TriSpan Overview


Company Details

Founded in 2015, TriSpan is a private equity firm investing in small and mid-cap deals primarily in EMEA and North America.

The firm specialises in growth and buyout deals, with early stage deals only on an opportunistic basis.

TriSpan focuses its private equity offering around 2 funds: TriSpan Rising Stars, a sector focused fund that invests in Restaurant Chains and Food & Beverage Retailers and TriSpan Opportunities Fund, a generalist fund that invests majority or minorities stakes across all sectors.

The firm HQ is in London, United Kingdom, and has an additional office in New York, United States.


London ,
39 Sloane Stree, London SW1X 9LP ,
United Kingdom
New York ,
747 Third Avenue, 22nd Floor , 10017 NY
United States

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