Please VOTE

All American citizens: please vote. Many states still allow registration. If you need help on the process, please message me and I'll help directly. It is of critical importance to make your voice heard.

If you're an American voting from abroad, you can use [email protected] - an email-to-fax service being run by the government to collate and fax your ballot - if your county allows vote by fax.

If you want to check whether you are registered, check   Your local county may also have resources, including email, chat agents, etc. Your mileage may vary by county. Other resources: , ,  

Most Helpful

I don't speak for him, but whenever I hear people say "please vote" or "this election is important" it almost always translates to "vote democrat". Lol in all seriousness though, I think it's pretty important that the public, no matter how much/little they care that they have their say in the democratic process.


While it sounds ridiculous, this is actually not crazy. Look at what the left did to Ken Bone when he said he was undecided the other day. They devoured him. I'm watching lots of sports still because I'm not triggered by kneeling, but all these NBA and NFL players are telling me to vote. Do we think that even 1% of the NBA would vote for Trump? 

There have been more vote messages this year than in years past. The implication is that we need to vote the bad orange man out. If Trump wasn't who he was, and the last election wasn't lost by a Democrat who won the popular vote, these commercials wouldn't be airing at the rate they are.


I don't care why they are telling people to vote. They're not telling people to vote for a certain party. They're telling people to vote. Period.

Trump supporters and Biden supporters alike watch NFL and NBA.

Thanks for making the most fundamental aspect of any democratic society into a partisan nonsense.


Because younger people have historically been the demographic that didn’t vote in the past. They are typically more liberal/democrat-leaning. Telling the country to vote is just them trying to boost the turnout for young folks.


No, the voter turnout for young folks is low, and they make up a sizable portion of the total population. This is unique to them as a demographic. This is why there was a historically high voter turnout in the 2018 midterms. Young people voted at unprecedented rates at that time.


Our society would be so much better if 80% of the voting age population voted instead of 20%. I feel the same way about the tax base: the broader, the better. People need to participate in society.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

Go vote guys and yea vote democrat. Don't vote for that baboon in the white house 


I mean, Republicans fight against mail-in ballots for this very reason. If they made voting easier for people, or if more people voted, it benefits Democrats. Pretty sad that to win, you have to make sure less people vote.


That may be due to the Republican party's practices of voter suppression that works in their favour when fewer people vote. When you hear "Please Vote" it's often lead with candidates or supporters of democratic parties because their the ones that understand that the majority favours the Democratic party (from the numerous polls that lead up to the election) and that the majority of those voters will be doing it through the mail-in ballot option. 


Civic engagement is important, no matter what your political stance. Voting reminds politicians that they are answerable to the population, and it makes sure that issue that matter get discussed and hopefully legislated on. If only a small minority of people vote, then politicians will play to niche views rather than issues that address the broader common interest.  Voting also gives a voice, even if small, to the population, and that out to contribute on some level to greater social harmony. Voting is key to a democracy.


The more our elected leaders represent the will of the people, the better a democracy functions. Right now, the 65+ demographic votes far, far more than the 18-30 year old demographic, which means our leaders do not represent the populace of voting adults correctly.

Young people are usually more busy (stressful/multiple jobs, family, young kids, etc.) and have more things to worry about than 65+ (free healthcare, SS), so they need to be encouraged to vote.


I am excited for some of the props on the california ballot.

I'm uncertain about some things though. Does a yes vote have to be all or nothing? Will voting yes or no on a prop that is a start, but not on point detrimental to any future props? Can't we vot yes and then expect improvements, or will a vote of yes give a false sense of accomplishment and prevent future improvements on what a prop is aimed at?


My favorite thing on the CA ballot is Prop 16. So progressive they're going to repeal civil rights law banning discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting. And if you don't vote for it you're... racist?

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I don’t think having a smaller voting group is actually bad. No offense to anyone, but not everyone really should be voting.

Originally only land owners could vote, I think this is too restricted, but generally, a person should have some skin in the game if they are going to be participating in the direction of the country, and by that I mean they should be contributing a portion of what the earn to the government on a net basis (taxes paid - entitlements received).


I suppose an argument could be made that the current low turnout is just a form of self-selection where the people who actually care enough about the issues to go out and vote are given a greater weight for their individual opinion relative to the population.


The original purpose for this was so only people who were "educated" (by the standards at the time at least) and had a vested interest in being knowledgeable about policy were participating in voting. Obviously there were elements of racism and exclusion that got baked into it by the culture at the time, but I believe the core idea behind it actually made some sense. I think there's an argument to be made that voting should be treated as a right just like owning a firearm is. Just because you have it doesn't mean everyone should exercise it. They have every right to and no one should ever infringe on that, but it's more often than not to their own and everyone else's detriment if they simply use it willy nilly without taking the time to educate themselves on how to use it (IE understand what the hell it is they're voting for).

This is made infinitely harder in today's world because politicians put forth bills and other proposals that have been drafted by lobbyists into dense, jargon-filled essays that even well-educated people have a hard time getting through simply because of the work they're putting into just living their normal lives. If there were a way to force legislators to summarize and simplify their proposal process and make it widely accessible for people to study and ask questions about, then I think we could begin to make a case for only letting people who have taken the time to educate themselves about the topic participate in a given vote. It's touchy though, lots of opportunities for negative bias and a slippery slope to derail the whole thing.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

No. This whole message to the nation to “vote, vote, vote” is imo a way to boost the turnout for younger people, who typically lean left/democratic and have had low voter turnout in the past. These are the people (mostly ages 18-22) who have never lived one day in their life without their parent’s money, who have never gotten a paycheck and seen 20-30% of it go to Uncle Sam and thought, “Wtf?” Voting is crucial for democracy but this mindless encouragement is only going to cause mass uninformed voting.


First off, I disagree that you shouldn't encourage everyone who is legally allowed to participate in our democracy to do so. Obviously, you also have just as much a right not to vote under our system. 

Aside from that, saying that young people don't have any skin in the game is very much false. Young people will bear the brunt of what politicians choose to do now. Young people will be holding the bag decades from now when Social Security won't be able to give the full retirement benefits every person has payed in for. Even Milton Friedman called the current Social Security system regressive because high earners pay a lower percentage of their total income. Young people will have to deal decades from now with the rising sea level and increased extreme weather events making significant parts of this country uninhabitable. And many of the young people who have chosen to better themselves by going to college already know the big debt burden they'll be facing in student loans (which can't even be wiped out in bankruptcy). The young have already grown up in a society where defined benefit pensions are practically gone (I recognize it is very complicated bringing these back in the current monetary environment) and a secure long term financial future cannot be expected. They are already dealing with enough. And if you want a healthy long term economy, you need people feeling secure enough to spend. 



First off, I disagree that you shouldn't encourage everyone who is legally allowed to participate in our democracy to do so. Obviously, you also have just as much a right not to vote under our system. 

Aside from that, saying that young people don't have any skin in the game is very much false. Young people will bear the brunt of what politicians choose to do now. Young people will be holding the bag decades from now when Social Security won't be able to give the full retirement benefits every person has payed in for. Even Milton Friedman called the current Social Security system regressive because high earners pay a lower percentage of their total income. Young people will have to deal decades from now with the rising sea level and increased extreme weather events making significant parts of this country uninhabitable. And many of the young people who have chosen to better themselves by going to college already know the big debt burden they'll be facing in student loans (which can't even be wiped out in bankruptcy). The young have already grown up in a society where defined benefit pensions are practically gone (I recognize it is very complicated bringing these back in the current monetary environment) and a secure long term financial future cannot be expected. They are already dealing with enough. And if you want a healthy long term economy, you need people feeling secure enough to spend. 

Weird. You frame the arguments for young people voting exactly as any liberal Democrat would frame it. But yeah, "go vote" has no partisanship underlying it...


” Voting is crucial for democracy but this mindless encouragement is only going to cause mass uninformed voting.

Imagine watching the entire MAGA movement being built on low information voters addicted to conspiracy theories and worshipping their conman leader, and thinking that teenagers are the uninformed electorate bloc we need to worry about. 

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

There’s a lot of uninformed people all over the place, but a specific kind who support left-leaning causes are concentrated in the youth demographic. This demographic also happens to have a low voter participation history, so a general message of “Go Vote!” will get more support for Dems. This is what happened in the unprecedented voter turnout of the 2018 midterms.


It says a lot about the American political landscape when the supporters of one party are actively opposed to the idea of every American citizen exercising their right to vote. Gerrymandering and voter restrictions FTW, amirite? I guess it’s not OK if young people from California or New York vote, but it is OK when Farmer Joe from bumfuck Ruraltown USA who thinks Hillary Clinton was running a child sex slavery ring in the basement of a pizza parlour votes.



It says a lot about the American political landscape when the supporters of one party are actively opposed to the idea of every American citizen exercising their right to vote. Gerrymandering and voter restrictions FTW, amirite? I guess it’s not OK if young people from California or New York vote, but it is OK when Farmer Joe from bumfuck Ruraltown USA who thinks Hillary Clinton was running a child sex slavery ring in the basement of a pizza parlour votes.

The American founders didn't like the idea of democracy. George Washington won a *unanimous* presidential election among a small group of electors. Those of us steeped in the ideology of America's founding and those of us who simply look around the world at the failures of majoritarian rule are extremely skeptical of the idea that we should be encouraging people who don't know the issues to vote.


Let me guess: you think you know enough about the issues to vote but think millions of other Americans should be disenfranchised. When George Washington was elected, women weren’t allowed to vote and black people were considered 3/5s of a human and literally personal property. What an asinine argument. 


Yes, everyone of legal age should vote and yes, people who encourage voting seem to be the dems.  I am not sure why encouraging people to vote is a dem thing, though.  It does seem like republicans try to suppress the vote.  I think that in a part of Texas, they are unfairly rigging the mail in system by limiting the number of drop off boxes.  If you are confident in your ideas, you should not need to mess around with things like this. For the most part, the Trump vote is an anti-socialist vote.  Fear of socialism is irrational, as the United States will never be a completely socialist country. How can we turn into a socialist country when the majority of decisions in the US are made  by small states.  The only possible way the US would turn into a socialist country would be if the senate reflected the will of the people, as it does in the house.

High morals and principles should count for something and a vote for the current POTUS reflects a abandonment of our collective moral compass.  The man cannot even show an ounce of compassion when a group of people had planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer and take over the government in Michigan.  Michigan is part of the United States... He should at least try to fake the compassion for his own good, as it would probably get him votes.  He does not run the country for the benefit of the entire United States. 


In fairness, the United States has never had a federal government that has been so polarizing with widely criticized policies and views on both sides of the political landscape. The decision to pull troops out of Turkey was one of gross incompetence, as was the mismanagement and continued criticism towards efforts to combat COVID. These are just the two largest political stances the federal government has taken that has forced the United States into political turmoil with former allies and economic turmoil when compared with other developed countries tackling COVID.  

The "Please Vote" is often inspired by Democrats because Republicans have benefited from lower voter turnout instilled through voter suppression tactics such as gerrymandering or invalidating votes for minor discrepancies (hyphenated vs. non-hyphenated name, etc.).



In fairness, the United States has never had a federal government that has been so polarizing with widely criticized policies and views on both sides of the political landscape. The decision to pull troops out of Turkey was one of gross incompetence, as was the mismanagement and continued criticism towards efforts to combat COVID. These are just the two largest political stances the federal government has taken that has forced the United States into political turmoil with former allies and economic turmoil when compared with other developed countries tackling COVID.  

The "Please Vote" is often inspired by Democrats because Republicans have benefited from lower voter turnout instilled through voter suppression tactics such as gerrymandering or invalidating votes for minor discrepancies (hyphenated vs. non-hyphenated name, etc.).

That isn't true.  The country went to war 160 years ago over how bitterly divided two parties were.  And it was much the same types of people fighting over the same types of issues.  Conservatives, from mostly the same places, were then eager to keep an entire ethnic group as literal property.  Humane liberals opposed them.  75 years later we had riots as the same types of conservatives, from the same types of places, tried to keep that same ethnic group as second class citizens and in effective, if not technical, bondage.  And now, 75 years later again, we have the same types of conservatives, from the same types of places, trying to keep the social and economic privileges from the same ethnic group, and it's again liberals trying to thwart them.

This is why history is as important, or more so, than STEM fields.  We repeat history again and again in the name of placating the same minority of piece of shit dirtbags, and give in again and again


I can see why Republican supporters are opposed to seeing more Americans vote. With Electoral College maps, gerrymandering and voter restrictions, the map's been tilted in the Republican Party's favour the last decade or two (with the voting maps giving rural areas almost 2.5x the voting power of big cities). Democrats usually need about a 2-3% spread in the Electoral College, 4% in the House, and 6-7% in the Senate to achieve a majority. The Republicans could theoretically win a majority in the election every single time, even if they lose the popular vote. For example, in the 2018 Senate races, the Democrats received more votes, but the Republicans gained more seats. In Wisconsin, Democrats captured 53% of the lower house votes, but the Republicans captured more than 60% of the seats. At this point, the Democrats are clearly the more popular party in America, but America's political system allows the Republicans to essentially retain minority rule. The only way for the Democrats to tip this back in their favour is to turn out more of the voting base, as it puts the quantifiable odds of success in their favour. Hence, the non-stop (debunked) claims from the Republican Party about voting fraud, restrictions on mail-in voting, etc. The more people come out to vote, the more likely it is that the Republicans lose the election, and both parties are well aware of that.



I can see why Republican supporters are opposed to seeing more Americans vote. With Electoral College maps, gerrymandering and voter restrictions, the map's been tilted in the Republican Party's favour the last decade or two (with the voting maps giving rural areas almost 2.5x the voting power of big cities). Democrats usually need about a 2-3% spread in the Electoral College, 4% in the House, and 6-7% in the Senate to achieve a majority. The Republicans could theoretically win a majority in the election every single time, even if they lose the popular vote. For example, in the 2018 Senate races, the Democrats received more votes, but the Republicans gained more seats. In Wisconsin, Democrats captured 53% of the lower house votes, but the Republicans captured more than 60% of the seats. At this point, the Democrats are clearly the more popular party in America, but America's political system allows the Republicans to essentially retain minority rule. The only way for the Democrats to tip this back in their favour is to turn out more of the voting base, as it puts the quantifiable odds of success in their favour. Hence, the non-stop (debunked) claims from the Republican Party about voting fraud, restrictions on mail-in voting, etc. The more people come out to vote, the more likely it is that the Republicans lose the election, and both parties are well aware of that.

So true...and there is no counter to this claim. It's all in the numbers. "If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” Anyone who wants to stop Americans from voting, is anti-American. Modern conservatism = anti=American. Man that was easy!


You are among those most vocal for the discrimination against and the collective punishment of my ethnic group. That's more offensive than any name calling you might come up with. 

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

First time voting and used a pencil on my ballot only to see that you're supposed to use blue or black pen. Fuck


"Please vote" roughly translates to "Vote for Biden in 2020." It is so funny that people (not saying OP) do not clarify what they mean. When celebs etc promote signup websites and stuff I wonder if they are intending for people to register for either party? hmmmm


Thanks for the reminder! Would have forgot, but just sent in my absentee ballot for Trump


Currently reading through this thread, and I highly encourage everyone to vote. That being said, if people here want to get their gears turning, I would HIGHLY recommend the book “The Myth of the Rational Voter” by Bryan Caplan (hope I spelled his name correctly). Very interesting stuff, and I am reminded of it every election cycle by people’s statements here and there.


I decided that I will vote, for Biden, IF...Hunter releases the sex tape in full.


This graph really isn't that informative since they don't show what the totals would be like under Trump. Also, the numbers vary by state and city, so they include state and local tax too, for which Biden is not responsible. Although I would be livid if 60% of my income went to the government, it seems like the people behind this graphic cherrypicked numbers without giving the full picture.

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

This "please vote" "exercise your blah" is the dumbest, slyest piece of crock shit propaganda i have ever heard of in the last 2 hours (yes 2 hrs, i aint gonna go in my lifetime cuz a lot of dumb shit gets said).

Dem's have taken the moral high ground on almost every single piece of argument. Rights for everyone, payouts to all, XYZ for everyone and everything under the sun. You need something? YOU GOT IT. fuck being fiscally responsible, we'll figure that part out later 

They've also taken over culture. it's "cool' and "respected" in pop culture to voice out loud you're a dem. They have a strangehold over popular culture. Big big big mistake conservative sdid was when they gave this fight up. 

So what does the above 2 piece together? It means there are A LOT less reprecussions when someone says 'dump trump' versus saying go vote for trump. On the one hadn you might get called a libtard. Great. 

The other one? Voting for trump? You're a sex offending, racist, immigrant hating gun toting son of a gun. lmfao. this country's politics (and really a majority of it's politiciasn) are pathetic. 

// end rant cuz it's still the best country we got and i sure as hell aint moving to canada


All American citizens: please vote. Many states still allow registration. If you need help on the process, please message me and I'll help directly. It is of critical importance to make your voice heard.

If you're an American voting from abroad, you can use [email protected] - an email-to-fax service being run by the government to collate and fax your ballot - if your county allows vote by fax.

If you want to check whether you are registered, check   Your local county may also have resources, including email, chat agents, etc. Your mileage may vary by county. Other resources: , ,  

Yeah, I fulfilled my civic duty.


Why are people so stoked on voting? You want citizens who need a reminder to vote? Where that's their level of caring? You're wasting energy. People who want to vote do. Those who don't, don't. I've never voted and never will.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Hey bro, you gotta go vote bro, get out to the polls and vote bro, but not for that guy bro. Bro, I just want your voice to be heard, bro, but only in a very specific way bro.


I voted today. God bless America. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I've become friends with this gentleman who is maybe about 50 years old. He worked on my condo renovation and I've sent him to 4 of my friends for him to work on various interior renovations. He and I never discuss politics--he has no idea that I'm a conservative. He's a black guy and that's only relevant because of what he said on this phone call.

Guy calls me up the other day and says, "Hey, brother, look, I need you to vote. Voting is really important. It's important for everyone to exercise their freedom in this country." Really trying to avoid the topic (because I hate talking politics with friends/family), I say something to the effect of, "Well, yeah, I may vote." 

He emphatically responds to me, "No, you NEED to vote...unless it's for Trump. Then you can go ahead and stay home. But you're not going to vote for him--you're not a racist, right?"

This just confirmed for me what was already apparent. People telling others to vote REALLY mean, "Hey, you ignorant moron, I know you don't know anything about the issues, but because I believe that most people are good people at their core, and good people won't support Republicans because Republicans are obviously evil, the vast majority of random people I tell to vote will choose to vote for moral people, like the Democrats. So go vote!"


Corporis illo dolorem expedita aut reprehenderit molestiae fuga. Eaque accusamus vitae tempore pariatur voluptatem omnis repellendus. Tempore ut fugit placeat repudiandae dolore.

Odio enim quis ut saepe facilis. Quod eos placeat id est non dolorum. Quis reprehenderit minima ut adipisci eius quaerat et. Voluptas placeat unde aut quia aut. Aliquam eum id est provident. Laboriosam consequatur hic eaque velit. Quas illo iste est aut libero cumque.

Praesentium adipisci velit animi consequatur impedit distinctio quisquam. Qui doloremque molestiae sunt quaerat expedita ullam. Aut eos sit inventore odit maiores alias.

Vel alias hic expedita ducimus esse quasi odit. Officia quos ut debitis hic quae dolorem rem.


Laboriosam iure incidunt temporibus hic consequatur. Commodi qui impedit et consectetur. Inventore voluptatem quae quam esse aperiam. Illo qui voluptatibus excepturi recusandae fugiat. Voluptatibus dicta est numquam.

Sed voluptatem et nihil non maxime aliquam esse molestiae. Quos quo aut aperiam magnam consectetur itaque nostrum. Ipsum omnis possimus dolorem expedita cupiditate dolore voluptatem. Neque nihil ratione id qui rerum. Provident quas non sint porro.

Natus quia corrupti natus consequuntur fugit ducimus. Ut ipsum provident nostrum et aut error. Molestiae quo quia repellendus saepe laboriosam quam odit. Delectus maiores ad quas libero nulla. Velit sed et pariatur laborum.


Hic ducimus tenetur perspiciatis libero quae id. Occaecati voluptas tempora est sapiente sint facilis quisquam. Voluptatum explicabo quia harum voluptatem rerum. In accusamus molestiae molestias accusantium. Ullam molestiae reiciendis quia nulla error ad et.

Ipsum perferendis libero totam consequatur laboriosam. Repudiandae quia aut et. Non eum earum repudiandae laudantium et repellendus esse.


Ab minus error id voluptates nihil dolor quo. Excepturi fuga possimus maxime modi ut et. Qui molestias perferendis voluptatem qui. Eius eos maiores possimus voluptates tempore quia. Ut necessitatibus temporibus possimus sequi aut.

Dicta perspiciatis cumque nisi nihil natus aliquid sit. Laudantium adipisci non quisquam ex expedita. Voluptas nostrum et vel debitis est voluptates tempore. Natus mollitia ea aut aliquam nulla. Nobis adipisci non soluta consequuntur est.

Quisquam ut deserunt animi alias. Sint sed tempore assumenda vitae nobis ea. Reiciendis modi voluptas omnis. Rerum voluptas vel quia non maxime molestias. Pariatur illum voluptatibus sit odio nobis. Maiores aut maxime maiores deleniti sint excepturi.

Eum quidem reiciendis architecto vel qui expedita. Cum dolor et harum non. Nisi fuga incidunt harum sit repudiandae odio molestiae. Molestiae est in quasi labore omnis. Qui sapiente molestias aut vel. Et aspernatur ea occaecati reprehenderit suscipit amet ut esse.


Nisi omnis nostrum et autem vel. Sit commodi et corporis. Animi consequatur quis sint et exercitationem sint.

Praesentium quia id sed reprehenderit quia adipisci sint consequuntur. Temporibus quidem beatae magni odit voluptas velit. Qui et veniam laborum quis enim. Quia quia numquam et occaecati deleniti voluptatum. Ea a aut consequatur et.

Sequi soluta et ut. Unde sed exercitationem et mollitia laboriosam. Reiciendis non occaecati voluptatem quia autem perferendis. Aliquam et odit occaecati delectus nemo.

Molestiae alias dolore fuga sit. Dolor inventore aut molestiae quo dolorem. Reiciendis est animi tempore nulla ut cupiditate.

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

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