+5 I think layoffs are super, super situational. Porschephile
+5 I can't help it man I need to know what's happening to current quarter's sequential 3-year CAGR momentum to report back to my PM on 2H weighted guidance so he can cancel our weekly sit-down, ignore my idea and day trade EP Analyst 2 in HF - EquityHedge
+5 Open an excel sheet, put every name of trees you can think of, and use = (tree name cell)&” Capital”. That should be a good starting point. DustOff
+5 PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀 VP in IB-M&A
+5 I read OP’s post that his/her goal is to concentrate on a market and invest / develop. One day.   odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+5 How do these bots with no personality and hobbies keep getting offers? Teller in Non-profit
+5 Lying about injuries or being sick is pretty sad and scummy. Who are you, the guy from SpongeBob selling chocolate bars? Associate 1 in IB - Cov
+5 Troob and Rolfe are the goats of DLJ boozerloser
+5 This is a terrible outlook. You don’t have to go to every happy hour but you should certainly make an effort to connect with your analyst class. VBond
+5 Mate, are you genuinely braindead? Okay big4 guys are not bankers but what your'e implying is that cvp and evercore guys can't call themselves investment bankers wtf lmao Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+5 I agree with guestfinance826 completely. IR is anything but glamorized on this app and I think it’s the funniest thing especially considering how great WLB and comp are. VP in PE - Other
+5 That's what happens when you don't take care of your rainmakers and allow them to join rivals like UBS. So tough to see. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+5 I have not been a TMT analyst for a while (was at a pod in a L/S portfolio covering TMT exclusively), but I would say that, regardless of it is a good case or not, you don’t make money by having most of your peers have the idiotsavant
+5 TBH there are way too many "bro you have to go there" places in NY to make a consolidated list or to hit in a week (or even a year). joshw12
+5 I would do the below. Even if you stop taking classes I’d definitely still stay on/around campus so you can be with friends/enjoy the last semester of being in college. - Travel with friends apetrynamakeit
+5 Think this can also vary a bit by asset class as a lot of investors in the multifamily space look to where they can gain the most upside via job/population growth - so cities like Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Orlando, Tamp TheFranch7se
+5 There are better brokerage shops that will offer you training and pay you a small salary or draw. Check out the other thread posted, this is like Marcus and Millichap Lite (not a good thing). Analyst 2 in RE - Comm
+5 What do you mean by “micro cap SaaS”? Are these early stage SaaS companies or publicly traded penny stocks? liquidiot
+5 I basically made a list of questions that most people ask during coffee chats, and made sure to never ask those because I figured they are sick of telling people about the coolest deals they've worked on, etc. Associate 2 in PE - Growth
+5 Embrace the work and realize that managing a struggling portco is crucial experience and it will set you apart from your peers the more reps you get in your career. skyline_77
+5 Congrats on the job.    TheGrandWazoo
+5 I’ve had a bit of exposure to infra and digital infra, and the way you threw out the many names that have digital infra exposure doesn’t make sense. This isn’t a rising tide lifts all boats kind of environment Works at Other
+5 John Arnold at first Enron and then his own fund Centaurus probably should be up there especially given his track record / wealth creation which has beaten both Boaz Weinstein and Eric Mindich.  Made $750m for Enron the ye VP in Research - FI
+5 TA is certainly a great shop, and has been on a meteoric rise along with FP, in terms of tech PE shops (mainly tech PE at this point at least) fundraising. VP in PE - LBOs
+5 He is wrong about understanding how the comp path works in the industry.  The OP and others who think like the OP are working under the understanding that the point of a career in RE is that you will get paid a ton up fron PEarbitrage
+5 So, from my two years there, Miami is a Fintech center. Citadel is moving there or has moved its people there. capexprss
+5 Deeply theoretical question, but let's try to work it out for a hypothetical country. Tamara_S
+4 Ive been around awhile so ill give you my honest assessment: Spruce_Moose
+4 If a high volume of customers interact with their credit cards, or phone-computers then it will have commoditized alt data Stuff with less customers, locations, volumes etc. will have less Anchor
+4 The past couple years have been the worst entry level hiring market in over a decade. The worse the market gets, the more people wil rationalize their failures any way they can. whereisthealpha
+4 This comment comes from someone with some connections in the industry, so I was privileged enough to have an advantage because of this. dnejffiskswn
+4 If you're focused on W-2 income for your second job as a key determinant of a significant portion of your career, then I would suggest you reassess your priorities. The asset classes, skills, etc. VP in PE - LBOs
+4 Seems RBC and Jefferies are BB's now whos_ur_buddha
+4 Just curious why Citi gets so much hate on this site despite being on the upper end of league tables? Not antagonistic, genuinely curious. bobb122wallst
+4 No it's my fault for opening this thread Associate 2 in ER
+4 There are a bevy of ways to better leverage your free time aside from coming on here to start arguments. Might I suggest getting on your knees and praying you’re not in my group?  BWorthIV
+4 BAML, JPM, UBS and DB for sponsors Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+4 I see a mix in my clients and in my own firm. Lockwood
+4 Work at a PF Bank. We typically don’t make models from scratch. Sponsor will send a model with their CIM and we review their debt quantum and review their assumptions. Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+4 You're calling GP's in funds ~4-8 "too mature" while citing some of the oldest PE firms in the world as "up and coming"  Associate 3 in PE - Other
+4 I’m not a huge fan of all the Kelley glazing on WSO usually but I think in this case IU might be the better option. Research Analyst in PE - Growth
+4 Millionaire’s factory: not 100% about infra investing, but covers the history of Macquarie who obviously played a huge role in the industries creation so there are a few interesting chapters about infrastructure investing 468a4e6814a64f8e4a
+4 A 3.5-3.6 GPA at a target is anything but low. I swear people’s perceptions have become warped af. Prospect in IB - Cov
+4 I transferred to a semi-target (one UC to another UC) with a similar profile and it was hell but was very much worth it. These three areas will be your life [80 hours / wk] for the next 50-80 weeks Analyst 1 in PE - Growth
+4 In addition to all the competition from other searchers trying to find similar businesses to you, you still need to pass investment committee. Works at Bank of America Merrill Lynch
+4 There are so many resources online… you should put more effort into it, that said, easy: - Read case in point  - Watch the victor cheng case prep videos Associate 1 in IB - Gen
+4 There is no point of networking in the summer before your freshman year in my opinion. If I saw a kid email me that early I’d think it’s strange. Intern in IB-M&A
+4 Generally speaking, regional offices are not as well regarded for S&T (akin to Equities in Dallas if you've read Liar's Poker). S&T is not like IB where some regional offices are incredibly strong. Intern in IB - DCM
+4 I'd say if your firm does find out, it'll almost certainly be because of something you did, not anyone else. Count WACCula
+4 At your level (and the answer would be different if you were a little more senior), I think the partners would probably appreciate you making their (and those of anyone between you and them) lives as easy and quick as poss Count WACCula
+4 Very unlikely UBS is going to hire anymore given that UBS took a large chunk of the Lehman rainmakers and Valla brought over the people he wants/has relationships with. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+4 Don’t want to be this guy, but in this job market where we have an oversupply of candidates I think the last thing you should be doing is lying about an injury, especially one that prevents you from working. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+4 Just my own thoughts - Worked across America and Europe extensively and continue to do. Assistant PM in HF - EquityHedge
+4 How tf he just supposed to transfer to a target school with that gpa imhim
+4 There are a number of legal rights/tools outside of appraisal rights that may be relevant in this context, which all generally fall under the umbrella of "corporate governance" - in short, what are the laws about corporate NE_JD
+4 With how raunchy its gotten, throwing my vote in for LionTree Adult Entertainment gwedcvtbuvodsgurnc
+4 Lol Ducera would never sell their Rx business, they punch way too high above their weight for the size of the firm Tryingtobreakinbro
+4 Stay in GA. Your snowflake ass wouldn’t last 2 seconds in NYC Analyst 2 in RE - Comm
+4 How is this news? Smoke Frog
+4 surfsup34
+4 I'd also keep an eye towards the actual nature of the role. SaaSChimp
+4 I’ll preface this by saying I’m not exactly the most familiar with how things are at RBC right now, but I’ve had some friends in their tech group a while ago. Analyst 1 in IB - Restr
+4 onlyfans Jordan Terell Carter
+4 So I'm currently in my second year and I did one econ module last year and two this year(which includes econometrics). sleepisneeded
+4 Deleted VP in Research - FI
+4 You seem fun to work with Sequoia
+4 I'd convince my dad to get into the business so that by the time I graduated college, I'd have an easy in. Would have saved me $100,000 and two years of grad school.  CRE
+4 The Real Estate Game - William Poorvu - Tells stories of deal closings, walks you through deals with live examples but is a straight forward non technical read. highly recommend Textbooks  Subordinatecapitalape
+4 Gonna add my own $0.02. i.can.make.it
+4 Recruiting gets earlier and earlier every year, and ik kids that finished this cycle in January (diversity), and also I was in processes for both CVP & EVR that gave out offers in February as a non-diverse male. SynapseCollapse
+4 I did the academy 3-4 years ago now, and frequently have interns rotate in my pod and have buddies/mentees assigned to me as well. Generally I'd say there's 2 types of interns that we get for academy L/S.  Analyst 2 in HF - EquityHedge
+4 5 sellsides at a time is a lot. It seems far too much. Although often at LMM and MM shops it's not about quality of advise but because your bank charges less fees. Its a volume game. Lockwood
+4 Nerds who have zero outside interests. Have you ever met these guys outside the office? Like nails on a chalkboard trying to talk to them  millerbruce554
+4 1. I'm saying US vs Europe, you're saying US vs London.  London is much wealthier than the average city in Europe.   Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+4 Not trying to be mean or dense but what’s your takeaway? My read is your sticking with IR is not a core function of a PE firm = not core and not front office. VP in PE - LBOs
+4 If you want to take the revenge route and hire a lawyer, you can do as above poster and negotiating payment after the case closed as you might potentially have a good case. Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+4 Your school isn't doing you any favors, but you could be in a worse place. Pros: Excellent GPA, lots of work experience that is somewhat related AFoldingChair
+4 You can do all the modelling for a stabilized multi acquisition on a post it note. decrebepro
+4 Having worked at one of those MM PEs I would say take the MF REPE. I will not take follow up questions, if you read the existing posts on those firms you'll have your answers. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+4 Like my comment above, IR immediately catches flak for not being “conventionally” front office, whatever that means is always up for discussion with many different viewpoints. Let me offer a few. guestfinance826
+4 Would recommend python, but I’m just an intern and haven’t seen a ton. Intern in HF - EquityHedge
+4 At this point this is an out in the open ponzi scheme. Esque_
+4 You may benefit from Dale Carnegie / Toastmasters.  How you speak is important - learn how to speak properly and effectively. This will help you in more ways than one.  richieefflee
+4 Should still apply. They worked hard to close the loopholes and limit it to truly senior execs only. I can't see a court saying some ASO or VP meets this definition. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+4 Most likely you'll be allocated deals / teams to work in. Stick with those, do not  I repeat DO NOT ask for more work from your staffer. Darth_xyz
+4 Most earnouts in LMM/MM are 2-3 years after acquisition of the platform or tuck in depending on the case. Contingent liability recorded on BS at NPV and likelihood, possible mark to mark on IS/CF. Little Sheep
+4 Besides the deal quality, which obviously is behind in the last couple of years compared with other EBs, how would you say the firm stands up against others in terms of exp Lockwood
+4 Because DEI is blatant race-based discrimination being enforced by the same people that always cry about how bad racism is and has only become more prominently shoved down people's throats as time has gone on. If you're to PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+4 Simply put, DEI recruiting is discrimination based on race and sex, end of story. I am anti-discrimination. Are you? willingtolitigate
+4 DEI is trash. 20% of my groups analysts are worse than our worst mba associate- and you know none of them are white or asian men. Forces the other 80% of competent analysts to work longer hours on more projects bronzbomba
+4 Good place to be but not as a junior. Low comp, deferred clawbacks and sweaty hours. Good place to go and get burned and churned out of the industry in <2 years bronzbomba
+4 Work on your communication and client management skills. If you are not getting the info you need out of the client, it falls on you. Your job is to advise them. AspiringDegenerate
+4 reading this made me realize bankers are actually monkeys margin_calls
+4 Really depends on the school - generally speaking, if your school offers a finance major you should be in that major Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+4 Try the sea urchin ceviche JulianRobertson
+4 Hiring should be merit based, not based on DISCRIMINATORY factors candidates cannot change (ie. Skin color or sex) ok maybe I can change the latter  EBIDEEZNUTS
+4 No and WF is not a Director in IB - Gen
+4 When I interview you for the principal side, I will tell you the pay is low now but will increase a lot quickly.  You'll get carry in a few years.  You'll have the track record and knowledge to setup your own shop by 40 an CondoDeveloper
+4 Definitely a grass is greener type of situation but I have also thought a lot about this. I wake up dreading work every day and I don’t really see how working in PE is going to change it. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+4 I agree, great way in.  Associate 3 in IB-M&A