Allegis Capital Overview

Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

Our 35 corporate partners have been carefully selected because of specific expertise in their executive teams, the power of their brand and market positions in key consumer and business markets and their complementary (versus competitive) relationships with each other, thereby multiplying the size and potential of our combined network for entrepreneurs.

At Allegis, we have assembled a unique team of General Partner and Venture Partners who are committed to actively working with our portfolio companies to find the connections they need to succeed. Our team is involved in a hands-on way, working to find the best points of leverage within our corporate partners. This enables entrepreneurs to access operating executives, to test environments to validate new product concepts, provides market intelligence, and aids branded distribution networks.

Allegis invests in seed and early-stage startup companies developing enabling technology and infrastructure which serve emerging information technology markets. We look for opportunities offering proprietary technology and defensible product/market advantages:
enabling hardware devices
software solutions
broadband and wireless delivery technologies
internet delivery platforms and services

Typically we base our investments around the following parameters:
Lead investor; will partner with other VC's
$3-5 million initial investment
Target 20% ownership of the company at first investment
Board Seat
Capital support for subsequent financings

Allegis Capital was originally formed within AVI Capital, a well-established high-technology seed and early-stage venture capital firm dating to 1982. AVI Management III was a sponsor and member of the General Partner in the original Media Technology Ventures, L.P. fund.


(650) 687-0234,
525 University Avenue, Suite 220, 94301 CA
United States
(415) 278-9794,
345 Spear Street, Suite 505, 94105 CA
United States

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