Hey Millennials, why do you hate suits?

Saw a post on here about suits the other day. It got me thinking. And millennials- I have a gripe with you.

It is not because your generational culture is founded in Virtue Signaling.

Not because you are the champions of cancel culture. 

It’s not because of your disregard for suits thinking that it is more stylish to dress down and wear athleisure- as if you’re sticking it to the man. Or as if you wish you were some nerd that’s never slayed cooch writing c++ from a bean bag chair in NoCal drinking a goat milk cortado.

It’s not because when you dropped blockbuster in favor for Netflix.

or that you actually enjoyed the movie Avatar.

it’s because you’re all yellow bellies.

hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create millennials who create bad times.

where a suit you slobs 


millennials r pussies but wtf does that have to do with suits lol.

ur just exposing yourself to be another boomer thats bitter ur not cool anymore.

Also, “hypergamy,” “yellow belly,” and “virtue signaling?” The amount of words on this thread that i had to google is concerning

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I agree, I actually like the more professional and reserved culture of high finance as opposed to the new-age tech culture


Can we agree no ties?

What’s past is past and can’t be undone. It has led to the circumstances we now face. All we can do is recognize our circumstances for what they are and make the best decisions we can, “given the givens.” - Howard Marks

Ties restrict blood flow to brain by 7.5%

What’s past is past and can’t be undone. It has led to the circumstances we now face. All we can do is recognize our circumstances for what they are and make the best decisions we can, “given the givens.” - Howard Marks

The culture nowadays just sucks balls. Guys look and dress like shit, widespread blatant hypergamy (not that I have anything against this, I'm part of the problem, a pussy you don't fuck today is a pussy you might not fuck tomorrow, but its different for dudes), people bitch and whine about trivial shit, every dumbass is virtual signalling, cancel culture, twitter, etc etc and don't get me started with the liberal socialist retards that run most of the western world. In fact, fuck democracy, there, I said it. Go read some Plato. And also this:


I love modern culture tbh. Old people gotta get with the times because your opinions don’t really matter


It likely stems from childhood. Pops would get home and more often than not the first thing to happen is the tie comes off with a great sigh of relief. Subconsciously this instills a belief in the child that dressing up is associated with unpleasant work. Which leads to where we're at now, a disdain for the tie, and ever more so, the suit. I'm similar age to yourself OP, I think suiting up is important when meeting with clients for the first time or for other important occasions and whatnot. Apart from that though, I don't think there is any benefit to dressing up in more restrictive and expensive clothing only for it to deteriorate and depreciate as time passes and styles change.  


So one's approach to suits depends because of his parent? Then your case subconciouslly instils a belief that his father is a looser because is obliged to do something which he does not enjoy. In my case, I could wear a suit 24/7 because the people whom I saw with suits were role models for me.


Times change, i generally agree.  

But you’re buying the wrong suits and ties if they go out of style.  And if they stop fitting then stop eating like shit and have enough self respect to maintain your health and aesthetics.


Business casual - lululemon or similar pants, if I’m sitting at a desk for 14+ hours a day there’s no need to not be comfortable.

Without disclosing too much I’m in one of those groups that’s in IB at some banks and CB in others.

I have a jacket at the office I put on for last minute client meetings, but honesty people don’t care anymore about what you wear. If they are going to do business with you they want to like you as a person/group/bank and know that you can get something across the finish line for them.


I love wearing suits - but the problem is that if you want to maximize comfort, you'll either start veering outside conservative dress-code (no problem these days) as far as cut and fabric goes, for example a completely natural / unstructured suit with light summer fabric, which basically feels like wearing a PJ...but alas, looks too soft, like you're about to take a stroll in Monaco.

Or you need to get a properly tailored suit, with decent fabric - which could get pretty expensive in the long run. 

I think most people that hate wearing suits, have probably been traumatized from shitty fabrics, poor patterns, shirts that don't breathe, too snug collars, etc. 

And they require more care and maintenance than your chinos and fleece vest combo. 


1) they're expensive.

2) they hide your body. if you're a fatty, then suits will help you hide it. but if you are muscular, nobody will see it under a suit. athletic hoodie or tight t-shirt will look much better if you're muscular.

3) they look like shit. if you're muscular, the suit will always layer around your armpits when you raise your hands of try to reach something or try to gesticulate, because suits are not stretchy. if you want to avoid it, you'll have to buy a big suit which will look like a piano cover. also, the shirt always layers on top of your pants when you raise hands / try to reach something / gesticulate. 

4) they feel like shit. if you're muscular, every time your try to reach something or raise your hand, the suit will bump into your armpits and make you feel uncomfortable.

5) difficult to wash. I can throw a hoodie into a washer. with suits I have to take them to the dry cleaners and pay about the same as the cost of a new hoodie for each cleaning.

why do you like them?


I constantly am either bulking or cutting. My body changes every couple of months. Tailoring makes no sense in that case.

Suits are really for people who don't work out.

Also tailoring can only do so much. Look at the Jay Cutler pics below. His suit is clearly tailored but it still just hides all his gains. He could be fat under the suit, and it would look about the same. However, look at him in a t-shirt - doesn't it look much better?


Facts. old ppl really think just throwing a suit on makes you look good b/c ppl told them so. Anyone with a brain can see some nice athletic wear or literally anything else can look better than a suit.


Been wearing suits most of my career.

Just had a nightmare the other day where colleagues and I were to go to a meeting. 5 minutes before the meeting, I was waiting for my team in the lobby. Guys show up last minute with the books so I tell them to let’s go let’s go. Pumped for this. Get into the elevator, saw in the reflection that I was unshaved, messy hair, in a T shirt, and for some bizzare reason holding my suits/gear in a suit cover. 30 seconds until door opens. Adrenalin rushes, blood pressure up, buttoning shirts and getting help zipping up suit pants, door about to open…

Then fucking wake up in cold sweat only to realize I’ve been holding a massive tank of piss. Crisis averted. No bladder explosion today. 

That was nerve wrecking. Subconsciously the suit is just part of my identity. Call it pathetic, judge me if you will, I don’t care. Being prepared gives me the sanity to do my job. That fire drill nightmare was not good for my heart.

Obviously I don’t wish this upon others. Just wanted to share another take on this topic. If you’re used to a system and all of a sudden change from it (from suiting up everyday to WFH/post pandemic attire, whatever it means), it could add mental toll. At the very least it adds a layer of a decision to make vs. just showing up with the same attire everyday. Some welcomed the change to a dress code closer to their normal wear (perhaps younger generations), others didn’t like the change to their ritualistic habit (say guys with some vintage). I think what we need is to realize we all come with differing perspective on this and to the extent you get any directions from your firm, it simplifies your decisions. My personal preference is always to suit up just to err on the side of caution. 


I like to wear a suit... it's the boomers in my groups who told me to stop wearing them...


These responses are actually hilarious. Mind blowing that you would prefer wearing stiff button ups vs. clothes that actually feel comfortable to wear while sitting for 8+ hours grinding a deck.

News flash, wearing a suit doesn't make you look like James Bond - 9 times out of 10 you just look like a dork. The true reason why suits are so popular is because it's a one-size-fits-all way of being "fashionable", that is, being able to wear essentially a uniform to look put together.

Tech CEOs, entrepreneurs, etc. have moved on from using suits as the low hanging fruit to show professionalism and have either 1) exercised visual expression with unique clothing or 2) don't give a shit because wearing suits as a form of self validation is quite candidly, a boomer mentality anchored in the boring rigidness of working in IB/PE for 20 years 80 hours of week.


Guy in suit with ten other in hoodies. Guy in suit is the boss

Guy in hoodie and ten other in suits. Guy in hoodie is the boss.

Hey, wear want you want to wear. Of course, there are rules (if your career requires an uniform, protective gear, etc.) and perception (already mentioned at nauseam above); so you are better advised to be mindful of them.

In my view, A well tailored suit is always a classic to look sharp. However, to work from home, no client contact, etc. a chinos+shirt combo work perfect. Accordingly choice of shoes completes the outfit.

Good personal hygiene, grooming, right and decent accessories give the last polishing.

...and that's only the outer layer. An intelligent, well articulated, well mannered, principled and ethical professional; and we are starting to talk.


In my view, A well tailored suit is always a classic to look sharp. However, to work from home, no client contact, etc. a chinos+shirt combo work perfect. Accordingly choice of shoes completes the outfit.

work from home, no client contact, etc. => sweatpants with a hole in them to tickle balls easier + hoodie with a mustard stain, not fucking chinos+shirt while at home and nobody sees you lol.


I wear a dress shirt and chinos when WFH and have a pretied tie nearby (but not wearing) if necessary. Have had several instances where I have to get on a call last second so I just slap the tie on in like 10 seconds and am ready to go. 


Men don’t look as hot in work suits as they do in athleisure. I guess old dudes like it because it hides their beer belly better than a tighter shirt. Wearing suits is also one of those status things people hide behind to pretend like they are more useful to the company than they actually are. Millenials like to be measured on real value add and being pretentious (like wearing suits to work) is just cheugy these days. But old people will always complain as they are left behind


Hi everyone as a young person in the realm of high finance I would like to give perspective.

1) I love wearing suits and still do on zoom calls

2) I believe like what the older generation really hates. Is the lack of ability to communicate and discuss ideas without feeling like they will be penalized (or cancelled) which I believe is an issue. An idea floating in our generation is that a lot of issues in society are caused by race. Imo it’s actually caused by money, but if a lot of young people in a society believe it’s caused by race and when older people don’t, this disagreement is where all the name calling will begins(boomer, librard etc)

3) young people(millennials)also bring up some real issues. IF America is supposed to be the best country why did it take 40+ years for the government to raise wages to 15. IF America is supposed to be the best country why do we rank behind the developed nations in healthcare and education etc. IF America is supposed to be the best country why do less developed countries like uae have 4 day work weeks ? IF America is supposed to be the best country Why isn’t the government allowed to negotiate with healthcare to negotiate lower prices? IF America is supposed to be the best country Why is college so expensive when less developed countries have free student tuition? IF America is supposed to be the best country Why did we spend over 2 trillion on Afghan war but for some reason can’t fix social security ?

Young people want to strive and work to make America a better country like I’m sure all of you do.



I completely understand why people wouldn't want to wear a suit, but personally I feel to some extent it deteriorates the "meaning" of a suit if not every colleague wears one.

Regardless, I don't know how to convey this without sounding like I have a false sense of importance or that I'm overcompensating, but wearing a suit makes me feel better; it boosts my confidence. Anything that does that is a no-brainer for me, even if it means being just a bit more uncomfortable.


I can understand the suits aspect. Personally, I’m good with my slacks, nice button up shirt, dress shoes and matching belt, and toss in an overcoat or vest in the colder days. I’m just not a fan of having to wear suits everyday. I’ll wear them for pitches or dinners or big parties or formal events, but that’s about it.

I think the day of the suit as everyday attire are extinct. That being said, if you do dress up in a suit daily you’ll standout in a good way and I absolutely respect that

I think I did this right

I intentionally do not wear a suit because I am good at what I do. I do not need a suit to be good at what I do. I leave that to those who are less confident in their skills. 


I love suits but I believe in dressing for the occasion. If you're just working in the office with no outside-facing meetings planned, then there isn't any real need to wear a suit. Obviously dress appropriately with pants and a shirt when you're in, but yeah if you're just cranking then there's no need to wear a suit at all times.


Boomers used to lynch people for being gay,black or whatever yet we've got the cancel culture. Same boomer generation that outlawed drugs like weed, which has been found to help seizure and cancer patients, because they thought it made the crazy kids not want to go die in 'nam. Same boomers that literally had the FBI/CIA stalk regular citizens if they didn't like their opinion. Shutup boomer doomer. 


It’s a miracle you were able to type that on a computer as it is. Take your low productivity and water cooler chat to the retirement home.



Wearing a suit with clients is never a bad choice but I struggle to see how a suit and tie is necessary when on the desk.


Your thought would have been more forceful had you not made a grammar error in your concluding sentence.

Suits are the ultimate virtue and status-signaling. I say this as a senior professional, but technically a "geriatric" millennial. Finance's achilles heel in talent acquisition are outdated quality life stands like dress codes, which have no impact on productivity and the ability to make money.


I’m a millennial and love suits. A good suit is an equalizer if you know what I mean. A great fitting suit will feel comfortable even after 8 hours of work.


As you can probably imagine, I had a response to this question (much of which is reproduced below), but it got me thinking about our current sartorial climate and two prevalent demographics: baby-boomers and millennials.

Baby-boomers lived during the introduction of "Casual Friday" while millennials have watched as tech leaders have donned hoodies and T-shirts in lieu of traditional formal attire. With these two generations dominate in today's workforce, it should come as no surprise that the suit isn't as popular as it once was.

In the mid-century, a man was almost always dressed in a suit or at least a sportcoat and tie when he left the house. Today, the pendulum has swung so far in the opposite direction that may seem to be a bit overly dressed.


27 year olds and down are Gen-Z; I think that's the largest pool of people today who push against wearing suits. Probably because the suit wearing "norm" is just an arbitrary traditional social requirement. Today, people still just haze others for not adhering to it in traditional professional fields. Gen-Zs just live in an Era of surplus where they have the privilege of options and the ability to question senseless dispositions rooted in prejudice. I still prefer to dress up because I know people still have a strong hollow bias. At the end of the day, I'll change how I look if it means I can make better impressions on senior bankers and clients. I also look damn good in a suit. Nonetheless, the desire to wear (sometimes) cheaper, more comfortable, simpler, or perhaps unique clothing makes a lot of sense to me, even if it's not a desire I have. Particularly if you're a sweaty individual – full suits aren't the most "airy" and that's probably what would draws some of my interest to the trend.

Illusive Paradigm

they have the privilege of options and the ability to question senseless dispositions rooted in prejudice.

The fuck does that mean? Sounds like straight out of a pre-requisite colonial history class.


I’m 17 but actually haven’t come across much of this. I go to school in the UK and pretty much everyone is fine with wearing suits. There are a few people who wear sweaters and some girls who wear colours that aren’t grey/navy/black but I actually feel like most people are quite happy to wear suits and obviously it’s exciting transitioning from regular uniform. Also pretty much all the guys I see around Canary Wharf/Mayfair are all suited up and I’m guessing nowadays they could probably get away with not wearing suits? Guess it might be more of an American thing or maybe I just don’t know shit


Qui dolor minus non repudiandae consectetur illo. Consequatur ea ratione quibusdam itaque ipsum veritatis illum.


Aut reiciendis velit fuga. Ut pariatur consequuntur facilis in assumenda sit. Sit officia at voluptatem dolorum. Fugiat natus odio est debitis. Et expedita consectetur expedita ducimus dolor quia ullam.

Consequatur dignissimos ea omnis eos deleniti cumque omnis occaecati. Molestiae illo non est odio est. Perspiciatis maxime corporis harum quam incidunt. Animi est illum temporibus sunt. Atque voluptatibus nulla hic debitis est aliquam voluptatum veniam.

Voluptate harum et porro autem. Rerum optio blanditiis est culpa asperiores.

Soluta fugiat error illum. Est officiis quaerat dolores maxime accusamus commodi dolores. In recusandae ipsam sed non tempora fugit molestiae impedit. Aliquid consequatur dolores quo qui qui et dolor. Atque quasi omnis deserunt sed.


Recusandae magnam exercitationem asperiores voluptatem. Sunt vero quod molestias sit dignissimos vel praesentium. Repellat fuga rerum omnis expedita et corporis voluptas quaerat.

Natus omnis dolorem rerum id nemo aut laudantium nostrum. Est error ut rerum. Aut laudantium consequatur molestiae nam. Provident totam dolorem eos. Dolores fugit eos omnis eos. Fuga accusantium consequuntur corporis et maiores blanditiis in.

Aut adipisci beatae sit harum in nostrum. Minima accusantium est commodi nobis magnam tempore. Et est eveniet maxime non et veniam animi. Eligendi eos recusandae dicta maiores. Ut dolorum cumque voluptatum quis. Eius quidem facere autem sed eligendi voluptate nihil.

Exercitationem ut incidunt aut labore. Fuga incidunt eius officiis reprehenderit ut vel. Placeat minus iure voluptate aut deleniti et et consequatur. Et expedita aut modi quibusdam earum a id.

Hopefully I open a bar when I'm 40.

Quis ut quia et dolorem adipisci rem. Est voluptatem quaerat aut magnam et voluptas.

Hic sit et voluptatem voluptate eius sit adipisci et. Veniam quisquam magnam et et. Cum officia sunt est ut inventore fugit fugit eum.

Ut magnam soluta necessitatibus itaque animi. Possimus a molestiae voluptatibus rerum et eos ut. Distinctio non sequi veniam esse. Eum culpa assumenda iste debitis blanditiis. Porro quis quam doloremque tempore architecto.

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