. He has stated his intent to violate the constitutional rights of minority groups (e.g. mass surveillance of Muslim communities).

2,4) Over the prior year our over-militarized police forces have repeatedly been caught violating their own codes of conduct and brutalizing American Citizens, particularly black men. This president will appoint Attorney General that monitors this force and sets the tone for what is and isn't permissible

4) Protesters are drawing attention to these facts, as they well should. Keeping these facts front/ center makes it (at least a little) harder for the future President to do things that are blatantly harmful to minority communities. In fact, Trump addressed the protests on his recent 60 minutes appearance and implicitly walked back some of the blatantly racist asshattery that characterized his campaign - THIS IS A (SMALL) POSITIVE OUTCOME OF THE PROTESTS SO FAR.

Some of you WSO clowns need to get over your Gordon Gecko bullshit and think critically about the world around you occasionally.


"Some of you WSO clowns need to get over your Gordon Gecko bullshit and think critically about the world around you occasionally."

not sure what this means, but you sound triggered.. I have said this a few times on WSO, in general anyone worth a shit does not care about someone's shade. It's more of a question of are you good for me, or bad for me?

Consider me a skeptic, but I don't think you build a luxury brand and real estate empire by marginalizing certain shades. If something doesn't sound quite right, it probably isn't.


Good write up, one criticism though. Telling Trump supporters to not gloat is a bad idea, these people have been mercilessly bullied and talked down to for years be it from the media, social figures, or economic realities. They deserve some room to be excited and brag a bit.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I agree, I'm not saying they should hold this view for 4 years. But they should be allowed some time to celebrate. As for a marketplace of ideas, I'm not so sure that actually exists anymore. People are so insulated in their own echo chambers. Why do you think the shock was so great for the all in Hillary people, they never even listened to anything anyone else said other than taking in the talking points of hes a racists, sexists etc.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Honestly? I saw much, much more "endzone ball spiking" in 2008 and 2012 among the Obama victors than I have this time around (I'll never forget this 2008 Facebook comment from one of my friends--"Finally, good has triumphed over evil." Remember, "evil" was embodied by...John McCain, a political moderate and war hero).

What I'm seeing is a complete and total meltdown by Clinton supporters. I mean, mass protests and riots? This is ridiculous.


I seriously doubt there would have been any protest that was covered nationally if Hillary won. Maybe a few little protests covered by local news stations peppered throughout the country. However, that would be nothing like this ridiculous narrative that is trying to be started about how these protests actually mean anything.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I’m sick of it too. 3 Years later I don’t see much that deviated from usual. While politics may be very different, the US is not really that much changed as a country.


Good post... My Facebook feed is ripe with extremes on both sides. I don't see why it's so hard to empathize with others and understand why they voted the way they did. I understand why people voted Hillary. I understand why people voted Trump. I understand why people voted Johnson/Stein/Whoever. I went to lunch with some work friends, and all 3 of us voted differently but managed to have a civil discussion about how people need to shut the hell up.

Posting on Facebook that you're afraid to go outside now because "everyone thinks rape and racism is ok" is absolutely mad. Posting on Facebook that Trump is the second coming of Jesus makes you look like a tool. Some people are having total meltdowns as if life as we know it is ending/beginning.

Move on and get real


Gotta love the liberals who want the electoral college removed. The reason for the electoral college was to stop populism.

Trump supporters don't need to gloat. Time to fix this country and enforce the laws already on the books. Let the children and SJWs cry about their feelings and safe spaces while the adults pay taxes and try and do something constructive.



Plus, let's be honest--the popular vote statistic is kind of meaningless. If we had a system of nationwide popular vote then the candidates' and parties' electoral strategies would have been massively different (and perhaps Clinton would have won by a landslide, who knows?). But because we all know the system going in, the electoral strategies are aimed at building the coalitions required to win in the electoral college system.


I don't disagree, and I know the electoral college isn't going anywhere, but it seriously chaps my ass that people who live in backwater wastelands have a disproportionate influence on the direction of the entire country. Makes me jealous of the countries with 6-week election cycles, campaign spending limits, and all voting done on the same day (be it primary voting or otherwise).


I don't dislike the idea of the electoral college, but I think it should be based on proportional representation. The fact that every state gets at least three votes because they all have two senators is ridiculous.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

Honestly, I disagree on the gloating part. The media and Clinton campaign made it cool to hate on trump voters as racists who didn't want transgender bathrooms in fucking target! The silent majority was ever so strong. The reporters were left speechless on Tuesday night. I think any rational person should be tired of hearing the BLM, bathrooms, "champion for women's rights", etc. bullshit constantly spewed by tv stations. Time to get to the real issues: debt, job market, national security, etc.


Agree with 100% of what you said.

Only thing I'll add is this - if you're part of the super majority that was dissatisfied with either the outcome or with BOTH candidates, please for the love of silver bananas, think about 1) how we got here and 2) what we need to do differently next time.

I'll even give you a helpful hint / starting point ---> name calling & hyper-partisan, inflammatory commentary (especially vis-a-vis FB) falls in category 1, not category 2.

Life's is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Great post. People need to calm their tits and move on. We have to know that the majority of the shit he said that he's going to do is not going to happen. When's the last time a president did exactly what he promised to do in his campaign during his time in the office?


I disagree. Don't shut the up. Fight for what you believe in. Just don't rub it in if you win and don't blame people for voting for someone other than your chosen candidate if you lost. Don't blame the people who voted for Trump because he offered them a vision of a better tomorrow that they liked. Don't blame the people who voted Johnson/Stein/Deez because they didn't like anyone else on the ballot (note: this excludes sexism. If you didn't vote for Clinton just because she's a woman, you're an asshole). I'm a Clinton supporter, and all the posts I see saying "fuck third party voters" piss me off to no end. Those people all voted for their favorite candidate just like you. Blame the campaigns and parties that couldn't appeal to them in the end and the system that makes the popular vote irrelevant, then work to change those things.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

All day long today I'm hearing from the cooler heads on the left how relieved they are to finally be rid of the odious Clinton family and all the shitty baggage they brought with them, and how energized they are for the future. I happen to think that's the exact right response. Larry Lessig summed it up well here:

Democrats: Free At Last

And the dude who does Secular Talk had some great ideas about moving forward from here:


DISCLAIMER: I am a Trump supporter.

This election was crazy since not only no one expected Trump to win, but also no one expected GOP to keep Senate and House. I didn't expect it. I thought it would be Hillary, but GOP keeps the Senate and House.

Funny thing is many GOP folks said "not my president" when Obama got elected. And of course, democrats called them racists and made fun of them. Ironically, the protesters are saying the same thing, "not my president" - yet they expect to be treated with respect since.....?? We will never have 100% support for one candidate over another. Thus, when results hit the screen, people should respect it. That's the rule of the game. You can't ask another to follow the rule when it fits only you.

I heard that some colleges like Columbia and NYU cancelled classes yesterday because students' feeling are hurt. Seriously? So WTF are you going to do when your boss yells at you? Are you going to take a day off writing "hurt feeling" as a reason? I didn't see this before Obama-era. During the last eight years, I couldn't say anything (even though myself is technically a minority) without risking to be labeled as either racial, misogynistic, homophobic, [fill in the blank]. People are fed up with this PC culture that is endeared by Hillary/Obama/Warren. You know why Trumpt got elected? This is one of the reasons.

You can't ask someone to invest in your deal when you got no skin in the game. Democrats cannot ask Americans to accept more Syrian refugees unless themselves are willing to house the refugees in their homes or live near them. I will get behind that idea when Hillary put some Syrian refugees in her BIG house. I will get behind gun control when Hillary and Obama send their secret service / bodyguards home and walk around Compton by themselves. This hypocrisy is another reason that Trump got elected.

Hillary can't say that she would take care of Main Street when her son-in-law works in HF, and she gets tons of money from Wall Street. She can't say she would like to be the champion of women when she obliterated victims who accused Bill of sexual assaults.

Stop saying that America is the "land of immigrants", and we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants. Then why the fuck are people lining up, hiring immigration lawyers for $5K (just to fill out the forms right) and wait years and years for green card and citizenship, without getting any government benefits that illegals get? Fucking those who follow the law over law breaker cannot be justified, ever.

I can go on and on, man. But I won't. As I always say to my democrat friends, if they take out "holier-than-thou" and emotional elements in their logic and reasoning, they got nothing. And bitching and complaining about result is definitely not logical.


You just pretty much parroted bullshit then passed it off as fact. WTF does secret service detail have to do with wanting to reduce overall gun violence in this country? There is solid, empirical, evidence that America's obsession with guns has led to increased violence in this country. There is solid, empirical, evidence that if we reduce the guns in circulation, and make it more difficult for people to purchase guns, then we'll get fewer cases of mass violence. This isn't about ideologies, this is the reality, the longer we fail to accept it the more situations like Sandy Hook will occur. Do you have evidence that she "obliterated victims" or are you just pulling that out of your ass (aka parroting a talking point)? If you do, link it. Why the hell can't HRC take care main street with a son working for a HF? I mean those of us here in finance can't also be concerned w/ the average man? That makes no sense. My mom is a teacher, I didn't stop caring about her issues b/c I work for a BB. This is the "land of immigrants", period. I don't mind immigration reform as long as it includes amnesty for working illegals that have been here for a certain amount of time, they've contributed to this country and some of them have children that were born here. I also think a lot of the consternation is the WAY trump talks about immigration, painting these people as "rapists and criminals" when all evidence suggests they are LESS likely to commit crimes than the avg citizen. Ironic that you speak on "logic and reasoning" but your entire rant is full of red herrings (her son works at a HF! but the secret service has guns!). Ridiculous.


I welcome the monkey shit btw. Not a single response to my post because there is none. You lemmings can upvote that illogical bullshit he posted all you want but that won't make it reasonable or true.


Burning the American flag on American soil as a protest !!! I have no words to describe those anti-Trump and pro-Hillary protestors . People gave their lives to honor that flag . This is alone is a striking evidence that we are dealing with a group of anti American savages with no loyality to American soil who should be kicked out of the country as soon as possible .


i love how he freaks out.that will surely encourage democratic debate

Take care to get what you want,otherwise you will be forced to like what you get.

Pariatur tempora est aperiam quia inventore temporibus iste tenetur. Laboriosam porro consequatur eos modi consequatur. Vel aut et ut asperiores sit totam. Facilis nesciunt asperiores neque fugiat aut ab. Possimus et aut aut omnis magnam enim deleniti et.

Quisquam eos nemo esse animi temporibus quia. Delectus voluptate numquam debitis natus odit ex quo temporibus. Velit ut distinctio atque tempora error. Impedit sint repellat delectus. Incidunt recusandae numquam et esse dolorem vel voluptas. Et sapiente omnis saepe velit unde dolorem.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

Voluptate sapiente sit sit architecto quibusdam ut. Quo qui aut aliquid aut occaecati neque velit. Et placeat maxime qui sit maxime fuga. A est quia ullam autem quas non nam. Architecto ut quia magnam suscipit cumque ratione modi. Minima quia beatae ipsam beatae commodi consequatur esse commodi.

Itaque qui architecto sint dolores atque. Totam ad quis ex sint iusto optio qui.

Ipsam magnam id voluptas odit. Molestiae tempora iure officia alias est voluptas.

Voluptatibus dolor aut beatae sunt eius. Optio nostrum quaerat quia quidem id repellendus ipsa. Totam aut est consequuntur ut laborum. Ut sint molestiae soluta consequuntur. Quas modi ad porro et voluptas.

"A modest man, with much to be modest about"

Repellendus distinctio deleniti ratione consequatur est. Repudiandae natus error voluptates consectetur unde consequatur quia tenetur. Fugiat veritatis est et eligendi quae aut est mollitia. Cupiditate quo ullam atque veritatis accusamus. Eum nulla error error aut. Odit harum repellendus consectetur ut.

Sint possimus doloremque et consequuntur consequatur qui non saepe. Culpa doloribus id enim beatae consequatur quam neque. Occaecati adipisci sint omnis cupiditate aut animi blanditiis. Rerum et consequatur unde et non nostrum. Quibusdam delectus exercitationem expedita non sit. Velit animi ipsa eos iste officia.

Quod reiciendis voluptate id harum maiores. Et consequatur sit ea molestiae. Aut aspernatur qui eum repudiandae ut officia.


Modi minima modi repellendus consectetur temporibus rerum nobis. Neque magnam perspiciatis autem optio blanditiis sequi rerum. Ex dolor qui recusandae neque ducimus.

Facilis eum totam aut accusantium ad saepe cum. Veniam sequi ipsa consequuntur.

Sint tenetur dolor vel eos. Optio dolores qui tenetur expedita eos est omnis. Eligendi ut et qui tenetur recusandae. Enim sunt quisquam sed.

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