Why Not To Vote For Biden

-Will radically increase taxes. I pay around 30% in income tax and don't want to pay any more. Corporate tax rate during his VP Era was around 35%, which will hurt an economic recovery.

-Weak Foreign Policy. Trump is also just as weak on foreign policy, but at least he is tough on Iran. I didn't see this during the Obama-Biden days when they were appeasing the Iranian government.

-Will Expand Obamacare. Obamacare tripled my premiums. Everyone I know in the middle class is paying between $600-$1000 a month in premiums sometimes more. They are finding it hard to save money for their kids to go to college.

-Trade Policy. He voted for the Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China that led to hundreds of thousands of job losses in the midwest. He voted for NAFTA and said that he didn't believe China would be a major economic player in the world (he was wrong). We have to be tough on China, especially now.

-His Vice President. He will end up choosing some fool like Kamala Harris and since Biden is kind of on the decline, I think the VP will have a lot more power than usual.

-Corruption. I won't get into the Hunter Biden crap because it's not proven, but he granted his son-in-law's healthcare consulting company White House Access. His brother's healthcare venture led to an FBI raid, which revealed his son-in-law was doing business on Biden's name. Big Pharma lobbyists donate a bunch to him too.

-Race. Biden is a former segregationist who said he didn't want his "kids growing up in a racial jungle". He led the fight against desegregating public schools. And we all know the "you ain't black if you don't vote for me" bit.

-He's a hypocrite. He has once opposed every single policy he now supports. From criminal justice to LGBTQ rights to Trade. It shows that he's a very partisan politician and will follow whatever the DNC tells him.


OP here. I'm actually left-leaning and would never vote for Trump due to policy disagreements.

However, I'm getting sick of other liberals praising Joe Biden like he is some god going to save us.

And in all honesty, I think both of them are bad options, but I think Trump is going to be better for the economy


I'm not so sure Trump is necessarily going to be better for the economy. You might call me absurd, but I genuinely believe that if we have another large problem in the next four years (not necessarily another virus), Trump will botch it up again. I do believe that both Clinton and Biden would have done a better job of handling this virus.


I get that but he's a moderate not a socialist or anti establishment, those proposed polices are just for pr and to gain voters. I really dislike this polarization of parties and we need to reduce isolation between dems and republicans before it gets much worse. If Biden isn't elected we will definitely have a worse society with economic data being the only positive thing.



My parents immigrated with nothing from Venezuela. A country that has THE LARGEST oil reserves in the world. Read that sentence one more time. Now read it again. Before the country became a communist country, the currency was 1 to 4 to the dollar and euro in the late 70's early 80's. Why? because the country was a net exporter of oil. Fast forward ~25 years and the country and economy went to shit.. Why? Communism, Hugo chavez ended up making the situation 10x worse and the country experienced hyper inflation, now everything is dollarized. What is the point of the story? My parents left the country to go to the states to provide us with a better life in the early 90's to escape the kidnappings, 50% increased taxes and gov. wanted to literally take their business from them.

My parents left due to communism! This is exactly what the Left wants. Fake news, censorship is all real because they want to control the middle class. How to they do this, they raise oil prices!


Revisiting this. Did you change your mind or are you still brainwashed by CNN / Bloomberg? This is the goal of the democrats, here we go... As you all know, oil is an input price and in order for a country to be strong, they must be energy dependent. Let's look at the FACTS.

What did the Biden Administration do the first few days in office?

- They shut down all domestic oil exploration / production

- They shut down the Keystone Pipeline

Just those two things is enough to send the price of oil skyrocketing, as we have witnessed. Apart from the guy being a puppet, he cannot think for himself and needs a teleprompter. Who cares if Trump is "mean" or "aggressive". This is America, since when did we become so sensitive?

The point is to slowdown global warming, but there are better ways of doing that. And don't get me wrong, global warming is very real. That's the excuse they want you to believe. 

The real reason is they want to control the middle class by enabling them to afford a normal life! 

We cannot blame the libs, they are completely oblivious and ignorant about what is going on due to the media.

Anyway - If the price of oil goes up, so does inflation and everything else with it. They are trying to break the middle class because that IS 75% of Americans. Now, my parents are seeing the same thing happen here and I'm not sitting around letting this happen. America is the land of opportunity. Trump wants 0% tariffs with are trade partners - but they didnt want it because America is getting wrecked on tariffs on american products while we have low tarriffs to import from our partners, that's what capitalism is. if anybody studied basic economics, lower tariffs would increase trade for everybody. And if it's not lower than at least equal tariffs!!!

Our saviors are the few republicans left such as Desantis or Trump. Florida is BOOMING, Texas is BOOMING, do not defund the police. Dumbest thing I've ever heard. Look at LA, SF, NYC crime rates. 

You all might think I'm crazy for saying this but sometimes you have to step back and look at the big picture. And it's crazy that Trump and Desantis are going head to head because they are both great. TRUMP 2024, Desantis next. 

 Just think for a sec and look at the facts....


I'm a life-long Democrat and I'll be voting Republican for the first time.

I very much dislike Trump, but the stuff going on in America is crazy. Like they charged the cops who killed Rayshard Brooks in self defense with felony murder. Even the 2nd cop who did nothing except get his taser stolen (he literally was just standing there the whole time).

Sorry, but I cannot vote for a party who defaces statues of Gandhi and throws molotov cocktails at my local grocery store. Many of my leftist family and friends are voting Trump as well and I'm sure many others will be.



Giving power to the Democrat Party will only give more power to the radical groups like Antifa. None of the mayors in these cities are even taking action against the rioters, what do you think will happen if Biden and the democrats get elected.

I guess you must be an antifa member.


Longtime liberal, will be voting Trump. Biden is senile and whatever joke of a VP he picks will he no better than Trump. The left has gone too left for me, I feel like they haven’t put Americans first in a long time. lmk if you know otherwise honestly.


Im having my doubts about Trump. Dude had the economy going for him and that tanked. Now he's messing up on covid and foreign relations. It's hard to justify voting for him other than not wanting Biden in the WH.

Most Helpful

Maybe this is my first time venturing in a politics thread but are the people on WSO here actually insane? I thought people pursuing high finance might lean conservatively economically (arguably because it's self-serving) but in what world are Trump and Biden even comparable?

Trump is a disgrace to our country, a complete incompetent grifter. He tweeted a video that says "white power" in it and you prefer Trump over Obama's VP because of race?

There's so much about this post and its comments that are mind-numbing, do people not pay attention? I guess it is morning in St Petersburg


It’s because this forum is 17 year-olds who never met someone who doesn’t have a trust fund so their only concern is their tax rate so they can shove another pair of shitty Gucci loafers in their unorganized frat boy closets


This election is yet again a shit show like 2016. Biden would be a good president, but there aren't any other liberal leaders that would make good VPs. Trump may have good ideas, but his execution and mannerisms as the President of one of the greatest nations deem him as disgraceful. Either way, there is no upside with any of the candidates. Both extremes


Quickly disprove the health insurance one because it’s fucking dumb - here’s some data on annual health insurance premiums. Doubled in the years from 1999-2007. If you’ve ever read anything, you’d know Bush was President for most of those years (and Clinton a couple, because both parties suck at healthcare). It grew pretty fast since but over Obama’s term (also 8 years if you’re tracking), premiums didn’t even come close to doubling again (I’m looking at singles, but family tracks the same story). So yeah healthcare costs have been increasing but it’s not an Obamacare story, it’s an “America has shit healthcare” story.



Excellent, thank you for bringing a stick to a gun fight. Your personal observations of your father are noted.

So you’re telling me that someone shouldn’t vote for Biden because when he was VP healthcare costs increased... in lieu of a President who also oversaw healthcare cost increases and has proposed absolutely no alternative plan of any credible feasibility. Got it, nailed it once again.


Biden’s VP “having a lot of power” is a major understatement. Biden turns 78 in November. I don’t think there’s any real chance of him making it through an entire term. Even if he does, a second term is totally out of the question. Whoever his VP is will be the Democratic nominee in 2024, the only question is if she’s president already going into that election.

I’m not even sure he has any real policy agenda. He is just not Trump, which to half the country that is a huge “not”. Pelosi and his VP will be in charge.


Can I take a poll to see who will win? Trump or Biden? I want Trump!

https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o7aTtzyBVUQn7PzDa/giphy.gif" alt="Why Not To Vote For Biden" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Perfect. Need to get to Neanderthal so I can actually feel glad when I leave this site!

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Joe is a shoot in foot guy and Trump is shoot in heart guy. From John Oliver so don't come after me!!!

https://media1.giphy.com/media/dAvvMX8BLOvCg/giphy.gif" alt="Why Not To Vote For Biden" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Trump and the Republican Party will continue the LBO / dividend recap of the American economy, mantra is get cash out now (low corporate and individual taxes) at the expense of higher Debt / GDP and lower long term growth and inevitable currency devaluation. This is just the mid stages of the fall of the American empire analogous to Rome. Concentrated wealth in the crony capitalist class (now with even less separation of money and politics). You can elect the guys who will bail you out and keep funding people into office with those bailout funds. Recursive and undetected because of poor controls and poor transparency.


Have you ever thought that you can have low taxes and spend less by cutting welfare programs like social security at the same time.

Obama increased more debt than any other president in history.


and now Trump will increase the debt more than any other president in history, and the next and the next. I'm not defending Obama. I'm just saying we have a completely non-functional government (can't pass any legislation except in the most pants-on-fire reactive scenarios, which ends up in simply fucking poor policy design). The gov't is currently designed to maintain the status quo and increase / consolidate power in the hands of the most powerful / ruling class. And that's not you unless your family is worth 9 figures plus.


I am pretty moderate but seem of these points seem to be a bit odd when viewing Trump's performance/behaviour. Biden is not running in a vaccuum here.

  • On taxes, you mention corporation tax which is fair but the Obama administration tried for years to reduce to 28% but the GOP rightfully wanted a lower rate. Problem is the current 20% is so riddled with loopholes that 20% of F500 corporations pay 0%. Trump pre-covid vastly exacerbated a deficit during boom-times so Chevron could pay 0. Are most Americans supposed to be pleased with that one?

  • On foreign policy, at least Trump is tough on Iran? Sure, but this is ignoring that Trump abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria + revealed to Russia our mole in the Kremlin + and either ignored or forgot that Russia put bounties on US troops and did nothing. Not to mention that many top generals (Mattis/Kelly/McMaster) who HE CHOSE have all said Trump is a moron. Did any generals from 08-16 say that about Obama/Biden?

  • On Obamacare, totally agree that the system is not an appropriate fix. But what concerns me is the GOP had a decade to come up with a new plan and they produced nothing. Nothing to increase coverage rates, reduce prices, increase access, nada. Obamacare has significant downsides, but it seems there is only one party interested in actually improving health care.

  • On trade, totally agree we have to be far tougher on China. Problem is we need to work with the EU, India, Japan, and ASEAN collectively to force proper reforms which the TPP would have helped with. Trump seems to favor pissing off everyone and then randomnly begging for farm purchases to help for re-election ain't exactly tough on China. This isn't 1994 and America needs to work with others to achieve policy objectives.

  • On VP, no point discussing till he picks someone.

  • On corruption, I can't actually read this one without laughing. Is giving a SiL marginal access even close to the sh** Trump has pulled with administration/secret service spending at his own hotels?

  • On race, you're ignoring the middle part of that quote which is without “orderly integration,” his children would grow up in “racial jungle, with tensions built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” Biden has said some outdated stuff in the past, but you are deliberately masquerading the real quote there. And again, he is running against Trump who teargassed peaceful protests for a photo-op, continues to call for the execution of the Central Park Five, and argued that some white supremacists were good people.

  • On hypocrisy, welcome to politics.

My main point being that Biden has significant faults and real policy objectives that can be argued in good fath are unproductive for the country. But many of the OPs points are a bit iffy when comparing it to the man currently in the White House.


Op Here. I think we agree on almost everything.

I never said Trump was a better alternative. He is horrible too.


to think that trump is equally / comparably horrible to Biden is just insane and truly reflects the amount of privilege you build your arguments upon. just ask around. don’t ask your white straight male buddies. ask your friends that are POC/women/LGBT+/other marginalized groups, and then you’ll understand why it’s ludicrous to even made that comparison.

meanwhile, what’s the goal of this post? who else should people vote for? every single vote that didn’t go to Biden = actively decreasing the chance trump can be kicked out. simple as that.

the country is not at a position to be picky. not right now there’s not that many ppl on the left who are stoked abt Biden anyways. get trump out first and nothing should be prioritized over that.


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