Wearing fake Patek Phillipe/Rolex

Hi all,

Just wondering how a fake watch (Patek Phillipe, Rolex, Jacob & co) would look in the office. I already wear fake hermes belt/ties and have fake LV wallets. But those retail for <$1k anyway. how would someone react to me wearing a fake rolex/PP in IB/PE? been wearing them since college and no one seemed to care


Most people really do not give a shit

That said the only people who will notice are watch guys, who will ask you about them and probably judge you a bit when they realize you can't talk the talk / the watch is fake. Other who don't realize it's fake will question how you got the money

Tbh I don't see any benefit to wearing them and you might rub a handful of people the wrong way. But do what you want 

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Wearing fake merchandise is so pathetic. There's nothing wrong with wearing cheaper but still high quality stuff. I've met multimillionaires who wear Seiko watches with customized dials that look amazing. You do you but just know that anyone who knows enough about the actual stuff you're faking will notice and you will instantly lose any respect and credibility from the get-go, as you should. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I think wearing fake high end replica's as a high earner is the most based thing to do. You already have the money so why waste it buying a $10k watch when you can get it for $200. There is literally no downside to doing so, even if someone suspects it is fake they would doubt themselves due to who you are, you are likely a banker or buyside guy who people know to make well into 6 figures not some guy wearing a rolex while he works at BurgerKing. 

I have seen many designer items in my life on high earners and I never even suspect its a fake and even if it is no one would be able to notice unless they have some high powered monocle to look at the details with. 



I'm sorry, but I can't take anyone with "🚀GME🚀" in their name seriously

I mean, enjoy wearing your fake watches while I can actually afford the real thing kiddo 🤣 Honestly, my user name being the issue you have when you're trying to see the merits of knowingly flexing with fake gear is too funny. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

This - take it from someone who has spent a disgusting amount of money on watches, no one really cares. I grew up fascinated by watches, and will continue buying and wearing them for my own self enjoyment, but the people around me could not care less if I am wearing a Rolex/PP or a cheap Seiko (don't want to hate on Seiko too much as they happen to make one of my favorite watches as well). Buying and wearing a fake Rolex is not worth it, and in fact, if you happen to come across someone with a sharp eye and an interest in watches who notices it's fake, you are worse off than having no watch on your wrist at all. 


Wearing replicas is okay. No one except elitist cunts gives a fuck if it’s real or not. Wearing a replica and telling people it’s real is scummy, but being open about what it is and wearing one because you appreciate the craftsmanship is not something to be looked down upon. You can be an enthusiast but simultaneously be morally against giving a multibillion dollar company $40,000 of your hard earned money. I own replicas and when im asked about them, I give them the honest truth. Something along the lines of “It’s a replica, idc how much money I have I’m not spending $40k on a watch”


I don’t think this argument works as the craftsmanship of a fake is much worse than paying a similar amount for a “lesser” brand, I.e. buy an omega instead of Patek but get the real deal. There is little incentive for people creating replicas to have “fine craftsmanship” the whole idea is trying to make the product as cheap as possible. While they obviously save on R&D costs, that isn’t where all the money goes on these products. I understand if you like the design, but again, there are many similarly designed watches that’ll be higher quality at similar prices (unless you are getting a cheap replica, in which case it won’t work in 6 months). 



Wearing replicas is okay. No one except elitist cunts gives a fuck if it's real or not. Wearing a replica and telling people it's real is scummy, but being open about what it is and wearing one because you appreciate the craftsmanship is not something to be looked down upon. You can be an enthusiast but simultaneously be morally against giving a multibillion dollar company $40,000 of your hard earned money. I own replicas and when im asked about them, I give them the honest truth. Something along the lines of "It's a replica, idc how much money I have I'm not spending $40k on a watch"

Like I said to the OP if wearing fake shit gets your rocks off have at it. I have and am entitled to my opinion as are you. Again, if it's that big a deal to you to spend a ton on an actual brand name LUXURY GOOD (e.g. you by definition do not need it) then don't do it. I do not give a fuck. I'm merely pointing out it makes you look like a doofus and that there are perfectly suitable, lower cost options that will still be high quality and be good conversation pieces. But if someone else notices and mocks you for flexing with fake gear trying to look like you're able to afford something you're not, then that reflects poorly on you and shows you're clearly trying to cope for some other shortcoming. It is quite literally a lie you are telling the world and wearing right on your wrist. Why go through the trouble of getting something fake from someone who probably doesn't care about QC when you can get something cheaper that in all reality is probably equal in overall quality to the luxury stuff just with less marketing. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Wearing fake is shit, but you’ll be surprised at how many “gold-digging” / “materialistic” folks in your day to day life you can uncover with this. There is a second copy, third copy of these watches. Most people don’t have an eye for this. Neither do I though. Very easy to get these copies in Asia, but even in Ny, I recall, there were some merchants selling fake stuff right on Times Square in broad day light. I had a fake watch, which I would wear on occasions when I wanted to uncover rats or rats type personalities. For day to day it was really a 100-200 buck watch. But I cannot tell you how many finance and non-finance folks perceive these things (watches) so highly. There was a director in my team, who’d be very much into this shit (buying second hand expensive watches from some UK website and then holding onto them, some kind of ego stroking, used to boast of his collection).. But on some of these “special occasions” it was definitely a delight / charm to uncover some folks’ way of thinking by wearing this shit. I think I might have thrown em out by now. 

PS — I don’t mind going all out on engagement / wedding rings. That is different. 


Its fine - just don't lie about it. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Dude, don't do this. Just get a real watch you can afford. Anyone even slightly into watches will think you're a cheap asshole if you wear fake shit to flex in the office. I have some really enjoyable watches that cost well under 1000. The hobby doesn't have to be insanely expensive. If you really want a Rolex just pick up a 90s air king for a few grand from Bob's. 


Don't know why you're getting MS, I actually think this is a good idea.

If you meet someone that actually can tell it's a fake, just be upfront about it and say that it's fake. It's not meant to fool the 1% of people who know the difference and won't make you look richer (also they don't care because they probably have more money than you anyways), it's meant to fool the 99% of people who think you're better because you spent their years rent on a watch that has the same function as your phone. Why actually spent their yearly rent when you can spend $300 on a decent quality fake instead? 

If you're gonna do this though don't be a clown and buy something that's obviously fake. Attached below is a watch lil baby bought for $400K that turned out to be fake. Even the jeweler who sold it to him didn't know and he offered him a full refund plus $50K in jewelry as damage control. If you're that famous it's obvious that someone's going to find out, but if you're just some random guy in a bar on a layover in Nebraska talking to a cute girl will she know? Fake $400K watch


I don’t understand this. Why spend money on a fake when you can spend a similar amount of money to both support a brand and get a better quality product? What value do you get from “fooling” people into thinking you spent $100k on a watch? You are getting an inferior product (a fake doesn’t have a brand reputation, customer service, or any reason to actually build a “good” watch) and giving money to a scammer. 

It is all very confusing to me, I honestly do not see what value any of this brings you. You like the design? There are so many brands out there with similar designs. If you think it’ll make you look “cool”, well, no it won’t, and you just spent hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on a shitty product. 


I really don't care about watches, I don't care about the designs, how it supposedly "rolls" over instead of "ticks", like wtf who gives a shit. I don't even own a watch. Some people pretend to care, few people actually care about the watch in itself, most people just like the prestige, because it gives off the impression that you're really wealthy or some dumb shit. Imagine going to a club or a bar and seeing all the cute girls gravitate to a super rich 45 year old dude or a banker making bad financial decisions. What if I could do that for $300 instead of $30,000. Wouldn't the real watch owner look stupid as hell? If they see it they might be like "hey this guys wearing a fake watch", only because I outdid his trick to get vain girls to talk to them for a literal fraction of the cost. 

Real watch owner small pp, fake watch owner big brain. 


Because you can't buy these pieces from authorized dealers at retail price anymore... Due to the ultra high demand.

If you buy on the grey market, you aren't supporting the brand as they don't get the profit. 


I own several "luxury" timepieces but I get the logic to getting a fake. for me its like a versace t-shirt, I like the design, I can afford it no sweat, but no way in hell I'm breaking $200+ for one - all about WTP baby

I think most of us watch snobs forget most people just want a shiny piece of metal people recognize

"They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fuckin' smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby!" - Boiler Room

The problem is that you are faking ownership of something that people take very seriously. I am not a watch guy, but I am obsessed with cars. There is nothing I hate more than seeing a car modded to look like something much more high end. It drives me nuts, and makes me judge the person who owns the vehicle. I have to imagine watch enthusiasts are the same. TBH I think if you wanted to wear a fake watch out to a bar, nbd. Wearing it in the office on the other hand is high risk low reward. Also, are you sure you want to be the analyst rocking a 10-50k watch? Idk man, I would definitely advise against it. I dont see any scenario where it plays out well for you. 


This is the right answer. I don't know jack about watches but a few guys I work with love them. If you wear a really flashy watch I guarantee you they would ask about it and if they figure out its fake, your reputation is going to take a big hit. Not just to those guys, but they are going to tell others and everyone will judge you. The upside is no one pays attention or cares, the downside is everything thinks you are a douche. 


Agree with what has been said elsewhere - the only people you will impress in the office are the ones who will raise an eyebrow when up-close. 

HOWEVER, I am totally on board with buying fakes for any trip to Europe/Vegas/Miami/strip club. If there's a high chance it'll get snatched (buddy got held up by a girl AFTER they hooked up in Barca, true story) might as well not worry about it. 


Agree with what has been said elsewhere - the only people you will impress in the office are the ones who will raise an eyebrow when up-close. 

HOWEVER, I am totally on board with buying fakes for any trip to Europe/Vegas/Miami/strip club. If there's a high chance it'll get snatched (buddy got held up by a girl AFTER they hooked up in Barca, true story) might as well not worry about it. 

You'll have to finish that story lol. What happened after he got held up?


1 - Buying fake shit benefits international crime organizations. Change my mind. 

2 - Work so hard that you can afford the real thing. 

The people that have put in the work will know when you're wearing fake stuff and that will put you in a lower category than someone that can't afford the real stuff but they're still working towards it. Trust me, they will know. 


Alias debitis vel omnis dolore. Et sapiente ut accusantium reiciendis exercitationem. Eum rerum magni quos impedit. Ab dolorem recusandae delectus occaecati omnis aspernatur. Laborum ipsam eaque ut autem labore rerum. Cum et harum eos nostrum eos sed aut accusamus.

Doloremque excepturi magni accusamus maxime corporis. Et modi omnis et.


Reprehenderit et maxime consequatur dolor corrupti est. Maiores qui hic distinctio pariatur eius. Consequatur tempore aut hic possimus debitis.

Aperiam a nobis eveniet qui nostrum. Molestiae sed et ipsa. Sint ex velit quis expedita modi animi in.

Nostrum molestias ea nostrum velit qui illo voluptas rerum. Esse eum error non ut. Ut velit sit laudantium omnis odit corporis explicabo. Laboriosam est quia ut aut nam quia ipsam. Voluptas autem iure consequatur sint.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

Eum est magni aspernatur itaque. Et aliquam laboriosam quia nostrum est ut magni quisquam. Non iusto culpa veniam ut eligendi deserunt enim. Deleniti eum nesciunt suscipit debitis nihil.

Nam iste consequuntur omnis quo animi tempore dolor. Voluptatum molestiae odit incidunt.

Voluptatem similique dolorum ut veniam suscipit. Nulla nihil omnis quia voluptatem magnam aspernatur tempore dolor. Occaecati neque et et qui pariatur.

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