It's getting really old how much liberals poop on cops

For the record, I'm not a 'Murica, hur-dur guns and Booz' type of guy. And no doubt, there are bad actors among cops (as there are in any profession, anywhere). Also this is not a post about the Texas situation, I'm not yet sure we have enough details to know where to assign blame or not. This is a general post.

By and large, >95% cops are generally decent people and they put their lives & bodies on the line so that we may be safe. Their wages are ok at best on an absolute basis and absolutely terrible when considering higher risk of death vs. most other professions. 

We don't need to worship cops. But we sure as hell shouldn't be crapping on the people that on average enable us living in relative safety. If liberals hate cops so much, they should try removing them from their cities and see what happens. No skin off the rest of our backs but every city in the U.S. that has been cutting down on # of cops and decriminalizing has been a disaster -- ex. SF making stealing less that $1000 worth of merchandise only a misdemeanor. 

Funny enough I started out as a liberal since 2008 but seeing their self-destructive tendencies and entering the working world has pushed me more towards conservatism. Crapping on cops, crapping on vets, there is literally no bridge too far for modern liberals. Always easy to criticize others when you sit from the comfort of your bubble


It's honestly hilarious how modern libs claim conservatives can't think for themselves, yet they are literally the ones that mob and attack in a pack without taking a moment for critical thought. Amazing how much blinders they have about themselves 



Do you not see the irony here? 

You're literally commenting on an echo chamber attacking liberals in a pack. 

It's a huge generalization. 

I'm a liberal guy and I think cops are on the whole good but a tiny minority are bad apples. 

That is what they like to do so stop tying to ruin their fun, haha.  It is also possible that that the majority of comments are from one person but using different user names


Can it not just be the case that overall they are not doing a good enough job?

The whole notion of de-funding them is obviously ridiculous but at the same time I think they are very poor at what they do. That's got a lot to do with the training, the type of people they hire, lack of accountability etc.

You don't have to be one extreme or another on this issue but I think its pretty clear they are not great and we should expect better.

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"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

Great -- then why don't you go sign up as a cop and show us the right way to do it? Easy to criticize a system that works 80% effectively but fails 20% when you're not the one working within it. You are a true idiot if you think defending cops is "ridiculous" -- defending and worshipping are two different things. I will defend cops because they by and large defend us


"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Great -- then why don't you go sign up as a cop and show us the right way to do it? Easy to criticize a system that works 80% effectively but fails 20% when you're not the one working within it. You are a true idiot if you think defending cops is "ridiculous" -- defending and worshipping are two different things. I will defend cops because they by and large defend us

I meant "de-funding", not defending - I've edited it now.

The whole "why don't you go and do it then?" is a pretty weak argument. Its a good job/career path for somebody with no qualifications. If they don't want to do it properly then there will be 100 other people wanting to take their job.


The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena

Arresting parents in the parking lot doesn't sound like "in the arena" to me



Can it not just be the case that overall they are not doing a good enough job?

The whole notion of defending them in obviously ridiculous but at the same time I think they are very poor at what they do. That's got a lot to do with the training, the type of people they hire, lack of accountability etc.

You don't have to be one extreme or another on this issue but I think its pretty clear they are not great and we should expect better.

You aren’t entirely wrong, or wrong at all. The issue now is that if a cop does something wrong, the media is all over it. Good police work (aka the vast majority) goes unnoticed.

I will say, however, that cops need better training. They are public servants - what supposedly happened in Texas where the cops didn’t do anything (except save their own kids) is absurd. It took a border patrol agent to run in and kill the shooter when cops were there for nearly an hour.

I’m not white and have had only good experiences with cops. All have been respectful, but I also treated them all with respect.


Also not white but I've only ever had good interactions with cops since I've been in high school and can actually remember it all. Liberal media only highlights the small % of negative cop incidents which makes them to look like villains. What happens to the future pipeline when would-be cops decide they don't want to be portrayed as the root of all evil and don't go into the profession? You're left with either a shortage of cops or probably most likely, a worse candidate pool where the % of negative incidents increases by default (as with any profession)...which leads to a vicious cycle 


They do an incredible job alienating anyone not on the far left with their dumbass slogans.  "Defund the Police" and "ACAB" an incredibly coarse titles for causes that are otherwise be worth examining.  The branding is so counterproductive as it immediately polarizes any good-faith discussion.  Same thing with "Cancel Rent" and the other performative bullshit. 

To be clear, I'm firmly in the middle and think both extremes are [[redacted]], but I also think you shouldn't be labeled left-wing for not subscribing to the idea that "ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS".


They do an incredible job alienating anyone not on the far left with their dumbass slogans.  "Defund the Police" and "ACAB" an incredibly coarse titles for causes that would otherwise be worth examining.  The branding is so counterproductive as it immediately polarizes any good-faith discussion.  Same thing with "Cancel Rent" and the other performative bullshit. 

To be clear, I'm firmly in the middle and think both extremes are [Redacted], but I also think you shouldn't be labeled left-wing for not subscribing to the idea that "ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS".

Defund the police, ACAB, etc.. all controlled opposition to discredit the “police reform” movement 

Stop falling for this shit. Who the fuck really thinks all cops are bad? Like, maybe 5% of the total population 


Sadly you would be surprised by how many people actually hate cops or at least think majority of cops = bad. Of my friends who have moved to far left in the past 5-10yrs, probably 80% of them think. Among the moderate pop, you're right that not many think cops are scum. But probably 20-30% of the country is far left (and 20-30% far right) which leaves 40-60% in the middle

I don't think you realize how much pooping on cops happens.


They do an incredible job alienating anyone not on the far left with their dumbass slogans.  "Defund the Police" and "ACAB" an incredibly coarse titles for causes that would otherwise be worth examining.  The branding is so counterproductive as it immediately polarizes any good-faith discussion.  Same thing with "Cancel Rent" and the other performative bullshit. 

To be clear, I'm firmly in the middle and think both extremes are [Redacted], but I also think you shouldn't be labeled left-wing for not subscribing to the idea that "ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS".

Defund the police, ACAB, etc.. all controlled opposition to discredit the "police reform" movement 

Stop falling for this shit. Who the fuck really thinks all cops are bad? Like, maybe 5% of the total population 

They like to write about extremes to create controversy. No one here hates cops nor does anyone here want to defund the police. 


I think when people say ACAB, they don’t actually think that 100% of cops are the bad apples.

But they do think that the 95% of good cops cover for the bad 5%, making them bastards. 


This topic does not make much sense in the context of the other recent topics about the Texas shooting.  The people who were the most vocal about how the cops did a terrible job in Texas were conservatives. (For example, Isaiah_53_5 and Arroz con Pollo).  Liberals do think that some police officers have biased views but there is probably some truth in it because there is reasonably high correlation lack of education and biased views. 


Jesus financeabc are you actually retarded? I literally mentioned in the 1st paragraph above that this is NOT about the Texas situation

Please for the love of god confirm if you are retarded or not because that way I can either a) keep the kiddie gloves on when responding to you or b) continue roasting you in the hopes that it will turn you into an actual self-respecting male with an iota of intelligence



Jesus financeabc are you actually retarded? I literally mentioned in the 1st paragraph above that this is NOT about the Texas situation

I do not care at all that you said it or not.  It is still relevant and the most recent.  The most recent development totally contradicts what you are saying.  Not one fucking liberal in finance is spending their time talking about defunding the police.  Liberals in finance do not give a shit about what AOC (fill in the name...) says.  


Jesus financeabc are you actually retarded? I literally mentioned in the 1st paragraph above that this is NOT about the Texas situation

Please for the love of god confirm if you are retarded or not because that way I can either a) keep the kiddie gloves on when respond to you or b) continue roasting you in the hopes that it will turn you into an actual self-respecting male

Bud, I think you need to work on your social and or communications skills a bit.  


Welcome to the club. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

My guy, you make generalizations repeatedly on this forum. 

I think cops are fine as a liberal guy. 

You need to get off the internet and actually talk to ordinary people. 


I've found it interesting that Detroit had no major protests or beefs with the cops in recent years. The residents have been through so much (e.g. "Detroit vs. Everyone" is a popular phrase) and it clearly liberal, but practical. They know the cops have a hard job (e.g. Detroit has actual bad guys doing bad guy shit, the only major city in America where the FBI never took down the mob, etc. ) and limited resources. For example, they had to get donated cop cars a few years ago. The average citizen in the city will respond to most of the "defund the police" stuff with "we don't have time for this bullshit". I have found it sort of telling.


Do I think that all or most cops are bad people? No. I also recognize that they see things in their day to day life that would harden any individual. 

But it's more than just a few "bad apples" and there is a systemic problem of protecting the bad actors, refusing any accountability, or embracing sensible reform. The FBI has published reports that white supremacy groups have infitrated law enforcement organizations nationwide.

American culture parades police as the "thin blue line" between order and anarchy, where we've now seen countless examples of overly-aggressive policing, plus sheepish cowardly runway cops like what occurred in Parkland and what appears to have happened in Uvalde (cops have already changed their story multiple time). The veil of "serve and protect" has been sharply pierced, and rightfully so.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Also for the "facts don't care about your feelings crowd"

The average police officer salary nationwide is $55,000, or about half of what an IB analyst makes if they get a donut for a bonus.

In most districts, you're required only to have a GED to become a cop.

We're not sending our best and brightest.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Agree that the police officer salary is abysmally low when you consider the daily risk and stress police face and hence the best and most suitable candidates don’t take the job. I would argue we see a similar issue with teachers, which is in part why literacy rates are horrendous and the US is slipping compared to the world on an educational basis.

The problem is that the government bureaucrats  and administrators control the media messaging and the moment police reform is brought up the equivalent of “You hate the cops” is brought up on the right and when school choice or education reform is brought up the equivalent of “You are anti-education” is brought up on the left. And the majority of people fall for this messaging. The only thing that seems to be sure is that the working class/poor are getting poorer and having a worse QOL and the top .01% getting richer and having a better QOL no matter who is in charge (D/R). 


Unironically this. From a personal ideological standpoint, I actually support the defund the police crowd. Fuck agents of the state and their illegal enforcement of unconstitutional edicts. They should have the absolute minimum power to enforce anything outside of a very narrow set of objectives such as defending public spaces and retrieving individuals being legally prosecuted. We got perfect examples around the world of their authoritarian bullshit in the past 2 years. They are but long arms of the political elite. Sure there are some genuinely good people among them, but I would argue writ large they are underqualified, undertrained, and unsophisticated individuals who exist to follow orders with the benefit of legal immunity from the consequences of their actions. I would be plenty happy if 20% of the country had a CCW and sorted out real threats themselves, then dealt with whatever results in a courtroom. 

“There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children." - Michael Malice on The Waco Siege

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I would be plenty happy if 20% of the country had a CCW and sorted out real threats themselves, then dealt with whatever results in a courtroom. 

You claim that cops are underqualified and undertrained but then your genius solution is... people with zero training and zero qualifications who got a carry permit.

1. Why would a random guy with a permit who isn't getting paid go out solving crimes and arresting criminals?  For fun?

2. Who would enforce the court's rulings?  Also random guys with carry permits?

The end result would be a worse version of segregation era lynchings.


For the record, I'm not a 'Murica, hur-dur guns and Booz' type of guy. And no doubt, there are bad actors among cops (as there are in any profession, anywhere). Also this is not a post about the Texas situation, I'm not yet sure we have enough details to know where to assign blame or not. This is a general post.

By and large, >95% cops are generally decent people and they put their lives & bodies on the line so that we may be safe. Their wages are ok at best on an absolute basis and absolutely terrible when considering higher risk of death vs. most other professions. 

We don't need to worship cops. But we sure as hell shouldn't be crapping on the people that on average enable us living in relative safety. If liberals hate cops so much, they should try removing them from their cities and see what happens. No skin off the rest of our backs but every city in the U.S. that has been cutting down on # of cops and decriminalizing has been a disaster -- ex. SF making stealing less that $1000 worth of merchandise only a misdemeanor. 

Funny enough I started out as a liberal since 2008 but seeing their self-destructive tendencies and entering the working world has pushed me more towards conservatism. Crapping on cops, crapping on vets, there is literally no bridge too far for modern liberals. Always easy to criticize others when you sit from the comfort of your bubble

The SF law makes stealing MORE than $950 a misdemeanor. Stealing less than $950 was decriminalized.

“The initiative set a threshold of $950 for shoplifting to be considered a misdemeanor,”

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Maybe  they should stop killing and harassing minorities. Also it's pretty fair to ask cops, who dress up like they're in the military, to actually do their jobs and save lives. You can't wear camo and act tough and when it's time to actually do shit you get scared. 


Maybe  they should stop killing and harassing minorities. Also it's pretty fair to ask cops, who dress up like they're in the military, to actually do their jobs and save lives. You can't wear camo and act tough and when it's time to actually do shit you get scared. 

Prefacing with I support completely removing the police all together - I just also happen to like calling out people making stupid leftist arguments. White people are killed by police anywhere from 2-6x the rate of any other nationality by police in the US. Also, it's not harassment to spend more time patrolling the areas in a security capacity which have magnitudes more crime than others, it's just common sense distribution of resources. So, your race-baiting argument is just flat wrong and parroted from tv. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Race baiting? Dude, try imagining being black and living in a nice area and going to a decent school. You constantly have mouth breathers who couldn’t cut it in community college thinking you’re going to steal shit because of the color of your skin. The crime argument holds no water, black and white people for ex do drugs at the same rate , overpolicing leads black people to be arrested for it more. 


Devil's advocate, why WOULDN'T people turn their backs on them after they refused to put down said riots and enforced unconstitutional tyranny by enforcing lockdowns in various states/cities? There were cops arresting business owners for having the audacity to try and feed their families. Fuck depending on State-backed goons, be more like Rooftop Koreans and take your safety into your own hands. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

in general, I very much agree. but it's probably the worst time to make this post, because police just a couple of days ago was standing in front of the school and waiting for children to be murdered because they were scared shitless to do anything themselves while being covered with protective gear and armed with AR-15s. these cops deserve as much hate and shit as liberals and others want to give them.


Stood there for almost 2 hours and prevented other people from going in to try and help... Absolutely disgusting. They should be charged as accessories for aiding and abetting the deranged creature that carried out the attack by refusing to act and preventing others from doing so. Police have no issue blowing away unarmed people when they're "fearing for their lives" but when they have a literal 10-to-1 or better advantage in an active shooter situation, they're just going to sit on their assess and wait? And this isn't the first time this has happened either, there's a multitude of examples of police refusing to act in a situation where their use of deadly force is not only entirely authorized BUT ENCOURAGED. They have no duty to protect you or anyone else. The State will save you when it is convenient, not when it is necessary. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Yes those cops are shit heads by the looks of it. But just 2-3 years ago police bravely saved 30+ people by stopping a mass shooter in Dayton, OH.

If your opinions change with the news then you are a man without convention or true values, and thus not a man at all (not saying you in this case, just in general)

Most cops deal with a ton of shit that the white collar liberal types have never, not once, experienced in their lives. 


Iusto aut officiis provident aut assumenda vel. Aut at veniam inventore neque assumenda. Asperiores sint odit laborum odio ipsum. Repudiandae explicabo corrupti officiis. Ratione alias voluptatem deserunt id. Quam a officiis iure aliquid eligendi. Et quia omnis eum commodi harum dolorum et.

Sit autem veniam excepturi nesciunt eum beatae ut. Minima non libero placeat et quia. Aut cupiditate non aut voluptatem et sapiente ipsum. Et tempore eligendi esse incidunt tempora repellat tenetur quo.

Cupiditate sed corporis voluptas ratione accusantium. Eum omnis assumenda explicabo quia qui. Dignissimos est autem occaecati aliquam nostrum ullam in et.

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