TV Shows... let's hear 'em!

Two-part discussion. I'm sure this has been posted hella times on here but everyone (including me) loves talking TV so I'm rounding it up again. Let's ride.

  1. Need a new series. Any recommendations?
    • Just got done binging Occupied, it's on Netflix. Actually a great show, a friend told me to check it out as it centers on a fictional conflict between Russia vs. Norway. It's wild to watch it now and see the parallels, even though this came out in 2017. It's primarily Norwegian, but good subtitles and enough English in it to make it thoroughly enjoyable.ย 
    • Currently, I have Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, and YouTube TV. Got rid of Prime Video but can re-download. Or I can pirate shit because it makes me feel all young and interesting again.ย 
  2. The age-old question... everyone drop your Top 5 TV shows. Or some number, whatever you want.
    • โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹Any genre, any platform, anything. Always great to get different people's takes on what they truly like and why. Bonus points if you include a brief summary n' shit since why not. Let's hear them!

If I had to guess, I'll throw my current top five. Feel free to agree or tell me why it isn't a good show, LOL. You'd be surprised how much some people hate shows that I consider gems.ย 

  1. The Wire.ย Obviously, this isn't an unpopular answer, but in my opinion, it is the undisputed champion of television. I have never felt so enthralled by a TV series, and believe it's just fucking brilliant. I remember wanting to quit after S1E5, and by the end of it I was genuinely upset to watch any more episodes because that meant I had one less episode to look forward to. A fucking bombshell, the way it unwraps and unravels, only to come back around and close it just makes my jaw drop. OK, I'll stop fanboying.ย 
  2. Seinfeld. Switching gears entirely from the first one, eh? Can't lie. Seinfeld is the funniest fuckin' show I've ever watched, even if it's just stupid as hell sometimes. It's the only show that has literally never failed to make me laugh at least once throughout any given episode. For my b-school graduation, my pops got me fourย vintage Seinfeld character headshot photos done in 1950's style pop-art, and they've been hung in my living room ever since. Larry David is great, and I just love the humor.ย 
  3. Billions (S1-3). I often wondered how many people in our industry actually enjoyed watching financial shows, since often they over-exaggerate and dramatize a lot of the things that would never happen in real life. Billions definitely has itsย fair share of this, especially from S4 and beyond. Some of the shit that happened just actually made me have to pause the show and go get some whiskey. However, I think the first two seasons especially were a goddamn masterpiece. I loved the dynamic, and the characters were fun, fresh, and interesting. However, similar to House of Cards, it reached its peak burnout period. S4 was meh, S5 was mid as fuck, and S6 is just a garbage pile. Honorable mention for Band of Brothers too, which has Damian Lewis as its star. I watched that a long time ago and that's when I first saw how good of a fuckin' actor he was. Brought that same heat back in Billions.
  4. The Sopranos. Pretty obvious I guess based on my first choice. Watched The Wire, quit on S1E5, watched the entirety of The Sopranos, knew I had to come back to The Wire. While I love the dynamic and see how the two shows intermingle, enjoyed TW a hell of a lot more than TS. Still gotta give a shout to Tony and the gang. Being both a) from New York and b) violently Italian, it was great to see some people that actually spoke as my entire family does. Can't say we go that heavy NY-Italian, but every now and then when I get mad people tell me toย "calm down Tony"ย so there's that, I guess!
  5. Mad Men. Self-evident. Jon Hamm is fucking good, and he killed the role of Draper. The show is just great overall, and while I got a little bored towards the middle of it, I greatly enjoyed it. The 'self-loathing and deprecation factors of it really made you think and gotta put it up on the T5 board.ย 

HM(s):ย Deadwood, The Deuce, House of Cards, Generation Kill, probably more but I gotta go back to work now.ย 

Super pumped to hear what y'all got. This entire post has been while I wait for this analyst to get his shit done for my sign-off, as I'd like to go home. It's 4:30p, and rare that I get to bounce this early. However this 24-year-old fuckhead is eating up valuable golf simulator time. I am well aware of how much of a douchebag statement that was. Peace!


New Series:

  • I'm really liking Winning Time on HBO about the Showtime Lakers. Fun era of basketball, good cast.
  • The Formula 1 show on Netflix (Drive to Survive) is also engaging if you haven't seen it.
  • How to with John Wilsonย on HBO is absolutely hilarious (he was one of the writers on Nathan for You for those who don't know).
  • For those who can stand subtitles, Babylon Berlin on Netflix is fantastic, it's a period piece set in Berlin during the Weimar era, loosely following a Berlin PD homicide detective.

Top 5: Agree mostly with you (The Sopranos, Seinfeld, and Mad Men). Will throw in Trailer Park Boys (all the seasons with the original writers). Would have to think of a 5th. Tbh loved cartoons as a kid and Samurai Jack was by far my favorite one, amazing storytelling and animations imo, I might go with that (they made a final last season in 2016 which was really dark and good). Breaking Bad will inevitably be mentioned, it's probably a top 10-15 for me but I'd have to rewatch it again, only seen it twice and that was awhile ago.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Nathan for You
  • Narcos (Pablo Escobar seasons especially)
  • Rome (on HBO, too bad it ended so early)
  • Chernobyl
  • Always Sunny
  • 1st season of True Detective (3rd season wasn't all that bad imo)
  • Huge fan of Black Mirror
  • I didn't see Avatar as a kid, but I watched it during the pandemic and tbh it had amazingly written character development. I also watched all of Adventure Time while baked out of my mind during the pandemic, and tbh that was actually fantastically written and produced too.
Quant (หˆkwรคnt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.
Pierogi Equities

Will throw in Trailer Park Boys (all the seasons with the original writers). Would have to think of a 5th.ย 

RIP Lahey. If you want Canadian comedy you should toss in the first four or five seasons of Letterkenny. It was great at first and definitely worth watching those seasons, but now it's just rerunning the same tropes and jokes to the point that you already know what the punchline is going to be just from the scene opener. Schlitt's Creek is also pretty decent.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

I need to sit down and watch Letterkenny some more, I've only seen a few episodes here and there.

Quant (หˆkwรคnt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Ozark (Jason Bateman is really good when not playing the typical stressed dad), Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones. I'd also say Barry is a really good watch on HBO.

Real Estate Fridays

Ozark (Jason Bateman is really good when not playing the typical stressed dad)

isn't that what his role in Ozark is too though lol

Quant (หˆkwรคnt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

In no order top 5 television:


Mad Men

Mr Robot

The Wire

(Bojack? The Blacklist? Breaking Bad? GOT?)

top 4 is solidified nothing can get in but the last slot is a throw up



Thriller/Drama: Fauda on Netflix, No Mans Land, and Valley of Tears on HBO

Superhero: Batman the Animated series and Justice League on hbo

Documentary: men who built america

Comedy: Community on Netflix


Avatar the Last Airbender: The best character growth I have seen in any show. Really nice art and music. Has good themes touched on and terrific plot pacing and development . This show left me more satisfied than any other.

Miami Vice: Dripping with style, awesome music, and remarkably dark.ย 

[Comment removed by mod team]
[Comment removed by mod team]

New shows: Station Eleven was a really good miniseries

A friend of mine said it was good, but unfortunately his tastes in everything else are complete trash so I didn't watch it yet. I'll have to check it out.

jarstar1Halt and Catch Fire

I need to finish it, it felt a lot like Mad Men but I still liked it. Only got through half or so of the first season.

Quant (หˆkwรคnt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.


Peaky Blinders


Mind Hunter

Easy Watch:



Rick and Mortyย 

Curb your Enthusiasmย 


6-14: Mr Beanย 
14-18: Simpsons; Malcolm in the Middle; X Filesย 
18 - 22: watched Entourage (was a big fan back in the day, particularly of the Ari Gold character, now I feel "sad" for his character); watched a season of Gossip Girl, realized how high school it was.ย 
22-28: The Officeย 
28-31: Sopranos (that was really good, surprised didn't watch it earlier); Dad's Army;ย  Yes Minister; Frasier;ย  The Office; Fawlty Towers; Monty Pythonย 
Clearly had a lot of time between 28 and 31. I haven't watched the Billions, but everyone, who doesn't work in the industry, seems to have seen it. I think it's for wanabee folks who aspire to enter the industry. I have watched a trailer or twoย 
ย ย 



6-14: Mr Beanย 
14-18: Simpsons; Malcolm in the Middle; X Filesย 
18 - 22: watched Entourage (was a big fan back in the day, particularly of the Ari Gold character, now I feel "sad" for his character); watched a season of Gossip Girl, realized how high school it was.ย 
22-28: The Officeย 
28-31: Sopranos (that was really good, surprised didn't watch it earlier); Dad's Army;ย  Yes Minister; Frasier;ย  The Office; Fawlty Towers; Monty Pythonย 
Clearly had a lot of time between 28 and 31. I haven't watched the Billions, but everyone, who doesn't work in the industry, seems to have seen it. I think it's for wanabee folks who aspire to enter the industry. I have watched a trailer or twoย 
ย ย 

Canโ€™t watch Malcolm in the middle now , too many memories ๐Ÿ˜ข

  1. Sopranos- nothing else comes close
  1. Succession- Logan Roy is one of the best characters on television
  1. Mad Men- Jon Ham did an amazing job as Don Draper
  1. Narcos- Season 1 and 2 were the best but the rest of the seasons are pretty good
  1. Chernobyl- Great mini series

Honourable mentions: Californiacation (Seasons 1 and 2 are great but it turned into total cringe), Blue Mountain State, The Inbetweeners

Most Helpful

Good topic. Clearly, this is pretty subjective, but here's my top 5 list (more recent TV);

1. Sopranos; It's been said, but it is as close to a perfect show that anyone has reached. Mad Men, Breaking Bad, etc. anti-heroes all owe their success to the Sopranos. Don't believe me? Here's Bryan Cranston talking about it.ย 

. For Season 1 & 2 alone, this would be a top series ever. It's so deeply layered it almost demands a second and, even, third viewing to let it sink in. The most negative comments I hear are how the series ended by fading to black. If that's the biggest misstep, then the show was obviously damn near flawless. I will admit Janis, Jackie Jr., and AJ leave a lot to be desired

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm; Some of the hardest I've ever laughed at a show. It's definitely cringy at times, but when they nail a joke, they really nail it.ย I mean... come on. Just how sarcastic he is to this poor guy is just hilarious

3. Arrested Development (Seasons 1-3); Sure the new seasons are a hiccup, but those first 3 seasons are pure comedy gold. It's just a great idea that was executed/realized very well. I don't even consider the later seasons when thinking about this show. Maybe some people like them, but they are not my cup of tea

4. South Park; During/after the Scott Tenorman season (season 5, I think), the writers really found their niche/stride. The social commentary in most episodes is as spot-on as it is hilarious. Really unique to see a show with that longevity and relevance

5. Band of Brothers/The Pacific; I'm bucketing these together, but--IMO--Band of Brothers is better. Either way, these are movie quality--and beats out a lot of film--pictures. The acting, the attention to detail, the almost perfect capture of WW2/Pacific War, the storytelling, etc. This is must watch and it is brilliantย 

Honorable Mentions:ย Breaking Bad (so entertaining and well written it needs some nod), Bojack (never thought a cartoon could have more emotion and character than real people), Law & Order (guilty pleasure), Seinfeld (unfair to compare it to Curb, but it paved the way... obviously), Married with Children (guilty pleasure), early Family Guy seasons before it got canceled and rebooted (was just so new at the time), Chappelle's Show (still one of the funniest sketch comedy shows ever)

For newish tv.... wish I had the time to watch it, but--in no particular order...

- Severanceย 

- Better Call Saul

- Winning Time

- Chef's Table on Netflixย 


I can't believe I forgot Band of Brothers, that was legendary. The Pacific is great too, but I also like Band of Brothers more.

Quant (หˆkwรคnt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Top 5 (no order): Seinfeld, Always Sunny (my two most rewatched shows that never get old), The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Menย 

HMs (some of these are thisclose to Top 5): The Shield, The Americans, Hannibal, Peaky Blinders, What We do in the Shadows, The Office, Dexter (through Season 4, turned into garbage after that), Fargo (seasons 1-3), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development (seasons 1-3), 30 Rock, Veep

Edit: somehow forgot Succession, also the newer Battlestar Galactica


No particular order:

  1. Gomorrah - Italian show that is absolutely incredible. Based on the gangs of Napoli. Really good, apparently based in reality. In Italian but the subs are great. Very little English.
  1. Zero Zero Zero - Cannot recommend this show enough. Tracks a shipment of cocaine from South America to Italy. Soundtrack is insane as well.
  1. Band of Brothers - a classic Christmas special at my house.
  1. Succession - very good.

liamsweeneyNo particular order: 1. Gomorrah - Italian show that is absolutely incredible. Based on the gangs of Napoli. Really good, apparently based in reality. In Italian but the subs are great. Very little English. 2. Zero Zero Zero - Cannot recommend this show enough. Tracks a shipment of cocaine from South America to Italy. Soundtrack is insane as well

Someone is a big Roberto Saviano fan.ย  +1, these are both great shows


Would really suggest Succession, especially since we have the same views over the Billions series. Succession is a Shakespearean telling of power dynamics between a family at the top of the largest media conglomerate in the world. The story finds its own in the interaction between the family members, specifically the children of CEO Logan Roy, and how their motives influence their actions against their family.ย 

The show starts of pretentious as you get affiliated with the world and its characters, but that's what they intended; these are some pretty miserable people despite their riches. I find that the show really pulls you in about halfway into the first season. All seasons are masterful television.ย 

+ it's a dark comedy, with some pretty raunchy &, particularly, witty humor.ย 


Attack on Titan - best anime of all time, binged so fast

Dragon Ball Z - must-watch for the common gym-goer, mindless fighting and cool animation

Avatar the Last Airbender - watched it once as a kid, rewatched it as a teenager and adored it

The Vampire Diaries - girly show, but coming-of-age along with cool action and plot

Pretty juvenile compared to everyone else but I'm not too excited about growing up.


I've been rewatching Lucifer on Netflix recently, the first few episodes are kinda mid, but the show really comes into its own in season 2 and onward.ย 

Bojack Horseman is a really good show, but I kinda ruined it for myself in Highschool.ย 

Archer is hilarious, but it kinda fell off.

The first season of The Witcher was pretty good.ย 

Definitely plan on rewatching The Punisher/ Jessica Jones Season 1 eventually.ย 

Agents of Shield is a Hit or a Miss in the earlier seasons, it falls HARD off a cliff after like Season 5.

The first few seasons of Dexter are great as well.


Unequivocal 1: Band of Brothers

Last episode gets me every time. Men in those days were truly men of insane stoicism.

2-5 (No particular order):


The Last Kingdom


Top Gear (good cheap comedy, specifically the specials)


Just finished Anatomy of a Scandal. Show itself is pretty decent but also very cerebral. Best part by far is Sienna Miller. I've always thought she was hot and her outfits in that show are insanely good.ย 

Peaky Blinders


How is Succession not plastered all over this board?! It's the best show I've seen in a long time.ย  It's like Billions except not gay.ย  Also, it's really helped my social standing since I started acting like Roman Roy around the office (of my family business).


Money Heist/Casa de Papel

Peaky Blinders


Sex Education

Midnight Mass

Mad Men



Sons of Anarchy


The X-Files

Russian Doll

The Boys

Queen's Gambit

What We Do In The Shadows

Sky Rojo





Bob's Burgers

The Witcher

Game of Thrones


Big Mouth

Schitt's Creek


Marco Polo

Grace & Frankie

Cowboy Bebop [original animated, not the live action]


My list changes pretty often, but,

All Time Favorites:

  • Modern Family
  • Two and a Half Men
  • Successionย 
  • Big Bang Theoryย 
  • New Girl
  • Entourage

Recent Watch Favorites:

  • Bear
  • Lincoln Lawyer (insanely good imo)
  • Suits
  • Moย 
  • Industry
  • Home Economics (Jimmy Tatro & Topher Grace kill it on this one)
  • Barry

Honorable Mentions:

  • Weeds
  • Prison Break
  • Lethal Weaponย 
  • Rules of Engagement (Just started so idk how this is gonna play out)
  • Power Series
  • Silicon Valley
  • Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
  • Workin Moms
  • Outer Banks (bit dumb, but had me entertained for a day)

anyone got any new recommendations? family gone for a few weeks so need something to marathon. used to be a huge tv junkie and honestly think ive watched most of the ones mentioned except maybe yellow stone.

would prefer something ideally 1-3 seasons, big fan of short high quality mini season type shows. preference for either soething easy / light hearted or something spy-conspiracy related / crime related. e.g. 24 / Rubicon / Counterpart / Fargo / Zero zero zero etc. or Sci fi like west world.ย 

def. no subtitles as i often watch without looking at screen (walking & playing on phone).ย 

havent watched much tv in past 1-2 years so perhaps something recent


A new series that I've just started watching is Beef. Really good stuff - starts off a bit slow, but I think it's great. Also, I think it's safe to say that Succession is the best show currently on television at the moment... know that's not an unpopular opinion by any means, but really think it has the potential to move up to my A-tier if it sticks the landing. Time will tell, we'll see how it plays out from a longevity standpoint.ย 


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Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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