How Does Models and Bottles Work?

I keep hearing the phrase models and bottles, and basically, if a guy has the cash to bottle service girls, he gets laid. But, I've never actually understood how the entire mating ritual known as models and bottles works.

Now, where do these girls come from? Are they just randoms you find at the club? Do I just approach a girl and ask her if she wants bottle service? What does bottle service entail? Will girls really put out for bottle service with anyone?

These are serious questions, and I am hoping for some answers.

Mod Note (Andy): Throwback Thursday, this was originally posted back in 2008! :-)

Models and Bottles on Wall Street

After obtaining the most prestigious job offer in the most prestigious city the true work begins. But you know that you have to work hard to play hard.

Take care of yourself. Have a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if your face is a little puffy, put on an ice pack while you do your stomach crunches. You can do 1000 now. We've established that you are master of the financial universe. So now you need to go out and slay. The finest girls, the fastest rides and hottest clubs are all at your disposal. It can get wild. You might even start off your night with a three hundred dollar cocktail as your lady dances on the table. The owner paid for that drink because he knows your a big spender. Just take it from AJ.

The big apple is your playground because bankers ball. Weekdays its excel models but Saturday night it's Victoria Secret. War stories abound so be sure to make the night sound 20% better than it was. We suggest reading through the entire thread to really understand models and bottles.

thedude - Sales and Trading Managing Director:

Basically, you show up at the club, skip the line, hand over your credit card at the door and agree to a "minimum purchase" for a table in their club, get a table and a hostess (skimpy dressed hot chick, who waits on you and might dance with you if you are lacking the ladies), you may get a personal bouncer/body guard (guy who essentially stands by your table keeping all of the bridge and tunnel crowd from trying to sit on your couch and steal your drinks or simply infecting you with their poorness).

philosophical monkey:

Dude, you just find a girl you like, yes, and tell her "you look like a model wanna share my bottle? She may even drop her panties at that point--unless you drop yours first.

Tasteful Thickness:

Bottles & Models

Bottles of water and financial models is more likely for a 1st year Analyst.

Read More Fun Posts on WSO


I am disappointed no one took the opportunity to correct this post and say even R Kelly raped about it.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne


even R. Kelly raped about it, so I am sure you should know what it means.

fixed that for you heister 

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Clearly, none have you have ever bought bottles or slayed models but essentially what happens is the following:

1) Often times when you get a table and a few bottles the manager will seat you with or occassionally send girls over to your table to "mingle" Tables are ideally siuated in prime locations of the club and random girls just kind of wander into the vicinty and you club them with the bottle and carry them home

This is a ridiculous post...there is no guarantee that if you get bottle service you will get laid, you still need to seal the deal, money (or at least the facade of having enough money to blow on bottles) will only get you so far


Clearly, none have you have ever bought bottles or slayed models but essentially what happens is the following:

1) Often times when you get a table and a few bottles the manager will seat you with or occassionally send girls over to your table to "mingle"
Tables are ideally siuated in prime locations of the club and random girls just kind of wander into the vicinty and you club them with the bottle and carry them home

This is a ridiculous post...there is no guarantee that if you get bottle service you will get laid, you still need to seal the deal, money (or at least the facade of having enough money to blow on bottles) will only get you so far

Never Happened.

Do I just approach a girl and ask her if she wants bottle service?

Haha this one actually made me laugh out loud.

In all seriousness, it's not automatic. People get bottle service all the time without any girls. In fact, at most clubs you see sparklers going to tables full of guys--especially when they are young guys (more guys=more people to split the bill with). In the US at least, models go to clubs with promoters. Promoters (usually ex-male models, sometimes just really hooked up guys) get paid by the club to bring models on a given night and have them prance around, being their model selves. The promoters have a table, where their bottles are comped--for the models you can see how this is great: 1)they go to the best clubs 2)they drink for free and 3)they don't have to deal with sleazy rich dudes, they get to hang out with the rest of their model friends. It's good for the club because it makes the crowd look better. If the table full of arab dudes sees 15 models dancing in front of them, they're going to want to lure them over via sparklers and spraying so they spend more.

That being said, it is obviously easier to pull girls (or at least get girls to go to the club with you) when you get bottle service. You don't deal with lines at the door, you aren't fighting your way through the bar to get drinks all night, and they have somewhere to put their purse/coats as well as sit down occasionally. Club girls are also (obviously) attracted to guys who are taken care of by other people. Girls like to be taken care of, and guys with tables can probably take care of them (at least for the night) better than the guy shouting to get the bartender's attention.

Frankly though, most of the girls that will go onto a random guy's table are probably just looking for free drinks and nothing more. At the end of the day, if you want to close the deal you still need game.


for those that answered, thanks. Let's be real: I'm sure half the other college kids probably had no idea what bottle service entails either

for those that answered, thanks. Let's be real: I'm sure half the other college kids probably had no idea what bottle service entails either

Surely you jest.


This is the best post ever. Dude you should have posted this one on Christmas or New Years. Oh well.

I'll be honest, bottle service is definetly worth it if you do it once a month or once every other month. If you have 3 other guys with you you'll probably spend 100-200 each which really is not bad considering drinks on this fuckin island are 10 bucks plus...

Getting the models is also much easier and convinient when you have a place to sit and mingle. Some clubs have "runners". The sole purpose of these peons is to go grab hoes and bring them to your table. You just point and watch. Really amazing actually.

To the OP- I wish I could take you out for your first model/bottle experience

If you have 3 other guys with you you'll probably spend 100-200 each which really is not bad considering drinks on this fuckin island are 10 bucks plus...

What club do you go to where you get bottles/bottle service for 300-600 bucks?

  1. get hot friends
  2. have hot friends help you befriend their promoters
  3. use promoters for discounts (bottles
If you have 3 other guys with you you'll probably spend 100-200 each which really is not bad considering drinks on this fuckin island are 10 bucks plus...

What club do you go to where you get bottles/bottle service for 300-600 bucks?

Perhaps you are somewhat illiterate or have subpar arithmetic abilities, but I said 3 other guys (total of 4 people) at 100 to 200 a person which equals (drumroll...) 400-800 bucks.

The real question is where do YOU go that is more than 800 bucks for a bottle?!

Best Response

Do you have to go to a target school to do models and bottles? What is the minimum GPA to do models & bottles? How is the culture of front office models different from back office models? What type suit should I wear to models & bottles? How technical are the questions that the models will be asking you? What are the best clubs to do models & bottles in? What is the best type of model? best type of bottle?

Can someone write a wikiFAQ for the wso members on this. This would sure beat that crappy vault guide to Sales & Trading.


"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

if someone is asking what models and bottles is and how it leads to getting laid, we could hand this kid the keys to the bar and put a $100 bill hanging out of his zipper and it wouldnt make a difference. Bottles has nothing do to with getting girls, sure if you do it once a month or a summer whatever its help because you have a place to bring the girls you meet at the bar or dance floor whatever but you still have to be able to talk to them and present yourself as a normal dude, you dont just motion them to your table and point at the bottles and expect them to just drop and schwap


Totally useless. This is a job board and not something that ought to be mocked.

############ ############ ############ The time is now, seize the day ...

nygiants, dropping and schwapping, well played sir, well played. the reality of the situation is that if you depend on bottles to conversate with ladies, then you're a tool and need to reevaluate your entire approach to life.

nygiants, dropping and schwapping, well played sir, well played. the reality of the situation is that if you depend on bottles to conversate with ladies, then you're a tool and need to reevaluate your entire approach to life.

I depend on bottles to make conversations with women tolerable.


by Edmundo Braverman "I depend on bottles to make conversations with women tolerable."

Especially those models. They're dumb as fuck....I've heard.

  1. Buy a lot of bottles.
  2. Women are attracted by the sheer ballerness of 9 bottles of krug.
  3. They will come to you like bees to a flower.
  4. Initiate bottle service
  5. The women sniff the air to test the chemistry. She then howls like a she-wolf
  6. The banker will howl back,
  7. If the woman views the howl as weak, she will move on. If she thinks the howl is manly and strong, she will go into the backseat of his car
  8. The next day, the man and the woman are frightened when they realized they used a mars bar wrapper instead of a condom

Great post indeed. For all of you out there thinking high finance is your easy ticket to getting hot chicks all the time, think again.

~~~~~~~~~~~ CompBanker

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:
Never met a promoter who gave "discounts." Maybe they'll give you drink cards, but discounts? This isn't walmart buddy.

it doesn't sound like you know the right one.

Maybe you should save your 800 bucks, skip the foreplay and get straight to the circle jerk in your china town studio.


FYI... a bottle of vodka serves about 15 drinks(men's drinks).

Dude, what kind of "man's" drinks are you pouring? I just did the math and figured out that I get 6 (maybe 7, tops) drinks out of a 750ml bottle. I could see a bartender stretching 15 drinks out of a bottle, but c'mon. If you hate the taste of liquor so much, you might want to go back to wine coolers.


At the big New Year's Eve bash in Paris this year at the VIP Club Theatre, they're getting 400 Euros per bottle of rotgut, which works out to about $560 US after this week's blood bath. For the good stuff they're getting 500 Euros ($700 US). Oh, and they're limiting the number of people per bottle to 4. And that's after the 100 Euro cover charge to get in in the first place (200 Euros with dinner).

Edmundo Braverman:
At the big New Year's Eve bash in Paris this year at the VIP Club Theatre, they're getting 400 Euros per bottle of rotgut, which works out to about $560 US after this week's blood bath. For the good stuff they're getting 500 Euros ($700 US). Oh, and they're limiting the number of people per bottle to 4. And that's after the 100 Euro cover charge to get in in the first place (200 Euros with dinner).
that sounds about right, on par with london, are paris night clubs full of sleayz arabs is the question?

I suppose not, this may be a real alternative to london


no sir. you don't just approach a girl and ask her if she wants bottle service. you approach her and ask her if she wants tinybanana service........ in her mouth.

no sir. you don't just approach a girl and ask her if she wants bottle service. you approach her and ask her if she wants tinybanana service........ in her mouth.
I'm still dying from this one

When you have girls, you order cheap shots of the cheapest brand of liquor they like, then you call it by the "top shelf" name (girls, or most guys can hardly every tell the difference) and thats how you get them drunk! Then I agree with bateman and you pour them light drinks

Frank Slaughtery:
most clubs bring out liters of alcohol, 2 shots per drink=15 drinks

plus when you pour drinks for the girls you give them a shot at most.

wtf? i pregame and am already drunk and pretend to sip on some "alcohol" while the girls are getting shitfaced. the object of the game is to spend the least amount of money to get pussy and see if u ended up spending less than 250 dollars on average. (250 is the average hourly cost of a decent/good looking hooker). If you spent less, you won.

Frank Slaughtery:
most clubs bring out liters of alcohol, 2 shots per drink=15 drinks

plus when you pour drinks for the girls you give them a shot at most.

wtf? i pregame and am already drunk and pretend to sip on some "alcohol" while the girls are getting shitfaced on the bottle. the object of the game is to spend the least amount of money to get pussy and see if u ended up spending less than 250 dollars on average. (250 is the average hourly cost of a decent/good looking hooker). If you spent less, you won.


Dude, you just find a girl you like, yes, and tell her "you look like a model wanna share my bottle? She may even drop her panties at that point--unless you drop yours first.

Let's be real: while most kids here prob. had no idea, they did have the common sense to avoid asking such a stupid question. Are you retarded?

Given his previous great posts, can we ban this dude? Pretty please...

"Categorical Imperative: If I cannot look at my mother or my wife in the eyes and explain it, I won't do it" - Some British MD.

[quote=philosophical monkey] Let's be real: while most kids here prob. had no idea, they did have the common sense to avoid asking such a stupid question. Are you retarded?

Given his previous great posts, can we ban this dude? Pretty please...[/quote]

Since this guy has no idea how it works, then it is not a stupid question; how else is he supposed to find out? That's what forums are for. I bet you that more than half the people rippin' the OP in this thread have no idea how it works either.

I am glad you are not a moderator here, because there wouldn't be anyone left on this forum if you started banning people for no reason.

I got an idea: How about we ban you for insinuating that the OP is retarded, or better yet for unjustifiably recommending to ban tinybanana? Just so you can get a taste of your own medicine.


"How about we ban you for insinuating that the OP is retarded, or better yet for unjustifiably recommending to ban tinybanana? Just so you can get a taste of your own medicine."

Hey numbnuts, stk123, I did not insinuate the OP was retarded. I did say it was a stupid question. Learn how to read, dumbass.

You, on the other hand, are retarded. Ban me for saying that explicitly, though in your case it is probably justifiable.

"Categorical Imperative: If I cannot look at my mother or my wife in the eyes and explain it, I won't do it" - Some British MD.
philosophical monkey:
Hey numbnuts, stk123, I did not insinuate the OP was retarded. I did say it was a stupid question. Learn how to read, dumbass.

Here let me show you exactly what you wrote in your previous post because I now see that you are not too smart and don't understand what the word insinuate means:

"Let's be real: while most kids here prob. had no idea, they did have the common sense to avoid asking such a stupid question. Are you retarded?"

You are trying to insinuate that he is retarded - that is exactly what you are doing. So please don't call me a dumbass, you dumbass.

philosophical monkey:
You, on the other hand, are retarded.

You have some serious anger management issues. Just because your life sucks, doesn't mean that you have to take it out on others on this board. I'm sure you're not that tough (read: stupid) in real life, because you probably wouldn't be able to type right now if you actually treated people like that in real life. Just because it is a forum, it does not give you the right to be abusive: only retarded people think that way.

philosophical monkey:
Ban me for saying that explicitly, though in your case it is probably justifiable.

No, I was not saying that it would have been justifiable in my case. I will type out exactly what I wrote so I can explain it to you because you don't seem to understand anything:

"How about we ban you for insinuating that the OP is retarded, or better yet for unjustifiably recommending to ban tinybanana? Just so you can get a taste of your own medicine."

I wrote that because you are recommending to unjustifiably ban tinybanana, and what I meant by it was to recommend that you get banned for some stupid unjustifiable reason (such as for those two reasons in the quote), so that you understand how it feels to get banned for no good reason (as you tried to get tinybanana banned). I am not surprised that you did not get it.

And BTW, look at the two links that you posted...

...and tell me why in the world would tinybanana get banned for this (as you are suggesting)? Why? You just proved that you have absolutely no common sense.


OMG, numbnuts, asking a question does not constitute "insinuating".

"...and tell me why in the world would tinybanana get banned for this (as you are suggesting)? Why?"

Tinybanana should not get banned. He at least was the source of amusement for a while. You on the other hand should get banned for being a dumbass.

From what your posts show, I have a really hard time believing you have either reached puberty or graduated high school... (and you claim to work in equity research? Give me a break!)

" that you understand how it feels to get banned for no good reason (as you tried to get tinybanana banned). I am not surprised that you did not get it."

Can we ban this idiot, i.e. stk123? This time I mean it. Underaged posting should be banned.

"Categorical Imperative: If I cannot look at my mother or my wife in the eyes and explain it, I won't do it" - Some British MD.
philosophical monkey:
OMG, numbnuts, asking a question does not constitute "insinuating".

No asking a question doesn't constitute insinuating, but the way you phrased yours does.

philosophical monkey:
Given his previous great posts, can we ban tinybanana? Pretty please...

"...and tell me why in the world would tinybanana get banned for this (as you are suggesting)? Why?"

Tinybanana should not get banned. He at least was the source of amusement for a while. You on the other hand should get banned for being a dumbass.

I guess you finally realized how stupid it was for asking to ban tinybanana after five people on this board quickly questioned your logic behind it.

And no, I am not getting banned, so please stop with your meaningless recommendations to ban people.

philosophical monkey:
From what your posts show, I have a really hard time believing you have either reached puberty or graduated high school... (and you claim to work in equity research? Give me a break!)

Can we ban this idiot, i.e. stk123? This time I mean it. Underaged posting should be banned.

Look at your own posts and tell me who looks more immature, you or me?

The only reason I post here is because people on this board helped me land the job I wanted, and now I am trying to return the favor by giving some advice to other prospective monkeys. I have not once posted any false information about myself here, because I have no reason to do so. If I was in highschool I would have said so. So please stop insinuating that I am a liar.

Edmundo Braverman:
Way to take a funny thread and add some whine to it.

Sorry, I did not mean to do so. But I am going to defend myself when a name-calling POS, such as yourself (in another thread) or philosophical monkey, starts using abusive language towards me. Stop with the name-calling already, it just shows who the dumbass really is.


Answer to the origional poster... and everything you wanted to know about bottle service and fucking models...

Basically, you show up at the club, skip the line, hand over your credit card at the door and agree to a "minimum purchase" for a table in their club, get a table and a hostess (skimpy dressed hot chick, who waits on you and might dance with you if you are lacking the ladies), you may get a personal bouncer/body guard (guy who essentially stands by your table keeping all of the bridge and tunnel crowd from trying to sit on your couch and steal your drinks or simply infecting you with their poorness)

What bottles is going to cost you Depends on the "exclusivity" of the club and the location, (Vegas, LA, NYC, South Beach, and everywhere else is a little different in what they consider normal bottle service) and the number of people (read dudes unaccompanied by skinny well dressed girls) you wish to seat at the table this will typically range from a minimum of 1 to 3 bottles of liquor or champagne at the low end of 100-150$ a bottle, though some more exclusive clubs run their minimum bottles at over $350x2 (read a group of 4-6 dudes wont walk in without knowing someone at the door without dropping 700$ first).

Now the models part is a little more difficult. If you don't know this already, models, because they are typically hot, dont fuck poor guys.

Spending 500$ on alcohol going out is an easy way to distinguish yourself as probably not being poor. Walking up to your average model you see walking out of like nobu and saying "hey, I am going to fucking bungalow 8 tonight and have a table. you should fucking come." will almost always work at getting the model species to fuck.

If you don't get the models to come with you before you go though, all is not lost. At lets say marquee, because you are alpha maling the fuck out of the room (the model species loves this) and are standing on your couch fist pumpinig your jeroboam bottle of champagne above your head with your shirt halfway unbuttoned looking down out the plebeian women circling below you, it isn't entirely impossible to find a decently attractive one, and ask her if she wants a drink, get her trashed, then fuck her brains out.

Lastly, if you have no game, and even after spending all of this money for bottle service, you can still fuck a girl that typically looks like she may be a model. At many larger nightclubs there are attractive eastern european hookers hanging in the corners that tend to target younger guys with bottle services and no broads. Will cost you a little more but the bottles still make you a more attractive client.

hope this helps.

dont be poor.

(apologize if the NYC spots mentioned aren't still good. they were when I was there)


"The only reason I post here is because people on this board helped me land the job I wanted"

numbnuts are you going to keep pretending you have a job???

"Categorical Imperative: If I cannot look at my mother or my wife in the eyes and explain it, I won't do it" - Some British MD.
Marquee? I stopped going there ever since they started letting second rate drug dealers in.

I thought you guys were talking about the cocktail lounge at the Marriott Marquee.

I started going back to that Marquee to meet models since they score their crack there.

In the Marriot Marquee, I believe they actually have first rate drug dealers.

We're about to enter a Great Depression. Don't you want a president who's already dressed for it?

------------ I'm making it up as I go along. I said earlier, I was just referencing what was good when I was in NYC. Sorry if it sucks now.

is Cain still good? personally, I found that on the right night it had the highest ratio of models to peasants for any club in NYC.

Butter on like a monday night (I think) was also pretty exclusive. only club in NYC that I'd been to, where requesting bottle service didn't always get you in...


holy shit. those guys are such tools. and those girls are mediocre looking. loooool he rolls. america is so ttt.


booze, dinner and whatever else you want from what I gathered from the article.

I read in a forbes earlier this year, moscow went from having 5 billionaires in 2002 to 72 in 2007, the wealth explosion over there really hasn't been matched. Not sure how the tanking equity and commodity markets this year has effected that though... they have been clobbered worse than we have...


Total fucking shithole.

Because of the wealth explosion, everything is unbelievably expensive. My first trip I spent at the Russian equivalent of an Embassy Suites. The inside of my hotel room door had a sign that stated, "Even though this is an all-interior hotel, we still can't be held responsible if you're attacked" or some shit like that and the door had about a half dozen locks on it. Room price? $400 a night. Breakfast buffet (runny eggs and coffee)? $42 a person. A burger and a beer? $24. No shit.

Unfriendliest people I've encountered anywhere as well, and I speak passable Russian.

You'd have to pay me to party in that town.

Edmundo Braverman:
Total fucking shithole.

Because of the wealth explosion, everything is unbelievably expensive. My first trip I spent at the Russian equivalent of an Embassy Suites. The inside of my hotel room door had a sign that stated, "Even though this is an all-interior hotel, we still can't be held responsible if you're attacked" or some shit like that and the door had about a half dozen locks on it. Room price? $400 a night. Breakfast buffet (runny eggs and coffee)? $42 a person. A burger and a beer? $24. No shit.

I was at the Setai last weekend in South Beach and 4 Coors light bottles and 2 Evians, was $64 for room service. :-p

1. Miami 2. St. Tropez 3. NYC 4. London 5. Vegas (bc it can only be done in moderation--if you come back from a weekend in vegas and aren't on the verge of death you didn't do vegas right)

Honorable mention: LA (because clubbing there is really just the pre-fade)

I think this list is a little biased and it really depends entirely on what your looking for.

miami/st tropez are unquestionably the best for the VIP scene and the whole models and bottles, with london a close 2nd, as a result of the women not being quite as tan and skimpily clad.

if you talking about legit clubbing and dj's and just general kick ass atmosphere, miami and nowhere else in the US would make the top 5.

if your talking about a place where you can can absolutely rage, with beautiful women, and still do it in an upscale environment, and noone gives a shit... then i'd have to say vegas would probably take the cake. my buddy is getting married and we have already booked the hugh hefner sky villa for 4 nights in October. is way overrated...

miami/st tropez are unquestionably the best for the VIP scene and the whole models and bottles, with london a close 2nd, as a result of the women not being quite as tan and skimpily clad.

I agree on Miami/St. Tropez, but London? Be serious.

If I'm spending the dough it takes to have a baller time, I'm not hanging out with broads whose grills are so jacked up they could eat an apple through a chain-link fence.

Until English dentistry progresses into the 18th century, you can cross London off your list.


thedude: I assume you are a techno fan. Tons of the hottest club dj's routinely spin in miami. NYE 06 at Mansion with dj am and travis barker doing a live drum set was bananas. Tons of models/ballers/celebs everywhere. Thursday nights at Set is one of the funnest parties, tons of beautiful women, good music and a sick atmosphere. Mia is sick all year round and the women are probably the best in the world.

If by best DJs in the world you mean house/techno djs, then only the winter music conference in mia would be good stateside. I prefer hip-hop, hence the bias towards the US. Vegas is definitely sick, but like I said--you can only do it once in a while, or else you'll develop a serious coke/drinking/gambling problem (and probably die before reaching 40).

As far as NYC being overrated, I agree on some levels. There are some nights where even the hottest clubs will be filled with those annoying b&t types (generally on the weekends), but there are a preponderance of places to go to fill any clubbing need (hip hop clubs, techno/euro clubs, smaller more "lounge" venues i.e. goldbar, rosebar etc). Halloween at oak was an absolute banger, crawling with talent. NYC makes it up on the list because there are more than 3 good places to go on any given night, and there are myriad models of all shapes and sizes prancing around.

Eduardo: Granted, the average english broad is a butter face, if you go to the right places you won't party with english girls--the clubs with the hot foreign girls are where its at (e.g. maddox, tramp). I agree though, the women in London don't compare to anywhere else on my list. London is definitely the spot if you like sparklers and spraying though (where else besides st. trop will you see someone order 10 jeros in one go?)

thedude: I assume you are a techno fan. Tons of the hottest club dj's routinely spin in miami. NYE 06 at Mansion with dj am and travis barker doing a live drum set was bananas. Tons of models/ballers/celebs everywhere. Thursday nights at Set is one of the funnest parties, tons of beautiful women, good music and a sick atmosphere. Mia is sick all year round and the women are probably the best in the world.

If by best DJs in the world you mean house/techno djs, then only the winter music conference in mia would be good stateside. I prefer hip-hop, hence the bias towards the US. Vegas is definitely sick, but like I said--you can only do it once in a while, or else you'll develop a serious coke/drinking/gambling problem (and probably die before reaching 40).

As far as NYC being overrated, I agree on some levels. There are some nights where even the hottest clubs will be filled with those annoying b&t types (generally on the weekends), but there are a preponderance of places to go to fill any clubbing need (hip hop clubs, techno/euro clubs, smaller more "lounge" venues i.e. goldbar, rosebar etc). Halloween at oak was an absolute banger, crawling with talent. NYC makes it up on the list because there are more than 3 good places to go on any given night, and there are myriad models of all shapes and sizes prancing around.

you are missing the point. Sure WMC is sick. Sure at ANY club on a special night shit can get rocking with the right guest list. Way back when the opium group first started getting kicking prive/mansion were decent... honestly, now, it's where your bumfuck diamond studd in some dudes fake tanned ear spring breakers all go or a bunch of black guys pretending they are rappers... no thanks. Sure Set is a good party for the VIP crowd and just in general fun factor. On the right night, Mynt is the closest thing to St. Tropez for big hitters, sparklers, and models that the US has. Period. I went to Liv this past weekend and was less than impressed. While it was full, and Jordan and TO were there... the women were girls not models, and the dudes were 4 guys huddling around their bottle of goose, not some dude chugging his bottle of crystal. The point I was making is you head to Europe and the focus is more on the music. In Miami, its more about the crowd. That is all.

also, clarification for the OP. "sparklers" would be referring to...… (mynt)


Agreed, MIA is definitely more about the crowd than the music. I'm definitely biased bc I've spent a lot of time there and I always have a good time--the women in mia are the best. And yes, mansion and prive aren't good anymore. I haven't been to LIV but I heard its, Louis Lounge is the spot right now...

Everyone's top list is going to be different--its all subjective--but I just wanted to clarify the reasons for my choices.

For those seeking further clarity in the Models&Bottles area, I just saw this on Dealbreaker: an HBS case study about Marquee.

22 pages with appendixes, numbers, and such.

I'd be amused...but Dealbreaker's link is dead. Anyone have that case study saved down?


for you newbies, i would recommend you use when going to vegas. the bottle service is just superb, very reasonably priced.


From my point of view (I had been a model while in secondary school and still go to London, Bucharest, and Paris during school breaks) the idea of bottles & models is very shallow and sad in the sense that we are classed with high-class prostitutes, and girls who open their legs just like that are most likely lowbrow losers and should not call themselves professional models.


The girls I know who live in the city (London & NYC) get dressed up, get into clubs for free and drink free drinks all night that other guys buy for them. This is a favorite activity of theirs and it is referred to as "Suiting." "Suiting" involves finding a table full of a bunch of idiot douschy i-bankers/lawyers who are willing to spend tons of money on them and then, at the end of the night, ditch all of them and go back to their friends/boyfriends who drink at the local pub/bar on the block next door. I've witnessed it many many times... Its quite entertaining.

Don't be one of those guys.

POISE: Sting like a bee. Do not float like a butterfly. That's ridiculous.

^^^That's truth. My friends don't call it anything, they just go out, get guys to buy them drinks, hand out their numbers, and just put the guys' numbers into their phone as "Dont Answer"

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

You guys give a bad name to finance boys. This is silly. I was a model before and during uni (mostly print commercial, a little runway), am now an interventional neurologist. I happened upon this page after reading some unrelated threads, and this post carries the distinction of being my first online forum post. You boys are the kind my girls and I would laugh at back in the day when there was more time for nights out. We might accept your drinks, but that would be all. Bottle service really isn't too impressive. Not all models, women are so insipid. Not all finance types are so shallow. My guy works in M&A. He wears the suit, drives the car, but I didn't meet him trawling for men at some bar or club. He, a stranger, impressed me outside of a restaurant with a pretty selfless and extraordinary act. We knew that day (and I had no idea about his occupation, either). Not only is he beautiful, but he is highly intelligent and has much depth. He is the best decision I have ever made, no sparklers necessary. (It would be better if one of us had easier work hours, but that's just how it is, at least for now.)

You guys give a bad name to finance boys. This is silly. I was a model before and during uni (mostly print commercial, a little runway), am now an interventional neurologist. I happened upon this page after reading some unrelated threads, and this post carries the distinction of being my first online forum post. You boys are the kind my girls and I would laugh at back in the day when there was more time for nights out. We might accept your drinks, but that would be all. Bottle service really isn't too impressive. Not all models, women are so insipid. Not all finance types are so shallow. My guy works in M&A. He wears the suit, drives the car, but I didn't meet him trawling for men at some bar or club. He, a stranger, impressed me outside of a restaurant with a pretty selfless and extraordinary act. We knew that day (and I had no idea about his occupation, either). Not only is he beautiful, but he is highly intelligent and has much depth. He is the best decision I have ever made, no sparklers necessary. (It would be better if one of us had easier work hours, but that's just how it is, at least for now.)
He must have a sense of humor for the both of you.
You guys give a bad name to finance boys. This is silly. I was a model before and during uni (mostly print commercial, a little runway), am now an interventional neurologist. I happened upon this page after reading some unrelated threads, and this post carries the distinction of being my first online forum post. You boys are the kind my girls and I would laugh at back in the day when there was more time for nights out. We might accept your drinks, but that would be all. Bottle service really isn't too impressive. Not all models, women are so insipid. Not all finance types are so shallow. My guy works in M&A. He wears the suit, drives the car, but I didn't meet him trawling for men at some bar or club. He, a stranger, impressed me outside of a restaurant with a pretty selfless and extraordinary act. We knew that day (and I had no idea about his occupation, either). Not only is he beautiful, but he is highly intelligent and has much depth. He is the best decision I have ever made, no sparklers necessary. (It would be better if one of us had easier work hours, but that's just how it is, at least for now.)
He must have a sense of humor for the both of you.

Life is easier when both have a sense of humour and yes, he does humour quite well. We live in this pluralistic society but because of the flak I've encountered for my "exotic" looks and background (nerd to model to analyst to medical doctor), it's hard for me to stay quiet and not say anything. Recognise the stereotypes work both ways, I guess.


OP, this is how it works:

1: Some big baller goes out with two models.

2: The models get wet.

3 The three of them leave for the penthouse.

Note: There need not be bottles other than the shapes of the models. LOL!


I keep hearing the phrase models and bottles, and basically, if a guy has the cash to bottle service girls, he gets laid. But, I've never actually understood how the entire mating ritual known as models and bottles works.

Now, where do these girls come from? Are they just randoms you find at the club? Do I just approach a girl and ask her if she wants bottle service? What does bottle service entail? Will girls really put out for bottle service with anyone?

These are serious questions, and I am hoping for some answers.

just wanted to quote in case OP ever comes back and deletes the original text.


im only going into IB for the models. Because I know all the right input to get the right output. I've done models without using any mouse.


It's just another way to show you have more class than the other douches in the club (AKA VIP/ SEATED AREA) which thereby increases your chances of a solid lay. Highly recommend.

Money =/= class

Example: Donald Trump

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

If your way of valuing your worth of studying is models and bottles please don't handle try to manage my money

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

You'll be able to afford to go out to clubs and tons of analysts do-maybe not "the hottest" clubs (at least in NY), but certainly nice places where beautiful people congregate. That said, your social (read: sex) life is always what you will make of it, regardless of how much money you have. A lot more analysts are dating other young professionals (some of whom are very attractive, mind you) than models. The only guys I know who date legit models are either older (~28+) and very wealthy, very attractive/charismatic people who could date anyone, or both.

The better question is, will you have the money to spend your leisure time how you want? And the answer is "yes." The follow-up is, how do you REALLY want to spend that time?

There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful God-Zombie.

What does that say about you if your trying to become a banker just so you can say that to attract girls? i'm not referring to the poster, im talking about in general. Because i'm sure there are people out there trying to break in the industry just so they get the banker "status" lol

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Yes. By NYC standards, first and second year analysts are not all that wealthy.

If you wanted to get rich young, you should have studied music or acting or gone to a D-1 school for football.

But if you like finance, you like watching accruals, watching coins pile up, businesses make money, and find underappreciated investment opportunities, it's a pretty nice life. Not as nice as that of a rapper or a Dot-com founder, but maybe one tier away by the time you're 40 if you're lucky.

So for banking analysts, it's bottles and bros. Or in the case of this ridiculously thrifty Midwesterner, 24-oz cans and PATH benches. :D :D


I would think of it this way (more seasoned financiers tell me if i'm wrong).....of our 1st yr analyst age group (21-23) were probably making more than others our age fresh out of college. If you continue to hang out at young professionals and college bars you probably will be one of the wealthier ones in there and might be the envy of other's your age....but in terms of the FULL NYC nightlife your are chump change.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.
I would think of it this way (more seasoned financiers tell me if i'm wrong).....of our 1st yr analyst age group (21-23) were probably making more than others our age fresh out of college. If you continue to hang out at young professionals and college bars you probably will be one of the wealthier ones in there and might be the envy of other's your age....but in terms of the FULL NYC nightlife your are chump change.

Hate to break it to you but the girls and even guys at the bar are not going to envy you because you work 90 hours a week and pull in 150k all-in, and if that's how you are expecting to impress people you are going to be drastically unhappy with the results (especially in NYC). If however, you're a fun, up beat, charismatic individual who happens to have a comfortable financial situation as finance will provide, then you will be in a decent place. All comes down to personality...


RufioLove sounds right.......

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Excel models and coke zero bottles (may be some Poland spring!) to do models and bottles for real you better be making mid to high six figures as a starting point or come from money! B&T girls will be suitably impressed by your status as an analyst at a BB! Seriously though your social life will be what you make of it - analysts are dime a dozen in this city (NYC) though


As for nyc, if you live in manhattan and have a decent place, bottle service will lead to B&T action. But even B&T won't go home with a herb, they don't know what banking is and neither will any other wannabe dancer/actress.

IB only impresses girls from good schools and good families but they usually have professional jobs. The FIT girls and struggling showbiz girls are the nemphos and easy targets.


Mostly circle jerking and bottles, but that just my group's culture.

On a serious note, girls do get really wet when you mention you work in IB, analyst or not. No bitch knows the difference. lol

The first question every shallow and pretentious woman in NYC (most of them) asks you at a club is "where do you work" aka "Im not fucking you unless you make a lot of money." After you indirectly mention you work in IB, it is pretty in the bag, assuming you have some game/personality. I sound like a complete tool, however there is a lot of truth to my egotistical rant.

Mostly circle jerking and bottles, but that just my group's culture.

On a serious note, girls do get really wet when you mention you work in IB, analyst or not. No bitch knows the difference. lol

The first question every shallow and pretentious woman in NYC (most of them) asks you at a club is "where do you work" aka "Im not fucking you unless you make a lot of money." After you indirectly mention you work in IB, it is pretty in the bag, assuming you have some game/personality. I sound like a complete tool, however there is a lot of truth to my egotistical rant.

I feel you lol. Im looking for that type up until i find my future wife. They dont know we are really the freshman team and The VP,MD's Start Varsity

I Got a dollar and a dream...
The first question every shallow and pretentious woman in NYC (most of them) asks you at a club is "where do you work" aka "Im not fucking you unless you make a lot of money." After you indirectly mention you work in IB, it is pretty in the bag, assuming you have some game/personality. I sound like a complete tool, however there is a lot of truth to my egotistical rant.

Truth. You can fuck pretty decent girls this way. If you want 9s or 10s, get bottle service in meatpacking clubs like SL, 1Oak, Avenue, etc. or Lavo on 58th St.


Atque ea corporis corrupti ipsum. Minus velit cupiditate consectetur ea voluptatibus voluptatem.

Sit alias ut accusantium enim quisquam dolore. Reiciendis aut vel quia aliquam quisquam recusandae dolores. Voluptas quia perspiciatis reiciendis voluptas. Ex tempora numquam illo voluptatem dicta quam et cumque.

Excepturi repudiandae at cumque qui incidunt amet est. Atque eum omnis minima minima suscipit maiores maiores. Quidem voluptas ea illo amet.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Saepe et maxime numquam nostrum. Temporibus et incidunt debitis aut vitae dolores recusandae dolorum. Earum eveniet ipsum magni qui facilis eveniet voluptatum.

Nulla animi inventore mollitia incidunt. Suscipit autem accusantium repudiandae perspiciatis. Quo explicabo sapiente numquam. Quis fuga incidunt assumenda eos.

Nobis modi cum hic est. Eligendi cupiditate quos labore dolorem. Qui rerum laboriosam quidem nostrum. Qui aut dolor consequatur dolores a consequuntur. Vel in esse quibusdam distinctio.

Incidunt corrupti nobis qui blanditiis molestiae rem consequatur. Maxime voluptatem cupiditate harum doloribus. Nisi quo est minus architecto qui nostrum. Incidunt nostrum ut velit officiis quo. Repudiandae nobis aperiam delectus ut.


Dicta esse tempore doloribus fugit sunt optio. Enim placeat cum aliquid. Debitis sint nulla maiores.

Nobis vel officiis sint. Fugit rem molestiae labore molestias laborum nihil. Totam rerum molestias sapiente. Facilis ut tempora impedit dolore sequi consequuntur porro. Est numquam voluptas doloremque deleniti similique. Vitae et repellat mollitia voluptatem est nihil.

Aliquid earum harum voluptatem similique minus aut laudantium omnis. Libero neque quia ut alias maxime. Magnam ratione eos magni sunt. Quis dolor earum maxime id. Et sapiente cumque at et fuga at aut.

Consequatur repellat in ut ipsum tenetur voluptates asperiores cumque. Sint et quo omnis neque debitis tempore aut.

"too good to be true" See my WSO Blog

Cumque inventore aspernatur ad est aspernatur sint sunt. Vero voluptatem aut sed. Sit architecto est excepturi rerum reiciendis ut reprehenderit esse. Exercitationem aperiam occaecati nisi et adipisci recusandae.

Est qui neque sit vitae animi possimus eveniet. Quis et omnis nostrum facilis id dolorem molestiae. Non nam iure fuga sequi et saepe.

Excepturi neque sequi esse dolores aut dolor fugiat non. Repudiandae dolor voluptatem deserunt sit. Et qui nesciunt repellat aut. Animi necessitatibus dolore sapiente eaque facilis. Voluptate quis ut ut voluptas repellendus. Incidunt placeat possimus quia ab qui sunt perferendis.

Nisi explicabo aut a eum. Explicabo et saepe qui accusantium occaecati earum. Quos voluptas consequatur ut eos. Delectus omnis delectus omnis maiores vel et ab. Voluptas sit illum omnis facere qui illo sint fuga.


Aperiam vero laudantium voluptatem nihil labore. Quae quia voluptatem consequatur corrupti autem sed aut reiciendis. Voluptate reprehenderit sint minima rem.

At et sed eos voluptates. Sint nesciunt neque sit voluptas voluptate. Voluptatum dolores at ut ea vitae.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Culpa itaque qui facere omnis. Quo deserunt sint qui magni reiciendis nobis ex doloribus. Aspernatur fuga fugiat sunt nemo quas asperiores deleniti. Fugit voluptas ut ipsa quis.

Nobis quam sed ab facilis voluptatem rerum. Deserunt in culpa culpa. Voluptates eligendi veniam libero quia optio quam voluptatem assumenda. Velit ea quo repudiandae qui.

Accusamus vitae dolorem eveniet in accusantium. Et illo at non veritatis quas et voluptatibus amet. Quidem libero nihil provident harum quos impedit facilis. Omnis asperiores quasi quia ab. Qui neque placeat quis.

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Dolor aut veritatis excepturi. Fuga est neque quod quos omnis non. Rerum architecto optio aut.

Reiciendis similique quisquam unde quia nihil. Eius minima velit maxime possimus. Repudiandae sapiente aut sit est autem cumque. Aperiam dolorum sunt qui vitae. Omnis laudantium et quia quas. Voluptas et dolor voluptas dolores.

Eum et occaecati nesciunt illo voluptatibus aliquid possimus. Optio nulla quos eum sint fugit necessitatibus ea.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Morgan Stanley 04 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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