SJWs on Wall Street

Hey. Currently I am a high school student(don't stop reading just yet), and I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country. In terms of the future, I am debating between a career in tech(I love coding and have done so for a few years now) and finance(this is a more recent interest but I could seriously see myself working in this industry). What's really starting to frustrate me however, is the SJW movement I am seeing in a lot of the top tech companies, essentially making them toxic environments where saying one "wrong" thing could literally destroy your entire career. I was wondering then, is this sort of movement also starting to happen on Wall Street? Historically, I know many Wall Street firms have been the exact opposite of any of this type of behavior, but is this starting to change nowadays?

Note: Obviously, this alone will not decide which field I go into, but I just wanted to get a real idea of the type of corporate environment I am going to be dealing with going into either of these industries.


OP, I don't think things are as bad as they seem to you. Be careful about what you read and watch out for the fake news. As for you saying that Wall St firms are the opposite of this kind of behavior, I wouldn't say that's necessarily true. Wall Street Firms are the poster child for perfect conduct, refer to what's the most illegal/unethical thing you've seen thread, these companies consist of highly educated individuals with a remarkable work ethic who don't do no wrong.

thots & prayers
  1. Take a breath, no one gives a shit about your politics or thinks you're as right as you think you are.

  2. Take another breath as being in HS you don't know anything and should be more worried about getting into a career before you worry about attitudes and people's preferences

  3. If you can't get over yourself, have self-control, you won't have to worry about working in either industry, as you will hopefully be self-selected out

Most Helpful
I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country.

The "SJW movement" doesn't exist outside of Tumblr and "alternate lifestyle" communities.

Yes, liberals exist. No they are not the parodies of "the left" that you see on InfoWars, especially in finance.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
The SJW movement is alive and thriving at the college-level

Colleges have always had weirdos and people who take things to extremes. And just like I don't drink 20 beers in a night anymore, the college hyperliberals adapt to reality or don't get anywhere in life.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country.

The "SJW movement" doesn't exist outside of Tumblr and "alternate lifestyle" communities.

Yes, liberals exist. No they are not the parodies of "the left" that you see on InfoWars, especially in finance.

CRE, I've valued a lot of your posts on this forum but this is inaccurate from my experience as a current student and I'm sure a lot of other people will agree. There is a definitely a lot of dangerous liberal ideologies spreading across the country, especially on college campuses. For example, last year an article titled "Your DNA is an abomination" was posted in my school's opinion section of the newspaper. It was basically a racist rant about white people (…). This is an example of how a lot liberals make all white people out to be evil and play on semantics to justify being racist to white people, cause it's "impossible" to be racist towards white people. In my opinion, this is probably the most dangerous ideology liberals are grasping at, especially on college campuses. Next to that socialism, communism, etc. These people are getting college educated and will be going places in life, unlike what you suggest in your other post. The spreading of these ideologies is definitely something to keep an eye on and be at least somewhat worried about, and not to just write these people off as "weirdos".


CRE, I've valued a lot of your posts on this forum but this is inaccurate from my experience as a current student and I'm sure a lot of other people will agree. There is a definitely a lot of dangerous liberal ideologies spreading across the country, especially on college campuses. For example, last year an article titled "Your DNA is an abomination" was posted in my school's opinion section of the newspaper. It was basically a racist rant about white people (…). This is an example of how a lot liberals make all white people out to be evil and play on semantics to justify being racist to white people, cause it's "impossible" to be racist towards white people. In my opinion, this is probably the most dangerous ideology liberals are grasping at, especially on college campuses. Next to that socialism, communism, etc. These people are getting college educated and will be going places in life, unlike what you suggest in your other post. The spreading of these ideologies is definitely something to keep an eye on and be at least somewhat worried about, and not to just write these people off as "weirdos".

Wait, what is your experience? All you did was post a poorly written op-ed piece from a newspaper. I'm sure anyone on this site, or anyone with a knowledge of how to do a google search, can find you 100 op-ed pieces spewing neo-Nazi garbage, or whatever. Hell, you can find threads on these boards where kids are shouting about how Wall Street bankers deserve whatever they hell they want because otherwise they'll quit and the American economy will collapse, or similar nonsense.

The short of it is, there are always stupid people, always extremists, always people looking to push the envelope into shock territory for the attention. The fact that you are credulous and stupid enough to extrapolate that this kind of thing is representative of "college campuses" in general is an enormous indictment of your admissions department.

College campuses are no more liberal or radicalized than any other time. It makes perfect sense; kids are receiving a real education for the first time, they're away from the influence and authority of mom and dad, of course everyone goes a little crazy. The idealism of youth and all that. There is a reason that cools off a bit as you graduate and start an actual life.

Overall, the entire tone of your post displays a shocking lack of knowledge of anything you are talking about. You seem to have this preconceived notion that the inmates are running the asylum at colleges across the country, did a search on Fox News (and wow! shocker that you found a negative article about liberalism on that site, the noted bastion of liberal thought...), and posted that as if it was proof or even credible evidence of what you believe to be true. That anyone is taking you seriously enough to agree is even more amazing.

I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country.

The "SJW movement" doesn't exist outside of Tumblr and "alternate lifestyle" communities.

And the following fields in university: anthropology, gender studies, sexuality studies, various ethnic studies, postcolonial studies, sociology.

Oh and the ever growing, typically Marxist style bureaucratic apparatus in university under the following wording: diversity/inclusion/multiculturalism/social justice officers, many of which have a saying in admissions. Same happens in tech with the infiltration of the above mentioned ideologists in human resource departments.

Also, since we are at it, the same shit has taken over almost the entirety of liberal leaning media, most of which are completely deranged from reality now, starting with the NYT and their choice to hire Sarah Jeong as member of the editorial board.

But of course, I'm only imagining things and I must have taken it from InfoWars, Russia or whatever retarded excuse you dishonest liberals can come up with, to cover up the extremists on your side.

Wall Street is relatively safe for now, but they are hell bent on trying to change that. As usual they marched through the HR department.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
But of course, I'm only imagining things and I must have taken it from InfoWars, Russia or whatever retarded excuse you dishonest liberals can come up with, to cover up the extremists on your side.

I'm not a liberal. I do find it endlessly amusing when people immediately proclaim "LIBERAL!" the second you criticize one of their opinions, as if they discovered some secret and it gives them an instant win. Talk about identity politics.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Wallstreetguy123, you have to realize that the media picks stories that can be sensationalized. Sure tech companies tend to be liberal, but that doesn't mean you'll get fired just cuz you are conservative. Do what you like and what you're good at and you'll be fine.

, but that doesn't mean you'll get fired just cuz you are conservative.

See James D'Amore. Fired from Google for being conservative and pointing out that social justice based policies have no scientific ground whatsoever.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Also, I think society has become much more perversely focused on babydick Trump than on SJW-isms.

Type D-o on Google, the Donald pops up;

There are dedicated blogs to the Donald;

Dedicated links to pages for the Donald on various sites;

Jimmy Kimmel might as well dedicate a portion of the show every night where he rants on all things Trump;


This has recently become way more annoying than the SJWs, who now seemed like maybe they've receded in adult life, although I'm sure campuses must be jumping with them.


When I entered the field of finance, the political environment was not a factor at all as to whether or not I pursued a job. I took a job on the buy side because I enjoyed investing client assets and so did everyone else at the office. There were many conservatives at my office and a few liberals but the politics never had any impact on our relationships.

people are allowed to disagree with you jesus christ youre a kid you dont know dick about shit go read a book and do some chinups you fuck

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
Hey. Currently I am a high school student(don't stop reading just yet), and I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country. In terms of the future, I am debating between a career in tech(I love coding and have done so for a few years now) and finance(this is a more recent interest but I could seriously see myself working in this industry). What's really starting to frustrate me however, is the SJW movement I am seeing in a lot of the top tech companies, essentially making them toxic environments where saying one "wrong" thing could literally destroy your entire career. I was wondering then, is this sort of movement also starting to happen on Wall Street? Historically, I know many Wall Street firms have been the exact opposite of any of this type of behavior, but is this starting to change nowadays?

Note: Obviously, this alone will not decide which field I go into, but I just wanted to get a real idea of the type of corporate environment I am going to be dealing with going into either of these industries.

I wouldn't worry about it. From the tone and content of your post, it's highly doubtful you're intelligent or driven enough to succeed in any of the fields you've listed.

Even with all that, this shit is easy. Your workplace is not a fucking frat house, and you don't have a First Amendment right to say what you want free of consequence (though if you watch Fox News you'd never know it). If you don't have the self-control to watch what you say and who you say it to, you don't have a cause to be complaining in the first place. If you are careful and respectful in the office, which are good qualities and not the preserve of "SJWs", you have basically no chance of getting into trouble. If you require the ability to drop N bombs and disparage others in the workplace based on their ethnic, gender, or religious backgrounds, then maybe you shouldn't be considering a career in finance or tech in the first place...


This is a good post. So much of the “OH SJW RUINING ARE COUNTRY” shit is people getting pissed off when they’re asked to not say homophobic or thinly-veiled racist shit. While certain people in companies will have an even more progressive agenda, typically it will either not directly impact you (how will your life change if your workplace has unisex bathrooms? Little to none, but it makes a huge difference to those who have non-traditional gender identities so why not just do it) or it’s actually pretty low-hanging fruit (like don’t sexually harass your female co-workers). If you want to work in a good ole boys club go be born in the 50s or move to Russia.


Your concerns are totally valid. Don’t listen to these other cubicle monkeys. I wouldn’t be so worried about the SJW effect on Wall Street (yet). I’d be more worried with the degrading value of a university degree solely as a result of this SJW madness. I see Harvard grads on a regular basis. They are certainly not the best and brightest let me tell you.. Youve already seen some fringe madness with “diversity” hiring programs (?). Which basically say if you’re not a white male you can enter this program to make your career better. Seriously though, wouldn’t any self respecting individual be concerned about getting hired through such a program?? But the importance of these programs is totally diluted and ignored at senior levels and important departments. Meritocracy rules Wall Street. It may be one of the last places where this is the case.

TLDR; Don’t be worried about it.

Meritocracy rules Wall Street. It may be one of the last places where this is the case.

You know you can discount this guy's entire post on these two sentences.

Meritocracy means nothing in Wall Street. Given the intense competition to get in, a ton of getting your foot in the door is luck. Connections or running in the right social circles. If mom and dad belong to that tony Greenwich, CT country club, your chances of getting a job on Wall Street, and succeeding, just went up by several multiples. Are you good looking? Ditto. And once you're in the door... well, what fucking "merits" are you displaying for the first half decade? Analysts are monkeys and have no real skill set needed except working hard and long hours without complaint. Associates aren't much better.

How many senior bankers do you know who are sitting a large client base they've collected over the years, and now are playing out the string? Where is the merit there?


Fair point, BUT where in the world is this not the case? where is this utopia you speak of where it doesn't matter what connections you have (hereditary or not)?? On the whole, relative to other areas of our society, Wall Street is more meritocratic and rewards those who perform and outsmart others. Im not just talking IB analysts/associates.. NEWS FLASH There are way more interesting areas in finance than m&a.. Like Buffett said its the only place where millionaires take advice from people who ride the subway..


The only SJWs I see post grad are on TV or are my Uber driver. People tend to self segment (segregate) themselves without even realizing it. The SJWs will hang together, the frat bros hang together.

You have to realize, the people you are around the most are going to be based mainly off of where you work, live and spend time. If someone has dissimilar interests to you, the odds of you running into them go down significantly the older you get.

I agree that the 'movement' is creating some dangerous times. But like anything, if you work hard and keep your head down, you'll be ok.

I wouldn't pick a career based on your political stance. That's something a far right or left extremist would do, and those are the type of people you're trying to avoid.

The only SJWs I see post grad are on TV or are my Uber driver. People tend to self segment (segregate) themselves without even realizing it. The SJWs will hang together, the frat bros hang together.

You have to realize, the people you are around the most are going to be based mainly off of where you work, live and spend time. If someone has dissimilar interests to you, the odds of you running into them go down significantly the older you get.

I agree that the 'movement' is creating some dangerous times. But like anything, if you work hard and keep your head down, you'll be ok.

I wouldn't pick a career based on your political stance. That's something a far right or left extremist would do, and those are the type of people you're trying to avoid.

This is mostly true. The problem with SJWs is that they are deeply intrenched in rather influential institutions, which amplify their influence on society.

Afaik, they represent roughly 8% of the US population.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
Hey. Currently I am a high school student(don't stop reading just yet), and I am honestly frightened by the SJW movement that is going on in this country. In terms of the future, I am debating between a career in tech(I love coding and have done so for a few years now) and finance(this is a more recent interest but I could seriously see myself working in this industry). What's really starting to frustrate me however, is the SJW movement I am seeing in a lot of the top tech companies, essentially making them toxic environments where saying one "wrong" thing could literally destroy your entire career. I was wondering then, is this sort of movement also starting to happen on Wall Street? Historically, I know many Wall Street firms have been the exact opposite of any of this type of behavior, but is this starting to change nowadays?

Note: Obviously, this alone will not decide which field I go into, but I just wanted to get a real idea of the type of corporate environment I am going to be dealing with going into either of these industries.

If by saying the wrong thing, you mean repeatedly sexually harassing your female colleagues, than any reputable company will not tolerate it. Otherwise, you should be fine in both finance and tech. Your post is overly dramatic and not reflective of reality.


What happened to WallStreetGuy123? He joined WSO recently, posted a controversial topic and then disappeared. One would think he would want to participate in the conversation.

scrolled through some long paragraphs which would tell me this thread disintegrated pretty quickly. you're a high school kid, so you're actually quite mature realizing you don't know it all and are asking for advice. kudos bro.

I'm copying something I said in another "SJW" thread: "I have a suspicion that once the job market loosens up and employees don't have employers bending over backwards for them (bc there's more job seekers than available jobs) some of this looniness will stop.

it's also just a function of the loud minority. travel around the world, talk to a wide variety of people at tech companies and in general in these "SJW hubs", not just the ones who are picketing outside. most people are normal. sure, you might have more liberals there but who cares?

don't let a few assholes with twitter followers and a rainbow emoji in their bio let you think that's indicative of the general population, it's not. most people are normal, just want to live their lives, have a good meal, get laid, be safe, and hang out with their friends & family, not talk about microaggressions and ask for diversity training and talk about gender differences"

here's the keys to a good career if you're worried about SJWs (and in general)

  1. don't talk about these at work, EVER (even if you're sure you're in good company, it's not worth it): sex, politics, religion. I have to do this constantly with clients, and it's hard to do but very worth it, you minimize the amount of enemies you make

  2. make yourself irreplaceable: kinda goes without saying

  3. keep your mouth shut. unless you're at a political think tank, PR firm for a political party, or a full time activist, keep your fucking mouth shut. on social media, with casual friends, whatever, no one cares about your political/social leanings except maybe your spouse, best friends, and family. moreover, it's very off putting. these issues are so personal that your only two outcomes most of the time are: finding someone who agrees with you OR alienating/angering someone. neither of those is very productive. finally, I'd venture a guess that 20-50% of what you believe now you'll either stop believing in or believe the opposite by the time you're my age. if the 17 year old me, 21 year old me, and 25 year old me had a political debate, it'd be like a royal rumble. similar principles, but your views mature as you get older, so keep your mouth shut, you might say something you regret later

now some random thoughts

  • these movements are cyclical. study history and you'll see parallels. the 1960s, the first couple decades after the turn of the century. massive income inequality and people who feel marginalized usually speak up when they feel pushed aside. I'm not here to say whether they're right or wrong, just that it happens. it could cool off by the time you graduate college, but even if it doesn't, when the next recession hits (within 5y), this shit will quiet down a bit because people will want a job more than they want to be called nonbinary

  • most people aren't like that, seriously. many people you meet are completely normal, won't take it the wrong way if you commit a so-called "microaggression" or require you to take sensitivity training if you mispronounce xe or whatever people want to be called

  • expand your friend group. I can't help but think most of the ones barking the loudest are those who never leave their bubble. be it yuppie white kids who've never gotten into a scrap on the court with Andre's older brother (basketball for you nerds out there playing fortnite), been to a religious ceremony that's foreign to you, or had a friend whose name couldn't be pronounced by most teachers. I'm not saying you need to check every box in your group chat, I'm just saying put yourself out there more.

now, since I've said a lot but not answered your questions, here's the bottom line: study what you want to do, abide by those 3 rules, and you'll be fine. don't be afraid to apply to google just because it means you're afraid of looniness

scrolled through some long paragraphs which would tell me this thread disintegrated pretty quickly. you're a high school kid, so you're actually quite mature realizing you don't know it all and are asking for advice. kudos bro.

I'm copying something I said in another "SJW" thread: "I have a suspicion that once the job market loosens up and employees don't have employers bending over backwards for them (bc there's more job seekers than available jobs) some of this looniness will stop.

it's also just a function of the loud minority. travel around the world, talk to a wide variety of people at tech companies and in general in these "SJW hubs", not just the ones who are picketing outside. most people are normal. sure, you might have more liberals there but who cares?

don't let a few assholes with twitter followers and a rainbow emoji in their bio let you think that's indicative of the general population, it's not. most people are normal, just want to live their lives, have a good meal, get laid, be safe, and hang out with their friends & family, not talk about microaggressions and ask for diversity training and talk about gender differences"

here's the keys to a good career if you're worried about SJWs (and in general)

  1. don't talk about these at work, EVER (even if you're sure you're in good company, it's not worth it): sex, politics, religion. I have to do this constantly with clients, and it's hard to do but very worth it, you minimize the amount of enemies you make

  2. make yourself irreplaceable: kinda goes without saying

  3. keep your mouth shut. unless you're at a political think tank, PR firm for a political party, or a full time activist, keep your fucking mouth shut. on social media, with casual friends, whatever, no one cares about your political/social leanings except maybe your spouse, best friends, and family. moreover, it's very off putting. these issues are so personal that your only two outcomes most of the time are: finding someone who agrees with you OR alienating/angering someone. neither of those is very productive. finally, I'd venture a guess that 20-50% of what you believe now you'll either stop believing in or believe the opposite by the time you're my age. if the 17 year old me, 21 year old me, and 25 year old me had a political debate, it'd be like a royal rumble. similar principles, but your views mature as you get older, so keep your mouth shut, you might say something you regret later

now some random thoughts

  • these movements are cyclical. study history and you'll see parallels. the 1960s, the first couple decades after the turn of the century. massive income inequality and people who feel marginalized usually speak up when they feel pushed aside. I'm not here to say whether they're right or wrong, just that it happens. it could cool off by the time you graduate college, but even if it doesn't, when the next recession hits (within 5y), this shit will quiet down a bit because people will want a job more than they want to be called nonbinary

  • most people aren't like that, seriously. many people you meet are completely normal, won't take it the wrong way if you commit a so-called "microaggression" or require you to take sensitivity training if you mispronounce xe or whatever people want to be called

  • expand your friend group. I can't help but think most of the ones barking the loudest are those who never leave their bubble. be it yuppie white kids who've never gotten into a scrap on the court with Andre's older brother (basketball for you nerds out there playing fortnite), been to a religious ceremony that's foreign to you, or had a friend whose name couldn't be pronounced by most teachers. I'm not saying you need to check every box in your group chat, I'm just saying put yourself out there more.

now, since I've said a lot but not answered your questions, here's the bottom line: study what you want to do, abide by those 3 rules, and you'll be fine. don't be afraid to apply to google just because it means you're afraid of looniness

I agree with almost everything you say, except one element.

The point were you talk about inequality and marginalization. There's an interesting, rather widespread study today about the ''political tribes'' of the US.… The SJW, progressive activist one, corresponding to 8% of the population is not composed by marginalized groups. They are overwhelmingly white, upper class, with inherited wealth, yet demanding the moral high ground to speak for the ''oppressed''.

Within the SJW group, non-whites are actually underrepresented compared to American racial lines; not only that, most non-whites actually do not agree with their agenda and think political correctness is a problem more than the average white.

Thus it's definitely not driven by inequality. These people are well-off. They are just bored and entitled.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Dolor rem voluptatem quis voluptatibus sit maiores asperiores commodi. Eum et odio et commodi sed. Error ipsum vitae similique quod. Saepe exercitationem est fugit.

Aliquam omnis qui quisquam commodi sed culpa et. Quod saepe ad rerum praesentium reprehenderit. Ipsam ipsum sint nam odit facere. Expedita repudiandae accusantium in et sint maxime incidunt. Occaecati quo facere quia voluptatum voluptas et vitae. Neque et et qui vel aut nihil quidem.

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