Anyone know of any good sites we can check out to prep for full-time (in addition to reading the news and some books)?

Best Response

that was me...actually I kind of forgot about it to tell the truth, I put a price tag because I wanted to limit my competition, for when I was ready to dive back in. And it was also a way to have you guys write most of the content :)

But now that I no longer plan of getting into Investment Banking(starting my own business instead), I guess I'll make it free.

Once I finish updating this operating agreement, I'll update the site to take off the password. So by tomorrow it should be free, if its not bump this thread and I'll update it then.

P.S. I'm sure you guys will find something wrong with it, but I'm open to criticism, because I want it to be perfect since I want the site to be kind of your #1 source for getting the job.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


ok I disabled the password protection, so you should be good to go in like 10 minutes.

I don't have the time right now to update the welcome text and the things that mention $$, so ignore that.

p.s. Critique the site all you want, I really don't care. If you have any actual suggestions, you can use the comment link etc. And yes there are probably errors etc.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


It's late, but after an ephemeral glance at the "The Process of getting a job in IB" page,it seems that you are making comments with a rather narrow set of experiences. I'm sure you are quite knowledgeable about the interview process and whatnot, but some of your comments are not entirely accurate. I just glanced at the first line, and I already disagree with your remarks concerning GPA-well I disagree with you etching those GPA numbers in stone.

....oh and I think that it is rather misleading for you to have The Blackstone Group listed under all the BB and all the tiers.


well the GPA etc, I know its not set in stone, but I didn't want to raise hopes of those who have a 3.2 from non-target etc, just because 1 person 5 years ago got in with a 3.2 because his daddy was a MD.

As far as Blackstone being so low. Those tiers were taken from that GS analyst rating of banks that everyone always posts. And Blackstone wasn't listed there. I listed it because they took apps from undergrads.

Oh and if you guys want to answer some of those 270 questions, it'll really help some people. I actaully started out doing it myself, but gave up when I realized that it would take me days, since I'd have to research the answers to make sure they were correct.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


I like the website... Great job aspiringmonkey! It's terrible that you'd throw in the towel after so much work though.


I don't see it as throwing in the towel. Yes I kinda gave up on the idea of Investment Banking, but I don't see it as wasted time. It gave me aspirations to be better, and to make my own success, and made me think with the old noggin.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...

i just think it's funny how someone who cant get an IB job is starting a site called "get IB job"
I'd agree with you if I used first hand information. But its almost entirely second hand, except for a few things.

starting my own company instead with a friend.

As far as banking, the whole idea of throwing away 2 years of my youth, working 120 hours per week never sat well with me. I mean think about it your health will go down the shitter, and your pay isn't that great once you break that up into hourly. All for what? A few more bucks by the age of 30 so you can have a 7 series instead of a 5 series in your driveway?

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


As far as banking, the whole idea of throwing away 2 years of my youth, working 120 hours per week never sat well with me.

Of course. Which is why you applied to like 80 investment banking firms. Isn't it convenient that you changed your mind once you realized you were a loser that had no shot at a wall st job?


you have completely missed the boat here. My father started his own company and as the two of us have discussed before, he's the only person I know who had to work more than investment bankers. If it's possible to choose a career move that requires more effort than being an analyst, you've picked it. Good one.


there are different types of companies, the enterpreneur business is pretty different from 1970s. I mean now with the Internet, you can run a company that nets you 100K per year in profit, from your garage.

And yes it might require more effort from the beginning, but nothing worth having comes easy. And eventually you can build the business to be self sustaining.

+ working for yourself makes you a lot more productive.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


I just read some of the brain teaser type questions on this site....Do they expect an actual answer out of those questions...I know its there to see your presence of mind and see that you dont get nervous...but in a general sort of way how have people handled such questions in the past?


they want you to reason thru how to get an answer. That heard on the street book(ISBN # in the reading link), goes thru on how you should reason to get a good answer.

they also answer a few of other questions. But its not IB specific, there are a bunch of questions for traders etc.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


I appreciate your efforts, but I think the site presents I banking in a very negative vein to prospective analysts. This is obviously your personal view, and you should point that out in a disclaimer. I know if I stumbled on to your site as a freshman, I would be very turned off by considering I banking as a carer choice. And if your site accomplishes exactly that, then it defeats the very purpose of its creation. No one will want to "getibjob" after visiting your site.

If I were you, I would provide all relevant facts, information etc. and let people decide on their own. I won't express my personal feelings, and view points, especially as strongly as you have.

Although I haven't looked @ the interview questions, that's certainly going to be helpful to prospective analysts.

Also, I think you should make this site more professional (in terms of language used, grammar etc.), which I think will make it more prestigious. Is developing this site the first efforts of your new company that you keep talking about?


no that resentment towards the hours was there from beginning. I knew I'd be able to take the hours, but enjoying them? Bitch please.

I want you to show me one person who looks forward to a 120 hour work week...and I'll show you a liar who is full of shit.

And loser? Thats a bit harsh. I have an excellent GPA and a good head on my shoulders. Are you calling me a loser for not being able to get into IB? I disagree...I knew from the start that my chances were slim(proof? just look at my posts as early as September)...and calling someone a loser because they weren't able to get into the most competitive career w/o even having a correct profile...just shows how immature you are.

But hey you are a Junior, so as far as I am concerned you can keep your mouth shut until you actually experience the job search first hand.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


oh no way, that site was just a quick project to summarize all my information that I found from reading up on IB. The actual projects for the company will actually provide a service, and revenue.

And yes I know its biased....but thats kind of what I was aiming for. From the start everyone puts ibankers on such a huge pedestal, and way too many people apply purely based on the hype.

But if you want, you can write about the positives, and I'll add those on the page...that way the prospects can get the 2 different views, and can make the choice for themselves. That actually goes for anyone who wants to participate.


Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


The site looks good. The interview question section is probably the best.

I think the site would be more credible if you included some stuff from people who worked in the Industry. You should consider adding a normal "day in the life of" just to add some balance. I know you have done your research, but second hand information is never as convincing as first hand. Good work overall, I think compiling alot of that info into one site is an excellent idea. Kind of like a need to know vault guide.


Perhaps a site in a wikipedia format would be best so people could make updates themselves instead of you having to take it upon yourself to make the changes.

a vastly superior site that:

  • doesn't hurt the eyes with its horrible layout
  • doesn't contain a biased assessment of investment banking
  • isn't written by a IB reject that annoys the fuck out of a majority of the people who come into contact with him
  • contains material written by someone with first-hand information, rather than the regurgitated mess you see on assmonkey's site

one of my new year's resolutions is to be nicer, and give a second chance to people I want to throw in front of a truck, so having said that..

assmonkey, i expected much worse from you. kudos on the effort, and hope you are more successful in starting your new business than you were in ib.

happy new year! :)


wikipedia format would be nice yes...but do you have the source code for that? I don't, and coding that from scratch is too time consuming.

As far as nikki? Nikki, Nikki, Nikki...always hating, what crawled up your vagina and died? Whats with the constant hate, honestly I'm curious? Is it because my little observations hit too close to home? Is it because you live in NYC, yet were online 30 minutes before New Year's, I sure hope that was because you were stuck at work. Because if thats not the case, you must really have an excellent social life to spend New Year's Eve alone on your computer.

As far as that site you posted. Sure it might be superior, I don't know, I only skimmed it. Why? Because of one little detail on the bottom of the page "Copyright 1998-2000", know what that means? It means the guy was an analyst in 1998, and I don't have to tell you that back then the banks weren't exactly super selective. Like that book "the Accidental Investment Banker" says, they took anyone under the sun. It also means that the last time the website was updated was 7 years ago.

Also I like it, that you never posted that site before, even though numerous people were asking for that kind of information. Thanks for wasting a week of my time, creating something from scratch. Although its not really wasted, since mine has a ton of stuff that site doesn't have.

As far as your new year's resolution...kudos on that, maybe you'll end up a decent human being in the end, and someone might invite you to next year's New Year's eve party. But it will have to be a huge improvement.

As far as business, thank you for wishing me luck, thats something everyone needs, no matter how good you are.

But hey, if everyone feels the way Nikki does, I'll take the site down and replace it with tubgirl or something along those lines. Its really up to you, I could REALLY care less at this point.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


I've never created a wikipedia entry before or anything but I imagine one could just "create a page" (although this might be better suited as "create a guide"...if they have that sort of thing).

I realize this is asking something of you that I can't provide myself but that would truly be the best contribution you could make with all that information you collected.

Once you did that it would be out of your hands and you wouldn't have to worry about your site again. It would also end people's complaints about the information posted since it would be community editted.


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Ducimus odio pariatur sed consequatur. Aperiam est id nam. Voluptatibus ducimus eaque assumenda.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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