
1. Biden passed an infrastructure bill.  We need better roads, bridges, and power systems.

2. Biden withdrew from Afghanistan.  Don't really care what goes on in that shithole, glad we aren't involved.

3. Tremendous economy even with inflation.  May not be entirely Biden's doing, but the stimulus he passed definitely helped.

By the numbers: Economic strength is undeniable, both in the country overall and at the household level. The economy is expected to grow 5.7% this year.

  • Almost 6 million jobs were created just between January and October; the unemployment rate is now just 4.6%. The quit rate, the standard barometer of workers' optimism, hit an all-time record high of 2.9% in August.
  • Average earnings are up 3.5% this year and 4.9% annually, to $31 per hour.
  • Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic, while the bottom 50% of the population now has more than $3 trillion in household wealth — up 32% just in the first half of this year, and up 55% from before the pandemic.
  • Stocks hit a new record high every day last week (and yesterday, too), and are up more than 30% year-t0-date.

4. Build back better bill has tons of extremely popular policies that help the average American.

-Medicare negotiation to bring down drug prices

-Finally some paid leave in this country, everywhere else has it

-Tax cuts that ease the pressure on working families

-Free childcare 

-Investments in clean energy

5. Vaccine mandates.  Measles or mumps is less deadly than COVID, and the vaccine is similar in effectiveness.  But back then it was common sense that nobody wanted to catch these nasty viruses, and we should mandate vaccines to prevent them.  I see no difference between that and COVID…


Yeah sure ok and what about $450K per illegal immigrant. What kind of crazy shit is this? It’s like telling all of Latin America to come cross our border for $450K. Every part of this administration is batshit crazy.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

LOL oh yes, sure.  You are a fucking lemon.  Dude do you actually think that drug cartels won't just round up kids in south America and bring them to the border and "get separated" then sue.  You level of naivety is actually dangerous. 


Ok. As a conservative, I think you literally just gave the shittiest rebuttal possible Isaiah. This is an “okay but” argument for a fringe issue that is so irrelevant and insignificant on both absolute and relative bases. Not to mention Trump did the same thing. This is literally an issue that got put into the headlines but it’s just how our legal system works. Individuals are entitled to massive compensation if they get personally fucked over by the government or not. 

You literally could’ve shit on Afghanistan, talk about indoctrinization in schools, SJW cancel culture, whatever, but you chose this.


You realize that less than 10% of the bill actually goes to any real infrastructure?  And of that 10% allocation it is likely that 50% of it will get robbed to put into other pet projects over the lifespan of distribution for this bill.  

Build back better is a fucking globalist agenda.  It doesn't matter how many "popular items" governments cram in there.  You can never get rid of the stink of abstention to global bureaucrats.


You realize that less than 10% of the bill actually goes to any real infrastructure?  And of that 10% allocation it is likely that 50% of it will get robbed to put into other pet projects over the lifespan of distribution for this bill.  

Build back better is a fucking globalist agenda.  It doesn't matter how many "popular items" governments cram in there.  You can never get rid of the stink of abstention to global bureaucrats.

Yes, and recognizing we live in a global society is important.  Climate change is real - investing in green energy is smart from any conceivable way you look at it.  Energy independence?  Check.  Fight global climate change?  Check.  Spur new industries and jobs in the US?  Check.  I never saw what was objectionable about it.


I appreciate him. His utter failure is going to result in a red sweep for Republicans in 2022 and with any luck will damage the Democrat brand for years to come. It'll be a painful few more years, but I'm in a position where I know I'll be fine so let the collapse come. The conservatives with actual minds for policy will be here to pick up the pieces and Make America Great Again. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

They already had a chance to make America great again, this is what happened:

American Rescue Plan

All straight to the debt, none paid for.  They also tried to take 22 million, mostly poors in red states, off their healthcare.  If that's making America great again, o boy...



My goodness, you mean tax cuts benefit most the people who pay the most taxes? Egad who could have ever suspected such a thing. Go back to chugging soy and scrounging together enough to buy your Russian mail order SO her/xer next knock-off designer purse. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
Most Helpful

Misleading. This shows graphics of amounts rather than percentiles so obviously the top 1% is going to save a lot more in taxes because they make 25x what the 50th percentile does. How would the middle quintile even save $32K in taxes to match the upper 1%? This is basic progressive math that starts with feels and ends with falsehoods. Furthermore, incomes rose drastically under Trump, faster than under Obama. Trump spent when he had to in order to get us out of a jam. Now the economy is over-heated and experiencing hyperinflation - so we should be tightening policy, but instead we're passing massive spending bills and printing more money. Not saying the Fed did the right thing under Trump either. But to pretend that progressives can have a positive impact on the middle class is comical. Forget about the fact that they are saddling future generations of Americans with debts that can never be paid, don't worry about that. Also don't worry about the efficacy of the welfare state. Don't worry that the past 50 years of the war on poverty started by LBJ has done nothing to ameliorate poverty. Also don't concern yourself with Afghanistan. Nothing to see there. Give the Taliban billions of dollars worth of weaponry. Our sworn enemy. Shit loads of weapons. Forget about the  #MeToo movement too. That so-called movement was nowhere to be found when there were REAL ATROCITIES against women, as there are this very moment, in Afghanistan the country we abandoned. Forget about the women's marches with the fluffy hats because of a mean tweet - women are being decapitated for playing sports or working as journalists in Afghanistan. The country is returning to the dark ages. Where's the moral outrage? Nothing to see here. If it wasn't Trump's mean tweet, we don't care about it. No, Afghanistan was obviously a thundering success. We surely won't see the fallout of that fiasco for decades to come. China surely won't benefit - or Russia - from the vast mineral reserves we left there. Oh, well, at least the progressives aren't trying to divide this country with cultural marxism and critical race theory. At least the progressives are level-headed and not collectively insane. Hang on a sec. Do you hear that in the background? That sound that's rising? What's that? What is that you hear? I hear it too. Faintly at first, but here it comes. What are they saying? Let's go Brandon is what they're saying. Let's go.

PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

I appreciate him. His utter failure is going to result in a red sweep for Republicans in 2022 and with any luck will damage the Democrat brand for years to come. It'll be a painful few more years, but I'm in a position where I know I'll be fine so let the collapse come. The conservatives with actual minds for policy will be here to pick up the pieces and Make America Great Again. 

Name those policies, please.  Because we just had four years of GOP rule, two of which were control of all the lawmaking branches of the government, and we got... a tax cut.  A shitty tax cut that we knew would be crap at the time.  Healthcare?  Nothing, just "waaaah Obama accomplished more in 2 years than conservatives have since Reagan waaaah".  Climate change?  Nothing.  Income inequality and wealth disparity?  Nothing.  Easing ethnic relations and doing something about the way black people in particular are treated as second class citizens?  Nothing.

Now, not all of that is easy, or doable.... but in all the major issues facing this country, the GOP said "fuck it, lets lower our own taxes" and that was that.  Lower taxes are nice, but if that's all you've got than you're not solving problems, but giving away the same pork you accuse Mr Biden of doling out.

In other words, Republicans and their voters cannot complain about any of Mr Biden's policies until they propose some of their own.


It's crazy that he actually has dementia and got cleared for the presidency. Not sure who would make that decision anyways so whatever. I've had both grandparents that lived with me suffer from dementia and it's so obvious from the way the squint in his eyes has gotten worse over the last 24 months


It's small pleasure watching him slowly waste away ngl

The best part is watching the media try to cover for his many gaffs and explain what he meant to say after he spits out some word salad that resembles a toddler's first attempt at speech.  

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Yeah Jen Psaki is quick to say what Joe “really meant.”

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
[Comment removed by mod team]

He's much more lucid than trump ever was.

Whatever you're smoking, I'd love to try it. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I like him. 

He did 3 good things:

- withdrew from Afghanistan, something everyone wanted and managed to look awful 

- telling journos to drop dead with their dishonest questions

- frts

Other than that, he really belongs to retirement. He's there simply because libs couldn't find a more likeable candidate. The real president is Kamala, which perfectly represents the actual policies of the presidency and the party, with the obvious results. 

US-->California-->South Africa

No energy. No food. Military is a joke. Educational standards levelled to the ground. Inefficient crime policing. Borders collapsing. Homelessness. Mental illnesses all over the place. Gestapo intelligence. 

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Meh, at this point that's 20% at best of the problems. The level of derangement and incompetence seen in logistics, economy, military and education is more comparable to North Korea.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I mean can we even give him credit for Afghanistan? Trump was the one who put it on the agenda and Biden bungled the whole operation. It would have actually happened sooner if we kept to the negotiated Trump timeline but Biden both drew it out for months longer and still managed to accomplish nothing with the extra time.

I haven't see anything resembling him telling journalists to drop dead, more him stating in press conferences that he's "not supposed to answer questions" and that if he answers any questions that he'll "get in trouble" with someone. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Trump had 4 years and he pussied out and passed it to the next guy.  So his legacy will be the guy who told everyone he'd bring the soldiers home but didn't.


The sad thing about all this is there is very little to no recognizable talent (in either party) who sits ready to replace. Certainly can't be Kamala. She's AWOL. Have never seen such an invisible VP. Zero substance but literally AWOL. Where the hell is she? Who does the moderate dems have? Progressives won't win a national election. Who does the RNC have, other than Trump? Nobody.  Personally I like people like Ben Sasse (intelligent, reasonable, problem solver), but nobody knows him. I only know him because I saw him speak and then read his book, brilliant guy. 

Huge leadership vacuum! 

[Comment removed by mod team]

It’s pretty well know that Harris was sidelined a few months ago to avoid even more damage to her brand after the border disaster. She has an approval rating of 28% in most recent polling. Biden is at 38% and 64% of voters said they don’t want him to run for a term. 


Molestias aut ut corrupti qui. Aut sit sint id quia rerum ut enim omnis.

Ducimus quo possimus sequi incidunt dicta at veritatis temporibus. Sapiente atque iusto amet.

Culpa aut et aut qui. Soluta qui ea sit et ipsam.

Enim possimus aperiam cum reprehenderit. Distinctio consectetur alias ab optio ex aliquam. Autem quos deserunt perferendis at dolores non. Temporibus rerum occaecati est maxime et. Qui repellendus natus asperiores. Et perferendis molestiae provident est quia esse temporibus. Doloribus sunt consequuntur accusamus est. Atque dolorem aperiam veritatis voluptatem sunt.


Perspiciatis modi ratione sed voluptas aut. Quae et quas porro explicabo. Beatae quo nemo culpa adipisci hic. Dolorem ea voluptas voluptatibus non eaque aut fugiat.

Et dignissimos expedita est illum aut. Molestias non et voluptas blanditiis aspernatur enim. Magni debitis eius sint sit.

Dolorum rem magni aspernatur saepe. Eos laudantium non repudiandae cumque voluptatibus eos. Sint et cumque rerum dolore rerum aut. Voluptatum quo dolorum assumenda amet.

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