My mind is absolutely blown that this has MS on it. For the record, prospects and monkeys alike, the venerable Mitt Romney isn't even backing 45.

Let me guess, he is a robot controlled by Rachel Maddow and the Deep State?


Ah yes, like when Biden said it was "xenophobic" to close the borders. That's what we need during a crisis. Sorry Trump hasn't hand held everyone and forced a mask onto your face from the federal level. These things need to be handled locally because NYC is incredibly different than Wyoming, and having federal mandates in place would be insane. The federal govt did its job and fulfilled every request from governors


I think Biden's VP pick will be the most important VP pick in decades. It's the first time I've heard people talking about it as a major issue in my lifetime

Prospect in IB - Gen:
I think Biden's VP pick will be the most important VP pick in decades. It's the first time I've heard people talking about it as a major issue in my lifetime

Then you must be about 19 cause it was a major discussion when 71-year old John McCain our a cartoon character from Alaska one heartbeat away from the Oval.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
Who are you voting for and why?

who: write in candidate why: POTUS doesn't matter all that much, both candidates are bad, not a fan of picking "lesser of two evils" if I have serious objections to both

on the local level? I know who I'm voting for to be governor (hopefully we get a change) and senate, need to dig deeper at state house stuff for shit that will affect my day to day like schools, policing, etc


yup, which is precisely why I say focus most of your attention down ballot. unless you're in the upper midwest, florida, VA, and NC, POTUS is mostly a foregone conclusion in your state.

and to everyone who's very firmly in one camp, please do your mental health a favor and develop a mindset of what will happen if your chosen candidate loses. what will you do? will you move? will you march? will you call your congressperson to contest the election? I'm not saying you shouldn't be passionate about your vote, I am saying that once you vote, it's outside of your control, so be able to carry on even if things don't go your way, and if WSO is any indication, about 50% of voters will be pissed, cause I don't see a landslide happening.

Most Helpful

Biden. While I don't agree with every aspect of his platform, I am voting to restore competence and respect within the Oval Office. We have been disgraced on an international level. Kamala will be his vice president.

For what it's worth, I've voted Republican in past cycles, excluding 2016. The crazy truth in all of this is that Trump was his own undoing. Had he handled COVID-19 in a more organized, respectful, and dignified manner, many people (shockingly) would've been able to look the other way in re-electing him. I can't, in good conscience, trust him to do anything following this debacle.


The United States' role as a global leader has been diminshed and there are clear chinks in our armor, especially given our response to Covid. Claiming that we are the greatest when our pandemic response has been the worst of all developed nations is a bold statement to make.

Regardless of your politics, it's hard to argue against that. Gotta go with Biden.


There was a similar take above you that got a lot of MS, surprisingly - I think this is the most sensible take. Is Biden a perfect candidate? No, liberals and republicans alike can find a lot to dislike about him. However, Trump's sheer incompetence on a domestic and international level genuinely warrants an "anyone but Trump" vote from me. I'd hope that working in banking would instill a global perspective for many of the monkeys here. We are genuinely the laughingstock of the world right now, thanks to President Trump.


I'd echo this sentiment. Biden is far from perfect, but the stability that he will bring will be great for capital markets and consumer confidence. I'm not pressed over the 4% swing in corporate tax rates once Biden assumes the presidency.


Curious to hear what people think about the numerous occurrences where seems like he is completely lost - word fumbles, crazy run-on sentences about god knows what, weird encounters with men and women alike, and numerous occasions where he has no idea where he is and what he is running for. Non-partisan here, there's clear video of this and I want to know if you think this will have any impact on his chances in the election. My view is that if he can't handle to do the small things (like this) when he is speaking alone, he won't even be able to compete with Trump on a debate stage and will therefore seal a Trump win.


The reality is that Biden's VP is going to have more influence on this country than Biden will (and possibly will be president as well) . That's why I'm waiting until the VP pick (as I'd assume many fence straddlers are) before coming to a real decision.


It's like two snails fighting. Even if Biden isn't the best at speaking or stutters a lot, he's at least competent enough to flame Trump on all his wrongdoings. There's a lot of quality argumentative ground for him to win on. While Trump may be more aggressive, he also has no idea what he's talking about. Also, similar to the other reply, the VP choice is going to matter a lot. If he runs with an aggressive candidate like Kamala for example, she will absolutely murder Pence and most likely make up for any lack of performance from Biden.


Oh nooo we can't import anymore underpaid Indians to write our softwares :((

edit: haha I'm receiving shit, stay classy India lmao I still love you more than China


Both guys suck. I think both are incompetent, but I will vote for Biden because I think he will be able to bring some sort peace to the country.

It would have been extremely interesting to see how the election would have gone if COVID never happened. The economy would have been at all-time high and I think that COVID was the perfect storm to expose Trump's flaws as a leader.


It is really shocking to hear the left leanings of junior finance people. I guess a fool and his money are soon parted. (Yes, I know republicans spend money too, allow me some nuance). Do yourself a favor and turn off the news, and focus on your physical health, family and personal goals. It is a waste of time to get caught up in things out of your control.

"If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.." - Robert Heinlein

Why? I'm hardly voting for Biden because of his policies. I'm downright embarrassed by the vitriol and idiocy that spews from 45's mouth on a constant basis.

I think it's quite telling that when pushed on reasons as to why they're voting to re-elect Trump, voters immediately attack Biden's mental acuity. I'll listen to critiques of Biden's mental health once people have read Mary Trump's book.


It is a little odd that you care more about Trump or Biden's character, neither of which you can truly ascertain (you do not know these people, and who are you to say?), than their policies. Would you not be embarrassed by Hunter Biden should Joe become president? Is that not a reflection of Joe's character to some extent?

People have several reasons for not liking Biden. You are cutting them short but suggesting it is only due to mental acuity. What exactly is this "quite telling" of? That is such a throwaway phrase.

"If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.." - Robert Heinlein

I am not going to explain this one. Just a principle. Try it and see.

"If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.." - Robert Heinlein
It is really shocking to hear the left leanings of junior finance people. I guess a fool and his money are soon parted.

Why? What an overly simplistic and misguided view of the world. I can assure you the Directors and MDs in my circle will be voting for Biden by a slight margin for a whole host of reasons, not all of them economic-related.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

That is definitely not my "view of the world". It's my reaction to young people in finance being more comfortable voting for a party that denigrates their profession than I anticipated.

"If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.." - Robert Heinlein

Biden is a pretty meh candidate but I’m definitely voting for him. I’d love to hear someone rationally explain a vote for trump- by all objective measures, he’s done a pretty terrible job with COVID (we’re doing worse than every other developed country), his cabinet members keep getting arrested, and he hasn’t accomplished any of his major campaign promises. I actually voted for him 4 years ago and will be voting republican across the board down ballot, but I just can’t rationalize voting for trump. Biden is a total wet napkin, but he will listen to competent people and let his cabinet members do their job. I don’t know a single person planning to vote for trump this election cycle that isn’t either blatantly racist or completely retarded (like, the thinks Hillary Clinton created coronavirus to implant us all with microchips kind of retarded) and curious what anyone actually sees in him.


I'm voting Trump because deregulation, less spending/taxes etc. don't want the police defunded, but maybe most of all because Biden wants to give citizenship to 20 million people in this country illegally, and if that happens there will never be another semi-conservative or even traditional liberal president ever again. We will be stuck with Warren, AOC, and the like until the point where our country no longer functions. Bring on the MS and lack of halfway decent arguments


Whether this mass amnesty occurs or not, what do you think happens in 20ish yrs when this voting block (many of which will eventually become citizens, as it is obvious there are reforms to come in immigration) has children that will be of voting age and are US citizens? I’m not making any argument of my own, but is your position really to postpone an impending sea change which is already represented demographically (albeit illegally), so that when it finally arrives and the dam breaks, the Conservative party ceases to exist and is eventually relegated to what most would consider center right/left territory? Why not acquiesce now in a show of good faith, and attempt to gain a foothold? Really just trying to understand the thought process here.


I agree w the deregulation point, but the thing I hate most about Trump is the spending argument. Trump's spending deficit was on track to be bigger than Obama's even before the COVID situation. A huge part of his campaign was fixing the deficit, and all he actually did was cut taxes but kept spending just as much, which is frankly idiotic. Deficit spending during a booming economy is completely asinine, and I would hope everyone on this site is smart enough to know that. I'm not sure if Biden will do any better, but the deficit is a huge fucking problem and Obama actually came reasonably close to a balanced budget so hopefully Biden can do the same.

As for immigrants- firstly, Biden doesn't actually want to just automatically give citizenship to 20 million people. I believe immigration will increase some, but not to that much of an extreme. It also wouldn't even change much- currently the census counts non-citizens, so areas with a lot of non-citizen immigrants are getting 'credit' for them when it comes to politics. It would maybe slightly shift the electoral college in places like Texas and Arizona, but it's not like the country is going to turn into communist Russia just because a few more immigrants gain the right to vote.


I can't bring myself to vote for Trump (although I certainly will not vote for Biden), but there are reasons to vote for him despite his lack of judgment and leadership skills - because you want conservative judges, because you're pro-life, because you want lower taxes, because Biden's VP could be the most liberal President in American history if he becomes incapacitated, because you think Biden will need to acquiesce (if he doesn't proactively support them already) to demands on climate change spending and single payer healthcare, because you think Biden might be weak on foreign policy / trade deals, and/or because you reject the Democrat focus on identity politics. Some of these are better than others, but none of these is ridiculous.


"His handlers" have embraced Bernie Sanders' policies that include a $10 trillion spending plan. The man cannot put together a coherent sentence and will be controlled by the radical left, especially if he picks Warren or Stacey Abrams as VP. The other day he was blabbering about "voter registration physicians," and he cannot do an interview without being incoherent - even when reading off of a teleprompter. If anyone thinks that he will be able to stick to his "core values" that have defined him over 50 yrs, they are wrong and misguided.


Medicare for all (including illegals), $10 trillion in extra spending, free college/forgiveness of student loans, Green New Deal Lite


I fucking hate the fact that a fucking non-target is leading our country right now. I know he bought his way into Wharton, but I consider Trump a Fordham kid and I hate that there's a non-target as our commander-in-chief.


At least UDel knows its place. Fordham is for kids who got rejected from good schools AND Stern, but act like they go to a good school because its in nEw YoRK cITy.


Trump. The left is being consumed by identity politics and delusions like “defund the police”. Also, it’s obvious that Biden’s mental is state is rapidly deteriorating


Going to point out that both sides are heavily participating in identity politics now. It also seems like the whole mental state argument could be fairly presented against either Trump or Biden.

Seems to me you just you like more of the right policies than the left (which is fine), but using both the above points to disprove the other side doesn't hold much weight imo.


Surprised by the amount of Trump supporters here. His policies have been a huge headache for us and caused tons of instability. The completely random shoe tariff increase, not managing COVID properly, etc... The US has made COVID much worse than it had to be for no particular reason.

On that note, I am very fearful of any populist candidate personally. Trump and those like Warren/AOC appeal to the same type of people. Warren's write up on PE specifically was alarmed and showed how room temp her IQ is...


I’m voting Biden (despite wanting to vote for trump) because I can at least trust Biden to put reasonable people in positions of power. I’ve been rooting for trump to succeed these past 4 years and at time he’s done well but at other times the man makes no sense. I think biden will be quite moderate once he realizes that the moderate conservatives will be much more useful than the far left(because conservatives vote at a much higher rate than young liberals).


you are correct on that point. I was more so referring to the other appointed government officials. A radical Vice Presidential candidate is my biggest worry with Biden.


Trump - the amount of pandering that leftists are doing to ANTIFA/other anarchist/Maxist-Leninist groups is appalling.


The right's claim that they are the party of fiscal responsibility is frankly ridiculous. Look at the last two presidents who came remotely close to a balanced budget- Obama and Clinton. Republics love cutting taxes without changing spending which leads to insane deficits, and trump's spending especially is so unjustifiable given that he was in a great economic period until about March. The entire theory behind fiscal policy is that you spend more in bad times to prop up the economy and then run a surplus (or at the very least, a balanced budget) during good economic times to make up for it. Neither party cares enough about the national debt, but I just hate how Republicans position themselves as responsible on this issue even though they may be even worse than the democrats when it comes to deficits.


Having lived in the Nordics, I definitely see the pros and cons to the left side of politics here, and I identify pretty close to the middle. I think it's a little funny how much people complain about San Francisco/NY homeless problem when that's kinda the thing you get with little social spending in government. I think the taxes here are really high, too high for me in the Nordics, but I also think you could manage lower taxes and similar services in the US.

I agree with some of the stuff Trump did, but think he's an idiot, and his devout followers lack any critical thinking skills. I think that he's made the country a lot more stupid tbh. Biden isn't a good candidate either, I think he is too old, but he won't do much in office. I'd rather we get someone that could at least stabalize the country a little bit.

Having lived in the Nordics, I definitely see the pros and cons to the left side of politics here, and I identify pretty close to the middle. I think it's a little funny how much people complain about San Francisco/NY homeless problem when that's kinda the thing you get with little social spending in government. I think the taxes here are really high, too high for me in the Nordics, but I also think you could manage lower taxes and similar services in the US.

I agree with some of the stuff Trump did, but think he's an idiot, and his devout followers lack any critical thinking skills. I think that he's made the country a lot more stupid tbh. Biden isn't a good candidate either, I think he is too old, but he won't do much in office. I'd rather we get someone that could at least stabalize the country a little bit.

Curious on your thoughts, realistically, regarding the true benefits (and unseen downside) of the vaulted "democratic socialist" model. My view is that people here always want more taxes or less, but that's too absolutism. Before you change tax policy, I think you can play with the existing levers on spending first.


To be honest, it's been super interesting to hear people's views on politics here versus the perception I had from the news and social media. It's definitely not true that everyone wants more taxes, my father-in-law wants less taxes, as does everyone at my REPE fund. I think the true benefits are how big the middle class is, seriously it's like 90% of the people here. I've lived here for about 1.5 years and have seen less than 5 people homeless.

Now taxes are insanely high, and it isn't very progressive either interestingly enough. My wife is pretty young, and a chef, makes about $37K a year, and her taxes are 36% ex the first $5k. I do think they spend their tax money infinitely better than the US though. The public transport is top notch and health system is amazing. People have different motivations than money, it is interesting to see tbh, where in the US it seems money is 90% of the motivation for people to work.


Can you guys PLEASE PLEASE re-elect Trump? I am Chinese and, you may not believe this, but Trump is by far the best thing that happened to China. Do you think China is bothered by the trade war, the closure of embassies, the conflicts, etc.? Nope, not at all. China's successful international expansion is boosted by the diminishing US influence. Pulling out of international accords, etc. will unroot American influence globally and allow China to have the best opportunity to flourish.

Trump's inabiltiy to control COVID-19 is also hurting America so badly. We sent doctors and nurses to help Italy and the Italians LOVED it. This kind of influence and relationship forged over hardship will last a while. What's the US doing? Absolutely jack shit. That's just fantastic news for China in the expense of the American people. China may not follow to the Western human right standard (f that by the way), but at least we follow science and demonstrated consistent policy making. We are now more of a trusted partner worldwide. Sure, there has been quality issues with some of the PPE stuff we manufactured, but that was temporary. The authority cracked down on fake masks and now the entire world depend on made-in-china PPE. The US is no longer gold standard when it comes to PPE manufacturing. Another win!

The ban on Huawei the trade war, the issue with South China Sea are all small prices to pay in the long road ahead. As a Chinese, I wholeheartedly support Trump and its nationalism platform, Since the Trump Administration, China strengthened its relationship with European countries and Iran. These nations literately have no choices but to deal with China. It's mutually beneficial of course.

I am so freaking happy when I see so many of you are voting Trump. Don't let me down my friends. Don't.


Not really. Trump is just continuing the trend of shrinking American involvement all over the globe - this has been ongoing since the end of the Cold War. And China will never attract Western talent en masse with its current policies (granted this isn’t a huge issue since they just steal technology they can’t or won’t bother to create). Reduced immigration to the US will just cause those seeking to work abroad to go to Canada or Europe.


One guy talked about grabbing women in their privates, the other actually got accused of doing it.


I am not aware of the accusation being "walked back." Can you provide me with a source? I can't find much on this bc this story was largely ignored by the MSM.

Prospect in IB-M&A:
One guy talked about grabbing women in their privates, the other actually got accused of doing it.

Dozens of women have accused Trump of sexual assault.…

I think it’s time we go back to the original electorates concept. If the average WSO user can’t educate themselves enough to make an informed vote, what hope does Joe the Plumber have.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Which one has better policies for an upper middle class white male in finance?


I honestly think it's Biden. Biden is moderate and will honestly just be a steady hand at the wheel- taxes might go up a touch, but probably only on the super rich. Trump's policies might be better on paper, but he's such a hot head and so unpredictable that Biden would probably be better. COVID has been completely bungled (every other rich country is getting past it and we're getting lumped in with India and Brazil on the naughty list), and before this it was things like the trade war and stupid stuff like Iran tensions by Trump that were just creating instability for no reason.


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Tenetur est exercitationem repudiandae laudantium qui at. Ipsum delectus ut et assumenda asperiores alias exercitationem vel. Iste animi optio rerum excepturi. Dolorem harum cumque facere vitae ut molestias.

Ut suscipit et delectus et aut. Tempore et numquam similique voluptatem voluptatibus debitis est. Inventore autem similique aut excepturi dicta rerum sint. Nam natus iure iure iusto dolores quia. Atque pariatur fuga officiis quisquam aliquam aperiam dicta. Soluta dolorem laboriosam inventore eligendi suscipit illo porro.


A ut in eveniet eum ut et. Est saepe sed recusandae dolores. Dolor vel ducimus nihil doloribus et.

Iste quod impedit voluptatem qui quia qui. Inventore tempore unde aliquid unde ullam voluptates velit consequatur. Molestiae placeat iusto laborum totam enim. Ducimus iusto velit aut earum reiciendis. Asperiores ut odio libero quam. Non unde officiis itaque cupiditate voluptas exercitationem.

Nam officiis quibusdam animi dolore itaque modi perspiciatis. Dolores vitae ut cumque reprehenderit similique distinctio sit quod. Eos qui vel dolor aspernatur cumque. Et omnis qui error. Aut facilis fugiat totam. Commodi consequuntur aut ipsam animi quidem.


Rerum aut aliquam omnis enim. Esse libero vel dicta et. Sunt quas velit maxime velit sunt. Aut optio sequi tenetur et et.

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Soluta expedita minima ducimus at consequatur dolor. Doloremque ex et sunt omnis. Voluptatem odit ipsam perspiciatis dolor recusandae praesentium.

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