Postmodernism – Disillusionment, Longing, and the Rise of Trump

“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

― Morpheus, Matrix

The sociocultural undercurrents of the world are an ever-evolving entity. They are always changing in a constant interplay within popular culture, science, politics, and philosophy. Today's seemingly hectic political and social climate may appear to be an aberration in recent years – perhaps just a brief intermission between more sensible times. In reality, today’s discourse has evolved under the auspices of the all-encompassing philosophical paradigm of postmodernism. To really appreciate the ideas of postmodernism we first have to analyze its metaphysical precursor – Modernism.

Modernism evolved as a reaction to the Romanticist movement of the early-to-mid 19th century. Romanticism held that human emotion and passion overpowered logic and reason, a response to the heavy commoditization of the industrial revolution. Modernism aimed to take back the reigns with the embrace of a sort of neo-enlightenment value system – placing rationality, logic, and the power of sheer human will as the peak of cultural actualization.

One of the primary elements of Modernism as a philosophical paradigm is the espousing of the idea of a grand Meta Narrative within society. Modernism holds that there exists objective knowledge to be known, objective moral values to be upheld, and a gradual vertical progression of mankind, both technologically and spiritually. The overwhelming ideological zeitgeist of the modernist era can be observed in the architecture of the time, with the Empire State Building being a prime example of modernism in visual form. The architecture features sharp, strong design elements, with layers becoming progressively tapered toward the top, being capped by a triumphant spire aimed toward the heavens. Modernism embodied the idea that through the relentless drive to attain objective beauty, uphold universal ideals, and embrace the march of progress, humanity would find itself among the stars some day.

By the end of World War II, there was a major shift in the ideological currents of the West. The development and deployment of the atomic bomb showed the world that all of civilization’s progress and its grandeur, could be destroyed by own hands in fiery flash. This ultimately lead to a more cynical view of the world as well as the future that was in store.

Enter Postmodernism

The defining idea of Postmodernism is the rejection of the meta-narrative. It holds that there exist no objective truths, no defined meaning, no purpose. If all of civilization can be brought to a grinding halt by our own creations, what is the point? When you read literature of the modernist era as well as look at the fashions and architecture of the time, you see a people who are certain and confident in the future as well as the human condition. Postmodernism, either by design or simple inevitability, results in a nihilistic, cynical, and profoundly ironic view of human nature as well as the confidence of the past.

The modern phenomenon of the “SJW” movement as well as its various sister movements can be seen as a logical metastasizing of the postmodern ideal within the context of popular culture and academia.

Enter Donald Trump

Without taking a favorable or unfavorable view of the current president, one can extrapolate that he is a logical reaction to postmodernism. He exists both as an ultimate manifestation of the cynical postmodern ideal as well as a cry for the return of the confidence and spirit of the past. Consider the now-popular phrase adopted by the president as well as his proponents:

“Make America Great Again”

An initial knee-jerk reaction, and that of many of Trump’s critics, may well one of initial outrage. “America is the greatest its ever been today” or “You mean make America racist again?”. These, on the surface, both seem like fair and understandable characterizations of the president’s trademark rallying cry, however it is important to also consider the significance of this phrase within the current cultural paradigm as well as why it resonates so greatly with the president’s proponents.

A cultural zeitgeist, as an all-encompassing overarching ethos of an era is not something that can always be clearly articulated through common speech. One can feel that something is off, missing, or otherwise misplaced without understanding the underlying phenomenology. The Trump supporter is often characterized as that of a Blue-collar worker, who is concerned with the well-being of their family and health of their community. Deep philosophical analysis, being typically the function of academia, is not at the heart of the traditional Trump supporter’s concerns. This is not, however, a criticism or indictment of the Trump proponent, but rather a commentary of his priorities – being grounded by his work and concern for family.

The phrase of “Make America Great Again” is often criticized as a misguided call to action to restore a society and political order that never actually existed.

I posit that this is actually the point.

Trump’s rallying cry is far from the atavistic call to bring the nation to a more primitive state, as some would believe. It is instead calling for the restoration of the Simulacrum of America.

A Simulacrum, unlike that of a simulation, is a copy or replica of something that, in fact, had no original. Trump is not calling for the United States proper to return to a prior state. He is the standard bearer for the return to a time free of the cynicism and nihilism of postmodern thought. He calls for the return of the national spirit of the Modern Era, with embrace of objective beauty, reason, rationality, and above all, its unrelenting drive to see humanity among the stars. Trump has his hand on the pulse of society – and he knows that children of the postmodern era yearn for the sincerity and the meaning of the past, free of the irony and vapidness of modern pop-culture.

Enter the Tragic President

Despite Trump’s efforts to restore the spiritual ethos of the nation, he finds himself at odds with himself and the political environment he inhabits. Being surrounded by political opportunists, Trump is forced to defend his presidency at all costs. While being accused of corruption, collusion, and a host of other damning indictments, Trump is forced to play the game he finds himself in.

Being labeled a fabricator of “alternative facts” and an espouser of “post truth,” Trump finds himself in an ironic predicament in his drive to restore the spirit of the nation.

In his unrelenting campaign to restore virtue and align the country with its founding grand meta-narratives, Trump has become a weaponized representation of the postmodern ideal. In fighting against what is ailing the nation, he has become the embodiment of what he sought to destroy – relativism, cynicism, subjective truths.

In attempting to take the mantle for the soul of the nation, Trump has revealed himself to be both the champion of the Modern virtues of the past, as well as an ironic, tragic product of his time.


"Make America Great Again"

An initial knee-jerk reaction, and that of many of Trump's critics, may well one of initial outrage. "America is the greatest its ever been today" or "You mean make America racist again?". These are both fair and understandable characterizations"

No, these are not understandable. 

Money can purchase freedom, if you have the guts to buy it

Without taking a favorable or unfavorable view of the current president, one can extrapolate that he is a logical reaction to postmodernism. He exists both as an ultimate manifestation of the cynical postmodern ideal as well as a cry for the return of the confidence and spirit of the past. Consider the now-popular phrase adopted by the president as well as his proponents:

"Make America Great Again"

An initial knee-jerk reaction, and that of many of Trump's critics, may well one of initial outrage. "America is the greatest its ever been today" or "You mean make America racist again?". These, on the surface, both seem like fair and understandable characterizations of the president's trademark rallying cry

LOL okay lib. Trump is trying to make America more prosperous, while Biden and other socialists are actively trying to ruin our country. Biden will abolish the police, take away your social security and medicare, take away your guns, disband the military, and abolish religion. White liberals and minorities are trying to hand this election over in favor of the blacks instead of REAL hardworking Americans.

Don't listen to the MSM and their propaganda. Vote Trump. Keep America Great

Most Helpful

No matter who you vote for, there are smart reasons and there are dumb reasons. Your reason is DUMB because almost none of what you listed are true, just soundbites thrown out to trick dumb people.


LOL okay lib.

Lol. Ok prospect.

Trump is trying to make America more prosperous, while Biden and other socialists are actively trying to ruin our country. Biden will abolish the police,

Pretty sure Biden says he's planning on giving more funds to the police so they could get the psychological help they need.

take away your social security and medicare,

You do know that Medicare and Social Security are Democratic priorities right?

take away your guns,

Contested. But he's only trying to take away your AR-15s.

disband the military,

LOL. Delusional 

and abolish religion.

delusional x2

White liberals and minorities are trying to hand this election over in favor of the blacks instead of REAL hardworking Americans.

Who are the REAL Americans? You're saying that liberals and minorities AREN'T REAL AMERICANS? 

Don't listen to the MSM and their propaganda. Vote Trump. Keep America Great

Don't listen to FOX and their propaganda. Vote based on intelligent thought. Make America Smart Again.

PS: The fact that this got so many SBs kinda proves how many smooth-brains are going around in WSO. You see and you react, no thinking in between. It's called soundbites. Grow a brain.


Ok consi. Trump is an epic failure of leadership that has left 230k Americans dead, and an estimated 30k infected directly through his superspreader rallies. You rail against imaginary leftist policies, while the superspreader in chief is all talk and no leadership. And do you really think cutting investment in our future competitiveness is wise?



White liberals and minorities are trying to hand this election over in favor of the blacks instead of REAL hardworking Americans.

You sound hella racist dude. You do realize not all blacks and Hispanics support the Democratic Party? Also, who are you to say that someone is REAL American?


Hi OP, this is really interesting. Did you write this? Would be curious to read more content like this. Also, if I'm understanding this right you think Trump's original goal was to restore an objective system of values to the US (virtues such as personal responsibility, merit etc) and goals (strong economy, wealth, technological achievement) but is forced to use post-modernist tactics (skewing data and facts, positing subjective interpretations) to compete in the political arena, therefore contradicting himself? 



Hi OP, this is really interesting. Did you write this? Would be curious to read more content like this. Also, if I'm understanding this right you think Trump's original goal was to restore an objective system of values to the US (virtues such as personal responsibility, merit etc) and goals (strong economy, wealth, technological achievement) but is forced to use post-modernist tactics (skewing data and facts, positing subjective interpretations) to compete in the political arena, therefore contradicting himself? 

I think that is an apt understanding. On another level, if the original goal can only be achieved and is achieved by modifying the process, does it matter?


Debatable. I suppose you can pragmatically use post-modernist tactics as a means to re-establish "fundamental" ideals without implicitly undermining the value of said ideals. Perhaps your use of such tactics speaks more to the nature of the political game than the legitimacy of your ideals, or perhaps it does imply that your values indeed do not hold up to honest scrutiny and you must resort to sophistry to bolster them.


Thanks! Yeah, I'd been reading up on philosophy a bit and got a small nudge of inspiration. David Foster Wallace writes a decent amount on postmodernism and the problems with excessive irony so that may be a good place to start, as well as just YouTube honestly.


The thing to mention that is important in giving your post some context, two observations. The aesthetic piece is a useful way to look at where we are as a society. One of the most provoking designers who I watch is Kanye West. The aesthetic he has used a lot in clothing and in his sneakers, is this mock up of clothing worn in some post apocalyptic world, which reflects a theme that has been very hot over the past decade or two (zombie movies, apocalypse movies, governmental mistake spoof movies, etc.). Therefore, I agree that our current paradigm can be described as exactly the way you put it.

The second observation is that it is very true that "Trump has his hand on the pulse of society". His entire campaign, from where he chose to focus his ad spending, to Cambridge Analytica, to what we know about his rise to the presidency versus the traditional route virtually every president before him took to some extent, he has been the most reactionary to the current trends of the day.

Where I disagree is that I don't think Trump's reaction is as sophisticated or as noble as you paint it. I think it's 100% reactionary to people's nihilism and he's using the fear he pulls from the data he invested in during his campaign to push people's buttons and activate our worst fears. Those who are vulnerable to fears are Trump's supporters, which is why I also agree with your point in the lack of logic in his campaign and supporters.

If someone would run for president with as noble of a theme as you posit, speaking to truth and upholding ideals, I think he could really make a strong push to actually "take the mantle for the soul of America," because I personally would support a position like that, so long as it's built on strong values, truth, and is devoid of Trump's confusion and incitement of fear.

EDIT: also, this was a fun post to read and respond to, so thanks for your contribution, even though I disagree with your conclusion.


I agree with Billions with a B that your post starts off with an assumption that Trump (as some kind of an Ayn Rand hero) genuinely want to "make America great again" (whatever that means) and that he doesn't have selfish motives at heart. I think at this point (based on his actions throughout the first term) it is becoming quite obvious that he is more driven by selfish motives rather than trying to "elevate" the American spirituality into one with heroic, modernistic ideals. And rather than being the "tragic president" who suddenly finds himself to be a symbol of post-modernism, from the very beginning he has been riding the post-modernist current (e.g., "alternative reality," "fake news" etc.) to gain power.  I don't think we've had any other president or major politician in recent history who cares as little about objective facts as Trump - he really is a post modernist par excellence. 


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Praesentium quo qui eligendi mollitia. Ea et tempora velit consequatur laborum. Molestiae aut sit velit ut sequi saepe. Eius labore eligendi reprehenderit quia debitis. Dolore quos facilis perferendis et fugit debitis aperiam. Est et velit rerum et architecto distinctio. Dolorem totam qui qui distinctio cupiditate sit.

Est vel est commodi sequi odio dolor mollitia. Non animi minima unde laborum tenetur quis. Mollitia modi asperiores est quaerat eum.

Qui ut vel harum consectetur neque. Accusamus molestiae ipsam aut est qui. Aliquam molestiae dolor ipsa possimus blanditiis. Vel voluptatibus id neque nihil enim.


Dolorem fuga assumenda odio repellendus eum. Ipsa sint similique quia quo et nesciunt sit. Porro consequatur repudiandae veniam sunt. Reprehenderit in id est voluptatem.

Corporis atque ut labore nostrum voluptas enim. Eius dolore magnam dolor quia. Modi velit recusandae est et quibusdam ea enim quod. Voluptas dignissimos dolorum sint et est et natus.

Beatae sapiente et veritatis asperiores illum atque sunt. Velit ducimus culpa repellat architecto voluptatem. Id modi perspiciatis placeat ut. Consequatur atque molestiae a et aliquid.

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