I thought Trump using real people was a good touch, tapped into the real people of America and appealed to the average Joe. Thought the North Korean defector was the one of the most moving things I've seen, when he held the crutches up he was one proud man and he deserved it. I thought Ted Cruz in particular looked very happy throughout which was interesting. Bernie looked low energy however he was probably the more responsive dems.

Trump is getting reelected given how the Dems carried on and if they continue to take the Hillary path of the "We aren't Trump". Seriously though those African American Dems staying cold still when Trump said African American unemployment is the lowest in all time will be something that will be that will tarnish the Dems. Trump is getting results, people are aware of the benefits of tax cuts are and not to mention all the manufacturers coming back to the United States. Good times ahead for the US. I'm not a American but I felt a lot of prosperity about America from that speech. Looking forward to another hopefully 7 years of a Trump presidency

Best Response

Crushed it. Absolutely powerful. If Dems don’t compromise on immigration, they are idiots.

All the clapping was annoying, but it’s always like that. I thought the content was great. He stayed on script and his topics were largely dem in nature. I was shocked at the prison reform mention.

Trump got double the black vote that Romney, McCain or bush got. He got more or equal the Hispanic vote as well (even while being painted as hating Mexicans). Democrats should wake up, forget this Russia shit, and realize there is a President who only cares about passing laws and getting shit done. He was elected because people are pissed at politicians and want change, not because anyone wants him to hardline Republican issues.



"Doers gonna do, and ainters gonna aint"

Trump can be considered a Doer and the Democratic Party is missing the whole point of why he was elected in the first place. A day late and a buck short, they need to catch up. Whoever's been helping with the strategic advising of that party - they need to be fired ASAP.

If you find yourself feeling lost, go climb a mountain.

Didn’t watch it and don’t care about these speeches, but did Joe Kennedy III really give the Dem response? Son of Joe Kennedy II, the rabid Chavista propagandist? I’m genuinely concerned that the far left has wrested control over the UK Labour Party and the American dems. This does not end well for the West when the conservatives inevitably lose power.


He was drooling.

And apparently celebrating common Americans and offering a path to citizenship for 1.8MM people makes trump a bully. What a joke.


I'll also say, the GOP looks to be solidly unified. Great stuff from the speechwriters and the people who are on the team and actually care about the stuff Trump talked about. God, country, family values, constitutional ideology, etc. Trump was a Dem 10-20 years ago and a righteous white supremacist cozying up to Bannon less than 2 years ago.


Keep calling him a white supremacist, see how that works for you again.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Did he not support the Clintons and other dems, then promote up Bannon, leading to some crazy ideas and saying some stupid stuff. Trump does this thing where he metaphorically kicks the whole table over instead of just explaining what's on it, too.

I don't get it. What's with the hypocrisy and blindness of people like you? If someone didn't call Trump out on his shenanigans, he'd still be saying stuff like "transferring power back to you the people" and talking about the "administrative state" and all the other insane nonsense.

I'll also say, the GOP looks to be solidly unified. Great stuff from the speechwriters and the people who are on the team and actually care about the stuff Trump talked about. God, country, family values, constitutional ideology, etc. Trump was a Dem 10-20 years ago and a righteous white supremacist cozying up to Bannon less than 2 years ago.

Saying vulgar and stupid shit does not make one a white supremacist. Look up that definition and the ideology before making such charges. David Duke and Richard Spencer are white supremacists, as they genuinely believe that whites are inherently superior to other races and that America belongs to them, with minorities being inferior unwelcome guests.


His cadence and delivery is much better when he does his off-the-cuff shtick.

The Democrats came off as childish, but you could say the same thing about Republicans during Obama SOTU's.

I'm with Bernie Sanders when he was concerned that not once did Trump mention Global Warming. It's pretty clear that this administration doesn't give two shit about the environment which is sad.

I do like the progress he's making economically. Let's see if he can actually create real wage growth.

It'd be great for the country if he could get an infrastructure bill in the trillions signed. And props to going after pharmaceuticals and the opiate crisis.

Overall, I've moved from staunch disapproval of Trump to being open to being more open-minded moving forward.


Your approval of Trump is growing because of a thing called gaslighting.

It's a form of psychological manipulation either intentional or unintentional and it's what bullies do to confuse and manipulate their victims.

Very heavily used in politics. Trump just happens to be glaringly obvious with it, yet people will still fall in line behind the "big angry alpha monkey" because they want to be a part of the tribe.

Primitive tribal BS of an administration lol.

For example, when they were all chanting "USA, USA, USA"...it's clear depiction of an old school fraternal type culture, aka tribal mentality.

Your approval of Trump is growing because of a thing called gaslighting.

It's a form of psychological manipulation either intentional or unintentional and it's what bullies do to confuse and manipulate their victims.

Very heavily used in politics. Trump just happens to be glaringly obvious with it, yet people will still fall in line behind the "big angry alpha monkey" because they want to be a part of the tribe.

Primitive tribal BS of an administration lol.

For example, when they were all chanting "USA, USA, USA"...it's clear depiction of an old school fraternal type culture, aka tribal mentality.

You just described politics in general. Every President engages in psychological manipulation and getting people pumped up.


SOTU speeches, regardless of the President delivering it, is a self-indulgent travesty. It is political pageantry at its worst. Quite frankly, I think Presidents should stop doing them and simply deliver written statement to Congress annually, which is permitted by the Constitution and was the standard practice until Woodrow Wilson in 1913.

Having said that, my thoughts are below:

  1. Trump's delivery is awkward, but overall it was a solid speech. I wish it were more specific on some details, but the speech stayed true to Trump's core message of American exceptionalism, muscular but contained foreign policy, and promoting policies that put the interests of Americans ahead of foreign nationals.

  2. I could not help but think of how drastic the contrast is between Trump and Obama. Yes, Presidents usually different from their immediate predecessor, but the contrast is truly extreme. Of course, Obama is smarter, more articulate and charming, and a great communicator. His prepared speeches were symphonies; even for conservatives such as myself, they are pleasant to listen to. The biggest contrast though is not style but political philosophy. While Obama spent 8 years apologizing for American exceptionalism and acting like he was the President of the global community, Trump is unapologetically pro-American in all aspects.

  3. The $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan is mind blowing. Where are we getting the money? Sounds like a pipe dream, even though we desperately need to upgrade our third world infrastructure.

  4. On immigration, I agree with Trump entirely. His one mistake here was focusing so much on illegal alien crime rather than the economic impact on working class Americans of importing mass numbers of low skilled foreigners annually. He should have called out corporations for wanting cheap labor and call for e-verify. I do like that he talked about visa lotteries and chain migration, which in their current form, do not serve the interests of the average American.

  5. It was both amusing and sickening how anti-American the Democrats seemed. It's totally fine to oppose Trump and his policies, and we don't expect them to be giddy during the speech. But they refused to stand up when Trump talked about the historic low black unemployment, middle class Americans getting a tax cut, strong economy, defeating ISIS, securing our borders and protecting our citizens, respecting our flag, etc. Also, they actually invited illegal aliens as guests. Wow. The Democrats have moved so far left in the past decade that they are unrecognizable from even when Bill Clinton was President.


The Democrats and blacks don't stand because something as simple as kneeling during the anthem to the administration is misconstrued as unpatriotic and disrespecting the flag and country when the whole point of kneeling is to bring attention to the inequality.

Trump doesn't acknowledge their perspective, instead he silences their voices with nonsense.

So Trump is in office for less than a year and takes credit for low black unemployment, strong economy, and defeating ISIS?

Give me a break!

Securing our borders and protecting our citizens? YEA that's why he pissed off all the Muslims by implementing the travel ban AND declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. And NOW he wants to open our borders to all Muslims and refugees?

Boy, are we in for a ride. The lack of critical thinking ability is increasingly frightening.

The lack of critical thinking ability is increasingly frightening.

Pot meet kettle.

Also, you're taking some serious Ls here man, maybe sit this one out for a while.

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell
The Democrats and blacks don't stand because something as simple as kneeling during the anthem to the administration is misconstrued as unpatriotic and disrespecting the flag and country when the whole point of kneeling is to bring attention to the inequality.

Trump doesn't acknowledge their perspective, instead he silences their voices with nonsense.

So Trump is in office for less than a year and takes credit for low black unemployment, strong economy, and defeating ISIS?

Give me a break!

Securing our borders and protecting our citizens? YEA that's why he pissed off all the Muslims by implementing the travel ban AND declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. And NOW he wants to open our borders to all Muslims and refugees?

Boy, are we in for a ride. The lack of critical thinking ability is increasingly frightening.

  1. First, BLM has grossly sensationalized and exaggerated the # of police killings of unarmed black men. It's around 30-40/year (many of them assaulted the cop or were reaching for his weapon). If Kaepernick and others want to protest the criminal justice system at large, there are multiple ways to do it that do not involve our flag. They could donate money to charities, go on speaking tours to raise awareness, do interviews with major news outlets, work with politicians to pass policy, etc. The whole flag stunt was self-serving and sent a terrible message to a lot of Americans.

  2. No one thinks that Trump or any other President deserves all the credit for the economy. We all know that Presidents don't have that much control over it. But yes, Trump's tax cut and deregulations have been helpful. Who knows what the economy will be like in the future.

  3. Oh no! How dare Trump piss off radical Muslims, ISIS, Palestinian Authority! What shall we do! Also, how is Trump opening the "borders to all Muslims and refugees?" Have you even looked at his proposal? It would not only increase border security but reduce legal immigration as well by transitioning into a merit based system. Also, Trump reduced the annual refugee intake as well as the religious composition: a far lower % of the refugees in 2017 were Muslim compared to prior years.

Dances With Newfoundland:
It was both amusing and sickening how anti-American the Democrats seemed. It's totally fine to oppose Trump and his policies, and we don't expect them to be giddy during the speech. But they refused to stand up when Trump talked about the historic low black unemployment, middle class Americans getting a tax cut, strong economy, defeating ISIS, securing our borders and protecting our citizens, respecting our flag, etc. Also, they actually invited illegal aliens as guests. Wow. The Democrats have moved so far left in the past decade that they are unrecognizable from even when Bill Clinton was President.

I think it's unfortunate for our country, but you have to admit...there are a lot of people on the left (maybe not the majority) that genuinely want this country to fail in some ways as long as Trump is at the helm. They are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the stock market to cash so they can blame it on Trump. They refuse to aknowledge anything good that is happening in our country out of fear that it will make Trump look good. This is just my take though...

As Greta said last night, they're not scared Trump is going to fail this country, they're scared he's going to succeed.


Manipulation via the media is a sad thing. There are literally millions of blank minds out there that choose to allow a 3rd party to paint the picture of their thoughts and guide their actions. There is no pro-America sentiment travelling through their brains, it's "this is what I want or nothing at all!". No compromise, no tolerance.

If you find yourself feeling lost, go climb a mountain.
Click OK to Continue:
I think it's unfortunate for our country, but you have to admit...there are a lot of people on the left (maybe not the majority) that genuinely want this country to fail in some ways as long as Trump is at the helm. They are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the stock market to cash so they can blame it on Trump. They refuse to aknowledge anything good that is happening in our country out of fear that it will make Trump look good. This is just my take though...

As Greta said last night, they're not scared Trump is going to fail this country, they're scared he's going to succeed.

You could replace the word "left" with "right", and "Trump" with "Obama" in your statement and it would just as accurately reflect politics from 2009-2017. Case in point, Trumps public trust in economic figures before vs. after his election.


I thought he did well overall staying on point. Funny that he sounded like a libtard at certain points. In particular, at one point he was mentioned employee investment and job training for poor Americans. Sounded exactly like Shillary or Obummer. But of course since it was coming from a Republican that makes it completely different. Whatever. The Dems consistently botched the delivery of that same message.

I actually found myself agreeing with him in principle on a few points, although the actual execution of his ideas is yet to be determined. In particular he mentioned a point about the working class that I think some in the Democratic Party currently badly misunderstands: many of them want work not welfare. Another point he made (and I was actually hoping for him to make) was reiterating that the Iran nuclear deal was absolutely nonsensical. But as far as I know he hasn't scrapped it yet.

Overall many of the ideas were fine but I'm skeptical of their implementation.


It's difficult for me to take his optimism seriously when he's (historically been such) a negative person. Seems forced, scripted, and "un-Trump".


As long as the dems have Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, drooling Joe Kennedy III, and the rest of their ilk representing the democratic party, conservatives will continue thumping them.


Playing Devil's Advocate here, when in a recent election have the Dems been "thumped"? Seems like everything is set up for them to take back the House during the midterms while the Republicans keep the Senate.


We shall see what the mid-terms actually bring. Conservatives have won every special election save for the last, in Alabama, where the democrat had to defeat someone who many people considered a pedophile. Even with that moniker attached to Moore, he still only lost by less than 1%.

Not in favor of Roy Moore, and find it disgraceful that the repubs couldn't find a better candidate. Regardless, even the special election in MT, where the reporter got shoved to the ground by the then republican candidate, the republican won by a landslide. It actually probably got him more votes!

So, what is your definition of "seems like everything is set up form ....." How is that? How are the democrats poised to take back the house? Voter anger? Outrage over higher taxes? Less pay in their checks? Less affordable healthcare? Fewer jobs on the market? The economy spiraling down the tubes? Pray-tell, what is the "set up" for your democrats? Just playing devil's advocate, of course.


Okay Che, Perhaps I was misinformed or misunderstood what was said on the radio. The primary point was the fact that the majority of viewers chose to watch a network that isn't oozing with left-coast liberalism when they tuned in to the SOU.

This is not a troll account and I would relish the opportunity to discuss facts, not feelings or aspirations. So I'm happy to engage in civil discourse with you about topics. What would you like to enlighten me on since I'm obviously too dumb to have any of my facts straight. Please, thrill me with your acumen.


"Okay Che, Perhaps I was misinformed or misunderstood what was said on the radio. The primary point was the fact that the majority of viewers chose to watch a network that isn't oozing with left-coast liberalism when they tuned in to the SOU."

11.7 million watched the SOU on Fox. 11.7/45.6 = 25.7%. A majority of viewers did NOT watch the SOU on Fox. Your primary point is also wrong.

EDIT: And for the record, I don't think you are dumb. Just misinformed on a couple of things.

Monkey see. Monkey Doo [Doo].


So this is where I assume you got your infographic. CNN, as claimed.

Trump likely was not the most watched. Everyone knows Trump is sensational and self promoting. The media crucifies him for this, but if he was to say (top 6 most viewed SOTU) the media was crucify him for the low numbers. The media has created the reality that there is nothing to gain by being truthful.

And like usual, the media shows only Nielson data, without realizing that the media world has changed, or providing context.


Here is the source information. Not the cherry picked trash that the joke of a "news network" CNN pushes.

If you sort the data, you can clearly see viewership higher in the early years when all the other channels of media were less developed. And this is no surprise as Nielson becomes less and less relevant.



This is absolutely what I call "does this pass the sniff test".

Was Trump's SOTU the most viewed and watched in history? Most likely not. Is CNN and the other media outlets being forthright, honest and transparent in their criticism? Absolutely not. The media has the responsibility and it is their job to present the facts. Trump does not. His job is to promote himself and his agenda and his party.

I mean do you really think Obama got less views than mid term Clinton? And these numbers aren't even correct when you look at the Nielson source.

Per Nielson, Trump got 47,741,000 combined views, roughly 250K less than 2010 Obama.

In fact, it seems as if Trumps numbers are misrepresented, and Clinton should be number one, per the data.

Also, just read the CNN article.

"There's no reliable data for live-streaming, but research indicates that the vast majority of people still watch big events on TV, not the web."

Ok, what research? Lets see the source.

Rest of the article is just silliness. Basically what I would expect from the Onion (aka CNN).

Okay Che, Perhaps I was misinformed or misunderstood what was said on the radio. The primary point was the fact that the majority of viewers chose to watch a network that isn't oozing with left-coast liberalism when they tuned in to the SOU.

This is not a troll account and I would relish the opportunity to discuss facts, not feelings or aspirations. So I'm happy to engage in civil discourse with you about topics. What would you like to enlighten me on since I'm obviously too dumb to have any of my facts straight. Please, thrill me with your acumen.

Here are some facts. Let's break down of viewership by network:

Fox News - 11.7 million FOX - 3.6 million CNN - 3.1 million MSNBC - 2.7 million ABC - 5.4 million NBC - 7.1 million CBS - 7 million

So let's lump fox in with fox news. According to trump's anti-MSM tweets, the rest of those networks are what I imagine you're referring to by "oozing with left-coast liberalism".

Looking at the numbers, fox and fox news combined still made up only 30% of total viewership. When weighed against "left-coast liberalism", the numbers are actually 14.8M to 25.3M. So not only did the "left-coast liberal" networks actually destroy conservative tv viewership, ratings among those networks combined actually reaches a true majority among viewership.

Now I'm not sure if the total viewership numbers include internet streaming, but you'd imagine most internet viewers would be of the younger, and by correlation more liberal demographic that is more likely to trust MSM. So if you want to look at viewership by cable network as an indicator of presidential approval or trust in MSM you need to take into account potential bias in cable network access and trends across viewing mediums.

Of course, this is a stupid question because at the end of the day what network does it matter you watch it on when it's just footage of Trump talking? It's like people calling the "mocking the disabled journalist" story fake news because CNN showed it a bunch of times, when really it's just footage of trump being trump, no commentary necessary.

Edit: By internet streaming I mean streaming services that aren't already linked with tv networks. E.g. NYTimes will sometimes stream important speeches and debates.


Frankly, the viewership question is over. I could care less how many viewers watched on CBS versus NBC. I just know the lions share of the night went to Foxnews. Period.

I was challenging you to engage me in something you must feel strongly about politically, considering you were bold enough to accuse me of being a troll. You obviously have a firm grasp on precisely the number of viewers who watched what, where, so you must also have a cogent enough response to the OP, or to engage me with some political discourse. I would find that quite enjoyable I do believe.

Meanwhile, the dems continue to get pelted by trying to obfuscate, cover up and downplay the latest pie in their face from the release of the FISA memo. Know about that one??


My sincere apologies. I did get you confused. I immediately thought you were the individual who'd accused me of being a troll, simply because I'd apparently made a misstatement regarding a ratings announcement I heard on talk radio on my way to work the other day.

Please do accept my apologies. I, in no way, was attempting to be confrontational to you. My post was meant for one individual only.

Have a good day.


LMAO that troll comment got you this riled up?? Jeez dude, it's the internet, calm down. I won't even make a Spicer joke.

Sure, we can talk about political issues if you'd like. Though, I'd appreciate it if you'd fact check yourself before posting, as you've been called out twice now for misrepresenting the facts. What is so damning about the memo? I haven't read it yet, unfortunately, but have a feeling it may be another nothingburger from Nunes.

Monkey see. Monkey Doo [Doo].

I take it personally when my honesty or integrity is questioned. The facts you keep referring to that I got wrong were not wrong, with the possible exception as to the numbers. Foxnews got the most viewers. No need to argue that fact.

Perhaps it's a "nothingburger" as you so eloquently put it. love the props to Hilary. Perhaps you should read it before making that assumption.

when was the last nothingburger from Nunes?

As for my fact-checking, I will be certain to have all of my facts and faculties in order should you choose to actually pose an issue to discuss instead of continuing to harp on non-issues.


6ds chess move by Trump.

1) Give a uniting speech that makes him appeal to everyone and make Democrats look like extremists.

2) Release Nunes memo so that the extremist losers now are revealed as conspirators trying to bring down a democratically elected, unifying government.

It's check and mate.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Adipisci molestiae dolorum corporis cum pariatur et nostrum. Quo iusto soluta sapiente enim iste. Laborum id distinctio est quis accusamus et quia ut.

Et non perspiciatis illo praesentium vel corporis tenetur. Autem ipsa sequi facere vel autem. Ex sunt ut illum harum voluptatem suscipit et. Vel doloremque omnis quos.

Sed explicabo nostrum architecto eligendi omnis velit qui distinctio. Aut aspernatur nostrum mollitia incidunt.

Sunt ullam illum molestias sed numquam ea aut omnis. Est necessitatibus exercitationem ipsa ad et. Exercitationem placeat excepturi dolore dolorem adipisci. Harum porro rerum voluptates temporibus est. Quisquam eos ex consectetur ipsa explicabo dolor odit. Illo accusamus unde provident quasi sunt.


Sit voluptatem sit nihil commodi dolorem distinctio molestias. Repudiandae vitae voluptatibus provident sed sit quae. Ea illum molestias quae praesentium quis. Rem quis sit nam in aut labore repudiandae.

Non cum necessitatibus quos voluptatem libero. Deserunt voluptatem ut occaecati officia qui enim optio. Voluptas eos voluptas eaque sit.

Ex modi voluptatem sed eaque ipsum. Neque iure rem numquam.

Vitae sint qui ut sunt necessitatibus molestiae fugit. Eos maiores porro voluptatem est maiores. Porro minima voluptatibus facere ducimus hic earum. Rem labore et consequatur facere quaerat quia.

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