+3 SVP of what? Banks do lots of different things... Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+3 So for example, construction lender requiring 20% recourse or a $20MM LOC on a $100M construction loan for a hotel. egold70
+3 No it’s not. Once you land the job the grind has just begun. tonysoprano-tone
+3 Absolutely. Between PE carry checks and the handful of top rainmaker IB MDs who clear $10M+ a year, yes. I'd argue more than the tiny handful of PHDs at 1 company Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+3 Man oh man.  People better watch out before they go picking on well-dressed middle-aged dudes.  Between TRT and martial arts, that's dangerous territory. Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+3 I wouldn't say it'll hurt you but my 2 cents is that employers look at people coming out of these programs with no experience basically the same way they look at people coming out of undergrad.. decrebepro
+3 You're backtracking now.  Probably motivated by the large amount of MS thrown at your original comment, but who knows.  It's clear you're on a side and pushing an agenda, so don't try to pretend now that you're being neutr Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+3 Warwick and Durham have serious layman prestige in the UK. I will give some background. When applying to university in the UK, everyone has 5 uni options. uruguaypasssion
+3 I spent my whole career in PE/RE before landing a Corp Dev job at a F50 company. That said, everyone else I work with at the VP level or above came from consulting or rose up the ranks in corporate. Senior VP in CorpDev
+3 Go to equity research first. Investment Analyst in HF - Other
+3 Don't do it.  IT will catch it.  I know it feels like they're not watching, because you've probably sent things to your personal email before.  But when you give notice, they will look back at anything you sent.  Especiall Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+3 You need to go seek some therapy. Life is just starting and there is no reason you should be feeling like this. This may sound harsh, but you need to grow up a little bit. mkuni
+3 You throw something at me, better handle it if I throw something back. Not everyone is a pussy like you. Go find a job, libtard. Teller in Non-profit
+3 It doesn’t really matter what Section 230 says. It’s a potential legal challenge which can end up very costly to defend. It’s also a reputation risk. Blue9
+3 Hey, OP here. I know why I'm not Kobe/Lebron, I don't have the athletic giftedness. Like, that's not a mystery so I didn't ask that question. Associate 3 in HF - EquityHedge
+3 Yes & no. You can lean in and buy. But the issue is two fold - even if you have conviction leasing is really only happening in A+ product. pudding
+3 I have been working at a top LO for a short while now as a quant, coming from market making. mrbayesian
+3 The economics of hedge funds and prop trading firms are very different. Quant in PropTrad
+3 Maybe one of the silliest posts ever. You have an amazing summer offer and should do everything you can to convert it to FT. Intern in IB-M&A
+3 I strongly suspect that failure to pay property taxes would not be considered a bad boy act, unless that is specifically highlighted or called out.  At the very least I imagine any judge would allow a GP or owner the right Ozymandia
+3 Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake Random Monkey Man
+3 Yeah exactly, the person clearly has problems and doesn’t deserve even more stress because of this. Mods please take this down. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+3 Court & penitentiary leafblower69soffspring
+3 Different approached for different folks; not going to find one universal answer. But nothing really unique here  Investment Analyst in AM - Equities
+3 Salmon avocado PlzFixThx
+3 I’ve worked at both. All else equal, you’ll probably learn more at large funds than small funds. This is because large funds do large deals that require more involved diligence and execution. Banker12345124
+3 It's a nontraditional option for sure, but it solves OPs main two problems: 1) getting into a target school and 2) paying for it.  AS2027
+3 Experience > Education. The market where you cut your teeth matters, especially in development.  PE_BananaMonkey
+3 Sven Pfeiffer, healthcare partner from Lazard and now PJT, would def fuck everyone up. Associate 2 in IB-M&A
+3 If it makes you feel better a reneged on a Dartmouth offer so they lost their commission Intern in IB - Gen
+3 Oh my god cry me a fucking river. Punk wrote a paragraph to defend Blackrock employees, wonder if you would have the same energy to defend cleaners? uruguaypasssion
+3 You are only as good as your firm's strategy. It's not like you're at a MM HF and are ripping your own PnL for the pod brah.  Analyst 1 in HF - Other
+3 Honestly the best time to be surveying the market and deals in a while. Theft
+3 Let's not even get started on acquisitions. These fly-by-night syndicators feeing the hell out of clients. TheDebtStar
+3 Absolutely, I would def read the textbook (I come from a non-finance background). Here's my exact timeline. Spent roughly 15-16 days on it. First 10 days  Safety16644
+3 A stacked resume is HF freshmen summer and BB sophomore summer. Intern in PE - LBOs
+3 WestCoastChimp4521 It’s almost impossible to make it to the top of tech without going through MBB.   Works at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
+3 If possible then great.  I know this wouldn't be possible at the last bank I worked at (one of EBs).  Their remote login took you to a full virtual desktop, there was no way to download from that VD onto a local machine.   Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+3 The depression is clouding your judgement and not allowing you to see and appreciate the position you’re in. Analyst 2 in IB - CB
+3 I was saying that, for example, I don't believe that an analyst at Vista will have greater exit opps than an analyst at GS TMT. Intern in IB-M&A
+3 Short term: over built in core markets with anemic leasing activity due to funding constraints. REguy992
+3 I don't know man. That's pretty nitty. I would argue that the difference in IS and CFS taxes gets picked up in working capital (at least in an interviewing context for an analyst position). motley_accrual
+3 Same experience on my end. miryta143
+3 Let's say there's a version of the model called "xyz_shell" that you use before putting in any company data (aka no hardcoded data, no company identifiers, etc). Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+3 But it’s the same thing - what differentiates outcomes is just talent. It’s not your resume, your pedigree your IQ. Success in public markets is not correlated with raw intelligence. Investment Analyst in HF - EquityHedge
+3 Work on a live deal. Determined
+3 I did consulting my freshman summer, doing a PE SA gig at a small firm right now, and heading to an EB next summer. awooooooooooga
+3 I used to work at ING. BNY Mellon is mostly a trustee shop. I don't think they are known for front office roles. However, ING, at least in Europe, is a BB. Associate 3 in IB - Gen
+3 I’m not huge on CB but I’d look at the public syndications the Canadian bank participates in, whether it be LL, JLA, or simply a participant. You can also check the league tables on a terminal. OFS
+3 Lol, you don't know what you are talking about. Market DSCRs for merchant cash flows are 1.75-2.00x. I've been doing PF for 10 years and I've never seen merchant DSCRs lower than that. ProjectFinanceGuru2020
+3 In terms of recruiting for banking, wouldn't the middle-market IB role be more relevant? Assuming you're not talking about MFs and large PM HFs in your ranking, I'd think the MM IB would outrank a PE firm of similar size. Intern in PE - LBOs
+3 Hands down, jonathan kaye! Dimonfan
+3 This is the case for most VC Fund IIs. The more institutional LPs generally show up in Fund III once there’s more of a track record that has been built. Lima Papa
+3 This isn't really a question for the real estate forum lol. More so for Off-Topic. But I'll bite: Guy in LA
+3 Probably around 50% women-men ratio, which is pretty normal across banks. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+3 Need input from someone a bit further in career as I’m sure opinions from 1st years don’t capture everything. Prospect in IB-M&A
+3 Stratifying firms into tiers is a waste of time, so in no particular order, I would consider the following shops to be fairly high caliber: Equities: Capital Group Wellington Management rebmit_1526
+3 Some more perspective on this point: Historically during the whole Medieval Christian Europe and later, Jews were prohibited to own land, so they had to gravitate towards other ways of making money. Restless
+3 Reliability of the exchange? Give us a break. Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+3 Worst of all now everyone’s gonna know he wears Charles Tyrwhitt shirts DiversifyYoBondsMF
+3 Would also add Citi industrials to outperform as well. Honestly JPM HC also outperform in the sense that it’s the only edge JPM has over GS/MS Intern in PE - LBOs
+3 Mutual funds typically have a benchmark, are much more diversified and they charge only management fees. Long Only HF can have much more concentrated portfolio (less than 10 names), typically they engage with the companies investitor
+3 I remember doing 1-1.5% for senior and 2-3% for second lien / mezz. dawgs.100
+3 Good, you are better off not working with Dartmouth ever again. Worst headhunters in LDN Associate 1 in IB - Gen
+3 gauthiereisele
+3 You can try for an apprenticeship in s&t at a bank or as a trainee broker at some interbank brokers like Icap and bgc. Bare in mind these are still very competitive. starksincans
+3 Whats more believable. Ozymandia
+3 I’m not MSing you from multiple accounts lmao I only have one. You mention cross admit data, which is funny because Northwestern is 50/50 with Cornell, Brown, and Dartmouth. Prospect in IB-M&A
+3 First of all, I am not sure whether I am qualified to answer that one, but I'll give it a try. Associate 1 in IB - Cov
+3 Very similar position, but just over the pond in Canada. I did a couple gigs for minister's of Stephen Harper and currently have friends working for Pierre Poilievre's team. hatix56697
+3 when are mods gonna ban low effort trolling? this is the WSO equivalent of skibidi toilet brain rot seboy66754
+3 curious chimpanzee Any updates? Should be hearing shortly  Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+3 You're right to be unimpressed - this is definitely unprofessional by the HH firm. Unfortunately the reality at the junior level is that a lot of HH firms are volume shops and will do this. Count WACCula
+3 Impulse reacting is the worst: walk away, find out who their parents and friends are, and figure out ways for them to lose their jobs. capexprss
+3 Let me guess diversity intern ? You should be fine if you are Investment Analyst in IB - Gen
+3 Throwing a drink in itself doesn't mean you need to knock out someone, but being in his position you don't know what someone is throwing at you, it could be skin-peeling acid for all we know. Associate 1 in ER
+3 All the Ares slander proves a bunch of college kids will just say anything on this platform AGNRX1188
+3 Also managing risk in 1-2 futs on 3k of underlying capital in a delta-1 futures strategy is very difficult. futures trader man
+3 This is a stupid post. You cannot create a generic tier list for all of private investing. You can definitely create them if you narrow down your parameters ex. UMM/MM private equity healthcare buyouts. Associate 1 in PE - Other
+3 Not sure I can be of much help since I bavent started working FT yet but I recently did an off cycle internship at an EB after graduating from a target too, and honestly cannot relate more to every single point you've writ mila42
+3 I'll break it down for you so you understand: ABBA_Lover
+3 My 2 cents. investitor
+3 I’m just gonna be honest based on what I know. No one really would want to share the info about FT recruitment to be frank with you. Analyst 3+ in IB-M&A
+3 For reference I'm talking about the fund level not how each individual PM at the fund (if it's a multi-PM shop) runs their risk/book. PM in HF - RelVal
+3 1000000000% percent chance you get caught and it could be a serious infraction  WestCoastChimp4521
+3 Why not talk to your company and explain the situation? Losing a parent and having your fiancée break up with you are pretty major incidents. I would not quit. Ovechkin08
+3 Did you even read your contract.  Anything created whilst working at a bank is their IP.  Don't be an idiot.  Lockwood
+3 I mean, obviously I’m biased like I said, being at a MF with analysts, and also with past experience at another MF with analysts. Associate 2 in PE - LBOs
+3 In theory they can, but I’ve largely only seen it happen in macro, where you can value add a lot via some quant skills pretty much from day 1. Analyst 3+ in HF - EquityHedge
+3 This is a great way to get a permanent, public mark on your FINRA record. Last day does not matter. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+3 Few questions that come to mind: - How do you keep track of the markets? What sources of information do you use for market commentary or news flow? Associate 2 in ER
+3 What the first question is really asking is the strength of your network and your ability to source quality deals. senan1121
+3 Paper trading: No. Quant in HF - Other
+3 I'll give a bit of a different take as someone a bit more older in the industry. Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+3 I would say stay, the money and hours sound better.  ironman32
+3 Investment Analyst in AM - Equities
+3 First, I hate the word prestige. I'm not clear what it means or why it might motivate you. Count WACCula
+3 Dude, this comment is hilarious. Please tell me you didn't understand the comedic implications of writing "flyover country rednecks who went to state schools" and I will actually fall out of my chair. BiS
+3 The tech thing is an exception rather than norm. A PhD at openAI making 10M ? That’s like the genius trader @ Jane Street / portfolio manger @ RenTech who makes 10M. FlyingBoat
+3 It is highly unlikely to be more lucrative than PE in the long run, but as you say it is much more stable. You simply don't see people burning out, complaining about wl balance, or leaving venture. jpojpo