Former Deloitte and Booz Allen Ask Me Anything

Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new to the site; found it while researching some questions related to B-School admissions and really enjoyed some of the content. Anyhow, I saw plenty of users looking for more info on management consulting and thought I'd make myself available. I spent two years in Deloitte's S&O practice in DC working with Federal clients (mostly in the health care space). I then did some time at Booz Allen Hamilton, where I largely supported DoD clients but dabbled in some commercial work as well.

I'm happy to answer any questions: breaking into consulting, federal vs. commercial work, living in DC area, exit opps, whatever.

Full disclosure - I've been out of the game for two years (having bailed for industry) so some of my first-hand knowledge may no longer be current.

Insider Information On Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton

Here at Wall Street Oasis we are lucky to have many experts willing to share their insight on topics that they have experience. User @SpeedAKL" has a few years with Deloitte and Booz Allen consulting and was willing to let other users pick their brain on the two companies. Below we have excerpts from the Q&A.

Movement Opportunities

Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton feature a huge workforce. Because of sheer quantity, the applicants that they receive and the exiting employees are extremely diverse. Due to this it is often very difficult to move into a position at either company without a recommendation from a current employee. Applicants that are hired will usually have a recommendation and will currently be in the same or a similar position. User @SpeedAKL" did not notice anyone transferring in from other fields such as tax or audit because of the vast difference in skill sets. He did see the occasional move from HR or finance into client-facing roles.

As far as exit opportunities it really depends on the person. Plenty of people switch to other federal consulting companies. Other things people left for were tech companies, politics, non-profits, the government, etc. There is no real standard path because you develop very different and unique skill sets and the experience is valuable in so many fields. Approximately 40-50 percent exited into positions unrelated to government. 2-5 years in a federal practice seems to be the sweet spot for gaining valuable experience but not being stuck in a government related job.

There is a good amount of location movement within Deloitte. Say the Deloitte DC office needs someone with your skill set. You will be a strong candidate for the role due to already being in the company. Many people from Deloitte in DC have moved to international positions. Coming from an office like New York that focuses on commercial or private industry clients makes moving between offices easier.

New Employee Advice

As a new employee you will almost definitely either come in overconfident or the opposite. If you are overconfident you will quickly learn not to be, and if you are not confident enough you will struggle to make the moves that are necessary to further your career and impress your employers. @SpeedAKL" provided some tips on succeeding in the fast-paced environment at Deloitte or BAH:

  1. Actively network and seek out mentors, both on and off your project
  2. Details, details, details
  3. If you screw up, apologize promptly and make sure you learn from it
  4. Kill it with your work ethic, even with seemingly-menial tasks. Doing well on the small stuff can quickly lead to more responsibility
  5. Ask plenty of questions, but make a reasonable effort to find the answers yourself first - if you do ask, write down the answer for future reference
  6. Remember to be a professional. I saw tons of people come in who could not write proper e-mails, goofed off in meetings, showed up late, or were unaware that the f bomb was not considered proper business terminology
  7. Don't be discouraged if you get stuck on a project outside your areas of interest. Those opps will come if you perform well and build a network

The Best and Worst Parts of Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton

There are many great things about working at Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton. All of your colleagues are very bright and motivated people. Being surrounded by people like that is very motivating and they will often have very interesting personalities and stories. They are also from a very diverse base as they can come from Ivy Leagues, small liberal arts colleges, military, etc. You will have great mentors at a place like Deloitte or Booz Allen hamilton. This is especially important in a field with such a steep learning curve. You learn the basic skills that are very important in business such as data analysis, presentations, project planning, project management, people management, etc. The offices, tech, perks are all much better than in corporate America. The travel is far less brutal than commercial jobs. The training is exceptional. Both companies really invest in their people. And, of course, name recognition. Everyone recognizes the name Deloitte and most recognize Booz Allen Hamilton as well.

On the flip side of all the great things about the companies, there are some definite negatives to working there. The first is having to live in a major metro. For example, if you work at Deloitte DC the metro has insane traffic and the cost of living really is extremely high. It is less interesting working in the federal roles as it will be a very long time before you get to make any of the big decisions. You also see the rot in the positions of power in our country. Some civil servants really are great, but many fulfill every negative stereotype you've heard and more. Tenure is almost exclusively what matters when it comes to job security, pay, etc. Because of this there is no incentive to shake things up and there is no reason not to do a poor job. There is no motivation to do a good job unless it matters personally to them. Most people are just sitting around waiting for their retirement and pension. The amount of waste and inefficiency truly is unbelievable. You also may find yourself doing something that clashes with your political beliefs, but that's your job.

Read More About Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton


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Thanks very much for doing this!

First, a couple questions about lateral recruiting -- I graduated in 2014, but was late to the recruiting game and ended up at a small government consulting firm in DC that does mostly operational and IT work for state and federal clients. Is applying online a viable lateral recruiting strategy for BAH and Deloitte Federal for someone with 1 year of experience? What type of people (level/function) should I target for networking? Also, does BAH even have an "analyst program"? From looking at LinkedIn, there seem to be entry-level people across a range of specified roles, rather than in a generalist program.

Second, a question on exit opportunities -- At the analyst/associate level, what are the exit opportunities for someone who does not want to consider business school? How often to people exit into something unrelated to the government?


Sure thing. Re: lateral recruiting, I would strongly recommend getting a recommendation from someone who already works at BAH or Deloitte. I went lateral from Deloitte to BAH; at the time, almost nobody got into BAH simply by applying online. Keep in mind that these are huge firms who likely receive thousands upon thousands of resumes through their online portals. Having someone vouch for you makes a HUGE difference. It doesn't need to be anyone high up the ranks, though this certainly helps. I'd target people who work in the area you are interested in (strategy/org, human capital, tech, operations, etc.)

BAH does not have an analyst program per se. I believe they did at one point, but the analyst position was scrapped before I arrived. Entry-level consultants are simply called "Consultants". The hierarchy at BAH is as follows: Consultant > Senior Consultant > Associate > Lead Associate > Senior Associate > Principal > VP (at which point you are likely being considered for partnership). Deloitte follows a similar pattern: Analyst > Consultant > Sr. Consultant > Manager > Sr. Manager > Principal/Director. The two firms have a similar advancement track, but there are some key differences. Deloitte's partnership track is strict up-or-out, whereas BAH is more "grow or go" (though some teams within BAH like to see advancement on a reasonable timetable). BAH's hierarchy is standard for all client-facing personnel, while Deloitte forks at some point with the Specialist track (those who are interested in mastering technical skills and developing intellectual capital than managing projects or winning new business).

Re: exit opps, this is a tough one to answer because the exit opps seemed as diverse as the people who took them. It really depends on your skill set, network, background, and interests. I saw plenty of people switch to other Federal consulting companies (usually to get a nice pay raise and/or promotion). People also left for commercial consulting, Fortune 500s, tech companies, startups, new media, politics, nonprofits, health care providers, boutique or specialized consulting firms, or positions in the US gov't. There really wasn't a "standard path" unlike younger investment bankers or younger commercial management/strategy consultants. I'd say the amount of people who left for something unrelated to government (including those who went to grad school) was 40-50%.


Thanks for lending your time!

From your experience at Deloitte how often, if at all, did you see people from other practices( ie Audit & Tax) transfer into the consulting practice?


I honestly didn't see a lot of movement between practices. There would occasionally be people who moved from middle-office roles (HR, Finance, etc.) into client-facing roles and vice versa, but this was not common. I cannot think of anyone from Audit or Tax who jumped to Consulting. The skill sets are just completely different, aside from the "soft" or "get shit done" skills that everyone needs to succeed in a fast-paced environment.


Thanks for doing this @SpeedAKL ! Recently, another WSO member did an AMA on their Federal Consulting experience, but I wanted get another perspective on one of the questions I had asked the other member:

What are examples of exit opportunities that you've seen your colleagues take advantage of/positions that have been offered to you throughout your consulting career?


See my earlier reply on exit opps. To sum it up, the exit opps were incredibly diverse and largely dependent on the individual's interests, network, skill set, etc. There was no "standard path". Many who planned on a switch to finance or commercial strategy consulting went back to business school; placement seemed strong at the top 15-20 MBA programs. Jumping to smaller Federal consulting/contracting firms seemed popular as they frequently offered better work hours, higher paychecks, and more responsibility; the tradeoff was less brand recognition and fewer engagements to choose from, but many seemed fine with that. The big firms aren't for everybody. Some folks did jump to PwC, IBM, Deloitte, BAH, Accenture, and other major players, usually for salary and/or promotion purposes.

I'd advise getting 2-5 years' experience at a Federal practice like Deloitte or BAH and then moving on if you don't want to be around government long-term. The basic skill sets you learn can be tremendously valuable across industries, but staying too long runs the risk of getting pigeonholed.

Best Response

The best parts: 1. Smart, motivated colleagues from many walks of life - Ivy League, military, state schools, small liberal arts colleges, MBAs, engineers, public policy geeks, activists, you name it. Both places really valued diversity of experience (as opposed to the usual PC diversity). 2. I had some excellent leaders and mentors at both places who pushed me to perform yet had my back even if I screwed up. I didn't know crap about how to get work done in a timely, professional, polished manner. The first 6 months at Deloitte out of school were brutal. The learning curve was steep, but I stuck with it and grew tremendously as a professional and as a person. 3. I learned key basic business skills - data analysis, presentations, project planning, project management, people management, process analysis and improvement, communications, time management, strategic planning, change management, writing proposals and business plans, etc. - that are tough to teach in a classroom, yet important to know regardless of your industry. Consulting is a business boot camp in many respects. 4. Offices, IT/tech, perks, etc. are all really nice compared with corporate America. Both "Uncle Booz" and "Papa D" knew how to splurge. 5. Less travel than our commercial colleagues. I remember Deloitte's commercial S&O guys having particularly brutal travel schedules when I was there. 6. Name recognition. Everyone in business knows who Deloitte is. Many of them also know Booz Allen. 7. Training opportunities were excellent. Both firms really invested in their people.

Worst parts: 1. DC traffic/commuting/cost of living really does suck as much as people claim, even if you're right on a Metro line. 2. I find the work in private industry to generally be more interesting than most Federal projects, as many of the "big decisions" in USA Inc. are driven at the political level where consultants have little influence. I like working on major, strategic projects - that's tough to do in Federal consulting unless you're a very senior person. 3. Some of our country's civil servants really are excellent people; others fulfill every negative stereotype about government employees and then some. Much of this IMHO comes from Uncle Sam's HR policies, which reward tenure almost exclusively and provide very little incentive for outstanding performance or shaking up the status quo;they also provide very little deterrence from doing a poor job, as it is really hard to fire a Federal employee. Doing a good job is thus one of intrinsic self-motivation for Federal employees. Many Feds are baby boomers who are waiting for their retirement date and a fat pension - there's little motivation for change or improvement. 4. The waste and inefficiency really does have to be seen to be believed. 5. If you hold strong political opinions, you could find yourself working on things that clash with your ideology. Consulting firms occasionally took on projects that involved hot-button issues, e.g. Obamacare implementation, various Intel work, etc. 6. Some fellow analysts, consultants, etc. could be bratty, elitist, bitchy, conniving, or generally terrible people, but they were in the CLEAR minority. You get rotten, self-important types at any firm or industry that courts high-achieving young people.


Questions about Deloitte S&O here:

  1. How easy/difficult is it to transfer from one Deloitte location to another? I'm joining the firm's New York office, but I'm hoping to transfer to a West Coast office eventually. Any advice for how to approach this in the right way?

  2. Biggest pieces of advice for new joiners? Anything you wish you knew when you started out in S&O?

  3. What are some commonly held misconceptions about Deloitte S&O?


Re; Deloitte S&O

  1. I don't recall it being very difficult, as long as there is staffing needed in that office. I even heard of a couple people who transferred from the DC office to international locations. Since you're starting in the New York office, I assume your focus is commercial/private industry clients. This alone should make the job easier. I recommend networking with partners, senior managers, etc. out of your desired locations who share your industry focus and/or area of expertise.

  2. I did not do a summer internship in consulting before joining Deloitte; my internship was in corporate finance at a Fortune 500. I thus had no idea what to expect, and was prepared for neither the pace of the job nor the attention to retail required for client deliverables. I had the brainpower but was very rough around the edges. My recommendations: 1.) actively network and seek out mentors, both on and off your project; 2.) details, details, details; 3.) if you screw up, apologize promptly and make sure you learn from it; 4.) kill it with your work ethic, even with seemingly-menial tasks. Doing well on the small stuff can quickly lead to more responsibility; 5.) Ask plenty of questions, but make a resonable effort to find the answers yourself first - if you do ask, write down the answer for future reference; 6.) Remember to be a professional. I saw tons of people come in who could not write proper e-mails, goofed off in meetings, showed up late, or were unaware that the f bomb was not considered proper business terminology. Brains =/= common sense. Treat everyone with respect

  3. Deloitte S&O stands for "Strategy AND Operations". Some new hires come in naively believing that they will immediately be recommending high-level strategy to C-suite execs and boards. Others (who are more skeptical of the firm) assume that all you do is work on operations and middle/back-office issues. The firm handles both, and last I heard has been moving aggressively to capture more strategy-type work. Don't be discouraged if you get stuck on a project outside your areas of interest. Those opps will come if you perform well and build a network.


An accounting background/CPA wouldn't be tremendously useful at Deloitte or BAH, at least in a consulting position. Deloitte's audit and tax arms handle most CPA-type work, and I almost never saw any work at BAH that would require a CPA.


Re interviews, I went through the campus interview process with Deloitte. They started with the initial on-campus interviews, asking mostly fit questions to assess leadership, why I wanted consulting, my leadership skills, prior experience, etc..,.the usual stuff. Final-round interviews occurred on site at Deloitte's DC-area offices. It was a machine-gun approach of 5 or 6 interviews with everyone from analysts to senior managers. They treated us well, but it was a long day indeed. Nothing technical, again largely fit questions.

BAH consisted of a 1-hour phone-based interview with someone from HR, followed by an afternoon-long on-site interview with the specific group recruiting me. I had three interviews, one of which was more technical in nature and two of which focused on fit .Keep in mind this was a lateral move; they were looking for specific skill sets in process improvement, strategy development, and change management (my old team in BAH handled some diverse projects). There were many questions related to my consulting experience with Deloitte...types of projects, roles I played, my comfort with client-facing presentations, etc. Nothing too technical, but they did assess my experience with Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and a few other tools. The offer came very quickly - one week after final interviews IIRC.

Disclaimer: my memory is rusty so some of this may be off or outdated.


Re: travel, I did not personally travel outside the DC area except to attend Deloitte's analyst school, which is a one-week training event held for Deloitte Consulting's new full-time analyst hires nationwide. It's 12-14 hours per day of intense case-based training. It's also a total shitshow with lots of drinking and partying. It's held at a swanky hotel/resort somewhere warm (specific location varies year-to-year). Inevitably some analysts make asses of themselves and are quickly out of a job. It makes for great war stories!

Many (80-90%) of my coworkers at Deloitte and BAH did not travel week-to-week. Those who had weekly travel typically lived outside the DC area and flew in for client work. These people often had a specific skill set needed for an engagement. Intermittent travel was pretty common, though. My main engagement at BAH required travel to military bases and other outlying gov't facilities; most of my traveled one week per month. Most Army or USAF bases are in rural areas, so it's not exactly like traveling to NY or LA (being up close to the hardware is pretty cool, though!). Navy clients were a different story (major bases in Seattle, San Diego, Honolulu, etc.). Keep in mind that BAH has offices around the country who can handle Federal clients, whereas Deloitte's public sector practice is entirely in the DC area. Yes, the BAH Honolulu office is only a few blocks from the water!


1): Working for Deloitte, would there be any way to get away from public sector projects and work for private clients?

2): If I'm more interested in quantitive analysis and resulting strategy, would there be anything for me at either of those firms?

3): Smaller question: what are your travel and accommodations typically like?


1.) As previously mentioned, transitioning from public sector to commercial projects can be tricky as the staffing pools for engagements are totally separate. Networking with colleagues in the commercial practice is ABSOLUTELY crucial; it's quite hard to switch otherwise, or at least it was when I worked there. I've heard that Deloitte is working to better integrate the public and private-sector consulting practices; this process started shortly before I left. Moving to commercial may be easier now.

2.) BAH has a major presence in analytics-driven consulting, at least for public-sector clients. I didn't have much interaction with the Strategic Innovation practice (BAH's new term for the analytics practice), but the consultants I knew there were extremely smart and had absolutely killer academic credentials (usually advanced, specialized degrees). BAH saw predictive analytics and business intelligence as a major growth area. Deloitte did not emphasize this nearly as much when I was there, though this may have changed.


Re: 2nd tier, I never really thought about it until after I left. MBB did not recruit at my school; furthermore, my decision to pursue consulting was last-minute due to AWFUL hiring conditions in finance when I graduated.

Would MBB open more doors? Yes, particularly with F500 firms and particularly compared to public sector Big 4 practices (recruiters may not think the experience is as relevant as commercial consulting experience). Did being at a 2nd-tier firm hurt my colleagues much in terms of their desired exit opps? I don't think so. Most seemed to land exit opps that really excited them.

Keep in mind that many people getting into public-sector consulting may be more inclined toward public service, politics, non-profits, startups, social entrepreneurship, etc. than their commercial colleagues. Exit opps were thus more diverse than the typical B-school or corporate strategy path, though some certainly took this route. Also bear in mind that Deloitte and Booz Allen are still very solid brand names; as ManagementConsulted put it, you may not be in the top 0.5% of early-career jobs prestige-wise, but you're still in the top 1-2%.


I rarely saw this sort of move. Deloitte would likely encourage you to look at their FAS (Financial Adivsory Services) practice. FAS does some cool work, but the skill set is slightly different than consulting.

Furthermore, Deloitte strongly prefers to hire out of school and grow it's talent in house, unless you offer major revenue-generating opportunity through a unique skill set or excellent client relationships. BAH, PwC, and Accenture are generally more open to lateral hires.

This isn't to discourage you, though. If you network well and clearly articulate how your skill set could add value to consulting engagements, then doors may well open.


I majored in finance (with a concentration in investment analysis/management) at a well-known state university. It wasn't top-tier, but it had a strong undergrad business school. Wall Street actively recruited our equity and fixed income student-managed investment teams, and numerous commercial banks and F500s recruited for leadership development positions (e.g. GE's FMP).

My GPA was below average (I STRONGLY recommend 3.5+ for Deloitte and BAH), but I had pretty strong leadership and community service experience through my church and campus faith organization. I also helped organize and run our on-campus job fair. I had two solid internships under my belt (though not in consulting) and have been told I interview very well. GPA is definitely important, but it's critical to be well-rounded too.

See response above re: interviews. A summer internship definitely helps from a familiarity and networking perspective. I recommend it if you're able. Having said that, I didn't feel handicapped during the actual interviews because I didn't intern there.



Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. I have one of my own.

I worked in engineering at a leading datawarehousing company (think oracle/ibm), then moved into consulting large scale database systems with fortune 100 clients at a local firm. I work in southwest ohio. I'm finshing my part-time MBA but do have Principal-level references at Deloitte. Does this help? Is quitting my engineering job mid-mba to get some type of consulting experience (it's a small enough firm I can get sell experience, too), will this help me over other MBB/Deloitte candidates?

Again, thank you.


No problem, happy to help - and sorry for not checking this thread recently! Life's been busy.

Your experience would certainly apply to Deloitte's technology consulting practice; not sure how relevant it is to a strategy-type consulting role, but having prior consulting experience like you do certainly can't hurt. Having those Principal-level references will DEFINITELY help. If you land an interview, be sure to explain how your current job has grown your skills in executing/management projects, winning new work, etc.


Post-MBA salaries are slightly lower on the Federal side. How much lower depends on the new hire's pre-MBA experience. Some of my coworkers were not in the business and/or had limited work experience world prior to getting their MBA; this would naturally reduce your starting salary. Assuming, however, that you have several years' business experience and an MBA from a top program, you will receive a slightly higher offer from Tier 1 firms and Tier 2/Big 4 commercial practices vs. a brand-name Federal practice.


I do not have my MBA at this point; it's on the horizon though. I'm in the health care field now and am looking at various MBA and MHA (think healthcare-focused MBA) programs. Will be doing some GMAT cramming tonight, in fact!

Having an MBA is certainly a positive in the Federal consulting space, but it isn't a barrier to entry or promotion like it is in a commercial practice. As someone from Deloitte HR explained it to me, it all comes down to clients' preferences. The F500s that Deloitte's commercial practice pursues want to see consultants (save for entry-level analysts) with MBAs. Federal clients care much less about this and more about subject matter expertise relevant to their specific projects. Deloitte and BAH thus don't require MBAs for promotion. Having said that, they are both supportive if you pursue an advanced degree (MBA or otherwise) so long as it is applicable to the work you do.

An MBA would certainly help breaking into either firm, particularly at the Senior Consultant or Associate level at BAH or the Consultant/Senior Consultant level at Deloitte. Both firms have target B-schools. Getting an MBA from a brand-name school is a great way to get in, particularly if you are out of college and lack prior consulting experience.


Thanks for taking questions! I have a few of my own as well: 1)I'm going to be interning at a Congressman's office this Summer, do you have recommendations of fun/affordable neighborhoods? 2)I've been doing a lot of work with senators, elected officials, political campaigns etc... while not exactly along the lines of consulting, can I potentially use this to transition to consulting in DC? thanks1


1.) Capitol Hill is a great neighborhood and (critical to staying sane in DC) would be very close the work. It's a beautiful old neighborhood full of restored rowhouses and has plenty of younger people. It isn't as posh/trendy as Georgetown or Dupont Circle, but rent is considerably cheaper. Plenty of bars and restaurants on Barracks Row and H Street.

2.) I worked with several people who did just that. A strong academic record, demonstrated leadership/success in your job, and referral sources from inside the consulting firm will all help.


Thank you for doing this AMA, SpeedAKL!

The YE reviews are coming up in Deloitte pretty fast. Any advice on how to position yourself best for a promotion next year? I'm currently at a Consultant level and been with the firm for 1.5 years.

In your experience, what sets Senior Consultants apart from Consultants? What are the skills and/or traits I should be developing?


Best of luck on YE! Quite an intense process from what I remember.

The secret to promotion at Deloitte (or BAH, for that matter) is to demonstrate competency in skills required at the next level prior to your annual review. Why? Senior consultants typically hold more leadership and client-management responsibilities than consultants; promoting someone who isn't ready could jeopardize client relationships and project execution. They want to be sure you can handle the work before giving you the promotion.

Deloitte should have a detailed list of expected competencies for each level on their intranet. I'd 1.) look at that, 2.) ask yourself whether you are demonstrating most competencies required of a Senior Consultant, and 3.) get with your career manager or a mentor to determine how to close the gaps and highlight the ways you are performing at the next level on your performance eval.

The biggest difference I saw between Senior Consultants and Consultants was that SCs typically had leadership responsibilities. They were rarely a project manager (except for small projects), but typically led Consultants and Analysts in delivering one or more key project tasks. SCs were also active in proposal efforts and typically had some leadership role in a firm activity.


Hello! I need some advice on how to switch from Deloitte's tech consulting federal practice to their S&O practice. I have a bunch of reasons for wanting to switch, but the primary reason being that I don't think the functional work in the technology space is interesting. From what I understand now, it's not going to be easy to switch internally to the S&O practice, but I was hoping some people could provide me guidance. People say the best way to achieve that is to have a partner that backs you, but 1) rolling off my project has been very difficult and 2) although i'm aggressively speaking to people at work, I'm not guaranteed to get onto a project.

I was also wondering how i could make the switch to PwC/ Strategy&. Is applying online a viable way to get an interview? What about finding connections given that I currently have none? I spoke to two people who worked/ work at PwC and they never followed up with the things they said they would, so I'm looking for another avenue.

Also- what are peoples thoughts on transitioning from Deloitte to BAH? Is there a lack of name recognition or would I be fine (given that I actually enjoyed the work).

I also don't want to get stuck in federal forever and I heard the exit opportunities coming out of the commercial space are way better.

Any advice whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!


Hi there, I know this is an old post but since recruiting is about to begin it would be great to get advice. I've recently interned at a DC think tank and am almost exclusively interested in Deloitte or BAH's federal consulting side, and Deloitte recruits heavily at my school, but I am on the west coast and have not met anyone who went into federal.

Was the recruiting process different for federal versus commercial?

Thanks for this really helpful post.


I worked in banking for a little over year and have been consulting at Grant Thornton for almost 2 years. I'm contemplating doing an international masters in Europe (univ is non-target in US, target in EU) and wanted to get a) your take on if this is smart / dumb / too risky? b) are unconventional / international / different backgrounds appreciated or pursued at Deloitte c) if there was anything you'd recommend I do between now and graduation (3 years from now) to ensure a position in S&O and d) if you had an idea of what level i'd be placed at coming out of a non-target school but with 2+ years of prior consulting experience.

Thanks !


Not sure why anyone would seriously want to consider a career in Federal Consulting. Booz is no more than a PMO shop for lazy government agencies


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Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (588) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (146) $115
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (345) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1050) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (190) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (552) $67
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Betsy Massar
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Linda Abraham
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”