The unvaccinated are screwing us over! It's time to call these clowns out!

We are in what should be referred to as the 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'

I hate these Covid restrictions as much as the next guy and def agree that the libs have gone overboard in overblowing this pandemic over the past year and half.Β 

But the science about the success of the vaccine is impeccable.Β 

As soon as the vaccination rates started climbing we saw a downtrend in new cases.Β 

NYC has been rocking for past 2 months but now with delta strain spreading rapidly we may see more restrictions.

To some of my friends of aΒ  certain kind -- We know thatΒ >95% of the new COVID deaths are in the unvaccinated currently. Get the damn vaccine and dont be stupid. Not everything is a conspiracy you idiots.


The unvaccinated aren't ruining it, the people putting restrictions back in place are. At this point, the unvaccinated have had a chance to get the vaccine, so we really shouldn't be pandering to them anymore. The vaccinated should be able to go back and live their lives, and the unvaccinated can live their lives as well and get sick if they so desire.

If the current death rate was the rate at the beginning of the pandemic, no lockdowns ever would have even been put in place, but now politicians seem to want zero deaths a day before they lift restrictions because of how political it's become.


The unvaccinated aren't ruining it, the people putting restrictions back in place are. At this point, the unvaccinated have had a chance to get the vaccine, so we really shouldn't be pandering to them anymore. The vaccinated should be able to go back and live their lives, and the unvaccinated can live their lives as well and get sick if they so desire.

If the current death rate was the rate at the beginning of the pandemic, no lockdowns ever would have even been put in place, but now politicians seem to want zero deaths a day before they lift restrictions because of how political it's become.

Exactly my thought. They aren't going to magically change their mind so we need toΒ move on

Most Helpful

This is such a bad argument on its face and casts a bright spotlight on the weak critical thinking of those making it. The # of cases means literally nothing. The only reason they've got case # tickers on the side of the news is because it gets more viewers and gets those viewers to stick around longer. It's literally just fear marketing playing off of human psychology. What matters is the death and hospitalization rate which has dropped off a cliff since we got the most at risk population, the elderly, over 90% vaccinated. The ENTIRE reason lockdowns were started (15 dAyS tO sLoW tHe SpReAd) was to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. The fact this has become an issue with perpetually moving goalposts should make is blatantly obvious to anyone with an iota of common sense that there's now a profit motive driving this from the side of big pharma.Β 

The vaccine lowers the odds that YOU will be hospitalized or die from COVID. They do not prevent you however from contracting the disease. The logic of "vaccine status or negative test" doesn't make sense, since even if you're vaccinated (even the CDC has confirmed this) you can still catch and spread the disease. Case and point, the Democrats from Texas that caused a super spreader event among staff members of Congress and the White House (which they are still not disclosing the # of cases caused). The idea that CHILDREN need to be vaccinated is absurd on its face since less children haveΒ died from COVID than do from the flu. If everyone who has wanted to be vaccinated has gotten vaccinated, then that should be it. Case closed. You shouldn't care if someone who has chosen to take a risk of their own free will catches COVID and has a serious reaction. YOU are safe and have nothing to worry about even if you do catch COVID (unless you don't trust the vaccine). The people who haven't been vaccinated are choosing to rather take the risk (if you call a >99% survival rate a risk) of catching COVID vs taking a vaccine with 0 longitudinal studies that has had more adverse effects reported to VAERS in the past 6 months than any vaccine in history.Β 

Blaming this on people who don't trust Big Pharma, who I think everyone can agree has a terrible record with lying about side effects, deceptive marketing, bribery, etc. is nonsensical. The ones causing these lockdowns are your political overlordsΒ and the only reason they can do it is because you keep letting them. If you want to know who to blame for the lockdowns, go look in the mirror.

These lockdowns have been the best thing to ever happen to big business. They wiped out a plurality of their SMB competitors, gave them more pandemic aid than the actual citizens of the country, and in the case of Big Pharma allowed them to push a rushed, expensive, and proprietary product to market with a false EUA which gives them literally 0 liability for with respect to any adverse effects. Even while there are proven treatments like Hydroxychloroquine (which Fauci himself talked about during the original SARs epidemic as a viable treatment during the early stages of infection) and Ivermectin (almost single-handedly solved the pandemic in parts of India and Mexico) are widely available and off of patent (IE CHEAP AND EASY TO GET).

If you think this is in any way being done to "keep people safe" I've got a bridge to sell you, also there's a tiny country in the middle east that totally has WMDs so we should go fight a 20+ year war there making 0 progress. And this isn't even touching on what came out from the FOIA request with Fauci's emails, the proven funding link between the NAID and Wuhan Lab, Fauci's strong historic advocacy for gain-of-function research along with clear conflicts of interest of the lead investigator being someone he's helped fund in the past, China's sketchy behavior regarding anyone trying to investigate the origin point of the virus, etc etc. Fuck outa here with this weak sauce.Β 

Edit: Almost forgot the border crisis where there's been an over 900% increase in cases among these illegals who are flowing in like a dam broke, with 0 testing being done. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the spikes that areas in the southern US are seeing. We're giving Europeans grief to come here legally with proper testing measuresΒ but our southern border is just swiss cheese to people coming from the 3rd world which has a vastly worse caseload than anywhere else. But it's just (D)ifferent I guess.Β 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion


Do you actually believe getting vaccinated doesn't lower chances of getting COVID?

Are you illiterate? Did I say it doesn't lower your chances of getting it? No, I didn't. I said it doesn't prevent you from catching or transmitting it, which it does not per the CDC. If it did then vaccinated people should have even LESS of a reason to care about any of this.Β YouTube and FacebookΒ literally have it in their rules that claiming the vaccine will prevent you from getting COVID is misinformation that will get you suspended from the platform.Β 

Also love how that's the only takeaway from everything I commented. Like I said, weak critical thinking on full display. Midwits like this who are only able to hang on to a single point that I DIDN'T EVEN MAKE.Β 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Much of what you say is true, and I agree with virtually everything you said in the first half. With that said, I believe you err in some regards.

1. I sincerely hoped (more than you can possibly imagine) that hydroxychloroquine would prove effective against COVID-19 in a prophylactic or post-exposure sense. There is ZERO evidence that hydroxychloroquine works for prophylaxis or reducing mortality once someone is hospitalized. As for ivermectin, I believe that there simply haven't been enough trials to test its efficacy one way or the other, and this motivation for not doing trials could very well be connected to the profit motives of the broader pharmaceuticals industry.

2. Fauci supports gain-of-function research for vaccine purposes. NAID sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There's no evidence that NAID sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research, much less gain-of-function research with respect to coronaviruses. I put this in the plausible, but not proven category, and I believe your comment insinuates more than I think is warranted.

3. If you look at recent increases in case counts, it's concentrated in the Southeastern United States and Montana, not the borders which are adjacent to Mexico or are known for receiving large numbers of immigrants (who do so legally and illegally) from Latin America and other regions. Blaming rises in cases in Southeastern states on immigration is nativist demagoguery and not rooted in fact. Certainly migration can cause an increase in case counts, but the information we have before us does not lead us to that conclusion. Let me be very clear, the primary reason case counts are rising is because of low adoption of the COVID-19 vaccines in the Southeastern United States.

Besides these items, I think you've written a fine piece that explains how we ought to be focused on serious illness rather than mere cases.



Much of what you say is true, and I agree with virtually everything you said in the first half. With that said, I believe you err in some regards.

1. I sincerely hoped (more than you can possibly imagine) that hydroxychloroquine would prove effective against COVID-19 in a prophylactic or post-exposure sense. There is ZERO evidence that hydroxychloroquine works for prophylaxis or reducing mortality once someone is hospitalized. As for ivermectin, I believe that there simply haven't been enough trials to test its efficacy one way or the other, and this motivation for not doing trials could very well be connected to the profit motives of the broader pharmaceuticals industry.

2. Fauci supports gain-of-function research for vaccine purposes. NAID sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There's no evidence that NAID sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research, much less gain-of-function research with respect to coronaviruses. I put this in the plausible, but not proven category, and I believe your comment insinuates more than I think is warranted.

3. If you look at recent increases in case counts, it's concentrated in the Southeastern United States and Montana, not the borders which are adjacent to Mexico or are known for receiving large numbers of immigrants (who do so legally and illegally) from Latin America and other regions. Blaming rises in cases in Southeastern states on immigration is nativist demagoguery and not rooted in fact. Certainly migration can cause an increase in case counts, but the information we have before us does not lead us to that conclusion. Let me be very clear, the primary reason case counts are rising is because of low adoption of the COVID-19 vaccines in the Southeastern United States.

Besides these items, I think you've written a fine piece that explains how we ought to be focused on serious illness rather than mere cases.

1. It is however effective when used at treatment of first symptoms on admission. There have been studies that support that. You are correct though, it is neither a prophylactic nor useful for treating people who have already been hospitalized with severe cases. On the note for Ivermectin, it is quite literally one of the most widely used medications on the planet and is safer than Aspirin. It has been shown in metastudies to be effective as both a prophylactic and as a treatment in the field for first onset of symptomsΒ to treatment of moderate symptoms. I will completely disregard the FDA and WHO's stance on this matter, as both have an interest in keeping the narrative that it is not an effective treatment for COVID in place, because as soon as that is acknowledged Big Pharma loses their EUA. I recommend checking the physicians treating COVID as part ofΒ theΒ Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) and listening to the commentary ofΒ Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, and Bret WeinsteinΒ on this issue. They are vastly more qualified to be talking about what's going on than a pure play bureaucrat like Fauci who hasn't done field work in decades.Β 

2. You're splitting hairs. There have been almost noΒ significant medical breakthroughs, despite Fauci's narrative, thanks to GoF research. In fact GoF is considered by many to be right on the grey area approaching the development of what could be considered bio-weapons. It was banned for a reason. The NAID sending money to the Wuhan lab but "not explicitly" saying it's for GoF is a weak argument at best. Money is fungible, and they were trying to deny that they'd even done that until that position became untenable. Fauci's most recent back and forth with Rand Paul was quite telling, with Fauci trying to go full Bill Clinton "define relations" on the definition of GoF with a pathetic appeal to authority argument saying he'd had "experts" sign off that it wasn't GoF. The fact not even 6 months ago people were getting banned for even suggesting lab leak theory is enough for me to not trust a word of what's being said by these experts. The narrative seems to have a complete shift every 2-3 months as new information is released, so I'm confident we will see some stories changing soon enough.Β 

3. I'm happy to be a nativist demagogue, screw the illegals and fuck the Washington talking heads doing nothing to stop them. The leaders in South America were very clear in their messaging, this is entirely the fault of the Biden admin loosening restrictions and all but outright encouraging people to make the journey. I did not mean to imply that all or even a majority ofΒ the cases were resulting from them, that's my own poor wording so you're correct on that point. But I don't believe we've seen the lasting effects of what this will cause. Especially with stuff like this going on:

Thank you for the thought out response, and I apologize if my tone comes across as overly aggressive. IΒ appreciate your having a reasoned comment, despite any disagreement I may have with some of your main points.Β 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

You have a 1/27000 chance of being hospitalized with COVID if you have gotten a vaccine. Why are we putting restricting back in place? To protect the people who haven't gotten the vaccine? They are the people who care the least about masks and COVID in general. Every adult in the US has had every opportunity to get the vaccine at this point. If we are putting restrictions on a disease less deadly than the flu, it shows the level of incompetence of our politicians. I'm calling it now, there are going to be mass restrictions put back in place, and in a few weeks, restrictions will only be lifted for people that can prove they have gotten a vaccine.Β 


If the doctors and nurses are vaccinated they have a better chance of dying from contracting the flu than from COVID. COVID will never go away, likely it will be seasonal from now on, so should we shut down once a year from now on?Β Shutting down over a 0.004% chance of dying is stupid. Nearly every death at this point is from unvaccinated people, and they have no one to blame but themselves.



You would have an argument if these people weren't filling up hospitals and putting doctors and nurses who never signed up for this at riskΒ 

They work in a hospital... Treating sick people...Β This is quite literally THE definition of what they signed up for. How unironically obtuse can you be? As for risk, 99% survival rate WITHOUT the vaccine is a risk? And it's even less when they the vaccine (which a majority of these workers do).

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

They’re not incompetent. Covid has allowed them to spent trillions of dollars and they’re not even finished. COVID made mail in voting more wide spread etc, you get the picture. COVID has made a way easier road to socialism and unchecked federal power.Β 


I'm vaccinated but I mean my God, what is the point of getting the vaccine? The messaging is absolutely atrocious. So now vaccinated people have to wear masks annnnnnd unvaccinated people need to wear masks. The government and CDC are not giving an ounce of incentive. And don't @ me with the "oh but now vaccinated people have to wear masks because people are unvaccinated!" if you had 3 brain cells you would see how poor the circular logic is there.


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Tempore et nihil debitis. Voluptatem qui pariatur ullam fuga assumenda eligendi esse. Totam dignissimos officia quas rem.

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