The Controversial Truth about the workplace, college & the system

Disclaimer: This is not a troll post- I'm serious as a heart attack. If you are easily offended, leave this post as none of what I am going to say is PC.

I never see posts like this on here as most are too brainwashed into the system and their job that they don't see reality. I'm gonna drop some truth bombs too harsh for many of you PC employee monkeys to handle. It's gonna be on 1)college 2)corporations and 3)the system/what we are told to do/indoctrination.

Let's see if the mods take this down for being "inflammatory" which is nothing more than there way of blocking another perspective because they feel it doesn't "add value to the community". Sure it does. It shows many braindead people on here the TRUTH. Well then again, the truth is often manipulated as hate by those who cannot handle it's harsh reality. This is only "inflammatory" is someone thinks it is/gets offended. But if they do- by definition- that's on them as THEY got offended. This post is meant to awaken people who aren't already awake.


This system is one that is nothing more than an indoctrination center for liberalism and cultural marxism. It's a giant collective of leftist groupthink and a cesspool for social justice warrior, feminist dogma. Colleges give preferential treatment to gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals- all of which are simply put: mental disorders. Not to mention reverse discrimination by giving minorities preferential admissions based on the premise of social do-gooding- essentially justification for reverse discrimination. Add in ridiculous BS like black lives matter and a mythical rape culture and there you have it- a war on white men and anything that promotes truth.

Now lets factor in the BS method of "learning". We all know a liberal arts degree is 100% useless other than intellectual masturbation, but look at all the GE courses you have to take to get a degree. Like knowing the evolutionary advantage of a lobe-finned fish or how to take a partial derivative has any applicability to the real world! College doesn't expand your mind and teach you to think critically. Don't make me laugh. It teaches you to think like someone else. You memorize and regurtitate useless data and "learn" impractical, useless things. Not to mention how the college tells you what, when, how and where you're going to do it. College teaches you to be a wage slave. A conformist who follows orders well. College prepares you to be a regular low middle class- middle class person, not someone who is a freethinker or is creative and practical.

Add in student loan debt, where most people graduate $30K+(often times $100K+) in debt with no guarantee of a "good job" and you have a joke of an investment. This debt makes you a slave to NEEDING the job you may get to continue along the hamster wheel. Don't forget you have to pay colleges an application fee to give them the ability to reject your offer of going into debt to attend their school.


Now that you have been trained to follow orders, protocols and rules, and you have sacrificed the most energetic and healthy years of your life to obtain a quantification of your "ability"(nothing more than sacrificing on useless assignments thus proving you can sacrifice and grind, just what the company wants) by obtaining a high GPA- a company is now willing to hire you. But not so fast. You need relevant work experience through internships as well as competing with thousands of other lemmings to get that one spot where you are being overworked.

Lets factor in the culture of working at one of these companies. It is a politically correct environment where you have to filter everything with coworkers and HR ready to stab you in the back. Also, lets not forget about affirmative action: preferential hiring for women, minorities and LGBTs which is nothing more than reverse discrimination. Merit is thrown away to meet a quota.

Oh....And then the company is always looking for ways to cut costs. This is done by outsourcing your labor(firing you so they can save money by replacing you with a cheap Indian), layoffs, robots/AI, reducing headcount and lowering bonuses and even base salary. You are reliant on the hand that feeds you- the corporation. Relying on someone else for your survival and well being is like slavery. The corporation is NOT LOYAL TO YOU. They are looking to use you and replace you. You're also underpaid by nature or the company wouldn't be making a profit. Profits are understandable but corporations are greedy entities that serve the C level and their chairman and no one else. You are nothing more than a pawn in their game.


The system promotes you being like all the other lemmings- going into debt, getting into the "good school", getting a good "job", marrying, having kids and buying a house with a mortgage. You garner respect and admiration from the masses when you go to a good school and get this "prestigious" job. But f*** their respect. Who gives a s*** about the respect from the masses.

SUMMARY- All of these things in the system inhibit your freedom, emasculate you and turn you into a reliant drone for someone else.

(EDIT)-LESSONS TO BE LEARNED- 1)Nobody but you has your best interest in mind. 2)Be aware of the system and strive for freedom. Most people sleep on freedom. It just so happens that freedom and money/net worth are usually strongly correlated- the more you have the better off you are. 3)If you do go ahead and pursue college and a job, refer to point #1 and act accordingly. Working at a boutique firm is likely a better move if you think similarly to the above writing. Learn as much as you can at work and if you have the skillset to do it- eventually start your own business, firm or fund.

affirmative action: preferential hiring for women, minorities and LGBTs which is nothing more than reverse discrimination. Merit is thrown away to meet a quota.

Yep. I don't understand why being disadvantaged can't just be measured by income. A poor white man is supposedly not disadvantaged on paper. The funny thing is the LGBT (or how ever many letters they have added), and diverse candidates get a massive leg up for their skin color/gender preference (zero merit what so ever) yet have the audacity to make horseshit woe is me posts on Facebook/Twitter about how the system is stacked against them which I will never understand.


Agreed. It's all a con to make people who never grew up poor to feel guilty about what they have as well as who they are and thus as you said, give those groups a leg up.


I agree with almost everything he says except that quote. If any white man is passed over for a job simply because he doesn't meet diversity criteria, he would be 100% justified in suing the pants off that company. Discrimination protections don't just apply to minorities.

Proactive recruitment? Absolutely. Does that sway the candidate pool a bit? Absolutely. However, the company still has an obligation to hire the best individual for the job.

I see this a little differently: as a woman who is a member of LGBT groups I am more likely to be proactively sought out for recruiting than straight, white, Joe who isn't looking and may never find the job req posted online. Does that mean Joe was passed over for me? No.


Who is more worthy of college admission - a student with 3.9 GPA (white) or a student with a 3.2 GPA but is URM? Having a different skin color is an edge, and not meritocratic. That's why you see students starting to go into their family trees to find a way to list themselves as black/Hispanic.

Also if companies were looking for the best individual for the job (ie top grades, etc) then they wouldn't use skin color/gender preference as a way to filter candidates.


Post comes off as sour grapes, but is largely correct.

Reality is we are nothing more than tax paying entities. Issues a SSN at birth, pressured into conforming to bullshit social norms (college, work hard, married, house, kids) which all lock us into a limited life that generates tax revenue for a parasitic and evil government.

Everything we believe is largely bullshit, rooted in some type of consumer driven policy.

Get an online business or be able to work remotely and leave this dump of a country. Land of the free that has been at war, randomly bombing people in caves, for almost two decades (forget the past).

Russia is always evil, Iran is bad, blah blah blah. Worthless "news", majority of people in this country and base morons, founding fathers would kill themselves if they saw the taxes we pay.

And yes, college is detrimental to actually learning anything. A scam, graduating idiots who know nothing but social trash.


Excellent reply. You're right on, essentially we are all cogs in a machine. The message is that people must lookout for themselves as their friends/family(who don't necessarily mean any harm), mainstream advice and following the herd usually isn't a good way to success and happiness; as well as knowing that these examples from the OP inhibit freedom and your best interest.


Land of the free that has been at war, randomly bombing people in caves, for almost two decades (forget the past).

Russia is always evil, Iran is bad, blah blah blah. Worthless "news", majority of people in this country and base morons, founding fathers would kill themselves if they saw the taxes we pay.

You made me spill my coffee, SB'ed @TNA"


I always laugh how MonacoMonkey and TNA pretty much post shit politically that everyone is thinking but no wants to say it. Its quite funny.


"Also, lets not forget about affirmative action: preferential hiring for women, minorities and LGBTs which is nothing more than reverse discrimination. Merit is thrown away to meet a quota."

remember this folks: If you're a white male it is likelier that you skirted meritocracy to get your job than it is that your minority colleague skirted meritocracy to get their job. Carry on.

p.s. I welcome the MS, the truth is the truth.

edit: I read the rest of the post, lol. I shouldn't even bother with facts or logic. "War on white men" - lmao. Pathetic weak minded sniveling beta crying about the injustices the white man has to face. The delusion required to subscribe to this ideology is amazing. Keep crying bro.


I agree with some parts, disagree with others. Totally on the same page when it comes to college though.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

This is an extremely ignorant post tbh.

  1. The fact you do not understand the problems with our society at an institutional level speaks to your ignorance towards race and, even more so, the history of our species. Do some research and understand why affirmative action was implemented - to level the playing field. African Americans have been oppressed for centuries and have thus been at an extreme disadvantage in terms of education, wealth, respect, etc.... I am by no means far left leaning, but this post flabbergasted me.

  2. The whole "fuck the system" liberalism contrasts with the conservatism of labeling homosexuality as a "mental disorder"....figure out where your allegiances lie.

  3. Lastly, there will always be a "system" no matter what government or community you belong to. There is no problem with going to college and having a family with a white picket fence. People find happiness in a variety of ways. You don't have to be a surf shack owner in the Bahamas to find happiness and "freedom." And even then, that would get old for most people. There is no such thing as a fucking utopia. Stop being a pessimist.


Most of this post was literally "like, man! just do the research, MAN!" hippie level BS.

How about these facts...

1) -Blacks in America are disproportionately overrepresented in violent crime (murder, rape, assault). -Out of wedlock births for blacks are around 75%. Yes, 75%! -Affirmative action has given itself to a lot of evidence of mismatch theory, thus hurting blacks in the long-run.

2) Gays, while not a mental disorder IMO, certainly have a large number among their ranks whom are fucked in the head. The promiscuity in the gay community is something that a vast vast vast majority of straight men and women couldn't even imagine. The median number of lifetime partners for gays ranges between 30 and 100, depending on the study and age demographics of survey groups. For straight men it's 6-8. -STD rates in the gay community are extremely high compared to the general population, with many gays having experienced multiple different STDs throughout their lifetime. I won't even get into things like HIV and the need for drugs like Truvada. -Lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence among all groups -Monogamy within the gay community is basically a joke; hence why the idea of gay marriage was just a big "fuck you DAD!" childish angst to all straight and/or religious people.

3) I kind of agree with what you said here.

Most of this post was literally "like, man! just do the research, MAN!" hippie level BS.

How about these facts...

1) -Blacks in America are disproportionately overrepresented in violent crime (murder, rape, assault). -Out of wedlock births for blacks are around 75%. Yes, 75%! -Affirmative action has given itself to a lot of evidence of mismatch theory, thus hurting blacks in the long-run.

LOL. did you just pull this out of your ass?

  1. White perpetrators of rape: 57% white v. 27% black. Weak non-factual basis is so clear there's no need for me to go more into the other shit you're trying to spew to falsely state the supremacy of white people.

  2. The AA thing shows a "mismatch theory" when kids go from the ghetto to Harvard. It's cultural not intelligence or merit. A kid from the hood being thrown in to an environment where they're surrounded by complete opposite people for the first time raises a lot of anxiety making it difficult to succeed.

2) Gays, while not a mental disorder IMO, certainly have a large number among their ranks whom are fucked in the head. The promiscuity in the gay community is something that a vast vast vast majority of straight men and women couldn't even imagine. The median number of lifetime partners for gays ranges between 30 and 100, depending on the study and age demographics of survey groups. For straight men it's 6-8. -STD rates in the gay community are extremely high compared to the general population, with many gays having experienced multiple different STDs throughout their lifetime. I won't even get into things like HIV and the need for drugs like Truvada. -Lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence among all groups -Monogamy within the gay community is basically a joke; hence why the idea of gay marriage was just a big "fuck you DAD!" childish angst to all straight and/or religious people.

There's this thing reddit calls HOCD or "homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder". It's basically this porn-induced infatuation with the same-sex gender. The basic idea behind it is that if you are constantly viewing sexual imagery--you can be straight, attracted to women your whole life, married or in a relationship with a woman--you can develop a need for stronger porn to satisfy your appetite. Kids with easy and early access to strong imagery can develop these habits that lead them to go from normal softcore images all the way up to trans and homosexual fetishes.

This isn't to say that some people can't be born with some natural attraction to the samesex (maybe it's hormonal or whatever) but there is certainly some degree of mental condition in a lot of people with homosexual tendencies. I even read that Jeffrey Dahmer was a homo and I know that there are cases where some men act aggressively by feeling oppressed from openly displaying their sexual preference.

Also, when you say "Lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence among all groups", I think it's interesting that women commit a higher proportion of domestic abuse than men. So, this may be something not specific to being gay, but rather women generally are prone to that type of irrational reaction. Granted, two women in the same household can't be good to deter this.

I 100% think heterosexual and monogamous relationships are just much healthier for everyone and better for society, but that's just me. Just adding some colorful thoughts I had on this.


Most LBG (not gonna comment on T or Q because society makes it pretty difficult to be either of these) are way happier than I am and make it look like I am the one with a mental disorder.

Minus this and the diversity recruiting (wouldn't even be done by corporations unless there was ROI, which there is if you take a chances on talented underprivileged individuals willing to work hard) I agree with everything else.

Best Response
Disclaimer: This is not a troll post- I'm serious as a heart attack. If you are easily offended, leave this post as none of what I am going to say is PC.

I never see posts like this on here as most are too brainwashed into the system and their job that they don't see reality. I'm gonna drop some truth bombs too harsh for many of you PC employee monkeys to handle. It's gonna be on 1)college 2)corporations and 3)the system/what we are told to do/indoctrination.

Let's see if the mods take this down for being "inflammatory" which is nothing more than there way of blocking another perspective because they feel it doesn't "add value to the community". Sure it does. It shows many braindead people on here the TRUTH. Well then again, the truth is often manipulated as hate by those who cannot handle it's harsh reality. This is only "inflammatory" is someone thinks it is/gets offended. But if they do- by definition- that's on them as THEY got offended. This post is meant to awaken people who aren't already awake.


This system is one that is nothing more than an indoctrination center for liberalism and cultural marxism. It's a giant collective of leftist groupthink and a cesspool for social justice warrior, feminist dogma. Colleges give preferential treatment to gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals- all of which are simply put: mental disorders. Not to mention reverse discrimination by giving minorities preferential admissions based on the premise of social do-gooding- essentially justification for reverse discrimination. Add in ridiculous BS like black lives matter and a mythical rape culture and there you have it- a war on white men and anything that promotes truth.

Now lets factor in the BS method of "learning". We all know a liberal arts degree is 100% useless other than intellectual masturbation, but look at all the GE courses you have to take to get a degree. Like knowing the evolutionary advantage of a lobe-finned fish or how to take a partial derivative has any applicability to the real world! College doesn't expand your mind and teach you to think critically. Don't make me laugh. It teaches you to think like someone else. You memorize and regurtitate useless data and "learn" impractical, useless things. Not to mention how the college tells you what, when, how and where you're going to do it. College teaches you to be a wage slave. A conformist who follows orders well. College prepares you to be a regular low middle class- middle class person, not someone who is a freethinker or is creative and practical.

Add in student loan debt, where most people graduate $30K+(often times $100K+) in debt with no guarantee of a "good job" and you have a joke of an investment. This debt makes you a slave to NEEDING the job you may get to continue along the hamster wheel. Don't forget you have to pay colleges an application fee to give them the ability to reject your offer of going into debt to attend their school.


Now that you have been trained to follow orders, protocols and rules, and you have sacrificed the most energetic and healthy years of your life to obtain a quantification of your "ability"(nothing more than sacrificing on useless assignments thus proving you can sacrifice and grind, just what the company wants) by obtaining a high GPA- a company is now willing to hire you. But not so fast. You need relevant work experience through internships as well as competing with thousands of other lemmings to get that one spot where you have the "privilege" of churning out boring Excel spreadsheets and formulating powerpoints while having an associate, VP and MD breathing down your neck as you work 80+ hours a week- sitting in a cubicle behind an illuminated screen for 14+ hours a day. And this is all in the name of a "hazing period" where you "make your bones" with the hopes of continuing to out-compete the other monkeys to obtain more sanity and money on the buyside.

Lets factor in the culture of working at one of these companies. It is a politically correct environment where you have to filter everything with coworkers and HR ready to stab you in the back. Also, lets not forget about affirmative action: preferential hiring for women, minorities and LGBTs which is nothing more than reverse discrimination. Merit is thrown away to meet a quota.

Oh....And then the company is always looking for ways to cut costs. This is done by outsourcing your labor(firing you so they can save money by replacing you with a cheap Indian), layoffs, robots/AI, reducing headcount and lowering bonuses and even base salary. You are reliant on the hand that feeds you- the corporation. Relying on someone else for your survival and well being is like slavery. The corporation is NOT LOYAL TO YOU. They are looking to use you and replace you. You're also underpaid by nature or the company wouldn't be making a profit. Profits are understandable but corporations are greedy entities that serve the C level and their chairman and no one else. You are nothing more than a pawn in their game.


The system promotes you being like all the other lemmings- going into debt, getting into the "good school", getting a good "job", marrying, having kids and buying a house with a mortgage. You garner respect and admiration from the masses when you go to a good school and get this "prestigious" job. But f*** their respect. Who gives a s*** about the respect from the masses.

SUMMARY- All of these things in the system inhibit your freedom, emasculate you and turn you into a reliant drone for someone else.

(EDIT)-LESSONS TO BE LEARNED- 1)Nobody but you has your best interest in mind. 2)Be aware of the system and strive for freedom. Most people sleep on freedom. It just so happens that freedom and money/net worth are usually strongly correlated- the more you have the better off you are. 3)If you do go ahead and pursue college and a job, refer to point #1 and act accordingly. Learn as much as you can at work and if you have the skillset to do it- eventually start your own business, firm or fund.

Just because you have college debt and don't like your cube job doesn't mean you have to blame the system. It was your choice to go to college and pay for it and your choice to go into a large corporation. You wanted to run in the hamster wheel at some point in your life. Cursing the wheel is secondary to your decision to run in it.

I'm not even mad because of the 'non-PC' items you wrote. The truth is, what you wrote doesn't even matter. It doesn't change anything. You identified some negative parts of the workplace. Yeah, we work a lot harder than France. Our GDP reflects it. You can choose to work in a corporation and put out or start your own company in America.

Universities aren't the enemy. Sure, they are expensive in the US, but keep in mind how expensive it is for operating costs and keeping valuable faculty. We are not required to attend university or work in a corporate job, so its hard to fathom why you express such serious conviction about the atrocities of the modern workplace in the US.

Lets consider sweatshops or underage workers across the world. Do you think their hours are any better than the average Wall St. worker? They probably work more. No A/C, minuscule pay, with barely enough food to eat.

This is no controversial truth. There is nothing controversial about it.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

"Lets consider sweatshops or underage workers across the world. Do you think their hours are any better than the average Wall St. worker? They probably work more. No A/C, minuscule pay, with barely enough food to eat."



Yes, let's jump to conclusions that I am in college debt and and work a "cube job"! Idiot. And mentioning people in sweatshops that have terrible and unsafe work conditions and comparing it to ours implies our problems are irrelevant because someone else has it worse. Stupid logic. About universities- come on bro. Tuition has increased over 200% since 1980 but average household income has increased less than 20%. There is simply no way to justify colleges charging $40-50K a year tuition. It's a scam. Essentially, you debunked nothing. You simply stated comparisons and excuses.

Yes, let's jump to conclusions that I am in college debt and and work a "cube job"! Idiot. And mentioning people in sweatshops that have terrible and unsafe work conditions and comparing it to ours implies our problems are irrelevant because someone else has it worse. Stupid logic. About universities- come on bro. Tuition has increased over 200% since 1980 but average household income has increased less than 20%. There is simply no way to justify colleges charging $40-50K a year tuition. It's a scam. Essentially, you debunked nothing. You simply stated comparisons and excuses.

Well, I'm still waiting on this 'controversial truth'. What is it?

That colleges are expensive?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

TheROI The comparison to sweatshops and France suggest at least by some grounds you can say America has it the best overall compared to countries around the world. Or at least pretty damn good. Humanity is flawed, and you pointed out some of ours.

I may take part in the college system/workplace but I do so knowing I could always work construction, open a deli, or even resell sneakers on ebay with no education at all and STILL probably be able to support a family. Instead I've chosen to set my sights on becoming an excel monkey (for the time being) but I am no slave to any of the aforementioned systems.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Someone in jail shouldn’t complain because someone, somewhere else has it worse.

Weak as Fuck retort.

Yeah, someone has it worse. Sweet. We aren’t talking about that. Bringing up some intangible injustice to silence a real discussion of how fucked the system has become is bullshit.

No, you don’t have to go to college, but if you want any form of a life, you do. And who decides you need all those garbage 101 classes, taught by TAs and costing the same as a 400 level class.

More people should question this garbage and get pissed at it. De facto silencing someone isn’t the answer.

Someone in jail shouldn’t complain because someone, somewhere else has it worse.

Weak as Fuck retort.

Yeah, someone has it worse. Sweet. We aren’t talking about that. Bringing up some intangible injustice to silence a real discussion of how fucked the system has become is bullshit.

No, you don’t have to go to college, but if you want any form of a life, you do. And who decides you need all those garbage 101 classes, taught by TAs and costing the same as a 400 level class.

More people should question this garbage and get pissed at it. De facto silencing someone isn’t the answer.

The dean chooses the classes. If you want to change the classes, you can talk to the dean. When I was in university, I was in the honors college and also had two other majors, so I had three deans. I worked with all three to sign up for specific courses, transfer classes, replace classes, as well as creating several 1 on 1 courses with just the teacher. You don't have to take all the classes the standard major offers and if you disagree completely with the 'garbage classes', you can sign up for another university.

As far as the workplace goes, I don't think the system is 'fucked'. Complaining about sitting in a cube for $100 or $200K per year is laughable. You have three things to take into consideration when choosing your position: a) How passionate about it you are b) How much money you will make c) How good you are at it

Its hard to find all three in a position, so many times you will have to compromise. Sometimes people do cruise into Wall St. with (b) and (c) as their sole focus. If people want to focus on (b) and be workhorses within the confines of the city, it is truly up to them. Yes, sometimes it does take crazy hours in a desk to produce significant results, but surely that does not seem like a systematic issue.

I don't see the problem here. Yes, some people work really hard. They are compensated for their efforts/results.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

OP is talking about more than just sitting in a cube. My post is more about sitting in a cube.

And talk to the dean about what? The structure of college is all wrong. Just look at the outcry about law school and the unnecessary three years.

Me being pissed and talking to the dean isn’t going to eliminate the arbitrary classes.

I’m sorry, but a lot of fucked Up with the system and the train track that is life. Someone venting and calling attention to it should be shut down.


"As far as the workplace goes, I don't think the system is 'fucked'. Complaining about sitting in a cube for $100 or $200K per year is laughable."

Exactly. The other day, I read something (can't remember where) that said roughly 50% of the world's population lives on$2/day or less and roughly 80% lives on less than $10/day. Everything is relative. There are many things about "the system" that piss me off, but most of us are probably living better than 99% of humans who have ever lived, and for better or worse most of us wouldn't be without that system.

Although paying taxes to fund a government that does things like the Iraq War does get to me too sometimes. That part I can definitely sympathize with.

"Now you's can't leave." -Sonny LoSpecchio

Ah, the two things we cannot escape -

death and taxes.

College has been an interesting worldly experience so far - pretty much what the OP stated so far, TheROI , well spoken. Though, I do like the hot college girls - no question about that.

Many successful wealthy businesses send their kids to college simply for PR stuff, does not care what they graduate in since the family can teach their kids the business and have them run it after their years are gone.

I have been fortunate enough to have seen that education has provided a lot of poor people out of poverty and the ability to live a more happier life - despite the odds against them. They were able to graduate with little to no debt thanks to scholarships and grants.

Hence, something I read before by someone posted - probably DickFuld , and I quote,

"Money is a means to an end."

We deal with the crap thrown at us and ignore the truth (or downplay it) so we can feed ourselves and have a place to sleep at night.

Have a beer, relax, and MAKE THAT MONEY!

No pain no game.

Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. So race based affirmative action, which is retroactive in nature, should be replaced with proactive measures. What does this entail? Giving URMs the resources necessary to become highly educated/skilled early on, so they are competitive in things like the job market/college admissions. If they truly have equal access to such resources, then any achievement gap can be attributed to legitimate shortcomings (culture, values etc.).

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Hey man I'm kinda with you but you must admit some poor kids get terrible educations in public schools. All I'm saying is we give them good teachers, facilities, books, etc. Unfortunately this isn't standard throughout the United States.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Well, there's 30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back.

OP, ya, there's a lot of BS at college, no doubt, but if you go to an actual good school then I guarantee you'll learn plenty of useful things. Do you need the history/science/psychology that you're required to take even as a business major? That's debatable but being a well-rounded person makes you more enjoyable to interact with rather than being a one track drone. There's certainly a ton of liberal BS, but again, many good schools (in good majors) don't harp on political crap.

The rest is mostly stuff I disagree with but more importantly, I'm not going to spend any more time on this since these are the ramblings of a third (or is it second) year college kid who thinks he knows everything.

Best of luck, hope you find find what you're looking for and "get outside the system."


If you think it's studying a breadth of disciplines in college that makes you well rounded and interesting, you have a screw loose. It's social skills learned via get togethers/networking/parties/meeting lots of people, unique life experiences, traveling, and activities you do that make you interesting and well rounded- not some classes you took.


You actually think being gay is a mental disorder? Christ on the cross you are a piece of work.

These are private schools/companies who can do whatever they damn well please. What fucking right do you have to tell them how they should measure value-add in employees or students? They can select to create the student body or workforce that they want. You demanding otherwise is the opposite of laissez-faire and the libertarian ethos.

Your mistake here is relying on traditional means of measuring potential (developed by the system you claim to hate).

There is no grand conspiracy here, stop slobbering up Fox and Friends ever time they show you some kooky college sophomore who makes some crazy statement - that is far from the norm and no one actually takes them seriously.

You know why only you and TNA (who clearly have nothing else better to do than post on WSO as the top posters of all time) are jerking each other off over this? Because you are assholes. You're fucking jerks demanding why the world doesn't just hand you a job with a high paying salary, and the only reason you can possibly think of is that the black kid got a head start that you didn't. There is no "system", no elite council, its just a clusterfuck of chaos that you are too lazy or stupid to try and navigate.


This informal and drastically incorrect article/rant is just tragic. You make reasonable observations about college being mostly mental gymnastics, corporations/businesses having no interest in you but to screw you over, and the system being a big cesspool where you'll inevitably mix with the unworthy. But you fail in two major ways in your premise:

  1. The system is built to benefit "the working class" in the sense of the people who do not have the ideas, capital, or ambition to exist outside of it. That's your democracy and leftist ideas, as well as your network of jobs and other opportunities. Without it, the middle class or workers would still be dirty slaves to the upper classes born into the nobility.

  2. You are not entitled to "the system" working in your favor alone as a member of the working class. The real way to have political, financial, and lifestyle freedoms is to go the entrepreneur route. This is a separate class all of its own that is not subjected to the same stuff you call BS and hate about your liberal campuses or your workplace or what you see in society that you probably have to encounter on a daily basis. The system is basically a safety net for everyone not out there creating their own marketable product or service

Now, this doesn't mean I believe that we should give it over to the leftists. After all, they're for taking away the class of freedom that is entrepreneurship and subject everyone to their heavy thumb by suppressing ownership. I can't call myself an entrepreneur, yet, but I will be damned if I give up the fight for free thought, personal responsibility, and autonomy.


I would argue that some liberal/New Deal ideas that would most likely be anathema to this guy - like universal healthcare or social safety nets - could benefit the entrepreneurial freedom you are talking about.

If you can pursue your ideas without fear that you will go broke if you get sick or starve if you fail, wouldn't many more people pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions, thus creating new jobs, more businesses, more credit, and expanding the economy?

Thoughts? Not looking for a shouting match with you @iBankedUp , just an informed debate, by the way.

I would argue that some liberal/New Deal ideas that would most likely be anathema to this guy - like universal healthcare or social safety nets - could benefit the entrepreneurial freedom you are talking about.

Honestly, everything can be a benefit, if you know how to properly use it. If you're idea is in healthcare or biomedicine tech and, maybe the taxes from ACA effect you, then obviously, you would want to repeal. I haven't looked at any analysis on the industry, returns, economics like jobs, or even capital flows to know if it's even bad to have a tax in the industry. From an ignorant first glance, seems like margins are very high after the R&D part of the lifecycle that more than compensate for some reg and tax.

If you can pursue your ideas without fear that you will go broke if you get sick or starve if you fail, wouldn't many more people pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions, thus creating new jobs, more businesses, more credit, and expanding the economy?

I think there can be too much regulation and excessive taxing where you are hurting innovation and suppressing entrepreneurship. Obviously, you need to probably work a job while working on an idea at night, as well as you can do well having some form of subsidized healthcare to make it more affordable, which increases your savings rate, and this is just because you need to find have a sense of financial security in order to have the confidence to go out and find a workable solution before you can even launch, as well as you will probably be your first source of funding for the earliest iteration.

But if taxes are high, small businesses are definitely uncompetitive as it raises barriers to entry, lowers the incentive, and forces the hand for companies too small to fight back. Regulation is an issue because it stifles innovation, especially when you see the margins being narrowed, in terms of what innovators are allowed to "test" or boundaries that can be pushed.

And, each new tax and regulation is a slow creep up to doing away with innovation. All regulators need to do is control each part, which little by little, they will with more and more statist/leftist governments.

My main issue is with the government spreading itself thin, raising taxes but fixing no problems, and focusing the attention of the national agenda on things that really aren't fixable by throwing punishing regulation at it versus say creating innovative governmental solutions to the root of certain issues like mental health or supporting different social institutions that are believed to be helpful, although maybe not doing so in a forceful way.


Solid post overall. The only thing you don't recognize is that the thread is about awareness, not me saying the system owes anything to anyone or that is should benefit the working class. I'm not here to peddle some idea that workers need to be treated better, paid more or that the system needs to be a certain type of way. The post is simply an observation of reality. Once someone sees reality(most don't or don't want to) they can make a more educated decision about the paths to take.


So you think homosexuality is a mental disorder and your corporate job is on par with slavery?

I think you took one too many of those red pills....

Monkey see. Monkey Doo [Doo].

You do realize it was classified as such by the DSM IV until a massive lobbying campaign removed it.

Not agreeing with it, but it would help if you knew the history before you scoff at someone’s assertion.


What in my post makes you think I wasn't aware of the history? Whether it was once falsely classified as a mental disorder or not doesn't change the fact that if you think that are just a bigot ignoring the actual science.

Monkey see. Monkey Doo [Doo].

When applying for jobs, always answer the voluntary race question as Hispanic or African American. It’s been concretely proven that you’ll get more interviews regardless of your qualifications, and if someone questions you, just call them a racist and you’ll get whatever you want. I personally identify as a gay transgender African American lesbian with Hispanic roots and a hamster brain. Works every time.


How's that strategy reconcile with the studies showing that having an ethnic or "black" name gets you fewer callbacks?

Guess the Hispanics named "Tom Anderson" are hitting paydirt

How's that strategy reconcile with the studies showing that having an ethnic or "black" name gets you fewer callbacks?

How do those studies reconcile with the studies showing that that is not the case?…

See what I did there? There is not a study in existence that has ever even been close to proving your assertion.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to being lauded over for my skin color, mental disabilities and hamster brain, and preference to chop off my dick and suck all different kinds of genitalia. America is a wonderful place, isn't it? :)


I look at the brighter side of our society--we can have an incredible standard of living while being lemmings in a machine not even aware that we aren't truly free or we can be destitute and live in grinding poverty (and still not be free) like much of the rest of the world. Corporate paper pushing isn't the ideal life, but it's a lot better than what 99.9% of humans have experienced throughout history.


I recommend you take pills to become a minority such as John Howard Griffin did (before it killed him), become 'mentally ill' (as you eloquently stated) to join the LGBT community, and move to Slab City, CA.

In regards to your edited conclusion, your final point to ' eventually start your own business, firm or fund' sadly isn't a solution, as you still have stakeholders who make or break you - aka control you. How about you start a HF with a 10 yr absurd gate provision so you can ignore the zero investors who provided you capital?

“I’m not fat. I’m cultivating mass.”

This post reeks of the ever increasing WSO venting “I didn’t get the internship/job offer/college acceptance letter I want, and it’s a gay brown persons fault”. Grievance outrage politics are consuming the Right, led by our sore winner assclown of a President.

Why so much constant anger? How unhappy are @TNA" and the rest of his Proud boy red pill crew of virgins? TNA, you’ve got 30,000 posts on a free anonymous website. No one with an active career, social, or love life could find that much time to waste. You guys seriously need to look in the mirror and find out the true source of your unhappiness - it sure isn’t some politicans in Washington or a college admissions office.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

You’re dense.

We are discussing WHY. Do you ever think about anything that goes on around you.

This whole thread misses the point. The angst is about social norms that are not questioned.

But you’re right. I shake my head at the contributions to this site considering how superficial the thinking is from the vast majority of people here. Jesus Christ.

This post reeks of the ever increasing WSO venting “I didn’t get the internship/job offer/college acceptance letter I want, and it’s a gay brown persons fault”. Grievance outrage politics are consuming the Right, led by our sore winner assclown of a President.

While I don't necessarily agree with everything the OP posted, do you not think there might be validity to at least part of what he's written? Do you think reducing all of his thoughts to the simple presumption that "he must just be mad that he didn't get the internship/job offer/etc." is useful? Reactions similar to yours are quintessentially the reason Trump was elected in the first place.

"Grievance outrage politics," as you call them, are all-consuming to ideologues on both sides. The progressive/left's extreme obsession with ideological subversion and identity politics set in motion a fervent reaction from the right, which, again, is the reason Trump was elected. Do you not see this? Divisiveness begets divisiveness.

Why so much constant anger? How unhappy are @TNA and the rest of his Proud boy red pill crew of virgins? TNA, you've got 30,000 posts on a free anonymous website. No one with an active career, social, or love life could find that much time to waste. You guys seriously need to look in the mirror and find out the true source of your unhappiness - it sure isn't some politicans in Washington or a college admissions office.

Again, why call people names instead of explaining why you believe they're incorrect in their assertions? If you are truly disturbed by the fact that Trump was elected and genuinely want to effect a different outcome in the next election cycle, then it'd behoove you to cease demonizing and insulting people. If you truly don't actually care, then that's fine, but don't complain if our "assclown of a President" remains in office for another full term.

Lastly, I agree that personal responsibility, growth, and continual introspection are the only elements that actually pave the road to living a fulfilled life; a notion which is diametrically opposed to the dogmatic diatribe of finger-pointing ideologues and the very concept of identity politics.


Generally, agree with everything you've written here. Anyone who doesn't think already Trump is a clown is never gonna vote for the Democratic 2020 nominee anyway, so I'm not too worried about bridge building. Anyways, it's of no use trying to argue merits with TNA's myopic view of the world. I personally know how influential this website can be to impressionable college kids, and think the hard right aggrieved posters who continue to pop up completely misrepresent how much of the real world thinks. Balancing that out, with either a thoughtful post, or calling out dumb simplistic arguments like OP's, is the only reason I come around anymore.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
This post reeks of the ever increasing WSO venting “I didn’t get the internship/job offer/college acceptance letter I want, and it’s a gay brown persons fault”. Grievance outrage politics are consuming the Right, led by our sore winner assclown of a President.

Why so much constant anger? How unhappy are @TNA" and the rest of his Proud boy red pill crew of virgins? TNA, you’ve got 30,000 posts on a free anonymous website. No one with an active career, social, or love life could find that much time to waste. You guys seriously need to look in the mirror and find out the true source of your unhappiness - it sure isn’t some politicans in Washington or a college admissions office.

Not that it matters, but if you look at the time TNA has been with WSO and his MS/SB ratio, it comes out to


Quod corrupti in enim ipsa ab eveniet ut. Eius velit vero doloribus error officia laborum quis. Tenetur maxime ut cupiditate repellat. Odit repudiandae veniam necessitatibus et maiores est molestias. Libero at ex nihil similique unde labore ut.


Dicta consequatur adipisci fugit ut reiciendis minus. Doloribus aut ut quae illum. Necessitatibus accusantium pariatur voluptatem quo beatae.

Quia dignissimos eos quasi reiciendis. In doloribus in quia pariatur. Minima ipsa mollitia adipisci voluptatum voluptatem quaerat dolorem. Ipsa natus illo doloribus repellendus et.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Qui voluptatibus quia adipisci. Cumque blanditiis animi et voluptatibus deleniti delectus vero. Provident distinctio qui aliquid dolore. Consectetur repudiandae labore velit distinctio recusandae amet dignissimos.

Qui veniam non dolores earum beatae amet autem. Harum omnis aut nesciunt id eligendi sapiente. Veritatis voluptatem vel eveniet explicabo maiores dolor et. Aspernatur consequuntur et reiciendis neque harum dolorem.

Ratione omnis cumque enim corrupti non libero. Est nisi delectus nostrum id ea. Nesciunt reiciendis non reiciendis sint. Quisquam culpa aut enim culpa. Rerum a illo voluptates architecto voluptas.

Rerum dolor est consectetur assumenda atque est officiis. Iste quis natus optio beatae. Ea sed officiis et accusamus distinctio. Voluptatem ut fuga similique. In quod tempora iure unde nobis omnis incidunt. Distinctio ratione aspernatur pariatur quis labore quia eos et. Veniam quia quo aliquid suscipit eveniet voluptatem voluptate.


Quae quam ipsa sapiente quis. Corrupti optio consequatur quia alias. Quia mollitia in deleniti occaecati quia. Voluptatibus voluptas quia odit nisi magni accusamus.

Quia eos consequatur autem rerum. Consequatur suscipit recusandae accusamus. In eum commodi facere vel voluptates id atque. Optio sit fuga perferendis maxime vel. Perferendis et tempore deleniti. Velit voluptatum suscipit perspiciatis voluptatem vel.

Autem in omnis deserunt non. A fuga est facilis et quia. Voluptate quia ipsa eum consequatur deserunt. Minus rerum sunt aliquam consectetur aut quaerat. Non ut nulla error et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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May 2024 Investment Banking

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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May 2024 Investment Banking

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  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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