Hi Monkeys,

I am a sophomore at a semi-target. As the 2021 recruitment cycle really gets going, I am asking you to please destroy my resume.

I am seeking internships in equity research for summer 2021.

Some concerns I have:

  • I am concerned that my finance clubs take up to much room on my resume but I think it's better than white space.

  • I don't know if I should give my involvement with Portfolios with Purpose more attention.

  • I worked for my family real estate business (mostly manual labor) between 2017 - 2018. I don't know if this is more valuable than perhaps my IRS experience (simply because I was paid and worked longer).

  • My "other" sections are kind of messy and I don't really like how I currently have my interests laid out.

I would appreciate any and all input and advice you guys could provide.

Thanks in advance. Don't hold back.


  • Anonymous


My 2019 summer employer met the founder of the firm briefly through a transaction they were both involved in and had a working relationship. He made an introduction and I spoke with the founder after that point.


Get rid of SAT and Relevant Courses. Expand Honors Section.

Be more specific with what you facilitate at the lab . "Facilitate research on xxx industry by..."

For Accounting Internship do not just call it Summer. Be consistent with how you are recording dates and state the months. Just summer is a red flag to me.

Excellent job with your Investment Banking Club. Keep it up!

Take away "Different as above"

Apart from that. Excellent resume good luck!


Thanks for the feedback. I added "different than above" just for the WSO format to show that they were two different funds. I definitely will change the summer back to its original dates. Can you explain your thinking/reasoning behind taking off relevant courses? It seems pretty common for most kids I know and I use it to show that I'm ahead of my class and have actually already taken finance curriculum. Otherwise, thank you very much. Much appreciated!


Your classes do not matter because everyone takes the same classes. If you're an Econ major I know you have or are going to take Econ classes. If you're a Finance Major I know you are going to take Finance classes. It's redundant and takes 2 to 3 lines of space that can be filled with something else


I appreciate the feedback! I might try to reword the bullets so that they fit together as one or something like that. I feel like making them main bullets loses focus a little, I want to convey that they were part of the same project almost like an IB resume would talk about deal flow.


Personal opinion, having a manual labor job on the resume demonstrates work ethic, grit, good mentality especially to the older folks you interview with. In real estate pe so take this with a grain of salt as it's completely different personality type/industry/investment mentality, but I believe showing people you're willing to get your hands dirty and do shitty work is generally a solid plus.


Thanks! Will do! I didn't know how much info / room I should take up considering I haven't started yet.


Take out relevent coursework, make your name bigger.

Take out the white bullet points in the IB club

And this is gonna sound harsh but the whole thing just reads weird. Like you're way too into finance (That's not a bad thing, but recruiters will want to see someone well-rounded). The finance lab is obviously bullshit, and the IRS volunteer is just bizarre. You are a part of 3 finance clubs/portfolios, 4 finance related 'other activites', 3 finance externships, personal investing on interests, and you fucking do other people's taxes voluntarily. See what I'm saying? Need to find a way to highlight something other than finance, whether that's sports, another interest, volunteering, etc.

Beyond that it looks good. Grades check out, and the hedge fund gig is huge. Once you have some experience there that needs to have the most bullet points out of everything.


Tons of great feedback!

  1. Will take out relevant coursework

  2. Will make name bigger

  3. I agree I need to come across as well-rounded but the finance activities are generally what helps me tell my story and show some sort of leadership (considering I am a sophomore).

For example, the personal investing started in high school and ultimately led me to finance and the clubs led me to ER.

VITA led me to the summer internship with a colleague I already knew from my hometown and that led to the 2020 gig.

  1. I didn't lie about the finance lab bullets but obviously I did put some spin on it. Ultimately the role is pretty much helping kids get Bloomberg certified and helping them with Bloomberg and FactSet when they're working on class projects mainly concerning equities. I have helped professors before but its less common cuz most of them know how to and prefer to pull their own data. I guess I just wanted to emphasize that I'm spending that time getting exposure to Bloomberg and FactSet. I will work on rewording and reorganizing that.

  2. I understand what you're saying but I'm having a hard time conceptualizing how I make bullets taking about other activities as meaningful as my finance ones. I guess my question boils down to - do you think expanding my interest section with more details would be enough to convey that well-roundedness? Otherwise, I find it hard to spin the fact that I played sports in high school or intramurals in college, or that I like to ski or travel into whole bullet on the resume. A lot of my leadership positions outside of finance (like my freshman special olympics position) are just a little stale time-wise.

Again, thanks for your help


I agree with everyone else - the "relevant coursework" is typically for people who need to prove they're already interested in/knowledgeable about finance. Take it out since you're a finance/accounting major.

Use more numbers in your points. Bankers don't care that you know how to use Bloomberg, they care about the results you caused by assisting students and faculty. Did you instruct 30 students on Bloomberg, teaching them how to spread comps for 3 major companies, showing an evaluation of $300mm? That's the kind of result bankers like to see. They like results, not responsibilities.

Your extracurricular section is huge. You want your experience section to be the biggest part of the resume if you can. Try to keep each experience to 2-3 bullet points, make the actual experience section larger. You can do this by increasing your font size; you have more experience at more companies than me personally, but my extracurriculars take up like 1/4 the size of my experiences because of solid bullet points.

Remove all of your white space. Make your bullets extend to the end of the page. This isn't hard if you talk about more results rather than responsibilities.

Make your name a little larger. Make your margins a normal size. This will make it much easier to have a legit looking résumé with slightly less experience. It honestly looks better to have a large work experience section with normal margins than to have, for example, huge education + huge leadership sections with an equal sized "experience" section & tiny margins.

I feel like the "volunteering" part in your additional information is a little redundant because you have a whole section dedicated to extracurriculars and leadership. Why wouldn't these be included in your leadership experience? For every single bullet point on your resume, ask yourself, "how does this translate to banking?". Bankers don't care that you're a real person, they care that you're capable of the job (with exceptions at certain bulge brackets that really care about people), and this is especially true at elite boutiques. EBs only want the best and the brightest, and they recruit like it.

Abbreviate your dates, but without periods. So instead of "January 2019 - October 2019" put in "Jan 2019 - Oct 2019". Do this for every month, including June (Jun), July (Jul), or April (Apr). Also, change "summer 2020" in your hedge fund internship to "Expected May - Aug 2020" or whatever. Change "Summer 2019" to the dates you worked; as far as they know, you worked for a month and dinked around for the rest of summer. Take out "class of 2022" in your university section and put the month you're going to graduate, like "Apr 2022" instead. They want to know when you're going to graduate because if you were graduating Dec 2022 (still class of 2022) then you could instead intern Summer 2022 and they'd be hesitant to give you an offer since you'll have another "junior year summer" where you could intern somewhere else.

You've got amazing experiences, you just need to format it better and show the actual value you personally contributed. I'm jealous tbh, you've got far more experience than me in stuff that's actually going to land you an amazing internship, you just need to make sure that it's all perfect for how they want to see it.


Also make all ofyour bullet points square. Circle bullet points don't look as clean.

Sorry, I put that bankers don't care that you're a person... I meant to add in, they DO care, but that's why they like to see your interests section like the "running, skiing" etc part. This gives them talking points to go off of. I'd also change this though. Your bullet point with that whole list is bland. Who cares that you like American history? Nobody. What is really cool is "read 16 books on the civil war and presented 50 slide powerpoint to class teaching about current lingering effects from slavery" but of course with a less polarizing detail. My point is, it's more interesting to put detailed bullet points that they could ask about. A bullet point like that would allow them to ask "what is one of the current effects from ... " etc. Putting that you like the beach will make them ask "what's your favorite beach?" which isn't nearly as personal of a question to ask.

Same thing with the "other activities" section with your clubs --> Why wouldn't this go in extracurriculars? These are all extracurricular activities. They'd much rather see another interesting bullet point about how you won a 3-day poker tournament against 50 contenders where you had winnings of $x.... etc.

The whole "one of 34 students accepted into the M&A workshop" thing doesn't sound very important to me. What if there are only 35 students who applied? What if your school only has 300 people at it because it's tiny? Heck if I know, there are no metrics for me to compare you to others, so it doesn't seem like a very rigorous selection process.


Thanks for the great feedback AnonCoug.

  1. Relevant coursework is out.
  2. I'll focus more on transitioning to results, not responsibilities.
  3. I think the larger extracurricular section is warranted in this case just because some of the items could also be thrown in the experience section (like the school fund).
  4. I think I'm a little confused on the font thing. Wouldn't that make every section proportionately larger? Or if I just increase the size of the experiences section, wouldn't that screw with the aesthetics and mess with the formatting?
  5. I'll extend my bullets.
  6. I'll try to fix my margins after making the other adjustments and see how it comes out.
  7. I agree, every point should be pointing to how it translates to banking or ER
  8. I'll change the "class of" and "summer" back to the months
  9. Would across as unprofessional if I shortened the month? I know it's a dumb thing to dwell on but I assumed it would look less professional than writing them out (considering nothing else is occupying that space).
  10. I agree with everyone, I really need to fix my interest stuff and put some material info down. The way you put it makes me realize it's a little foolish to just put "beach". I'll take that out.
  11. Is it okay to ball-park the number of kids who applied? I don't know nor have access to the general count but I do know it was relatively selective.

Again, thanks for the great advice, I wish I could throw more silver bananas your way cuz this definitely deserves it.


Haha no worries man! I'm in the same boat - I go to a non-target as well, so I'm trying to help out anywhere I can.

Another change: open up a ruler on your word document for this change. When microsoft word creates bullet points, it automatically makes the bulleted sentences extend out 2 "ticks" past the bullet point on the ruler. This looks weird, it makes you have additional white space. Take every sentence, click near the start of the first word, you'll see the tiny black line appear around 2 "ticks" on the ruler where the sentence has automatically been spaced out to. Take this black line, drag it to 1.5 ticks away from the bullet point (NOTE: DO NOT MOVE THE BULLET POINT ITSELF, DRAG THE SENTENCE TO 1.5 TICKS AWAY FROM THE BULLET POINT). This will reduce white space and make the résumé look cleaner.

One more change: all of the "city, state" and dates need to be normalized. Don't make them bold, don't make them italics. Some people like the look of it because it looks symmetric: it makes sense, but nobody cares what makes sense. They care that your résumé looks the same as everybody else's. If it looks too different, they throw it away. Don't bold your locations, don't italicize your dates. Make these as plain vanilla and boring as everything else.

One more nitpicky change: remove filler words as much as you can. You want it to be quick and to-the-point. Recruiters at Goldman get 28,000 résumés for maybe 500 intern positions they're looking to fill. They don't want to waste any additional time reading bullcrap, so they glance over everything. The more to-the-point you can be and still pack a huge punch in your sentences, the better. If you add filler words (you have "the" a couple of times and "a" a couple of times), they won't appreciate it because those seconds build up into hours of reading. Try to make everything as grammatically correct as possible, but try to remove filler words.

So the whole font size thing was a suggestion if you needed help with filling all of the blank space. I'll breakdown my explanation for you right now since I wrote that when I was super tired and everything.

Here's a quick summary of the changes you need to make still, excluding the new ones I just mentioned: - You want EVERY BULLET POINT to extend as far to the right as you can. If you can make them extend to the very last letter without dropping to the next line, do it. If not, make it extend until there are maybe 3-5 letters left on the sentence without it dropping down a line. - Your margins are TINY. They look like you have so much experience that you couldn't fit it on one page, so you made the margins smaller to make sure you could fit everything on a page. Make them a standard size. - You want every bullet point to answer the questions "What did you do, how did you do it, and what value was created from it?" and make them as geared towards your future role as possible. Ask yourself, "did I answer these questions in each bullet point? How does this relate to equity research/investment banking/asset management/whatever else you do?" - You also want your experience section to be as big as possible compared to everything else, because it's the FIRST GLANCE that matters most, not that your leadership experience was related to your job. - Addtionally, you want your résumé to look AS CLOSE TO EVERYONE ELSE'S AS POSSIBLE. This is why certain changes (like the margin size) have been emphasized. Bankers/recruiters/anybody hiring you will want to know exactly where to find the information they are looking for. If your résumé looks weird compared to everyone else's (tiny margins, different style font, anything different, they will throw your résumé in the trash without ever looking at it).

NOW, I'll break these changes down in depth.

  • You want the sentences in your points to extend as far to the right as possible because it fills in the white space. White space makes your résumé look like a joke. It makes it look emptier, makes you look like you don't have enough experience. Try to make EVERY line go as far to the right as possible, period. If you increase your font size, this is easier to achieve; always keep your résumé between 10-11pt size font (10.5 is a pretty good size), always keep it Times New Roman, ALWAYS keep it to a single page. You don't HAVE to increase your font size if you can make it look good without this, but I honestly think you might benefit from it if you struggle with it. But no, don't just increase the font size of certain sections (you're right, this would look stupid), increase the font size if you can't make everything look exactly how it needs to look (experience section as big as possible, all bullet points extend as far right as possible, etc.)

  • Margin size tiny: honestly, there's some stuff you can remove from the résumé and still have it look sick, but you want standard sized margins (open a new word document and just paste your content onto it and you'll see what I mean) because it's what everybody's résumé looks like. It's a similar standard for when you interview: you want to stand out because of what you can do/what you say, not because of what you look like. Nobody cares that you are a sharp dresser and that you have a sick pink tie; they'll think you're stupid and that you didn't look up interview outfit guidelines. Your résumé is the same: if your margins are tiny, if you have comic sans font, if you have your sections out of order, etc., then people will assume you just didn't even look up résumé guides and everything, and they assume you're not serious about getting the job. For your résumé, make it look EXACTLY like everybody else's, but make yourself stand out with the content on your résumé.

  • I think the "did I answer these questions?" point speaks for itself, but ask further questions if you'd like me to clarify further.

  • When someone who's reviewing your résumé looks at your résumé, especially from a non-target school, they do a very brief glance-over first. They look at your education section to briefly see the name of your school, the degree you're working on, your GPA/test scores, then they skip over the rest and drop to the experience section. They look at the VERY FIRST experience ONLY (I'd say this is true 90%+ of the time), read the bullet points briefly, skip over the rest. They skip EVERYTHING ELSE on your résumé (extracurriculars, everything) and they read your additional information section to see if you look like an interesting/well-rounded candidate. They do all of this to see if you "check" the boxes. Is your GPA high enough? Should we give them a tiny bit of extra consideration because they go to a target? Is it evident that they have an interest in finance? AND THAT'S IT. You spend HOURS on your résumé for them to HARSHLY critique it and throw it in the garbage if it isn't perfect. Nobody cares that you helped in constructing a football field, nobody cares that you researched ETFs in your student managed investment fund, because NOBODY WILL EVER READ IT AGAIN. You failed, your résumé didn't check every box, you're garbage and you'll never get a job. That's the harsh reality, especially if you aren't networking into your job: you don't even make it to the first round if you don't check the boxes, because nobody sees your résumé as you being a real person. They see boxes that need to be checked, and they see you as one of the 1 minute out of 30 hours of reading résumés that they just need to get past to go home and see their girlfriend, or you're the 1 minute standing between them and lunch and they would really rather just trash it, so your tiny margins get you thrown in the trash before they ever even see that you helped in the special olympics or that you're totally qualified because you have actually done all of the word needed. Your résumé needs to be IMPRESSIVE at FIRST GLANCE, you need to check every box, you need to not disqualify yourself, you need to know what they look for. If you're disqualifying yourself at first glance, it doesn't matter what you've done.


This has got to be the most hardo-est of hardo resumes I've ever seen in my life lmao


I'm a semi/non-target trying to break into a competitive industry where the largest firms take maybe 15 summer analysts each year. Don't hate the player, hate the game lol.


Aut deserunt optio quia odio exercitationem animi provident. Eveniet itaque vero debitis tempore laudantium consequatur quisquam.

Ut qui quos fugit sunt. Placeat similique id qui quod commodi est consectetur. Veniam reiciendis quibusdam rerum ab repellat facilis.


Consequatur minima repellat deserunt perspiciatis amet. Recusandae earum magnam et et porro maiores. Dolorem nesciunt eum consequatur harum qui animi. Culpa labore optio occaecati voluptatem vel reprehenderit omnis. Deleniti incidunt quisquam et maxime maxime. Animi earum debitis ducimus vitae maiores ut.

Iure aspernatur ad rerum omnis sapiente ea necessitatibus. Voluptatibus nisi non quia eveniet dolorum inventore nisi. Sit sunt rerum dolor eos ea temporibus assumenda. Ipsum ipsam perferendis similique dignissimos est sint similique est. Sint repellendus quia adipisci distinctio molestiae sit. Architecto blanditiis aspernatur aspernatur dolore enim quis voluptatem.

Ipsa hic non earum distinctio et voluptate. Repellendus ad sapiente at possimus debitis necessitatibus in. Quas odit cum aut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 18 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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