Fitness Resolutions

Hello everyone! It's that time of the year again when everyone and their mother will be talking about getting healthy in 2021. I know that many of you are struggling with losing weight or preventing weight gain.  I'm building a small business as a consultant helping people with exactly that so I'm wondering, for all those that are struggling with losing weight what are your biggest roadblocks? What are your goals for 21? 


As someone whose weight has been an elevator my whole life, simple this year is to lose it as sustainably as possible. For reference, I am 6 feet and a college senior. I have listed my fluctuations below, most of which occur because I go hard on a binge fest to drop weight. At the same time, I have suffered from a lot of depression due to significant personal events (death of close family/friends etc.) which has impacted my eating habits. Simple goal is to target 1 pound a week to get it down slowly. 

Current Weight: 295 

HS Senior: 190 

College Freshman: 275

College Sophomore: 220

College Junior: 280

Hopefully accomplish it. 


I'm sorry to hear about the death in your family. We have all been there, or will be one day. You are right to think longer term, that's a great mindset. Can I ask why you say you go hard on a binge fest to drop weight?


It just happens naturally unfortunately with my personal strife. It is not something I think is healthy at all. Definately is a split. For instance, lost a close friend between my HS senior year and freshman year and turned to binge eating as a way to relive stress and relax, and after another personal event between freshman and sophomore year, ate significantly less (probs around 1300-1400 cals) for three or four months and did not even realize it. It is definately not healthy and something I am trying to change. 


What is your plan to lose the weight? 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Atm I am home so really just eating. More moderate carb and fat and high protein. Don't go to the gym rn (at risk family & have one in my school home with my roommates) but will go once I am back in school. Born and raised in Manhattan. So am just focusing on walking as much as I can instead of taking subway/uber. Walked from UWS to FiDi to hangout with friends yesterday for example. Doing the little things. 


2019 was a much heavier training year for me than 2020. I want to train more this year, eat more, get stronger, get faster, get bigger. I'm cutting right now at 188lbs and looking to get more lean, then a focus on building speed and adding strength along the way. I'm pretty fast right now in cycling and running. My "A" race of the year is in September, a 70.3 distance half iron triathlon. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


I love how 70.3 is a half iron man. That's a killer goal for 2021. Do you know your ideal race weight? 

My PR for 70.3 is 4:48. I’m looking to hit 4:25 at possibly 180-185lbs.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I don’t have any specific goals but I am having fun with putting on some muscle and getting a little cut. I do not have the discipline to get shreaded.  All I want to do is improve my body without the process being a burden.



I don't have any specific goals but I am having fun with putting on some muscle and getting a little cut. I do not have the discipline to get shreaded.  All I want to do is improve my body without the process being a burden.

You have to find an activity you enjoy and that gets your HR up and you're set. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

My goal is to gain muscle mass and be more lean, I am currently at 6' 2" and diet weight is 215 lb lean, off diet weight is 225-230 lb. The pandemic is really bad for me, my home gym isn't equipped with the right plates and machines. Even started running :(

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Olympic barbell
4x 40lbs plates
2x 15lbs plates
couple of dumbbells up to 50lbs
resistance bands
body weight gear
1x bench

that's all I have. is it not much, but a real gym would be better.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1-800-273-8255

When you go for a run you finally understand why humans invented cars.

It is ice cold outside or raining, then the wind. what a joke.

I am doing 4K 3x a week now, it is terrible.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1-800-273-8255

just 2 plates :( I'm using them to try to strengthen my upper back mostly actually because I feel it's a weak point. Good for mobility too I feel like

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.


haha if the bar aint bendin, you just pretendin.


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Bench 370 so I can say my max is higher than my dad's ever was (365). Current max is 325, historical peak was 330 back in high school. Probably won't get there but fun to try and beat my old man.


Not really yet since the goal so far has been getting back to where I was during my senior year football season like 7 years ago, but I have read a good deal about it online and will probably try it out. Getting back into benching has been surprisingly easy, and after about a month of being super sore from heavy lifting, I felt pretty comfortable and getting from 285 to around 315 was not as difficult as I thought it would be. Now that I'm back home where I have my own bench press (my favorite one ever that I'm most comfortable on) and my dad can spot me, I am more keen on doing more creative, focused workouts now that I don't have to worry about hogging equipment at a gym.


Used to bench 2 plates and squat 3 plates in HS. I used to be able to flex my arms and see all my veins pop out. People used to call me Mr. Chest or "Pechos" in Spanish bc of how big my pecs were. 

Unfortunately, U.S food and going to College got me fat. Recently got a personal trainer, started taking hydrolzied whey, and taking 5grams of creatine a day. Been on the grind for about 3 weeks and already see veins where I did not have before. I do not have a weight goal, more of a functional goal where I can bench, squat, run, and be physically strong.


Not a dig or anything but squatting 3 plates isn't as impressive as you think it is lmao. I started squatting roughly 185x5 in Sept and I'll be breaking 315x1 in a couple of weeks.

Edit: Apparently my calculated 1RM is 330 but I've never gone below 5 reps so I wouldn't really know.  


Yes. Have been living here for 4 years now (University and now job) and food is always the issue. Whenever I go home (international) I shed an insane amount of weight and eat a lot more than I do at uni/in the US. I shed so much weight to the point people think I have a Personal Trainer or something at home lol. Recently found out about MyFitnessPall so am tracking macros and whatnot in the US to get lean. Am trying hard to look and feel good but there is an insane amount of sugar/chemicals in US food.

I do not eat unhealthy things but always find myself feeling lethargic and gross in the U.S. I was in the gorcery store the other day (In E.U) and was trying to find Jell-O. Found out they do not sell Jell-O in E.U since the colorant and other chemical causes brain damage??? Like what the fuck.



Excellent, sounds like your well on your way. Is US food your biggest issue? 

US food is one of my biggest issues.

What are they serving in this country? Why is organic so much more expensive? What's with all the processed foods?


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Im just over 6”2 hovering at about 175 lbs. Been trying to bulk up for a while benching and lifting and all that stuff. My bench has been a huge weak spot and right now my usual sequence is 95 10x5 (I know, real low). Anyone have tips on how to get this up? I feel like I might have hit a plateau recently.

Also just found out I have pretty significant hypertension (not crazy but definitely too high considering I’m in college) so definitely trying to get back on the treadmill but cardio is just the worst. Would love to hear any thoughts on how to get into and stick with a running routine.


Do lots of supplementary chest exercises. E.g. heavy-ish dumbbell press, lighter incline dumbbell press (really focussing on chest contractions), push ups (often neglected with beginners) and chest press machines. If you go ham on those for a few weeks, while trying to go heavier on bench (do like 5x5), it’ll work


I hear you. Are you currently doing 95lbs for 10 reps X 5 sets? Plateau's happen try switching up your training. For example, adding bands to your pushups, varying tempo, different set/rep scheme. Are you running to combat the hypertension?  Other forms of cardio can fun and more easy to stick to. 

Most Helpful

on hypertension, be sure you're getting readings in the morning, without stress, and in a fasted state. I once told a nurse I had 3 espressos because I wasn't expecting a screen and she wrote down that I was hypertensive. if you weren't expecting to have HBP and you're relatively healthy otherwise, it could've just been a bad reading. one positive does not mean you have hypertension, but you should monitor your results over time to see if there is a pattern

on running, you've got to find a motivator. for me, it's podcasts, usually Jocko or Goggins. I find it hard to complain about my 4th mile when Jocko is talking about guys wearing full fatigues in 100+ degree heat on basically no sleep or food.

I'd also argue that you need to go slow. my first runs were 1 mile, maybe 1.5, just to get use to the soreness in all of those places. I'd then push it a little (distance, not pace) and run at that distance for a while. you'll notice your pace should gradually decline over time, which is why I'm a fan of tracking results so you can see how you've improved (every shoe company has an app for this). there's an article on Medium called "all of your runs should be easy runs" and basically it's saying when you're beginning to run, your body needs lots of time to adapt, so fuck those guys who run 10 miles a day and then 20 on saturday, your knees, shins, and hips need to get used to running. your first goal should be something like 5 miles over 3 runs in one week (assuming you have some semblance of fitness but aren't a runner).

feel free to follow up with questions



on hypertension, be sure you're getting readings in the morning, without stress, and in a fasted state. I once told a nurse I had 3 espressos because I wasn't expecting a screen and she wrote down that I was hypertensive. "

100%. Same goes with any bloodwork. Make sure mimic the exact conditions every time you test. 


Before starting IB I was 233 (6’5) after losing 30 pounds. I gained 20 pounds since starting... I don’t have a treadmill/workout equipment but I’m just using that as an excuse. I think my group has a “gym” culture (second years hit the gym for 45 min around 7pm and most associates aren’t gonna bitch at you but I’m not sure if that applies to me (6 months in)


In 253 now :( problem is the diet. I get up at 8:30am and work until midnight/2am everyday without getting up. During the week I have cold brew with some almond milk and for lunch random things like chicken and rice or spaghetti and for dinner (get seamless and live at home in a small town in Texas) so fast food and chipotle. I was going to get a deadlift bar but it’s like $400 for a set 


Somewhere in between Edward Norton and Tyler Durden in the movie. Much closer to Norton lolol. 


Gained about 30lbs during quarantine due to stupid-long work hours and utter halt in any movement. Left toxic job in Oct and starting November started to go on cut so looking to get back down to 190 now from about 220 as a 6'1 guy. Have been doing fasted cardio and eating much cleaner so looking to keep it up now.


Dude I gotta commend you on your enthusiasm on this thread. Love it.


Core exercises will help, holding Superman variations, and shoulder work should get you ready 

Have fun - sounds awesome 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

College XC/Track runner here. I'd say the most important aspect of training is running consistently (6-7 days/week). For instance, you'd probably get more benefit out of doing 6 shorter runs a week than doing 3 longer runs, even if the total weekly mileage was the same. Additionally, unless you've already been doing high mileage, you'd likely get the most benefit initially from doing more volume rather than trying to do a bunch of fast workouts. If you're training for a half marathon, I'd recommend trying to do a longer run once a week, which you could try to slowly build-up to the 10-15 mile range. Let me know if I can answer any questions!


did my first half after only 2 months of training. if you can run 5-6 comfortably (comfortably meaning you can do it for consecutive days) you're probably ready for a half marathon. what I did was run 3-6mi 4 times a week and then 8-10 on Saturdays. a couple of weeks of that and I did my half one random Friday. was exhausted but fuckin pumped that I finished without stopping.

for programming, check the navy seal fitness guide, chapter 4, page 66 & 67:…

for training, you should absolutely strength train. one of my best childhood friends is an ultra runner and kinesiologist who used to coach a D-1 track team, he noticed a meaningful improvement when his runners would strength train and recommends it for everyone, even someone like him who'll run 20 miles hungover. no, you should not be powerlifters, but things like kettlebell swings and squats, deadlifts, glute bridges, and so forth could do wonders for efficiency, speed, and injury prevention


I have found the overhead press to be useful for runners because it requires a lot of core strength and coordination/ balance.  Also, consistent VMO work, Hamstring strength and glute activation are common problem areas for people who run a lot. I would make sure your covering a least these in your training. 



WHERE ARE ALL MY RUNNERS, let me know how y'all train and what you do 

My new race shoes arrived this morning. Nike Alphafly Next%. Tried them on - they fit like a glove. Super light. Kind of felt like squishy light clown shoes when walking around - but when I got on the treadmill, they felt great. 

First session on the treadmill was at 6:05 pace average for 3mi. I started at 8.0mph and went up to 11.0mph. 10 -11mph felt incredibly easy with these shoes.

Second session today was an outdoor run in my Zoom Fly 3 trainers. 3.18mi at 7:48 pace. Light and easy. I’m cutting this week for a 5K on Saturday. I’ve gone from 188.0lbs Monday to 184.0lbs today with a low of 183.6. I am thinking of running 3mi again tonight just to burn more calories and get a little leaner. Probably will just do a light run in my trainers to make it 9mi for the day. I’m currently at 33.6mi for the week.

Also, I’m doing long term training for a 70.3 half Ironman in September - looking to hit a 7:00 pace for 13.1 that race. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I’ve never struggled with my weight, but I’ve always struggled being consistent with going to the gym and lifting. This year, I’m really going to prioritize lifting and consistently building muscle (more so than running)

Haven’t missed a day this year 💪🏼


Simply losing 10lbs is enough for me, and gymming consistently at least 3x a week focusing on weight training. I was never ever really considered unfit as I was a part of fitness related clubs all my life.


Nam aut et totam adipisci maiores. Non harum vero dolorum quisquam rem. Nihil atque necessitatibus tempora. Asperiores harum magni occaecati possimus non.

Amet veniam qui et sint repellendus. Voluptatem dolorem eum quo placeat.


Est numquam et ut dolorum deserunt reiciendis deserunt. Odio quis laudantium saepe earum quia. Voluptatem id voluptas numquam voluptas doloremque enim.

Dolorem praesentium enim blanditiis ad vero sint molestias. Laboriosam recusandae repellendus rerum consequatur dolorem. Fuga accusamus blanditiis et ut sequi adipisci. Cum ratione quasi pariatur doloribus non vero.

Animi a mollitia quam repudiandae et sed. Iste maxime nemo consectetur amet assumenda excepturi aperiam. Omnis qui debitis veniam enim. Quia ducimus impedit cupiditate dolore eveniet.

Aut beatae temporibus aut tempore voluptatum et. Placeat qui id libero atque recusandae vitae. Et aut assumenda officia voluptatum suscipit. Reiciendis dolore ex in nesciunt veritatis.


Deleniti praesentium iste neque beatae cum voluptatem itaque. Ipsum qui temporibus id voluptatem sed aliquam. Qui nemo voluptatem autem sint. Optio ea nihil aliquam ipsam placeat. Natus error quia sapiente vel blanditiis ea dolorem. Deserunt fuga nobis sint impedit repellendus. Tempore et veritatis magni est ut.

Doloremque saepe iusto neque nesciunt. Perspiciatis praesentium similique sed perspiciatis.


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Dolor ea illo blanditiis et adipisci enim. Non similique vitae ducimus perferendis. Ipsa voluptate consequuntur libero explicabo et eum praesentium. Ut aliquid sit sed quia omnis et.

Deleniti earum eos vel inventore. Quibusdam qui quos accusantium ut voluptatum dolores.

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  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

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May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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