How to Network Properly for IB?

I just had a few questions regarding the networking process:

  • If you schedule a coffee chat with someone, is it appropriate to bring a notepad to note down things you find important?

  • What do you wear? Full suit? Suit with no tie? Just Dress Pants and Dress Shirt? Also, what is the best way/amount to spray cologne? Some people I spray too much, and others say I smell fine. I spray 2 sprays under each arm, one around the neck, one on the lower chest, and one on the wrist before rubbing the other wrist on top.

  • How many questions should you ask? How long should an informational meeting like this take? I understand bankers are very busy people, and I want to make sure I don't take up too much of their time.

  • How do you make sure you come across bold and confident (in a good way)?

  • Is it appropriate to suggest meeting in the bank's office, or should you suggest a meeting elsewhere (still close to the office)?

  • How do I go about asking for a summer internship offer, especially at a boutique where there is no official recruiting process? Do I have to talk/meet with them multiple times to build up a relationship before asking, or could I ask after the end of the first call? How do I phrase the question without coming off needy or entitled?

Any other advice/tips would be great. Thanks!

Most Helpful

- Bringing a notepad will do no harm. Just make sure you'll still having a 'conversation' with the banker (i.e. don't put your head down trying to write down everything you can, as you can be seen as antisocial and a try-hard)

- Being more careful with these things will do no harm. Wearing a suit and tie will not hurt. Think of it this way - you don't want to be under-dressed vs. the person you are meeting in this case, and you don't know what the person will be wearing. If people say that you spray too much cologne, just don't spray it. As long as you don't smell terrible it should be ok. Just take a shower before you take off or whatever.

- Think it will take max 1 hour - more like 30 minutes or so. Think about which questions are most useful and try to focus on those, vs. going through some set list and treating this like a tick-the-box exercise. Do say things like "I much appreciate you taking the time to talk to me, but please do feel free to let me know if you have to rush. I completely understand." Then leave it up for the banker to decide when is the time to wrap things up. 

- On confidence - having talked to a few students in a less formal setting, to be honest I would choose a student who was mildly nervous compared to someone cocky and bombastic. If you're too worried about how to look bold and confident, you likely won't be. Don't overthink - just relax and treat it like a normal conversation, just one where you have to appear as a nice person. Nothing else

- Say that you can come to the lobby to meet, but ask them if they have any other preferred location. Say you are flexible

- If this is your first meeting with the person I won't directly bring it up in a way that 'costs' them anything (i.e. don't ask for referrals, give them CVs to review / pass on to HR etc.) But perhaps say something like you're definitely interested in working in the firm and that you're interested to find out more about how the recruitment process looks like. Asking if the team plans to take any inters anytime soon doesn't 'cost' them anything. Maybe next time you can bring it up again but don't push too hard because once it's something that the banker has to spend his/her own time, he/she won't do it for you and you'll likely be thought of as a nuisance.


Thank you so much for all of these excellent tips. How difficult is it to generally get an unpaid internship at a 10 man boutique in a town such as Philly or Hartford? At that point, do I have to push at all for an internship, or could I just sort of let our conversation parlay into one about getting an internship? I will add that this would be for the summer before sophomore year, so I suspect I'd be taking more value than I'd be providing. Also, are there any separate techniques I should use while talking to NYC bankers vs bankers from other, more "suburban" areas? 


Also, if a boutique IB is unable to accept interns, is it appropriate to ask if they have anyone in their network that it open to interns?


should I still do any under the arms? I get pretty anxious/nervous while talking on the phone, and I can get VERY sweaty


You should never put cologne on under your arms, nor rub your wrists with it on. The later often dulls some of the notes (flavours) of the cologne.

Perhaps you should use unscented deodorant to avoid any issues with sweet.


Hic in distinctio et recusandae. Odit impedit a velit quidem earum. Consequatur tenetur et autem cum. Necessitatibus ipsa omnis ratione vitae ducimus corporis exercitationem.

Autem reiciendis aperiam fugiat labore dolorem dolor inventore. Ab dolores aut et dolor et dolorum. Non neque est consequatur vero qui dolorum distinctio. Sed eos ut magni repellendus doloremque perferendis.

Voluptatibus aperiam qui cum ea temporibus eos nesciunt. Animi enim doloribus dolorem id nulla aut quidem. Consequatur repellendus doloremque quos sit commodi praesentium.

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
