Berggruen Holdings Overview

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Company Details

Berggruen Holdings takes a long-term, value-oriented, often contrarian view. We prefer to build organically and through acquisitions, partnering with management, as opposed to quick, opportunistic exits. Depending on the opportunity and asset class, Berggruen Holdings is prepared to invest up to 200 million dollars in any one transaction.

Berggruen Holdings is the direct investment vehicle of The Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Trust. Over the last 20 years, Berggruen Holdings and related entities have made well over 100 direct investments using its proprietary capital, which allows for longer investment horizons, flexibility in financing and swift investment decisions. Nicolas Berggruen is the Chairman of the Board of Berggruen Holdings.

Berggruen Holdings works closely with existing management teams, developers and asset managers to identify appropriate investment opportunities, with few requirements except for positive cash flow. It is this strategy that allows Berggruen Holdings to successfully invest globally across asset classes. The Berggruen Group has offices in New York, Berlin, Istanbul, Mumbai and Tel Aviv.


+90 212.236.5590, Istanbul
Tesvikiye Caddesi no 11/16,
+49 30 259 39 96 – 59, Berlin
Fasanenstr. 77, Berlin 10623
+31 345.501054, Amsterdam
IMS Benelux Holding Coöperatieve U.A. Markt 6, Beusichem 4112 JS
+1 212.382.0120, New York
1114 Avenue of the Americas, 41st Floor, 10036 NY
United States

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