Easton Capital Investment Group Overview

Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

Founded in 1999, Easton Capital Investment Group manages approximately $200 million on behalf of a number of significant institutional investors in its three funds, Easton Capital Partners, L.P., Easton Hunt Capital Partners, L.P. and Easton Hunt New York LP.

Easton invests in the seed, early and later stages of a venture primarily in the following segments: life sciences, healthcare-technology, services, diagnostics, devices and therapeutics. The group evaluates its investments using five key metrics: fundamental innovation, proof of efficacy, strategic interest, opportunity for an early exit and capital efficiency. Capital efficiency refers to companies that generally require no more than an additional $10-20 million to get to market and become cash flow positive or be acquired. Therefore, when investments succeed, significant multiples will be generated and when they fail, losses are reduced to millions, not tens of millions of dollars.

Easton makes investments ranging in size from $500, 000 to $7.5 million and has strategic co-investment relationships with many of its institutional investors which allow it to participate in larger initial and follow-on rounds of funding. Members of the team have participated in running more than $1 billion in investment funds during their careers, and launched more than 100 companies, with a number of investments that generated returns in excess of 100x.

Notable investments include: bluebird bio (NASDAQ: BLUE), Biolex Therapeutics, CardioMEMS (acquired by St. Jude Medical), Coapt Systems (acquired by MicroAire), Gentis, PlaySpan (acquired by Visa), Promedior, Resolve Therapeutics, Sanarus Medical and Trellis Bioscience.


767 Third Avenue (at 48th St), 7th Floor, 10017 NY
United States

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Easton Capital Investment Group Interview Questions

Job Title
Year 2015
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Mergers and Acquisitions
Location Paris
Very Positive

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