Discretionary Expense

It encompass various choices that individuals make beyond essential living costs.

Author: Pratik Bhatia
Pratik  Bhatia
Pratik Bhatia

Master of Finance postgraduate from Kelley School of Business with a knack for Fintech, and Data Analytics. I come from a diverse industry background in pharma and supply chain management. I'm actively looking for roles in finance and hope you enjoy reading the articles here.

Reviewed By: Elliot Meade
Elliot Meade
Elliot Meade
Private Equity | Investment Banking

Elliot currently works as a Private Equity Associate at Greenridge Investment Partners, a middle market fund based in Austin, TX. He was previously an Analyst in Piper Jaffray's Leveraged Finance group, working across all industry verticals on LBOs, acquisition financings, refinancings, and recapitalizations. Prior to Piper Jaffray, he spent 2 years at Citi in the Leveraged Finance Credit Portfolio group focused on origination and ongoing credit monitoring of outstanding loans and was also a member of the Columbia recruiting committee for the Investment Banking Division for incoming summer and full-time analysts.

Elliot has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Columbia University.

Last Updated:January 15, 2024

What is a Discretionary Expense?

Discretionary expenses encompass various choices that individuals make beyond essential living costs. These encompass amusement activities, travel, and non-crucial purchases of devices or fashion items. They are referred to as "wants."

Simply put, they are the non-crucial charges that reflect our way of life, presenting the potential for amusement and financially demanding situations. 

Human behavior plays a pivotal role in discretionary spending. Consumerism, social pressures, and private values influence these selections, making it vital to delve into the mental elements that pressure such prices.

Prioritizing discretionary spending involves cautiously analyzing personal values and long-term economic desires. Allocating sources in alignment with those priorities guarantees that discretionary spending complements monetary well-being.

A carefully crafted budget could be very beneficial to manage discretionary prices effectively. Categorizing charges into fixed and discretionary lets individuals benefit from readability on their economic priorities.

A carefully crafted budget is beneficial to manage discretionary spending. Categorizing expenses into fixed and discretionary allows individuals to benefit from clarity on their monetary priorities.

Key Takeaways

  • Discretionary costs embody non-vital purchases or “wants,” starting from eating out and enjoying luxury objects. 
  • Discretionary spending can beautify our lifestyles, while unchecked spending may lead to economic strain. 
  • Individuals can optimize their discretionary spending by carefully budgeting, prioritizing, and embracing frugality

Understanding Discretionary Expenses

These expenses are variable and can be adjusted based on personal preferences and financial circumstances.

Households and Individuals

Examples of Discretionary Expenses include: 

  • Entertainment: Concerts, movies, and sporting events.
  • Travel: Vacations and exotic weekend getaways.
  • Dining Out: Fine dining or ordering takeout.
  • Luxury Items: High-end fashion and electronics.

Prioritizing spending involves inspecting personal values and long-term economic goals. Allocating resources to align with priorities guarantees that discretionary spending complements economic well-being.


Discretionary expenses can be adjusted based totally on strategic priorities, contributing to the general functioning and growth of the organization.

These expenses aren't fixed and may be adjusted primarily based on the enterprise's strategic priorities and financial circumstances.

Examples of Business Discretionary Expenses are:

  • Marketing Initiatives: Promotional campaigns, advertising, and public relations activities.
  • Employee Training and Development: Non-mandatory training programs and professional development opportunities.
  • Research and Development: Investments and development of new products or services.

Discretionary Vs. Non-Discretionary Expenses

Non-discretionary spending is vital for survival. Discretionary costs are non-compulsory and are adjusted based on financial conditions.

Discretionary Vs. Non-Discretionary Expenses
Aspect Discretionary Expenses Non-Discretionary Expenses
Definition Optional and can be adjusted based on financial circumstances. Essential for survival and typically fixed.
Essentiality Non-essential and can be cut or reduced without jeopardizing basic needs. Essential for maintaining basic living standards; cannot be easily cut without significant consequences.
Examples Dining out, entertainment, vacations, luxury items. Rent, utilities, groceries, healthcare.
Flexibility High flexibility; can be adjusted based on financial priorities. Low flexibility; often fixed and necessary for daily living.
Impact on Survival Does not directly impact basic survival needs. Directly linked to basic survival needs.
Nature of Costs Can include both variable and fixed costs. Typically, fixed costs, but some may have variable components.
Business Perspective Plays a role in business growth, innovation, and competitiveness. Necessary for day-to-day operations, with less impact on long-term strategic decisions.
Budgeting Consideration Requires thoughtful budgeting due to variability. Usually more predictable, allowing for more stable budget planning.

Managing Discretionary Expenses

Recognizing when discretionary spending goes beyond reasonable limits is essential. Indicators of potential issues include consistently surpassing budget constraints, leaning on credit for non-essential purchases, and neglecting savings and investments.

  1. Warning Signs: Are you consistently going over budget? If credit card spending becomes the primary source for non-essential items, it's time to reevaluate spending habits. Prioritizing non-essentials over savings is a signal to pause and reconsider.
  2. Set Spending Limits: Establish limits for discretionary spending within your overall budget. Break down discretionary spending categories, e.g., entertainment, for more specific limits.
  3. Establish an Emergency Fund: Build a financial safety net to cover unexpected expenses. Typically, a 5% allocation of savings is a good start.
  4. Budget Review: Analyze spending patterns and adjust your budgets. Prioritize savings and investments to ensure they take precedence.
  5. Strategic Use of Discretionary Spending: Explore investments aligned with personal or professional growth. You can evaluate trends and allocate funds wisely to activities or products with long-term value.
  6. Tracking and Categorizing Discretionary Expenses: Monitor spending, categorize expenses for insights, and identify areas for adjustment without compromising financial goals.

Discretionary Expenses Real-Life Applications

Examining case studies of individuals and taking financial modeling or budgeting courses to manage discretionary spending provides valuable insights into one's habits and areas of improvement.

From entrepreneurs to finance experts, understanding their approaches can inspire effective strategies for managing discretionary expenses.

In this digital age, numerous apps and tools also assist individuals in tracking and managing discretionary spending. Exploring technological solutions betters financial decision-making.

Learning about financial principles and investment strategies is fundamental to making informed decisions about discretionary expenses. 

Mastering discretionary expenses requires a combination of financial discipline, strategic planning, and a commitment to lifelong learning and applying rules and principles.


The control of discretionary spending is a pivotal element of sound economic planning, requiring a balanced and thoughtful technique. 

Recognizing warning signs, together with exceeding price range limits and neglecting financial savings, serves as an important first step in curbing immoderate discretionary costs.

Setting realistic spending limits and constantly reviewing budgets empowers individuals to stay within monetary limitations and prioritize essential goals.

Establishing an emergency fund acts as a safety internet, builds financial resilience, and stops the need to resort to credit for non-crucial purchases.

Furthermore, integrating discretionary spending strategically via aligning it with investments and long-term financial goals transforms it from a threat into a valuable economic tool. 

Whether investing in experiences or identifying trends in consumer behavior, discretionary spending can be harnessed to contribute to personal and financial growth. 

By monitoring and categorizing discretionary prices, people benefit from insights into their spending patterns, facilitating informed selection-making.

Education on investment opportunities and building a mindful spending habit further fortify one's financial foundation. 

Judiciously managing discretionary spending safeguards against financial pitfalls and unlocks the potential for strategic financial moves to pave the way for a more secure and prosperous financial future.

Researched and Authored by Pratik BhatiaLinkedIn

Reviewed and edited by Parul Gupta | LinkedIn

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