Alta Partners Overview

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Company Details

Alta Partners is a leading venture capital firm in life sciences, funding over 145 companies in the industry since 1996. Our diverse and integrated team brings together a powerful depth of knowledge and experience, delivering tangible results for our companies and our investors.

Alta Partners was founded in 1996 by Jean Deleage, Garrett Gruener, Guy Nohra and Marino Polestra. All four founders were senior partners of Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co. (BEDCO), a prominent venture capital firm founded in 1979 that focused on early-stage investing in life sciences, information technology and communications.

Over the past decade, Alta Partners has raised eight funds, and currently manages two billion in capital. Initially an early stage firm, Alta entered later stage investing with the formation of Alta BioPharma I, a fund focused on growth stage private companies and young public companies in the life sciences sector.

Today, Alta Partners consists of ten life sciences professionals and one information technology professional. Collectively, the Alta team has more than 150 years of venture capital, investment banking, information technology and operational experience.

Members of the Alta Partners franchise have been involved in the formation of leading companies in the life sciences sector, including Genentech, Chiron, Cephalon, deCODE genetics and Affymetrix. Since its inception, Alta has invested over $1.4 billion in more than 145 life science companies.


(415) 362-6178,
One Embarcadero Center, 37th Floor, 94111 CA
United States

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