Just Turned 30; Here's Some Life Advice/Quotes

I turned 30 last week, thought i'd pass some advice and my favorite quotations on to you all. I pulled all these from my grand list so it is by no means comprehensive, just a sample. Enjoy.

fwiw I'm ex finance (spent 3 years in IB now work with a start up in Brazil).

So here they are, in no order whatsoever... (though I think they get better the farther down you read)

1. Women... can't live with them can't live w/out them. If you find one you can't live w/out, and you're in your late your 20s, keep an eye on her.

2. Hosting social events at your home will get you bonus social points like you don't even know. Learn how to throw a good dinner and/or cocktail party

3. I still haven't decided if i want to have kids.... no rush (if you're a guy), maybe i'll wait till 40. a lot of my friends have kids and they're jealous of my pictures of me having too much fun. they have pictures of them with their kids, aren't that what your 40's are meant for?!

4. In this life, Don't be a selfish arrogant douche. Yeah we can all be selfish but most of us choose not to. Being selfish in this world is the easy way out. "It's a dog eat dog world" says that guy, fuck that.

5. Know how to order a drink. Have a go to beer/wine/cocktail. It may not get you laid but it's part of the equation

6. Picking up chicks/dating... I always loved this quote from Tom Brady on how to get a second date from a supermodel (edit: take out the specifics of brady/supermodels and the basis of the advice holds true imo)
"There's something about mystery. Mystery goes a long long way on a date. Don't tell her your life story. Leave her believing that it wasn't a perfect date, that something was wrong with it. You don't want the first date to be perfect. Leave her thinking that something she said was kind of inappropriate, you felt offended. It will leave her coming back to you.....apologizing, overcompensating, wanting to talk to you again."

7. Know how to tell a story / be interesting. This can get you very far in life, high up people always love a good tale, and if you put yourself in the right places you will find an opportune time for this

8. Be confident, not cocky, and know the difference

9. Know how to cook several dishes well

10. Always be there for your family and closest friends

11. Life is not over if you don't get your dream job out of college. You may not know what you really want for 5, 10, 20 years.

12. School/educating yourself. here's a good one: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." -Mark Twain

13. On your career/work, learn:

  • How to bust through the mundane work and get it done, it's always going to be there no matter how many assistants/interns you have
  • How to delegate to others
  • ALWAYS posses at least one (if not several) in-demand high-paying skill(s) to fall back on. Things are always changing... never stop learning new skills

"70% of the jobs that will exist 20 years from now, do not even exist today"
-Clark Howard

14. On making mistakes: "I'm glad that we made this mistake, if we weren't making mistakes it would mean we weren't taking risks and that's not what got us here and that's now how we want to be" -after vice president of automated advertising at google make a mistake that lost the company several million dollars (this was ~10 years ago when several mil actually meant something to google)

15. Be true to yourself and follow your own path: "Always question the commonsense view of things because the 'common sense' is really just the habitual opinions and perspectives of the tribe." - my college advisor

16. "Retirement"
If you're putting things off so you can enjoy life when you retire you're doing it all wrong (this doesn't necessarily apply if you're on a path to retire at 40). 1. read the alchemist, 2. tim ferriss' theory on mini-retirements is brilliant, 3. the idea of "retirement" is so antiquated..

17. Entrepreneurship... the sooner you can find out in life if you have it or not the better. some people don't and some people do. if you don't, don't stress it. sometimes you don't know until you really try it. the risks, the effort, and most importantly - do you love the idea you're behind?
If you are contemplating entrepreneurship - Learn how to find / use / hire / people who are more talented than you in a certain area. Rich dad/poor dad has some good points on this.

18. On working in a corporate office the rest of your life: fucking grow a pair and try something different for at least a couple years. going to b-school is a pussy move in this regard and does not count.

19. 4 quotes I love:

"Are you living the life you wanted?"
-From Bumper Sticker I saw on Dr's car I saw when I was in college

"If one is bored it is their fault and no one else's. The obligation to amuse and instruct oneself is entirely of their own. People who don't know this are children and should be avoided"

"You're given three names in life, the name you inherit, the name your parents give you, and the name you make for yourself."
-Abraham Lincoln

"Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness."
-Pablo Picasso

20. Entrepreneurship 2: "Just because you have an entrepreneurial bent doesn't mean that you have to apply it to every idea under the sun, and just because you've had business success doesn't mean that you're going to succeed at every business"

"If you don't like pitches, you shouldn't be in baseball. If you don't like waves, you shouldn't be a surfer. If you don't like problems, you shouldn't be in business. And it's amazing to me how many people use their incredibly finite energy getting upset about the problems as opposed to saying "Okay, that's a wave. How am I going to ride it? That's a pitch, how am I going to hit it."
-Danny Meyer in Esquire

and... never forget: "Done is better than perfectโ€

21. Negotiating: Never be in a position where you can't walk away

"You don't get paid what you are worth, you get what you negotiate" - ?

"The question always in another person's mind... "what's in it for me" - ?

"The day you say you have to do something, you're screwed. This is because you are going to make a bad deal. You can always recover from the player you didn't sign. You may never recover from the player you signed at the wrong price."
-Billy Beane

22. Money doesn't make you happy over the long term, but it definitely makes things more fun. Save money, but not too much that you're not having any fun. There's been some good posts on WSO that talk about the opportunity cost and value of experiences when you're young. Sure you can save every cent of your paycheck in your 20's but you never get that time back.

23. Happiness - if you didn't know already happiness = reality - expectations

"If you're not happy, you're wasting time."
-My favorite college professor

Another thought on happiness: I had never thought of this but people from other countries think it's very weird that we have the right "to pursue happiness" in our Declaration of Independence (โ€œThe search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.โ€
-Eric Hoffer see http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/22/america-the-anxious/)

24. Possessions - the feeling of giving everything up that you own is absolutely exhilarating. see #18

25. "Success means controlling your own time. If you can gain control of over 60 percent of the time in your life, you are really successful" -Actor Rob Steiger

26. Motivation: If you're having trouble getting motivated for what you want to do, it could be that you're too comfortable. If you put yourself in a position where you HAVE to get the work done to survive, that's when motivation will kick in (only applies to certain situations / not good for the faint of heart).

27. Stuck in the rat race? Listen to this (and more alan watts while you're at it, i added 3 more of my favorites into the comments below)

28. There are a lot of fake people out there, but there are also a lot of great people. The quicker you can learn to spot which is which is the key.

29. "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."- Mike Tyson

30. Health

  • Learn how to relax
  • Take care of your body
  • Don't take life too seriously
  • Have a good way of releasing anger/stress
  • Be at least a little spiritual
  • Financial / career stability does wonders for relieving stress
  • Balance and moderation, can't stress this enough
  • Know when to call it a day
  • Remember what auntie Bankerella said, no hard drugs after 30
  • Busy does not equal productive, see http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/

"Anxiety is creativity in the wrong verb tense" - my career coach

I'l end with quotes from various quotes from Jack Nicholson (majority gathered from Esquire january 2004)
"I dont think many people have a very good understanding of leisure and the importance it plays in our lives. People today are too competitive about leisure, as if it needs to have some other value in order to be able to fit into our puritanical view of the world. But you're playing golf to get a loan, it ain't golf, you know what I mean"
"People are so frustrated. They dont want to take responsibility for their failures. There's always an excuse, you know? It's always, "I'm this and that's why" or "this happened to me and that's why". Everyone has the impulse to point their fingers elsewhere. They point at the puppet: He did it! Not me!
"My Motto is: more good times."
"I resist all established beliefs. My religion basically is to be immediate, to live in the now. It's an old cliche, i know, but it's mine.
"Do unto others: How much deeper into religion do we really need to go?"
"I like to be alone. Now I do. I really do. There's a big luxury in solitude"
"A lot of times, you gotta be there even if you don't wanna be."
"I respect the social graces enormously. How to pass the food. Don't yell from one room to another. Don't go through a closed door without a knock. Open the doors for the ladies. All these millions of simple household behaviors make for a better life. We can't live in constant rebellion against our parents - it's just silly. I'm very well mannered. It's not an abstract thing. It's a shared language of expectations."

Experienced monkeys please add to the list. Feedback is encouraged and look out for a part 2, hopefully before i turn 40



Keep your head up champ! Whatever it is you're going through is probably temporary. It's not the end of the world. If you apply the lessons in this post on a consistent basis, you'll get through life a winner! Trust me ;-)

OS www.oshofo.com
adapt or die:

Sweet, another list of someone telling others how to live their life. How about

31. Do whatever the fuck you want.

Nobody younger than 25 reads anything not presented in list form though.
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/
adapt or die:

Sweet, another list of someone telling others how to live their life. How about

31. Do whatever the fuck you want.

Nobody younger than 25 reads anything not presented in list form though.

  1. Agree
  2. with
  3. this.
Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

lol calm down, i'm just offering up advice to those who would like to read

definition of advice: "guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative."

and yeah people under 25 dont read something on the internet unless it's a list + it's easier to write all this out if i lay the numbers out in front of me first :-)

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?

Wow this is very inspiring! I am 20 so my mind and idea of happiness is screwed. All we focus on is getting the SA internship and the FT offer, and we miss out on what is truly important.

Best Response

Wow this is very inspiring! I am 20 so my mind and idea of happiness is screwed. All we focus on is getting the SA internship and the FT offer, and we miss out on what is truly important.

I'm 22 and never gave a shit about any of that. Drink more liquor, dawg
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Good post, but BlackHat made one of your points better:

"Live it up, because this is the one time in your life where you might actually have time to spare. I'm sure someone will comment asking 'what about job security' and the million other reasons to save significantly early. Eat me, kid. If you're confident in your abilities as an analyst, you'll figure it out. Enjoy yourself while you still have time to."

I'm glad I discovered WSO; if I didn't, I am sure I would still have the same sentiment that my parents burnt into me about saving money / managing financials since my childhood.


Thank you for sharing!

[quote=mbavsmfin]I don't wear watches bro. Because it's always MBA BALLER time! [/quote]

โ€œWhen I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down โ€˜happyโ€™. They told me I didnโ€™t understand the assignment, and I told them they didnโ€™t understand life.โ€ โ€“ John Lennon

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy
6. Picking up chicks/dating... I always loved this quote from Tom Brady on how to get a second date from a supermodel: "There's something about mystery. Mystery goes a long long way on a date. Don't tell her your life story. Leave her believing that it wasn't a perfect date, that something was wrong with it. You don't want the first date to be perfect. Leave her thinking that something she said was kind of inappropriate, you felt offended. it will leave her coming back to you.....apologizing, overcompensating, wanting to talk to you again."

If there's anyone I would not take dating advice from its Tom Brady. How much does this guy lack self awareness that he's giving dating advice.

Much more relevant means to getting a second date from a supermodel: 1. Be one of the prettiest professional football players of the last 25 years 2. Make $30+ million a year 3. Be the leader of a dynastic professional sports franchise 4. Physically and mentally dominate a horde of domesticated helmeted rhinos for a living

4. Physically and mentally dominate a horde of domesticated helmeted rhinos for a living LOL
speed boost blaze

yeah i was thinking that when i posted it

take out the part about tom brady, and picking up supermodels, and i think the rest stands true

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?
6. Picking up chicks/dating... I always loved this quote from Tom Brady on how to get a second date from a supermodel: "There's something about mystery. Mystery goes a long long way on a date. Don't tell her your life story. Leave her believing that it wasn't a perfect date, that something was wrong with it. You don't want the first date to be perfect. Leave her thinking that something she said was kind of inappropriate, you felt offended. it will leave her coming back to you.....apologizing, overcompensating, wanting to talk to you again."

If there's anyone I would not take dating advice from its Tom Brady. How much does this guy lack self awareness that he's giving dating advice.

Much more relevant means to getting a second date from a supermodel: 1. Be one of the prettiest professional football players of the last 25 years 2. Make $30+ million a year 3. Be the leader of a dynastic professional sports franchise 4. Physically and mentally dominate a horde of domesticated helmeted rhinos for a living

nice guys finish last. girls are crazy. they want what they can't have. doesn't matter if you're Tom brady or not. Power & confidence from men is their aphrodisiac. Problem is, most men are pussy feminists nowadays who have their balls between their wives hands.


Every man dies twice.

The first is when life leaves his body.

The second is the last time someone speaks his name.

If by that you mean that one should devote oneself to a life of Stoic toil, I respectfully disagree with you. You see Marcus it's better to enjoy life while you can than it is to aspire to be something that you cannot be; it's a Biblical Principle as well as a Braverman Principle.

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]
Tony Snark:
better to enjoy life while you can than it is to aspire to be something that you cannot be

That statement is only true if you accept as a fact that you CANNOT. IMO, its a greater failure if you CAN but lack the zeal and confidence to stake your claim in the world. (I think they call that cowardice)

If you lack that zeal, there is no amount of backpacking through South America or canoeing in South Dakota that is going to make up for that deficiency.

10 billion people cannot. 50 can. I'd rather spend my life finding out if I'm one of those 50, than conceding without even putting up a fight. I'd rather devote my life to discovering if one of those 50 seats bear the inscription of my name. And that's not to say you can't live life to the fullest in so doing.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. โ€“ Theodore Roosevelt


lol, b-school is great if you're in the right situation

in that particular context e.g. "doing something different" b-school is just a continuation of ugrad, relatively speaking

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?

Great post! Point is to know your purpose and if you don't, make it your life's mission to figure it out while making the most out of each opportunity and having a good time.

  1. Happiness - if you didn't know already happiness = reality - expectations

I would add another variable to this:

happiness = reality - expectations + internal processing

My friend (let's call him "J") and I both work very hard for a project. We care just as much and we tried just as hard to get a damn good mark. We ended up getting 72 on the project. I always look ahead to the future and see this mark as a wake up call for future projects - I needed to change the things I didn't do in order to get a better mark. J on the other end, took this mark as a personal offence and started complaining about the course and the prof. Soon he began expecting to do mediocre in the course and that became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Holding reality and expectations constant, how you process this gap between the two can have a drastic difference on how you feel/act.


23. Happiness - if you didn't know already happiness = reality - expectations

I would add another variable to this:

happiness = reality - expectations + internal processing

yo I really like that equation shit. I've never thought of it like that. I'm a really happy person and I think I understand why now. I internalized a while ago that the world doesn't owe me anything, but I still go hard in the paint. So good shit that comes my way is always pleasant. And if bad shit comes my way, then I don't really give a shit.


heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Here's something a bit more controversial I feel I've learned as I get older:

Happiness and success (in work, dating life, etc) is VERY tied to social status, so don't "Do whatever the fuck you want" if it reduces your social status. For the most part, people make money to increase status, but its okay to take less money to increase status (e.g. volunteer in africa). You should not take a bit more money for a decrease in status though (part of the reason I'm leaving finance).

At the end of the day humans are just highly evolved animals, and social standing is really still our biological operatus (everybody still wants to be the tribal leader). Try not to get too existential and forget that, or you might end up with unhappy decisions.


i think this widely varies person to person

sure we all want friends, someone to love us, but some care a lot more about status than others

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?

One of the best piece of articles I have read so far in the 6 months. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and I hope you will continue to educate young members of WSO and enlighten us with your knowledge.


โ€œIt is our fate to be tormented with large and small dilemmas as we daily wind our way through the risky, fractious world that gave us birthโ€ Edward O. Wilson.

Nice advices. I am myself creating a personal list of quotes to look back in the future. Maybe I'm going to post it here too when I'm 30.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

I fucking hate buzzfeed.

You won't believe what happens next!

Yes I will believe it, because its the same fucking 10 things in every fucking list and you just wasted 5 min of my time making me click through 10 different pages to get what could have easily been condensed into 2 sentences.

You won't believe what happens next when I burn down your fucking servers.


Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

wow I can't believe I put this up 2 years ago... maybe it's time for a part 2? I'll try to if i find the time, the quotes I put up were maybe 1/3 - 1/2 of what i have saved

Glad to see it on the front page again and thanks for all the SB's, makes up for some of the dumb comments I make sometimes :-)

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?

Staying out of legal trouble should be on this list. One misdemeanor (let alone a felony) and your career could be cooked for good. You can enjoy your coke and prostitutes while you're young if that's one's idea of "living/YOLO," but you always need to watch your back.

Knew a kid who started a finance career at 22. Few months in, he got a felony for drug possession after his weed (several thousand dollars worth) was caught by customs crossing the Mexican border. Never got another job on the street again. Moral of the story, don't do stupid shit that (unfortunately) has career- and life-altering consequences.


certainly not to be considered a comprehensive list, but yes staying out of legal trouble is more common sense... to most at least

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?

I would try to add "The only thing to do when a person is wrong is to be right, by ceasing to be wrong. Cut your losses quickly, without hesitation. Donโ€™t waste time. When a stock moves below a mental-stop, sell it immediately." by Jesse Livermore. 'Cutting loss" is too important, not just in the market but in the society and in everyone's LIFE! Life is too short, right?


Thank you for this. This is a breath of fresh air and I'm glad for once I didn't read a post written by a sophomore complaining about an unpaid internship or no SA offers at a "prestigious" firm LOL


Great post! I think just about all of these are spot on! I had to learn a lot of these lessons throughout my 20s myself! Your 20s can be the most magical years of your life. The more of these lessons one learns early on, the more special those years can be. One of the most valuable lessons I learned early on was that life is not necessarily a "race to the top" but a marathon full of exploration and personal growth. Kudos again on a great post!

OS www.oshofo.com

Gotta ask this to some of the 30 somethings on here as someone who is almost about to hit his late 20s soon.

I missed out on the "college experience" in regards to making lots of friends, partying, dating/hooking up, drinking to the point where I was blacked out drunk, and enjoying that sort of life. My social life has gotten much better after college but it is still not there.

Right now I work as a bartender on the weekends and lab tech on the weekdays (was hoping to break into finance one day which is why I joined this forum in case you are wondering). My hours are too long (working 60+ hours a week) but I have still managed to make a few good friends and get with a decent number of cute girls but deep down inside, I itch for those crazy life experiences. Despite what people may think, just because you're a bartender doesn't mean you get to party a ton unless you happen to do it full time and not as a side gig.

Deep down inside, I wish I could experience what I missed out on in college. The wild parties, getting blacked out drunk with a group of high energy friends, having fun crazy experiences, and a large group of friends to enjoy all of that with. Basically what most college kids with a normal college experience got just by attending college.

My worry is that by the time I hit my 30s and am financially sound, I won't have the chance to do any of that because most of my friends will be married or too mature to do it. I really want to have that sort of experience for a given period of my time.

How tough would it be to have that in your 30s if you really wanted to have it?


My advice would be to get a good remote job and live abroad for a few years, somewhere with a good quality of life, cheap, and fun, plenty of spots around the world.

I was discontent in my mid 20's and didn't see it getting much better so I decided to make the leap at 27. for most of my time abroad here in buenos aires it's been the time of my life, without a doubt.

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

Two of my close friends are currently finishing their access courses in order to go to University this September. I graduated at 26 myself, and whilst my choice to go late was partially driven by career aspirations, the 'college experience' was also a big factor. I don't regret it for a minute, and the list of crazy stories I have to tell is endless.........


You forgot one:

"Read Nassim Taleb as quickly as you can."

I actually am reading one of his books right now. And it completes a book to which I owe almost everything in my life. And I've done most of what OP said, so I'm in line to say that for the stoic guys who get onto this thread.


I think the tips on health can't be understated. I'm only a college student but I made some poor health choices and now I'm paying for it. My immune system is basically saying fuck you to the rest of my body. It sucks. But the flip side is I'm learning how to relax and calm myself down. Also, I've learn to look forward to the future. I have an incredibly high paying job coming out of college and while I hate my current health/financial situation (sick, broke college senior) things are about to get a lot lot lot better. Can't wait.


It's because the majority here seem to be 15 year old highschool kids, exactly the clientele you seem to want to impress with your "life experience" boy.


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I liked the way you presented your views. It is really necessary that your message is conveyed to everyone the way you want. I am going to share it with my friends. Thanks!


Great post!

Though I disagree on having kids when you are 40+. My wife and I have had our two kids at 24 and 27. When we are in our forties they will be out of the house, and we are still young enough to enjoy life. The most importantly, kids are tiring. Being young enough to keep up with work, them and still have energy to play with them is very important (from our perspective). We go to skate-parks, mountain bike, dirt tracks, snowboard, white water raft etc... Doing that when I am 50 will be a bit harder.

โ€œI am always saying "Glad to've met you" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.โ€ โ€• J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
David Aames:
5. Know how to order a drink. Have a go to beer/wine/cocktail. It may not get you laid but it's part of the equation

This pointer couldn't summarize more perfectly how socially handicapped the majority of WSO users are...

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

lol yeah looking back that one was dumb, i'd been reading too much wso and esquire those days

the next list will be better

What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?
David Aames:
lol yeah looking back that one was dumb, i'd been reading too much wso and esquire those days

the next list will be better

In for new list

  1. I prefer "rail her immediately" instead of just keeping an eye. Just keeping an eye is submissive.
  2. Watch The Wolf of Wall Street for more on this
  3. Vasectomy, avoid annoying blobs of crying flesh
  4. Okay, but just in this life
  5. Know how to order a drink for a girl, that is what gets you laid. Remember, you're always a 10 when your cards behind the bar.
  6. Not helpful at all considering I want to get laid the first date.
  7. How to tell a good story- do embarrassing shit all your life like me
  8. All or nothing, either BSD or pussy, no in between
  9. Or just hire a five star fucking chef
  10. Only if they are friends with benefits.
  11. What about if I can't even go to college?
  12. Good fucking excuse for being an F-Student, t
  13. That means 70% of current jobs are fucked
  14. That guy was fired for that comment
  15. Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, because they're not hiring.
  16. Also don't put off things for retirement because you're going to get Social Security anyway, so don't worry about it!!!!!!!!!
  17. I don't love the idea I'm behind but I love the girl
  18. I quit job "for a couple of years" then went asking for job back, didn't get results I wanted.
  19. He forgot the nickname you get if you're a prostitute.
  20. If you don't like hard work, you shouldn't be in IB....
  21. I'll keep that in mind next time someone calls me up to negotiate for release of hostages.
  22. I never knew you could save "too much" money
  23. Expectations=-reality+happiness I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this information and I suspect you don't know either
  24. Only when its in exchange for money
  25. 60% of time= time I'm not sleeping. So basically control every single aspect of life outside of sleep?????
  26. This would motivate me less, considering, oh yeah, I don't want to survive
  27. Can't be a rat race if you're a pig
  28. If you can't find the fake in the room, you're the fake
  29. Joke's on you, my plan was to get punched.
  30. Auntie Bankerella can suck my bitch

16. "Retirement"
If you're putting things off so you can enjoy life when you retire you're doing it all wrong (this doesn't necessarily apply if you're on a path to retire at 40). 1. read the alchemist, 2. tim ferriss' theory on mini-retirements is brilliant, 3. the idea of "retirement" is so antiquated..

Start as early as possible


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Dolorem error doloremque ut eligendi ratione et. Sit quos perspiciatis nulla excepturi tempore. Provident illo non consequatur laborum officia quo. Culpa quo rerum reiciendis sed labore quia.


In sit officia repellat perferendis. Suscipit est odio aut mollitia aut eaque. Perferendis corrupti voluptatum veniam magni non ullam. Et commodi repellat recusandae quo voluptas cum. Aliquam aut cupiditate repudiandae hic modi. Magnam aliquid perspiciatis laboriosam dolorem.

Ut quibusdam laboriosam provident reiciendis incidunt enim sed. Fugiat voluptatum aliquam sunt accusantium dignissimos recusandae. Totam sequi aut architecto molestias.


Culpa rerum repellendus sint perspiciatis velit corporis. Accusantium est illo repellat sunt.

Aut omnis minima ut impedit. Pariatur quasi provident omnis ex harum voluptas. Magni libero quas temporibus ducimus explicabo rerum.

Ea asperiores maiores sed est reiciendis. Omnis libero maxime velit enim rerum nihil corrupti quo. Non voluptas libero ea dolorem sed. Expedita consectetur aut rem dolorem corporis accusantium. Necessitatibus rerum repudiandae quas qui sint adipisci cupiditate velit. Ut aut atque sint iste.


Aut eos ex incidunt. Beatae sint non voluptatem id delectus. Provident quod consequatur rerum similique debitis. Rerum excepturi quaerat nulla debitis. Non nulla odio molestiae eos quis laboriosam.

Consequuntur occaecati placeat impedit nostrum rem ea aut fugiat. Eum libero explicabo sit natus ut. Sint molestias sapiente nostrum sint. Ab qui deleniti tempore quia. Enim laboriosam suscipit consequuntur debitis praesentium reiciendis.

Eum cumque assumenda quia. Beatae repellendus consequatur alias aut quod ut fugiat. Consequatur qui et et assumenda voluptatum. Et adipisci eum delectus dolorem id et placeat. Dolor qui qui totam aut perspiciatis animi ullam. Dignissimos quo aut perspiciatis ut.

Corrupti dolorum nihil repellat recusandae. Quo repudiandae nostrum rem voluptatum deserunt dolorem accusantium.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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