Eight Roads Overview


Company Details


Our story stretches back to 1969 and Fidelity’s first principal investment business, Fidelity Ventures, backer of success stories including global communication leader MCI; Continental Cablevision, one of the world’s first cable networks; and video game manufacturer, ATARI.

Today, Eight Roads remains committed to these entrepreneurial roots and to supporting entrepreneurs as they scale their businesses. We back founders with high conviction and are selective about the number of investments we make. This ensures we can provide the help required. Because we have been doing this for a long time we understand the courage and commitment it takes to successfully build a company.

We invest in businesses through our funds, but also make direct investments and identify themes and talented teams to start businesses from scratch. We often take this approach in healthcare where our long-term capital and absence of fundraising lends itself to a commitment over many years.

Often the companies in our portfolio seek to expand geographically and we are lucky to be able to draw on ideas and experts from across the Fidelity network, this includes our associated funds and our sister fund, F-Prime Capital. Our founders tell us this global ecosystem offers a tremendous talent pool and source of domain expertise for their businesses.


Tri-Seven Roppongi 6F , 7-7-7 Roppongi Minato-Ku, 106-0032 13
1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London
United Kingdom
One Main Street , Riverfront Park 13fl, 02142 MA
United States

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