Hoffman Asset Management Overview

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Company Details

Hoffman Asset Management is a Commodity Trading Advisor dedicated to earning significant returns for its clients while maintaining vigorous risk management discipline. Hoffman’s risk management structure keep’s daily volatility under roughly 1% of ongoing account equity, and total margin usage to less than roughly 10% of account size. Hoffman’s trend following investment methodology allows it to take advantage of sustaining price trends in the commodity futures markets.

Dean Hoffman, a Commodity Trading Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the commodities business founded the firm. Mr. Hoffman is the creator of the many commercial trading systems, and Futures Truth Magazine twice honored him with an award for having one of the “Top Ten Trading Systems of All Time.”

Although its algorithms may be complex, the foundation of Hoffman Asset Management’s success is its unique ranking systems and laser-like capability of identifying potentially low-risk trading opportunities.

With its trend following discipline, low risk investment philosophy and award-winning algorithmic trading systems, Hoffman Asset Management is ready to meet the expectations of its clients.

Agile, scalable structure

Hoffman’s size allows for agile money management, enabling us to take advantage of available opportunities throughout the roughly 100 markets we track, and the Hoffman team along with its back office system provides the scalable infrastructure to handle larger accounts.

Hoffman Asset Management works with financial institutions, and select individuals, who look for the managed risk consistency we deliver. We invite investors to read this website, look at the team, the trading methodology and the back office.


3602 Golfview Drive, 17050 PA
United States

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