Acacia Venture Partners Overview

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Company Details

Acacia Venture Partners is a San Francisco-based venture capital firm dedicated to building leaders in services industries. Our investments are focused in healthcare and target primarily Internet and other technology-driven business models.
Our team of venture capital professionals has five decades of healthcare investing experience, and is in a strong and differentiated position to help develop industry leaders. We have a critical understanding of business issues that are unique to services industries. Our experience provides us with an appreciation for the business opportunities in services industries and insight into the keys necessary to succeed in this arena.

Prior to the formation of Acacia Venture Partners in 1995, Acacia's principals backed numerous companies that emerged from nascent operations to become leaders in their respective sectors. These investments emphasized the dynamic healthcare services segment and included companies such as HealthSouth, Integrated Health Services, Caremark Rx (formerly MedPartners), and PhyCor. These companies received their initial venture capital funding when they were in the start-up or early expansion stage. They rapidly grew to dominate major healthcare services sectors, including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, outpatient surgery, post-acute care, physician practice management and pharmacy benefits management. Today, these companies generate combined annual revenues in excess of $10 billion.


101 California St. , Suite 3160, 94111 CA
United States

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